Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 85320 times)


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Remarkable, truly remarkable.

She ducked under his kick and took advantage of his supposedly vulnerable position by slicing his outstretched leg. This was tricky, real tricky. He would have been in a real pinch here if hadn't spent years fighting armed opponent's with his bare hands.

Drawing upon every last bit of experience he possesed, the dark mage's body twisted in an almost unnatural way. The hand that had been making the barrier was closest to the ground so he used it to go onto a handstand while kicking off with other leg.

Then came the moment of truth. He reversed the course of his kick downwards, his other leg mirroring the action from the opposite direction. The whole of his focus camed down to that one instant.

His feet closed in, inch by inch, ever closer.

A heartbeat.

Then the sole of feet connected with Noire's blade locking it in place between them.

Black Heart

The white-haired goddess whistled at his impressive display of skill, clearly impressed with him.

"I'm sorry to say, but I think I'm out of time now." She said contentedly, clearly pleased with the results of their bout.

And with that, she suddenly reverted to her normal form, and fell softly to the ground.

"I hope we weren't too fast for you, Jasey."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He was quite impressed with her as well. Her strength and speed was great as was her skill. It seemed like she was a bit lacking in actual exprience dealing with opponents with a versatile skill set.

Then the goddess reverted back to her human form and began falling towards the ground. He quickly moved to catch her before she hit the ground. "You were quite impressive yourself if a bit rough around the edges. Are you feeling alright?" He asked sounding concerned for her while examining her exposed stomach.

He had after all hit her twice there and she might have taken some damage from that. Well that and scoring more points with her would be beneficial for him.

Umbra of Chaos

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"I see. That is somewhat unfortunate. I would have hoped to have limited the access that more unsavory characters would have to these creatures, but that appears to be entirely impossible. Still, I must thank you for practicing restraint in the sale of these beasts. You have a good heart, madame." He bowed his head towards her a bit.

Oh, but he had failed to answer their question! "But excuse my rudeness, I am Paladin. A knight in the service of Stribog."


The dragon gave a nod before reaching over and grabbing the mage with a grasping claw. Then she tossed him onto her back and leaped off of the building. But then she roared and shook a bit to get them off of her back before dissolving into roiling sludge.


Huh. This was actually kinda cool. What she could actually see that is. Jasey had finished a bag of chips and a soda by the time the whole thing was done. As the girl fell Jasey bolted up with enough force to smash the concrete under her to catch the girl but quickly came to a literal ground breaking halt as William popped out of nowhere.

She only very lightly bumped into them considering all her restraint. "Oh, whoops. Sorry. Nice moves! The both of you guys."


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"Okay. Then I will choose my character next and we will be good to go!" Mordred gave thumbs up to Sakura, and considered her own choices. Maybe that elemental mage that would be a good choice. Frail, but with very potent offensive ranged spells. "Alright, I will count on you then. My character cannot take much damage, but can fire strong spells. A sort of glass cannon, I guess."

But maybe enough explanation of her character, they could just start together. One of her character's spells did have an application in-game for something else than attacking opponents, but she kept that secret. She could just make a pathway out of ice spell if Breeze jumped badly once again, but she decided to let her try first.

 The first stage was a cakewalk until they once again ran into the pit that gave her girlfriend trouble. If she was about to fall to her death, then she would fire that spell.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 11:30:19 PM by Kat »


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He was quite impressed with her as well. Her strength and speed was great as was her skill. It seemed like she was a bit lacking in actual exprience dealing with opponents with a versatile skill set.

Then the goddess reverted back to her human form and began falling towards the ground. He quickly moved to catch her before she hit the ground. "You were quite impressive yourself if a bit rough around the edges. Are you feeling alright?" He asked sounding concerned for her while examining her exposed stomach.

He had after all hit her twice there and she might have taken some damage from that. Well that and scoring more points with her would be beneficial for him.


Huh. This was actually kinda cool. What she could actually see that is. Jasey had finished a bag of chips and a soda by the time the whole thing was done. As the girl fell Jasey bolted up with enough force to smash the concrete under her to catch the girl but quickly came to a literal ground breaking halt as William popped out of nowhere.

She only very lightly bumped into them considering all her restraint. "Oh, whoops. Sorry. Nice moves! The both of you guys."


Noire shook her head. "No, I'm pretty much fine." She said, blushing and averting her eyes away from William as she climbed out of his arms. "Sorry it was so short, I need to go around and boost my shares here. Then I'll be able to maintain it for much longer periods of time." She nodded to herself before she turned to Jasey.

"Well, of course they were, I am a cpu, after all." She then turned back to William, and said, "But seriously, that thing you did with your feet was insane! I've never seen anything like it!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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As he slowly approached the strip of woodland indicated by the scrap of paper the Puppeteer had slipped him, Coppelius pondered. It felt like an eternity had passed since he left the hospital unhindered; he wondered if the subject's disappearance had been noticed by now. Well, it was not like they could link this to him; this was a job that had almost gone too smoothly.


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He chuckled as Noire stumbled out ouf his arms. The slight collision with Jasey not even bothering him. "That was merely the fruits of over a thousand battles." He then took a step closer to the goddess when she turned back to him and then patted her head gently.  " You're quite strong Noire. But I could could teach you a trick or two if you were willing to go and have something to eat with me."

You're quite a bit cuter in this form." He also projected to Noire's mind.


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The dark one grit its teeth as he fled to safer grounds so disgracefully, but his eyes didn't miss the little nuisance that fired yet another arrow. It wasn't speed or instinct that saved him, but merely the reflex to  wave his arm forth, sending a wave of darkness against the arrow. However, it wasn't fast or strong enough, so the violent blast left a grievous wound on his chest, like a porcelain pot that had just been cracked.

It felt wonderful.

His expression suddenly shifted. It wasn't just agony, but pure fear not directed towards the monster before him, but the one inside him. The dark god howled in pain, clutching at his wounded arm as if to keep something from leaking out.

"S-stop!" He whined, trying to keep his mind and soul in check, begging for the daemonic pain of the blade not to make him lose reason. Whatever that blade was, its nature had dragged something out from his soul, something that he had rather kept buried.

The shadows in his cloak bulged and erupted like serpents, wrapping over the god as quickly as they could in order to form an orb of darkness and shadows to shield him from harm.

Or perhaps it was to shield her.


He wasn't telling her to stop, was he? She almost felt insulted. She knew why she was fighting right now, but did he really? If they were to do this, there would be no veils.

She notched her bow, tracing the path of that sphere in the sky, and let loose a soul-cutting arrow to tear it open.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Tendrils of darkness emerged from his stump and kneaded together in order to mold an imitation of his flesh, repairing and replacing his severed forearm with shadow. His body was just a shell, a vessel meant to bear the meaning of void, but it was troublesome. He wouldn't die so easily, but she could kill him. An inexplicable feeling of rage drowned the recesses of his mind as the pain washed his consciousness away, only to have it crash back to bring him back to the present.

Suddenly, an arrow crashed into his barrier of darkness, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it weaved through it, like a bullet going straight through an egg made of nothing but smoke and striking its heart before. The egg dissipated like an illusion, and the dark one was blown back by the projectile plunged straight in his ribs.

Cut away so mercilessly, his self was starting to leak out of its shape. He couldn't allow this, more than anything, even if he considered her a friend he had come to realize why that blade of hers caught his attention earlier. To him, such a weapon was anathema. Not for his life, but for the peace of mind he so desperately sought after.

He had asked her to cease, because he didn't want to hurt her. This was why he detested conflict, abhorred violence. More than anything, he didn't want to revert to his old self. But none of it mattered before the enemy he was facing.

For a moment it looked as if he was about to pass out, but almost like he had been dreaming until now, he woke up. Stopping right in his tracks, barely a foot above ground, he panted and wheezed weakly. Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed the arrow and ripped it out of his chest with all his might, letting out an inhuman roar.

The forest and the forest alone darkened, as if a shroud of night suddenly befell it. Even the cover she had cast over him began to decay and melt into nothing before the surge of dark power. Beneath it was a divine beast, a God made of jet black, and his eyes flared like crimson stars.

I won't lose.

As soon as he made his decision, he crushed the arrow, shattering it as if it was made of rotting cheese. No, it was rotting, as if his very touch was enough to rend it into nothing. Very well, he was mistaken to make such a request in the first place.

Tendrils erupted from the shadows of the forest surrounding Rafalia, a dozen of massive tentacles ravaging their surroundings and moving to rip her apart and destroy her. One of them would be easy to dodge, perhaps even a dozen, with her skill. However, surrounded by so many trees, it wasn't such a simple task anymore, but if anyone in the world could face such an assault it would certainly be her.


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With Meti already on her way out, Michael decided not to pursue for the moment. Putting more pressure on would only serve to make things worse, so it would be best to wait until later to try again. A bit unfortunate, not one but two pieces just up and walking off the board like that, but hopefully things could be patched up later.

For the moment, however, Michael found himself in a bar of little significance, surrounded by people who he couldn't bring himself to care about, wondering why he'd stopped Meti just then. Certainly, it would have been quite the mess, and with the people already recording the fight, he doubted he'd have been able to cover things up completely. He certainly wasn't close enough with the Yakuza or the Triads to arrange cover-ups at this point, and neither of those gangs had much in the way of muscle outside of the Asian Ward.

Hm. Getting some eyes and ears outside of there is definitely going to be a high priority. For the moment, however...

Meti and Katase seemed to have gotten along fairly after he left, so he didn't feel too worried about turning his eyes away from them for the moment. And so, he waited at the bar, taking in the chatter and the gossip around him, listening for anything particularly interesting.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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"Huh. Does that actually work?" Was this really the answer? If beating people up a bit and then offering to help out could really get you into a relationship... Goddamn. She'd been doing this wrong the whole time!


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"Oh, don't worry, I can handle the little guy I captured just fine. Control and responsibility are one of first things that battle mages are taught." She was after all a pro. Less than 10 % of sanctioned magic users received a full license. Final exams weeded out the majority and those who failed usually stayed students for the rest of their lifes. "You're from a knightly order, right? I don't recognize your heraldry."


"I see. That is somewhat unfortunate. I would have hoped to have limited the access that more unsavory characters would have to these creatures, but that appears to be entirely impossible. Still, I must thank you for practicing restraint in the sale of these beasts. You have a good heart, madame." He bowed his head towards her a bit.

Oh, but he had failed to answer their question! "But excuse my rudeness, I am Paladin. A knight in the service of Stribog."


The dragon gave a nod before reaching over and grabbing the mage with a grasping claw. Then she tossed him onto her back and leaped off of the building. But then she roared and shook a bit to get them off of her back before dissolving into roiling sludge.


Huh. This was actually kinda cool. What she could actually see that is. Jasey had finished a bag of chips and a soda by the time the whole thing was done. As the girl fell Jasey bolted up with enough force to smash the concrete under her to catch the girl but quickly came to a literal ground breaking halt as William popped out of nowhere.

She only very lightly bumped into them considering all her restraint. "Oh, whoops. Sorry. Nice moves! The both of you guys."

Oka Kurosawa

"Um, hello, Paladin..." Oka shook her head. There were too many eccentric people here.

"So um, would you like to buy one, or have any more questions about them?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The burning pirate was taking a stroll, planning on his next move, when he suddenly noticed a familiar place. It didn't look like much, in fact it was just an ordinary run of the mill bar. To him, however, it was a memory, a fond image he could remember of happy days he had lost.

Sure brings you back.

Remembering had been the one good thing he could do lately, so even now he couldn't stop himself. If he... if they were still alive, he'd have probably done the same. So he walked forward, the only direction he had left, and opened the door. With a calm, confident stride, he stepped forth without a care in the world, not caring if the loud chatter surrounding him turned into worrisome murmurs as he passed. He sat next to a man at the counter, only to suddenly catch a glimpse of his face.

Remembering was really all he was good for, huh?

"Yo! It's been a while!" He suddenly cheered, giving the old acquaintance a good slap in the back. "It's me, the one and only Lorenzo. How have you been??"

He then pointed with the hugest, widest grin. at the bartender. "Oi, don't just stand there, get the man a drink. I'm paying."

And he did.


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He chuckled as Noire stumbled out ouf his arms. The slight collision with Jasey not even bothering him. "That was merely the fruits of over a thousand battles." He then took a step closer to the goddess when she turned back to him and then patted her head gently.  " You're quite strong Noire. But I could could teach you a trick or two if you were willing to go and have something to eat with me."

You're quite a bit cuter in this form." He also projected to Noire's mind.


Noire took a step back, blushing like a schoolgirl who'd just been confessed to. "Wha-wha-wha-wha-what are you thinking, just asking that of a girl out of the blue." She said, looking down at the ground. "Well, um... I guess I wouldn't mind having dinner with you—Wait! You can use telepathy! Were you reading my mind the entire fight? That's so unfair!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

The familiar ring of a school bell echoed through the spring air.  Just as he crossed into the shadow of a grand cherry blossom tree, a gentle breeze lightly rustled Relius's coat.  His head tilted upwards, carefully taking note of the bright pink leaves floating through the air.  Just as he was approaching the peak, he spotted the puppet waiting for him, perfectly framed in front of the boring landscape of an idealistic school setting, underneath a grand cherry tree.   

"I take it your mission fared well?" he said in a polite, albeit hallow voice.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 08:19:45 PM by yinsukin »