Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96759 times)


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Ouuuchhhh. That really stung, but she did deserve it for having Sakura nearly crash into that machine. Even if that wasn't her intention at all back then. "Uhhh, I honestly wish we don't have to fight any soon. I enjoy the current peace, thank you very much. I'd be really sore about it if I had to fight on one of my few days off..."
« Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 12:37:02 AM by Kat »


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"Hmph." He huffed in indignation before flawlessly cutting down the vegetables, mixing them up and seasoning them with a drizzle of vinaigrette. Once that was done, he took the potatoes and began to peel them with his knife, shedding their starchy skin and exposing their bare vessels to the truths of the world one by one.

"Say, Lady Sakura, I'd like to inquire on something. I heard you deal with estates, is that correct?"


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The Hunter cocked an eyebrow at the events Ron described, finding it a bit odd that they'd meet vampires at a doughnut shop of all places. The cowgirl's hand twitched before she reined herself in, reminding herself that she couldn't exactly expect him to stay out of trouble in a city like this. Accidents were bound to happen after all. Part of her didn't want to see how long he'd wait before asking and just go ahead and tell him now, but it would just make things worse to interrupt him like this, especially when she was the one to ask.

"Mhm, how'd it go?" she said with a nod, "Seems like you handled yourself pretty well."


Well, it was now or never then. But what did he say to really get it across without her pulling her gun out on him? He carefully circled her as best he could in the small room, mostly to get to his clothes. As he took that opportunity to hide his hesitation the werewolf considered the problem at hand.

And then his nostrils flared and he caught the scent of someone else in his room. Someone who'd never been there, so it had to be coming from...

"... so, who's the guy?" He asked, appearing nonchalant about it as he ignored her question and pulled some boxers on under his towel.


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As she pulled her face up from the ground, the sound of footsteps became apparent, someone was approaching her from behind. Whoever it was was approaching rapidly.

Nooo, this is too embarassing. 

It turned out to be a man, she saw as he kneeled down to help her get back on her feet. She graciosuly accepted the help and bounced back up with much gusto.

"Thank you so so much kind Sir. I'm not usually that clumsy Hehehe. You see I was thinking really hard on how to get hired now that I'm unemployed and in dire need of money. But then I started thinking about what kind of people would hire a maid here and that they might be be really weird and do all kinds of creepy stuff to me. Then before I knew it I crashed."  Somehow she miraculously managed to say all of that in one breath.

"Oh so sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Stupid stupid me getting distracted again. I'm Molly professional Maid and Hunter, I even have this nice looking card." She pulled out a lisence that looked like it had seen better days.


He checked the young lady for scrapes and such with a keen-eyed once over only a bloodsucker could pull off. Any little bit of blood would show up clear as day to him even if it just stained her uniform. Her maid uniform. It weren't something Liam had much familiarity with. He split his attention between her words and the delicious beating of this girl, Molly's, heart.

Then she pulled out the license and, well, he weren't sure what to make of that. "Well, you look alright Miss Molly. The name's Liam." He tilted his hat to her and smiled. "You might say I'm a man of some means on this street. A landlord of sorts. You're lookin' for work, you say?"

Umbra of Chaos

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The knight nodded resolutely at the information that he was given. He took a position in front of the rest of them, shield at the ready to fend off any attackers. "I will advance before you or Anastasia. I can withstand far more punishment than either of you and am trained as a defensive fighter."


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Red frowned. She wouldn't have another chance, maybe they would hurt more people in the future. She should get rid of them before that happened, at least, her guts told her that. But when she saw her eyes, the way liquid kept streaming down her face, she lost that resolve.

In the end, she couldn't save anyone. Nothing had changed.  She looked down sadly and simply left.


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"I'll advance together with you. Now that I'm closer, I don't sense any Abyssal tint to the Aether I detect. I'm not saying it's on our side, but it might not be automatically aggressive if we're not hostile. After all, any creature with a common sense just wipes out Goblins." As they progressed through the corridor, they've seen carvings on the wall. Made by human or humanoid hands. Some sort of writing? Didn't look like something that goblins would be capable of. Also lots of footsteps of goblins that implied that goblins fled from something. "I think Goblins could have woken up whatever slumbered there and then it chased them down, killed and went back to slumber. It most likely didn't kill them for food given how their bodies were not eaten. Can anyone here read those carvings, by chance?"


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Adjutor listened to Gojira's explanation carefully, nodding along as she took it in.

"Okay, so it's just a matter of not looking him in the eyes," the monster hunter said, "Should be easy enough to deal with, though I doubt it will come to that. As for where we are..."

Adjutor walked lazily over to the edge and glanced down before quickly pulling back, "Looks like we're on a roof. No clue what that box is, though..."
« Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 07:44:16 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Then Lucy laughed. A triumphant sound that was as clear as the blaring of a trumpet at the conclusion of a battle. "Your heart is such a difficult thing to wrangle, Raf. It must have taken a miracle to slip a chain around your hollow self. I admire him for it."

For now the Messengers withdrew their intrusive mental footholds as she continued, uncaring of the slightest degree of tension in the air. "But you know me, Raf. Even the riders must pray to me. The tower that is Victory rests its foundation on my soul and my dominion is Conquest." She bites the excrucian's neck, just hard enough to leave a bit of a mark on her skin but still soft enough to send shivers up anyone's spine.

"And lo and behold, I find a rider kissed by evil. Can you blame me for attempting this little campaign?" Pressing her palm to the girl's face for another kiss.


The Warmain smiled thinly, her expression an unconquered challenge from the beyond. A sigh was held back from the snip on her neck, and instead a ghostly giggle left her throat. "Mmm. Like unbelievers putting their faith in a liar god despite crusading to tear down reality. Hilarious, isn't it? But if you're right, then you would know."

She broke the skin of that soft hand with teeth uncaring of propriety and slid her tongue against sweet blood. "There is no more fault in your attempt than the plight of those who fell for our war," she said, cold breath against this one's hand. "But some things must not be. Those that succeed regardless, are as you say, miracles."

The tension between them unwound a little at least as the stars in Rafalia's eyes calmed.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Ouuuchhhh. That really stung, but she did deserve it for having Sakura nearly crash into that machine. Even if that wasn't her intention at all back then. "Uhhh, I honestly wish we don't have to fight any soon. I enjoy the current peace, thank you very much. I'd be really sore about it if I had to fight on one of my few days off..."


"Stop being a silly girl, Mordred. I meant in the future, if you ever needed my help. After all, if I can't pummel it to death, you've got serious issues." She nodded to herself. "After all, I haven't even shown you my real strength, ehehehe~" She said to Breeze and Mord.

"Maybe we could spar or do some other girl stuff?" Sakura asked them. "I don't really feel like hanging out in an arcade after that, kinda ruined the mood for me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I'll advance together with you. Now that I'm closer, I don't sense any Abyssal tint to the Aether I detect. I'm not saying it's on our side, but it might not be automatically aggressive if we're not hostile. After all, any creature with a common sense just wipes out Goblins." As they progressed through the corridor, they've seen carvings on the wall. Made by human or humanoid hands. Some sort of writing? Didn't look like something that goblins would be capable of. Also lots of footsteps of goblins that implied that goblins fled from something. "I think Goblins could have woken up whatever slumbered there and then it chased them down, killed and went back to slumber. It most likely didn't kill them for food given how their bodies were not eaten. Can anyone here read those carvings, by chance?"


Oka followed behind them jovially, skipping along without a care in the world. She softly hummed to herself, occasionally stopping to scorch a zubat. They quickly stopped coming after Wormy roasted the first ten of them.

She peered intently at the mysterious script, apparently reading it. "Ummm... It says something like-- Don't go past the shrine, and give um, peaches, if you want to live? I think? Sorry, I've gotten a bit rusty, but I think I got the gist of it."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Her excitement rose as she realised that he was looking for a maid apparently.

I can't believe how lucky I am. He does look pretty tasty. No you can't eat him, yet.

She eyed him eerily with flushed cheeks. It was like a wolf seeing a delicious lamb presented to them.  But that wasn't the strangest part, despite the feast she was indulging in, her absentminded rambling continued.

"Ehhh....Oh right I am. Of course I am, hehe."

She smiled. A smile that didn't match her eyes at all.

"So what kind of work are talking about Liam, I'm up for almost anything."


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Forest giggled as Marcus slowly rubbed her stomach; it tickled.   He did move up so his head was closer to hers, their faces inches apart as he stroked her cheek.  She leaned into the touch as he said, "I think you owe me now."

"Well, if someone hadn't bit me, I would have done this earlier," Forest said as she put her feet on the floor and rolled, effectively switching their positions.  Her indigo eyes gleamed as she started kissing down his body to his heated length.

Her cool hand wrapped around the thick shaft before stroking it with feather light touches before she grasped it and swept her tongue around the swollen head.  The musky, salty taste made her head spin as she savored it before slowly engulfing the head into her cool, wet mouth.


"Because I was young.  Because that's how I was told how it would work because I was a magus.  Plus a magus can only train one heir, but Sakura had talent.  Someone else could have gotten a hold of her and . . . " Rin bit off before shaking her head.

She placed her hands upon the table and met his eyes.  "If you want to think I'm a horrible person go ahead.  I won't stop you, but I would ask you leave."

Her stomach tightened and she suddenly felt ill.  There were reasons she didn't like to talk to people like this; why she refused to go to therapy like Sakura.  She functioned better by pushing such things to the side.  Bringing them up was what brought her pain.


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The skeleton could almost feel a shiver run down his spine. Incredible. It's almost like he's actually trying to kill me...

He chuckled and brandished his blade in an instant, slashing steel over the soll's shoulder and nearly cleaving it off with a swift strike while dodging the doll's before  piercing it all over with a deadly flurry, kicking it away with a final kick. "I see. But it's a captain's job to deal with such insubordination!" He declared in response, pointing his sword at the puppet with the same cocky grin.

"I don't have much time or energy to spare before the heist, so do try to keep the interview brief." He added, and with that he burst in motion faster than before, propelling himself even faster thanks to a burst of fire that left a trail behind him.

jerking back his hand, the remains of the battered doll suddenly sprang back to life once more, frighteningly gleaming blades bursting from it's innards, now little more than a hedgehog of steel shooting back at the Pirate's blindside.
"Sure you're not just cosplaying?"

Coppelius' cocky grin never left his face even as he was not able to fully avoid the skeleton's blade; twisting his body to avoid a direct stab, scrapes of his body were cut off, leaving a trail like scales.

But the time this bought him was enough for the three remaining dolls to close in on an orbit around him.

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Shirou and Sakura

To the couple's surprise, as they went to grab hold of their cute pet, he suddenly appeared to split into five versions of himself.

"How'd he do that?" Sakura asked, confused.

Shirou just shrugged, unsure of what their pet was capable of, but nevertheless enjoying the chase.

"I don't know, but it's pretty amazing", he replied, continuing to chase after Moko.

The two of them continued to run after their adorable pet, glad that he seemed to be capable of taking care of himself and enjoying playing with him.