Auspicious Breeze
"Oh, wow, really? You're really nice!" Breeze said, beaming now from Mordred's kindness. "Ahh, I'll have to find some way to pay you back for this later, okay? Maybe I'll try seeing if anyone needs someone nasty beat up for them. Do people put bounties up around here?"
And, then the topic turned to guys and girls. She was only really familiar with half of that topic, and the other didn't really interest her much. The Solar laughed, sheepishly, and rubbed the back of her head. "Ah, well, a little. I don't have much experience with guys besides fighting them. I like girls, though! And yeah, some of them like me too."
They've all pretty much got something cute about them, they had all kinds of fun things they liked to do, and they knew how to talk to her nicely too! She wasn't so sure guys were like that; besides, they kinda smelled bad.
Then she frowned, just a little. "Is someone bothering you, Mordred?"