Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96797 times)


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Clever kid, now all three came for him. Seriosly, what a bother, its like he was asking him to take his life. Heh. Then again, neither had a life to be taken, now did they?

Normally, he would be cornered and skewered by all sides. It was logical, the sort of outcome you’d expect from any man.

To hell with that, as if he’d lose to a couple of half assed toys. With a sudden spin, he kicked Coppelius into the bladed puppet's chest only to strike the other two with his flaming fists in the face

Tch, he’s pretty crafty. He thought he leapt with beast-like agility, his fiery hands immediately landing on one of the doll’s heads, enabling him to flip out of the way and deliver a swift kick at Coppelius’s face in order to propel himself out of the puppets ranges.

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy's tongue flicked over the the other girl's ear. "Oh, now look at you! So serious. How are we supposed to have any fun if you're going to act your age? That would be so boring." That definitely didn't stop her hands from slipping under the excrucian's clothes with experienced finesse as she slowly traced the girl's curves upwards.

"Blah blah, Creation is worse than nothing, something new can be built, but what's now is beautiful, blah blah, and we settle on the fact that there's a world with nothing to prove or be except itself. So since we got that out of the way we can get to the fun stuff."


Hmm. These bat creatures were not nearly as annoying with Wormy flash cooking them. Although it was beginning to get a little... warm. Paladin was not looking forward to being in an enclosed space with the pokemon. He was not fond of the heat.

But he forged onward nonetheless! "Oka, I will withdraw once we reach the main enemy. I would not like to be a hindrance to Wormy once he gets to work."


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Letting his arms fall to the ground behind him, Marcus rolled back onto his rear.  "Well, if I hadn't bitten you, I wouldn't have been able to finish you and I have my pride," he retorted as she began her trail down his torso.

Besides, I couldn't let him stay conscious after seeing you like that.  Well, not without my permission. he thought, staring somewhat absentmindedly at the top of her head as she made her way to his lower abs.  Naturally he refused to say this out loud.

Just as she got to the tip of his shaft, he began heating up in anticipation, reflected in his throbbing cock.  The moment she grasped him in her hands, his entire body began to tense.  The minute her mouth wrapped around his head, his entire body dispelled in a single exhale.  Seeing the enthusiasm behind her technique, he gently gripped her hair in his hands and tugged upward, prompting her to move a bit faster. 


Joe couldn't help but squint at the sapphire eyed beauty before him.  Talent?  They forced her to abandon her sister because she had talent?

He reached across the table and gasped her palms in his hands, rubbing the center with his thumb.  Then, he looked deep into her eyes, flashed her a concerned frown and said,  "No, of course not.  I can't hate you for that.  I mean, how could I?  It wasn't your fault."

He leaned in father, as if he forgot there was a table in between them.  "Its ok if you don't want to talk about it, but you really should," he said, squeezing her hands.  Then, he stared at the table, as though he just remembered it was there.  "I mean... if your comfortable talking about it with me."


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Besides, I couldn't let him stay conscious after seeing you like that.  Well, not without my permission, Forest heard Marcus think despite all of his bravado.  If her mouth hadn't been full of his cock, she would have smiled.  She felt his fingers grip her hair and tug, as if to urge her faster.

She laughed to herself as she swirled her tongue along the swollen head.   Part of her wanted to send to him to tease him, but she wasn't sure how he'd replicate her telepathy.  Hell, she wasn't sure if he could handle suddenly hearing other people's thoughts without any filter or warning.

So she kept her slow pace, stroking him with her hand as she slowly took him with her mouth.  She lightly scrapped her blunt teeth along the side, just a little reminder to let him know she was the one with the power.   However, she soothed the ache with a few flicks of her tongue before taking him with her mouth, sliding his length so much that her nose was tickled by the thick hair above his groin and her jaw ache.

Then she pulled back so only the tip was in her mouth before doing it again, and again, faster and faster, eagerly fucking him with her mouth, sucking with all she was worth.


Rin blinked as Joe's understandable outrage wasn't directed at her at all.

He even reached out to take her hands, his face full of concern for her.  She felt her eyes sting, tears welling up as she tried to force them back.  Despite everything, she had just met him today.  She didn't want to cry in front of him.

Yet the tears trailed down her cheeks as she looked away.

"It's not you.  I'm . . . I don't like talking about things like that," Rin admitted in a small voice.


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"haaa" Marcus gasped as she licked his head.  He couldn't help but widen his eyes with respect and shock as she took him in her mouth.  Then, he felt a sudden sharp pain.  Did.. she do that on purpose?  She's too good not to do it otherwise right?

He stretched out as she began working on him, relaxing his muscles as he bathed in the euphoria of her touch.  As she suddenly pulled back, he tightened the grip of her hair, taken back by the sudden increase in sensitivity.  Still she kept going, moving up and down his cock.  As she kept sucking, his length began to bounce in place.  All of the sudden he felt a familiar sensation.

"Oh shit, im about to.."  It was too late.  His seed erupted from his cock, pumping into her mouth.  He took his hand off of her hand and pushed it into the ground, his entire body writhing with pleasure as his cock continued to pump.  It continued for a good 30 seconds before stopping.

"Ahhh," he said, his entire body relaxing all at once.  "That was good."


Still holding onto her arms, he got up and walked around the table.  Using his grip on her hands, he pulled her out of her seat and into his arms.  "Its ok, keep talking," he said, rubbing her back.  "I wont be mad.  Just let it all out."

That was all he could do right now, right?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 01:18:42 AM by yinsukin »


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Forest could feel, taste, and smell Marcus's orgasm rapidly approaching so she doubled her efforts.  The need to taste his seed was almost overwhelming, and it had nothing to do with what he had done earlier.  He was still relatively pure, a pureness he was offering to her, and it was going to be one she was going to taste and savor.

"Oh shit, I'm about to . . ."

Forest gripped one hip to keep him in place right as the first jut of burning life hit her tongue.  It hit again and again, pulsating into her waiting mouth.  It was salty, bitter, and full of sweet life and she found it sucking it down greedily.  A bit of warmth flowed through her, not the same as she would have gotten from his blood, but pleasant just the same.

There was also something else as well.

That nagging shadow in the back of her mind had been quieted.  For a moment all of her sorrow, pain, regret, and bitterness meant nothing.

As he relaxed, Forest carefully sucked the last bit that would have been "clogging the pipes" from him before licking him clean with her tongue.

A slight flush spread across her cheeks as she looked up at him with mussy hair and swollen lips.  "Yeah, it was pretty good," she said in a low, soft voice.


Rin looked up almost helplessly as tears spilled from her eyes while Joe crossed the distance to her.  Then he pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back.  Rin felt a sob break free as she shook her head.  "No . . . you . . . you won't like what I have to say," she said, still weakly fighting.


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The Hunter almost let out a sigh as Ron made his question, part of it shame for that near-miss to begin with and part of it relief that she was at least saved the headache of having to be the one to bring it up.

"Not really sure, his name's Gabriel and I came across him recently after a boring hunt and there was alcohol and something else that I don't understand involved and when I was myself again we were in a hotel room," the Hunter carried on, quickly growing short of breath as the whole event came pouring out, along with her disgust in herself for ending up in that kind of predicament, "Didn't seem like much actually happened there, if he was telling the truth, but something about the whole situation felt off and I am so sorry it happened..."

Spent for the moment, Annabeth fell silent, unsure of how to really finish what had essentially turned into an explanation and an attempt at an apology all rolled into one.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 03:08:00 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Marcus stared at her cluttered hair and swolen lips.  In a way, it was far more beautiful than her cleaned up look. 

"Yeah," he agreed absentmindedly, still staring at her.

After a few seconds of blank staring, he turned his head to the side, just now remembering where they were.  "So what do we do now?"


Joe squeezed her as tightly as he could.  She was stronger than him, in more ways than one.  She could handle it.  "Just tell me, let it out," he said, making circles on her back.  "I promise I won't hate you."

How could he, when he admired her so much?


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Find a hotel room . . . no, go back to the compound, play some more until we're both exhausted and . . . Forest thought at Marcus's question.

She stood up and grimaced at her soaked panties.  Wearing them was going to be uncomfortable, but she was wearing a skirt with a decent length.  Yet going without them with Marcus seemed to be a very bad idea.

Her lips met his, and she could taste herself on them as she gave him a light kiss.  "Well, I mean, I can think of a few things," she said with a grin.


Well, you might hate Emiya-kun or Archer . . . Rin thought to herself as Joe held her.

She found herself clinging onto him as she told him everything - well almost everything.  She left out the parts about Sakura being tortured and raped and just used the term "abuse" without really going any further.  She did tell him about the Fifth Grail War.  Her feelings for Shirou.  What had happened with Sakura, specifically mentioning that it wasn't Sakura's fault because she was sort of possessed at the time, and their battle in the cave.  What had happened with Archer. 

Mostly she spoke about her guilt - about not getting close to Sakura, consequences be damned, her feelings for Shirou, and how she failed Archer; especially after finding out who he was from Ilya.

She also told Joe about how out of place she felt with this happy family, despite Sakura's best attempts. 
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 01:45:18 AM by Elf »


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Marcus couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he watched Forest grimice at her soaked panties.  However, in her first successful power move, she managed to wipe off his smirk with a quick kiss.  He could taste himself on her lips.

He stared at her for a second, still too caught up in his euphoria to think straight.  After a second or two, he returned her smirk and said, "Sure, but we should finish shopping first right?" he asked.  It was probably best if he had more than one style and maybe a suit.


It was a long story.

"Wow, I get why you had such disdain for the heroic types," he finally said, after a moment or two of silence.  There is no way I could ever live up to that.  "And wow, that adds a whole new level of uncomfortable to your living situation.  But its ok, I don't hate you."

He moved his hand to her hair, gently stroking it as he let out a bittersweet chuckle.  "Although, I don't envy you as much as I did when we first met either," he said, lowering his gaze to the floor.


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"That would be a good idea," Forest replied before grimacing at her panties.  "I could use a pair of knickers myself . . . "


Rin wiped her face with a napkin, drying her eyes as she let Joe hold her.  As if he sensed something was amiss, Schorl approached with a meow before bumping Rin with his head.  Rin laughed at Joe's response as he stroked her hair.

She leaned into the touch as she reached down to pet her cat.  "Yeah, it really does.  I'd kind of like to get a place of my own, but . . . I also need money for my research too."

She tilted her head and asked, "Why did you envy me?"


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"Huh, that's pretty convenient that you can read those carvings. I can read some Elven script and I'm more learned in Dwarven runes, but that script doesn't look like anything that I know. Looks like they wanted to warn us. It must have been an old place of worship. Who knows, maybe this hill and its cave system are partly artificial themselves. I don't know who built it, but it looks too crude to be a work of the Elder Gods from the sky. For example, the walls would be tiled with silver and gold." But enough of explanations, they got to find what passed for a shrine or other place for offerings. "We should try to bribe the spirit first though. It might have been worshipped by that tribe, but if it can manifest permanently in the world, it's more like a powerful animal than a deity. It can be reasoned with through simple means."

Few meters further they found something that could pass for a place where offerings were made. Though it seemed to be no longer used. "Let's not go further for now. You mentioned peaches, but you seem you're not sure. Any idea what we could place there? Maybe something with strong scent would attract it faster or maybe it will react as soon as we place some kind of offering."


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As Marcus followed Forest's eyes down to her panties, something clicked.  His lips stretched into an enormous, condescending grin.  He tilted his head back slightly and said, "I see why you didn't want me inside you," he said, covering his mouth with his hand to hold back his laugh.  "Your a virgin too."


Still holding her within his arms, Joe pulled his head and body back a bit.  Failing to look her in the eye, he instead watched Schorl rub her adorable head against Rin's adorable body.

"Well, because your life is a lot more interesting than mine I guess," he said, continuing to keep his gaze on the cat.  "I mean, as much as they tend to face discrimination, supernaturals are at the top of the food chain.  They have the most potential to go far in this city.  Here, having any sort of supernatural ability is undoubtedly a talent."

He shook his head.  "No, I don't actually care about that."  he continued, now going off into a bit of a rant.  "I guess I wish I could trade my normal life for your more exciting one."

After a pause, he moved his hand to the back of Rin's head and gently pushed it behind his shoulder, pulling her body back into him.  "Before, when I asked you to train me to be better, I wanted to be closer to that talent of yours, to that life open only to you no matter the consequences.  Well, I think...  I am not good at this either."


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He kept feeding her the pizza while also saving some for himself, and just like that the pizza was gone. The heavenly treat had fulfilled it's role and reached the end of it's existence.

"I'm sorry I can't keep that promise, the pizza is gone." He said with an overly serious voice.


Noire glared at him and responded equally seriously. "You'll need to make this up to me, as I'm sure you know. You'll have to help me collect shares." She nodded to herself with a smile. She suddenly climbed onto his lap again and turned around. "Of course, if you help me, I'm fine with helping you out too." She said, pressing her hands against his chest.

God, this is so embarrasing... She was sure her face was as red as the tomato sauce right now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Noire suddenly climbed onto his lap by her own volition acting all cutesy and stuff. While the situation and her offer was quite tempting there was one detail that stood out in the back of his mind, she was bending over forwards. It took a second or two to figure out why that bothered him but when he did, his arm immediately went for her waist  and straightened her posture. "Your skirt is rather short." Was all the info he sent her, He trusted her to figure out what he meant by it.

He then continued speaking out with the same serious tone. "But of course I was already planning to help you with that. And you shouldn't make losely worded promises like that, someone might just take advantage of you."