Cross Effects > Areas


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Legs crossed, Marc was glamorously fanning himself with a pink fan with heart motifs and flamingo feathers - all while sipping on some nice chilled brandy. The two chatted about a great many things, the buildings down below, the people driving through the highways, and whenever they went over a district Marc did his best of giving an unbiased description of it.

Mostly unbiased. It wasn't profitable being too honest.

"Oh la la, it seems we're almost there!" He smiled warmly as they passed by the last Albion isles, flying accross the clouds until a great spire of rock was visible in the distance. An island of sorts, but... different. It was clearly some kind of volcanic body, but it was lit by anything but fire. Shining headlights, the sounds of the crowd cheering, and even faint music could be heard as faintly as the buzzing of a mosquito, even from miles away. Ah, but it was way catchier than a mosquito.

Of course, they had to take a closer look - mhhhh?

"How did you find it? The city's not so bad when you give it a different angle, eh?" He grinned wolfishly at Lu, stretching a little as he started getting ready for the landing.


The elf's ears trembled. They fluttered as the nudist took in the residual heat of the area, soaking it up and converting it into energy. She pranced around with a joyful expression, and gave him a wolfish grin.

"Hey, as long as I get to test my skills, I don't care where we are."


"Pwaha!" He laughed deviously and shook his head, hands raised cooly. "Mon dieu, I didn't expect anything less. Now then, I can't just leave ma belle chouette to be crushed under such reasonable expectations. "

Thus, with a dramatic snap of his fingers - the whole plane spun in the air, a barrel roll as sudden as it was unexpected! The sort of move that'd get any poor inexperienced maiden to yelp. However, that was hardly the intention. After all, the hatch just happened to accidentally open, launching the two out of the plane and straight into the skies. 6000 feet above the air, the elf slammed into the poor frenchman's chest, thusly ejecting them.


And now they could yelp.

"Wahah! The clouds are like cotton-candy today!" And much like he declared, a cloud mustache... or a cloudstache formed on his lips.

This... wasn't really the time for jokes, was it? Probably wasn't.


The elf didn't seem to be perturbed by this chain of events. She gently wrapped her arms around him as they fell, accelerating faster and faster towards the ground.

After all, she was in no danger at all-even if her magic did fail her for some reason, her body would be able to take a hit at terminal velocity.

"Ufu~" She giggled, pressing her large mounds up against her date.


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