Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 98089 times)


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Her excitement rose as she realised that he was looking for a maid apparently.

I can't believe how lucky I am. He does look pretty tasty. No you can't eat him, yet.

She eyed him eerily with flushed cheeks. It was like a wolf seeing a delicious lamb presented to them.  But that wasn't the strangest part, despite the feast she was indulging in, her absentminded rambling continued.

"Ehhh....Oh right I am. Of course I am, hehe."

She smiled. A smile that didn't match her eyes at all.

"So what kind of work are talking about Liam, I'm up for almost anything."


Well that was a bit suspicious. She almost reminded Liam of himself on a bad night. Was she some kinda monster beneath all that pretty skin and maid clothing? Now that he thought about it he could definitely smell a lingering hint of blood around this girl.

And what was this about being a Hunter?

"Well, the sorta things maids do. I got some properties that are needin' a little sprucing up. Maybe someone to make some meals for me." Or be the meal, as it were. "I'm a busy fellow after all. Don't always have the time to make my own. I can start you out at 800 a month cash with room and board covered. See how you do from there."

Once she got comfortable he'd just have her tell him the important things whether she wanted to or not.


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Ouuuchhhh. That really stung, but she did deserve it for having Sakura nearly crash into that machine. Even if that wasn't her intention at all back then. "Uhhh, I honestly wish we don't have to fight any soon. I enjoy the current peace, thank you very much. I'd be really sore about it if I had to fight on one of my few days off..."


"Stop being a silly girl, Mordred. I meant in the future, if you ever needed my help. After all, if I can't pummel it to death, you've got serious issues." She nodded to herself. "After all, I haven't even shown you my real strength, ehehehe~" She said to Breeze and Mord.

"Maybe we could spar or do some other girl stuff?" Sakura asked them. "I don't really feel like hanging out in an arcade after that, kinda ruined the mood for me."

Auspicious Breeze

"Hmm... what kind of girl stuff, though?" She tilted her head, thinking about it for a moment before grinning. "Oh hey, you're new to this place! Right, Sakura? That must be the only outfit you have right now. We should go get you some new stuff!"

Then she could play dress up with her and how did her mistress put it? Ohohoho? No, that was her mistress' mother.

Mmm, mistress' mother...


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The Hunter almost let out a sigh as Ron made his question, part of it shame for that near-miss to begin with and part of it relief that she was at least saved the headache of having to be the one to bring it up.

"Not really sure, his name's Gabriel and I came across him recently after a boring hunt and there was alcohol and something else that I don't understand involved and when I was myself again we were in a hotel room," the Hunter carried on, quickly growing short of breath as the whole event came pouring out, along with her disgust in herself for ending up in that kind of predicament, "Didn't seem like much actually happened there, if he was telling the truth, but something about the whole situation felt off and I am so sorry it happened..."

Spent for the moment, Annabeth fell silent, unsure of how to really finish what had essentially turned into an explanation and an attempt at an apology all rolled into one.


... so wait. Wait. She'd cheated on him? Well that was fucking ironic. He couldn't help but burst out laughing at her super awkward confession, barely past the stage of getting some socks and boxers on. Hands on his knees, gut-busting laughing. "O-Oh man, wow, Anne, that's, wow. Okay. Wow. Well that makes the rest of my day a lot less weird by comparison."

He shook his head, then thought it over again for a moment. "Wait, you don't mean he made you do something... right?" His laughter was gone, and now he was looking at her like he was waiting to tear some guy's throat out.


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The gentleman unveiled his whip to catch the other ruffian who was gathering the loot offguard, wrapping the whip around his body and restraining him like with a rope. Seems like Irene dealt with the other criminal quite... effectively. Though maybe cracking his bone was a bit too much. Looks like she didn't know her strength.

The whimpering burglar surrended in pain, and it was all over quite soon as they got properly tied up, Julius calling for the police with the phone on the wall, who would pick up those two... eventually. Waiting for the arrival of whoever was the owner or manager of the shop, he commented: "That was quite... violent. You sure have a lot of strength, lady Irene."


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"I don't really feel like sparring..." To be honest even in two against one she predicted that they stood little chance against Sakura. The purple haired girl just seemed that overwhelmingly stronger than them combined. "Ah, that sounds much better than sparring, I guess I still owe you something for that accident."


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"I don't really feel like sparring..." To be honest even in two against one she predicted that they stood little chance against Sakura. The purple haired girl just seemed that overwhelmingly stronger than them combined. "Ah, that sounds much better than sparring, I guess I still owe you something for that accident."

Ouuuchhhh. That really stung, but she did deserve it for having Sakura nearly crash into that machine. Even if that wasn't her intention at all back then. "Uhhh, I honestly wish we don't have to fight any soon. I enjoy the current peace, thank you very much. I'd be really sore about it if I had to fight on one of my few days off..."


"Stop being a silly girl, Mordred. I meant in the future, if you ever needed my help. After all, if I can't pummel it to death, you've got serious issues." She nodded to herself. "After all, I haven't even shown you my real strength, ehehehe~" She said to Breeze and Mord.

"Maybe we could spar or do some other girl stuff?" Sakura asked them. "I don't really feel like hanging out in an arcade after that, kinda ruined the mood for me."

Auspicious Breeze

"Hmm... what kind of girl stuff, though?" She tilted her head, thinking about it for a moment before grinning. "Oh hey, you're new to this place! Right, Sakura? That must be the only outfit you have right now. We should go get you some new stuff!"

Then she could play dress up with her and how did her mistress put it? Ohohoho? No, that was her mistress' mother.

Mmm, mistress' mother...


Sakura pondered that suggestion. "Sure, I guess. This is basically all I really wear, but having other clothes could be fun, I guess." She said, not particularly enthused by the suggestion but nor was she unwilling to go along with the two. "Maybe shopping for clothes is more fun with more people?" Sakura wondered aloud, grabbing Mordred and Breeze snugly, and walking out of the arcade.

"So which direction are we going?" Sakura asked as she poised her legs, getting ready to jump in whatever direction she was told to go.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura pondered that suggestion. "Sure, I guess. This is basically all I really wear, but having other clothes could be fun, I guess." She said, not particularly enthused by the suggestion but nor was she unwilling to go along with the two. "Maybe shopping for clothes is more fun with more people?" Sakura wondered aloud, grabbing Mordred and Breeze snugly, and walking out of the arcade.

"So which direction are we going?" Sakura asked as she poised her legs, getting ready to jump in whatever direction she was told to go.

Auspicious Breeze

"Yeah, besides, I need a new 'swimsuit' anyway!" Breeze grinned at both of them. It didn't bother her to swim naked, but other people seemed to have a problem with it so she'd be nice about it. Didn't mean the former gladiator couldn't look nice though! "Hmm... Mordred, you know where's best right?"


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Forest looked over at Marcus holding his hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh.

"Eternally so," Forest said as she felt her cheeks heat up ever so slightly.  She'd forgotten why she liked giving head to her past living lover, that faerie who broke her heart.  It had been so long ago, but she forgot that it was a limited form of feeding.

Like a mortal having a snack to tide them over before a larger meal. 

It wasn't something she could use entirely for food, but it helped.

It also improved her mood.

Does that mean that Gabe knows something about me that I didn't?  Maybe there was a reason he was suggesting that I have sex so much other than the fact he's half incubus . . .

"Regeneration can be a real bitch sometimes," she said before snorting.


Rin leaned against Joe and returned his embrace, her lips quirked up in a smile.

"You know, you could easily become supernatural here," Rin said with a chuckle, "But I wouldn't recommend it.  One thing it hurts.  There are still days where I want to cut off the arm that my Magic Crest is on because it hurts so much.  Being supernatural isn't that great."

She did sigh and shake her head.  "Even though, I don't think I could become normal though.  I couldn't stop using magecraft despite of everything.  Being a magus is part of who I am."

She patted Joe's back and said, "I think you're pretty good at this.  I mean, I don't think anyone really cared what I thought or felt."


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Lucy's tongue flicked over the the other girl's ear. "Oh, now look at you! So serious. How are we supposed to have any fun if you're going to act your age? That would be so boring." That definitely didn't stop her hands from slipping under the excrucian's clothes with experienced finesse as she slowly traced the girl's curves upwards.

"Blah blah, Creation is worse than nothing, something new can be built, but what's now is beautiful, blah blah, and we settle on the fact that there's a world with nothing to prove or be except itself. So since we got that out of the way we can get to the fun stuff."


She leaned back against the cheeky offender at the ministrations. "You know I'm spoken for, but I suppose that doesn't bug you," Rafalia said, letting out a wistful sigh. Maybe her hubby would take it as an excuse to 'punish' her when she found her way back. She had done it the other way around for his overly affectionate patron, and it had been fun.

... it couldn't be more impossible than a long list of things she could name to have borne witness to, but the glaring impression of uncertainty lingered on the edge of her mind.

"Hmm, I'm not sure that's all true for the Nexus." The excrucian crooned, looking back at her passenger. "But before I become boresome again, what should I call you?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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"The fact that you're married just makes it exciting! Devotion doesn't necessitate faithfulness after all, and romantic dramas are always the most interesting ones. And you can call me Lucy. Or anything especially lewd. Either is good." The hands were now cupping Raf's mounds, working their way under her bra and lightly teasing her nipples.

"Well, maybe you're right. Not *all* of it. But that's what you're here for, isn't it? This world is the perfect stage for your performance." Then those lips sealed themselves on part of the excrucian's sensitive neck. Sucking hard, intent on leaving a mark.


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Of all the reactions she'd steeled herself for, gutbusting laughter was not one of them. The Hunter stared for a moment, completely blindsided by this turn of events. Whatever attempts she'd made at figuring out how to articulate the rest of her apology died away with his laughter, but the change to seriousness was only slightly less sudden. In spite of herself, Annabeth couldn't help pulling back by the slightest margin, the Hunter completely off her game at the moment.

"Didn't really seem so," Annabeth said after a moment, trying to sort out muddled memories, "It was weird, kinda like this...attraction, almost. Well, he wasn't hard to look at, so that might have been the booze, but...if felt off. Wait, what happened with the rest of your day?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The hybrid had followed Annabeth to what Gabriel had to reason her place of residence from her boyfriend.

Well, that is different, he thought to himself as he watched the two of them from the Shadows.  He chuckled at Annabeth's description of him and shook his head.   However, her lover seemed quite interesting.

For one he was a supernatural, some sort of shapeshifter from what Gabriel was sensing, and his Sex Sense picked up something even more fascinating.   So he backed up and walked out of the Shadows, right at the door of the apartment.   He gently rapped his knuckles against said door, waiting for an answer.


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Gojira followed Adjutor to the edge, peering down at roughly the same time. Yep, that was the alleyway down there, a few stories below. And, to the right, was the traffic-filled streets and a mass of her neighbors.

This is a familiar sight. Looking down from this high up reminded her of her old body. Memories were a bit hazy, and her thought processes were quite different, but this viewpoint (And the commotion going on) wasn't too different from her rampage. Minus all the actual fire, death, and screaming of course...

And there was Joshua, who managed to finally break through the crowd and made his way into the alley. Judging by the double-take, he was befuddled by their disappearing act. It was almost funny. She backed away from the ledge in case the man/monster/whatever decided to look up.

Now, all the Shemonster had todo was lay low for awhile, maybe come back tomor - a sudden growling in her stomach interrupted her thoughts. Oh, right, she didn't get to eat. "Well, then. Since that was a bust, how about we go out to eat, yes?"


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Molly happily moved closer to him as he begun explaining what she was going to do for him. Not a bad deal at all that was being offered, she sould accept it. But all was not as it seemed.

Hmm that's weird, he lacks that.

The maid tiptoed all the way into his space and looked up at him, she appeared to be amused by something. "Are you actually alive mister?"


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Marcus's smirk faded.  "Is that why you didn't want me to go all the way in?" he asked, tilting his head and glancing down at her lower half.  "I mean, that means its painful every time right?"

All the sudden his aura flared up, surrounding him in purple.  Still staring at her crotch, his shaft filled out again.  "Woah, I guess its better for men huh?" he asked, consciously forcing the aura to fade.

Maybe we should go back to the compound... he thought.

Even so, he stood out and extended his hand to Forest.  "C'mon, we have things to buy," he said with a groin.  "The faster we get this done, the better."