Author Topic: Purgatory  (Read 9148 times)


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« on: April 30, 2021, 04:15:28 AM »


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2021, 04:23:23 AM »

Legs crossed, Marc was glamorously fanning himself with a pink fan with heart motifs and flamingo feathers - all while sipping on some nice chilled brandy. The two chatted about a great many things, the buildings down below, the people driving through the highways, and whenever they went over a district Marc did his best of giving an unbiased description of it.

Mostly unbiased. It wasn't profitable being too honest.

"Oh la la, it seems we're almost there!" He smiled warmly as they passed by the last Albion isles, flying accross the clouds until a great spire of rock was visible in the distance. An island of sorts, but... different. It was clearly some kind of volcanic body, but it was lit by anything but fire. Shining headlights, the sounds of the crowd cheering, and even faint music could be heard as faintly as the buzzing of a mosquito, even from miles away. Ah, but it was way catchier than a mosquito.

Of course, they had to take a closer look - mhhhh?

"How did you find it? The city's not so bad when you give it a different angle, eh?" He grinned wolfishly at Lu, stretching a little as he started getting ready for the landing.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 04:34:03 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2021, 09:17:10 PM »

The elf's ears trembled. They fluttered as the nudist took in the residual heat of the area, soaking it up and converting it into energy. She pranced around with a joyful expression, and gave him a wolfish grin.

"Hey, as long as I get to test my skills, I don't care where we are."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2021, 04:30:50 AM »

"Pwaha!" He laughed deviously and shook his head, hands raised cooly. "Mon dieu, I didn't expect anything less. Now then, I can't just leave ma belle chouette to be crushed under such reasonable expectations. "

Thus, with a dramatic snap of his fingers - the whole plane spun in the air, a barrel roll as sudden as it was unexpected! The sort of move that'd get any poor inexperienced maiden to yelp. However, that was hardly the intention. After all, the hatch just happened to accidentally open, launching the two out of the plane and straight into the skies. 6000 feet above the air, the elf slammed into the poor frenchman's chest, thusly ejecting them.


And now they could yelp.

"Wahah! The clouds are like cotton-candy today!" And much like he declared, a cloud mustache... or a cloudstache formed on his lips.

This... wasn't really the time for jokes, was it? Probably wasn't.


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2021, 02:14:45 AM »

The elf didn't seem to be perturbed by this chain of events. She gently wrapped her arms around him as they fell, accelerating faster and faster towards the ground.

After all, she was in no danger at all-even if her magic did fail her for some reason, her body would be able to take a hit at terminal velocity.

"Ufu~" She giggled, pressing her large mounds up against her date.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2021, 02:37:13 AM »

D'awwwww. She wasn't even spooked one bit! Oh well, oh well... oh wow. With those guns, she was probably going to make them fall twice as fast. "Sooo, I guess this is the part where you'd whip out the parachutes. You did grab them on the way out, right?"

He spun her - no, the air friction spun them around, as the held onto another and accelerated dangerously down towards the ground.


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2021, 11:25:17 PM »

D'awwwww. She wasn't even spooked one bit! Oh well, oh well... oh wow. With those guns, she was probably going to make them fall twice as fast. "Sooo, I guess this is the part where you'd whip out the parachutes. You did grab them on the way out, right?"

He spun her - no, the air friction spun them around, as the held onto another and accelerated dangerously down towards the ground.


Luthien cocked her head, ears flicking. "Not sure why I'd need something like that? This sort of thing happened pretty regularly when I was being trained—oh! Is this like, some sort of thing humans need?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2021, 05:43:26 PM »

The frenchman blinked twice. Wait, her too? He remembered his training too! Yamada would set the students in a straight line in front of a cliff and kick them off one by one. Something about building individuality, mental strength and resilience. Didn't really get it. That was, of course, a joke.

"Oh dear."

And thus they overshot past the clouds, plummeting faster and faster. "Well, it can't be helped. Good luck kid." Only for Marc to suddenly let go and accelerate his fall, diving down like a hawk before curling up into a ball. Did he see something she didn't as they fell? Nah, they were still way too up high. He knew this landing spot though.

And the pool right down below.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 08:50:14 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2021, 06:23:52 PM »

Luthien, for her part, made no efforts to redirect her fall or lessen the force with which she landed. She careened down towards the earth far below and the chocolate elf impacted into the ground with intense force.

However, it wasn't hey body that gave way, instead, it was the ground beneath her. Her legs dug a few feet into the ground, unable to stop her descent and created a small crater where she landed.

Then, Luthien climbed out of the pit and dusted herself off, thrusting her chest upwards to soak in the few beams of sunlight that pierced through the clouds.

"Ahh, I can't wait until summer!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2021, 04:08:38 PM »

And much like a cannonball, Marc shot straight into the depths of the pool, splashing the water out like a geyser with enough force to make it pour back down everywhere like rainfall. Despite all that, he floated back up gracefully.


Only for a dozen flashing lights to suddenly assault him.

The Guests

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The ladies inside and outside the pool yelped at the sudden impacts, but they were hardly concerned that this might be an attack or whatnot. The moment the familiar red hair popped out of the waters, they hurried and circled the man, some outside taking pictures while the guests rushed around him.

"Ohmygosh, its Marc!" "Duuuuuude! It's been like, three years man!" "Wowowowowowow, I've gotta get an autograph!" "Ye bloody rascal, ye still owe me dem magazines back mate!"

As chaotic as it was, it looked kind of pleasant. Almost like a family gathering, and the poor Frenchman even looked a bit taken aback for a second.


"Woah woah! Slow down... hahaha. Guys, guys, I'm still on break. Ah, its so good to see you all. Mwah!" He posed cheekily for the cameras, but tried to defuse it a little. Just a tad. He was obviously enjoying most of it, or a good actor. "Aww, you're as cute as ever, my cherie." He waved his hand with a cheeky smile at the crowd, getting the groupies to butt heads for a bit over which one of them he meant was cutest. Hopping off the heated pool, he helped himself to a towel before walking by the chocolate elf.

"Pheew. That's one way to leave a marc, eh?" As he said that, he gave one of the snow0covered pal trees a friendly tap, and a delicious large fruit popped down like a bowling ball, straight in his hand and offered to the elf. "Coconut? They grow these all year round. They're pretty tasty too..."


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2021, 06:18:41 AM »

The elf just stood there, looking around with a rapt and fearful curiosity—she'd never been around so many people at once, with so many eyes trained on her. She became flushed, and began breathing a bit faster.

It was a lot to take in, and nothing her mother had given her had prepared her mentally for such an event. So she just wordlessly shook her head with slightly widened eyes and trembling earlobes.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2021, 04:38:32 AM »

"No coconut. Oh well." He tossed it up casually behind him, plopping his hands straight into his pockets despite being totally soaked. Sure, the pool and everything around was being kept hot artificially, but even so...


With that, he blushed a little and looked away for a second, before turning to pout at the groupies and fans. "Mais voyons donc, what are you gawking at? Tut tut, another time ladies. I trust there aren't any ongoing matches, right?" He put a hand on his hip sassily like nothing happened, and grinned when a few shook their head. "Parfait! Well then, me and my date will be on our way. Best of luck~ <3 "

And with that, he wrapped his arm around Lu's confidently and strolled away from the group, a big confident smile on his face. He had a few words for the elf though, away from prying ears. "Relax, it's not that bad compared to most spots. If you want to get ahead in the city, you need connections and such. I'm doing this for you too, you know? So c'mon, deep breaths. Breathe iiin, and ooout. Right?"

He winked at her teasingly.


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2021, 04:50:15 PM »

"I'll be fine." She whispered back at him, turning around to stick her tongue out at the other women. "I just need a little bit to gather my thoughts, get into the arena, and see how strong I really am!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2021, 05:47:29 PM »

"Sure thing hon." He wiped his hair a little like a mop, and led her along the familiar roads and halls. Meanwhile, he'd get a few passing glances - and his companion too. How long had it been since he'd come here?

Not long enough.

The rock that originally formed the volcano had long been replaced with steel, glass and marble. But you couldn't shake off the fact that the surrounding ambience really did feel... grandiose in a way. The sun was beating down the center of the stage, built atop the sleeping belly of a volcanic core. It definitely explained where the heat came from, the way people could enjoy a nice warm bath even in the middle of winter time. And the heart powering all the energy running the stage.

And the one that worked the dry cleaning magic that got him all nice and dry now.

"Well, this should do it. Helloooooooo!" He grinned with his hands on his hips, leaning forward teasingly, and his voice echoed all over the stadium, his face and the two fighters reflected on the dozens of massive monitors. Greater than them all was the holographic display above them, floating high in the sky for all to see. Welp, since the big title match of the day was set to run in the evening, they still had plenty of time to go wild, and there weren't too many people to get in the way right now. Pull a few old strings, and... even a fancy arena like this is a commodity.

"Hehe~ <3 Sooooo, is this the part where we do our reps and stretch a little. How's the decor baby~?"


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Re: Purgatory
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2021, 11:29:57 PM »

She thrust her chest upwards, basking in the extreme heat of the sun. Not only was she unbothered by the extreme conditions, she seemed to thrive in the heat of the volcano.

"Mmmmnnnn..." She moaned, yes, moaned. It was sensual, and unbecoming of a newborn. Nevertheless, she did it.

It was her first time in such a wonderful place after all.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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