Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 130131 times)


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After leaving the cave Paladin and Oka would see Anastasia barely standing and heavily breathing, surrounded by frozen bodies strewn around. The last wave of the damned spirits went into her range as they entered her range, her casting one more spell as she was reaching her near limit. This wasn't anything new to her, just what she had already accepted as consequences of using her powers to the fullest. She would collapse on the ground if she didn't support her with an ice sword she made.

Umbra of Chaos

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 "True, but we must be mindful of attack. I would prefer to either build up or down. My usual agenda involves breaking apart a large area within a runic array and reassembling it." She formed a basic illusion for both ideas.

One was a sleek building built within the warehouse, leaving the former building a basic shell. When needed the building could draw upon internal arrays and fly and had enough illusory magic infused into it that spotting it would be difficult.

The other was a dungeon. It went deep into the earth, a series of halls and rooms that could be collapsed at will. And a central array near them that could rearrange the structure of the base.

"Of course, as you said we should be inconspicuous. Those are longer term projects; what we should do now is begin the reinforcement and resource mining here."

Eventually her eyes caught onto Olga's little looks and she smirked. "Ah, but thinking about it, my gift might have been a little too generous. A kiss should suffice for compensation."

Her cheeks were a little rosy. She ignored them.


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Well, she preferred a cozy bed over a toilet cabin but that would do, certainly. They just needed to lock it so that no one would interfere. "Of course, I'll take you right away." She grabbed Oren's hand and led her to the cabin which she promptly locked.

"I bet you have a thing or two to teach me, then."


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 "True, but we must be mindful of attack. I would prefer to either build up or down. My usual agenda involves breaking apart a large area within a runic array and reassembling it." She formed a basic illusion for both ideas.

One was a sleek building built within the warehouse, leaving the former building a basic shell. When needed the building could draw upon internal arrays and fly and had enough illusory magic infused into it that spotting it would be difficult.

The other was a dungeon. It went deep into the earth, a series of halls and rooms that could be collapsed at will. And a central array near them that could rearrange the structure of the base.

"Of course, as you said we should be inconspicuous. Those are longer term projects; what we should do now is begin the reinforcement and resource mining here."

Eventually her eyes caught onto Olga's little looks and she smirked. "Ah, but thinking about it, my gift might have been a little too generous. A kiss should suffice for compensation."

Her cheeks were a little rosy. She ignored them.

Olgamally Animusphere

Olga suddenly drew closer to Grigori, clearly unashamed of being caught looking. "I'd be happy to give you such a small boon." She gently took holg of Grigori's face and kissed her on the lips gently, lingering for a few seconds before drawing back.

"And hmmmm, I prefer the former. It seems more useful, and digging underground could harm the leyline. Our first goal should be setting something up to collect mana from it for our own purposes."

Olga was extremely interested in these runic arrays of Grigori's. She'd be paying close attention and trying to copy their creation.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Wow, she wished she had that much money to afford such apartment. Assassinations didn't pay as much as she wanted. Seemed like the other vampire wasn't around at the moment. She could probably be at more ease, less potential trouble with no more blatantly superhuman folks around. She still felt wobbly, so she made herself at home, lying on the couch with her hands under her head.

"That's a nice place, nobody tried to break and enter yet?" She asked. The apartment just seemed like a target to ignorant criminals as well as supernaturals who wanted money the easy way.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka followed Mitsu into the living room, taking a seat on the floor.  "We actually get break ins quite often.  It is a nice way to make new friends.  Many of the former robbers actually live on this floor."


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ABout five minutes later, the server came back to their table. "Are you two ready to order?" he asked with a polite smile while pulling out a pen and paper.

Putting down the menu, Gojira turned to him. "I will have the Firebreath and a refill of my water," she stated, then turned to look at Adjutor for her to order.


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The purple haired goddess nodded at his explanation, seemingly clinging to every word the angel said. In actuality she was checking the stores they moved past on their patrol. Maybe one of them had retro games. So far she hadn't seen any, but with her luck it was just around the corner. Then something caught her eyes. It was indeed a game store, but more importantly was the pair women walking out of it.

"Howdy there Nowa! Did you get so lonely you snuck all the way here to find some friends, Aha I get it. You bribed her with games so she would hang out with you!" The goddess shouted at them excitedly, not even caring about any of the pedestrians near them.


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The purple haired goddess nodded at his explanation, seemingly clinging to every word the angel said. In actuality she was checking the stores they moved past on their patrol. Maybe one of them had retro games. So far she hadn't seen any, but with her luck it was just around the corner. Then something caught her eyes. It was indeed a game store, but more importantly was the pair women walking out of it.

"Howdy there Nowa! Did you get so lonely you snuck all the way here to find some friends, Aha I get it. You bribed her with games so she would hang out with you!" The goddess shouted at them excitedly, not even caring about any of the pedestrians near them.


"Nep-Neptune?!" Noire exclaimed, suddenly thrusting the bag obviously full of games behind her back. "Um, you know, I have friends other than you and Plutia." Noire told her before the fact that this Neptune was both bigger and significantly taller than her. Noire blinked, not believing what she was seeing. "Wait, you are Neptune, right?" Noire asked. She was so tall, holy crap. This felt uh, weird. Blanc seeing this Neptune would be bad.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 06:50:22 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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The kiss was, well, it was nice. This whole situation was proving to be rather pleasing. Then she held out her hand and began to carve an array right into the ground.

"This won't be much of an issue. Drawing power from a leyline is only limited by the capacity of the mage and the lengths the limitations of the line. An array can do this far more efficiently." Symbols blazed into existence rapidly and soon the ground was covered in them. The mage did this with practiced ease as the runes quickly began to increase in quantity.

"Now, what you should know is that runic arrays are ultimately limited by surface area. How many runes can you inscribe onto an area is ultimately the major limitation for this art. What I've laid out right now is painfully basic and inefficient." For one such as herself at least.

She held out her hand and an image appeared before them. Not anywhere far but right in front of them. Grigori had magnified a certain area of the circle and with masterful finesse began to rapidly carve more symbols into the ground. So small that they seemed to be tiny grooves in the space between circles. Her hand shifted and a barrier wrapped around the surface of the array.

"To make something worthy of yourself you must go very small, and you must be very careful. A single fracture would result in the mana being trapped before exploding out of the array. I'll teach you the actual runes on another occassion."


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The kiss was, well, it was nice. This whole situation was proving to be rather pleasing. Then she held out her hand and began to carve an array right into the ground.

"This won't be much of an issue. Drawing power from a leyline is only limited by the capacity of the mage and the lengths the limitations of the line. An array can do this far more efficiently." Symbols blazed into existence rapidly and soon the ground was covered in them. The mage did this with practiced ease as the runes quickly began to increase in quantity.

"Now, what you should know is that runic arrays are ultimately limited by surface area. How many runes can you inscribe onto an area is ultimately the major limitation for this art. What I've laid out right now is painfully basic and inefficient." For one such as herself at least.

She held out her hand and an image appeared before them. Not anywhere far but right in front of them. Grigori had magnified a certain area of the circle and with masterful finesse began to rapidly carve more symbols into the ground. So small that they seemed to be tiny grooves in the space between circles. Her hand shifted and a barrier wrapped around the surface of the array.

"To make something worthy of yourself you must go very small, and you must be very careful. A single fracture would result in the mana being trapped before exploding out of the array. I'll teach you the actual runes on another occassion."

Olgamally Animusphere

Wait, is she... teaching me about her magic? Olga wondered, looking at her avidly and soaking in all of this information Grigori was telling her. "I'm aware of the need for minute complexity. Olga said, attempting to copy Grigori's magic in a basic way, using her own knowledge of runic magic to supplement. Her design was extremely crude and basic, and would probably be even worse than just casting the spell she was attempting herself. It  kind of did something, causing magic to weakly glow from it before it fizzled out. She shook her head. "Well, it's a start. You're basically just making super complex magic circles that allow you to cast spells above your normal pay-grade, or am I wrong?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Her smile was both unnerving and beautiful, it only served to push him further. His own smug look did not falter. No. He wouldn't falter now, not when he already had her like this.

"Oh I am neither of those things. I'm just on a quest to collect as many beautiful women as I can for my harem." A blatant lie. "You of course being included." He was rather unwilling to part with his true intentions, she was playing at some long game and he would find out what it was.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 08:02:29 PM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Yes, that is the gist of it. All beings of magic are inherently limited. There is only so much power that one can hold at once. Runic arrays are built in a language of pure order. They state exactly how a spell should go and serve as a circuit by which the power should flow. The spell is already laid out in its totality. There is no need to even think about casting it. You must simply add mana."

The array for leyline mana extraction was actually absurdly simple. As she had said before, the process was basic for most mages. It didn't take long at all for her to finish and soon the entire circle looked more like a decorative art pieces than anything else. Then she added that drop of mana and it flared to life.

It wasn't long before it began to extract mana from the leyline, taking the smallest needed amount to fuel itself while concentrating the mana into a small globe in the air. "We might wish to create a few mana vials soon. It makes storage and transport far easier."


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"Oh, I see," she spoke, not breaking eye contact one bit. "I don't think you meet the denseness requirements. Or fit the profile for the unabashed ray of charming sunshine. But maybe you've been concealing your foolhardiness all along!"

Rafalia let one hand loose from his shoulders to cross a finger against his lips. "Nonetheless, I'll have to disappoint you, I'm spoken for."
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 08:03:57 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Ah!" The girl almost jumped in surprise. She was so busy looking for trees she totally forgot to check down. "Um, thanks." She smiled confidently before taking aim,cocking her arm back like a baseball pitcher and flung the stick away with all her smol human strength.



Vanguard's eyes widened in shock, left completely and utterly speechless. "What?" Was all he could muster in a sheepish deadpan. She was bold to speak to him like this, for a second he couldn't believe what he had heard. 

For a jest, even this was quite unbelievable.

"Fuh, that is impossible, the fashion magazines would not have deceived me. There must be some sort of mistake, this is outrageous!"
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 08:47:11 PM by francobull3 »