Cross Effects > Areas


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"Hehe, not now, don't have too much fun. We're just getting started." He tossed his suit with a single swing and undid his tie smoothly. As he rolled up his sleeves, he stretched his arms with a sly grin on his mug. "With that said, take your time. If you feel pressured at any point, just let me know okay honey?"

And with a dashing smile, he offered his hand.

"The left is an invitation to a duel. En garde, my love."


"Fuh. You don't seem like all that much, I'm sorry to say." She began stretching her arms, bouncing around likely on her bare feet before flashing a wink at him. "But I know how to be gentle and loving, don't worry."


"Haha! Is that so..." He looked embarrassed for a second, but his smile was like a fox's - and shame was never something he was good at faking. "Yes yes, I'm hardly the fastest or strongest you'll find in this city. Thanks for the concern though, I do love to be pampered by cute ladies~ <3 "

In response to her bouncing frame, he took a casual raising guard stance. It was as orthodox as it got, without the slightest deviance. After all, he was just a boxer.



The elf slammed a fist into the ground in order to kick up a tremendous cloud of fine dust particulate, slamming her fists repeatedly into the ground at high speeds. The dust began to grow thicker and thicker, obscuring sight, scent, and even confusing sound.

An elf like her would be fine in a situation like this with her finer senses, but would her foe?



By the time she lowered her knee to deliver the first punch, he already made his first step. The ground was shaking, but with that freakish strength he could tell she was trying to take control of the fight's momentum, and that's why he wouldn't let her move at her pace.  His snappy movements betrayed an abrupt dynamism, his weave was dashing straight towards Luthien with few wasted movements. Trying to kick up a dust cloud? No kidding, her head was in the clouds.

"What in the devil are you doing, gorilla lady~ <3 ?"

Without a hint of delay, he threw a bonk to the top of her numbskull playfully, enough to swell a regular lady's coconut before she kept this nonsense. Not that it was particularly harmful to her health, just quick enough that she'd hopefully get the hint.

"Come on, I'm right here."


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