Cross Effects > Areas


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Haiai! The first thought that came to her mind was his sublime technique and the fluidity of his movements.

But, just skill wouldn't be enough. As he rapped his knuckles on her head, shadows burst out from the space between their legs where their shadows merges, enveloping his ankles and snaking up his legs, constricting and tightening.

She flipped her hair and grinned, before sending a clenched fist at his chin.

"Maybe you shouldn't underestimate my mother's handiwork!"


The red blur was already in motion, grinning suavely - even when something suddenly stopped him. Hoh? He noticed something slithering up his ankle, and to his credit few would have kept their cool if their footwork was suddenly stopped short. What a daredevil, tying an innocent man like me up.

But the relaxed moment was short lived, shattered by the elf's fist. The punch rammed straight towards his stubbled mug, causing an impact that reverberated across the arena. Yet even with his feet bound, he nimbly avoided it by shifting his torso, letting the terrifying punch boom past his neck with a deafening crack.

A striker's hardly ever inert, and when she threw that punch he already came up with a counterattack. Adding her own momentum with his body's sudden movement, he stopped her body with a counter blow just as he dodged hers - like a spring bursting with motion straight into her gut.

"Don't think I met her. Is she as cute as you?"

Even with the relaxed cheeky banter, he was sweating already, with eyes as calculative as a machine's. Quickly, the aura on his feet began to flare and rotated like a swirling hurricane - to add even the slightest gap he could use to slip out of the tendril.


As he dodged, he found Luthien's head hurtling towards his own, all while the shadow continued to creep up his legs. The fell being was up to his waist now, and it was steadily restricting his mobility. Even as she grimaced from the fierce blow to her gut, her smirk didn't vanish.

She launched another blow at the side of his head and snapped. A small fire ignited all of the dust and debris in the air, filling the arena in a momentary fierce conflagration.

Marc Cedan

"Kh!"The skull slammed against his coconut this time, enough to draw a splash of ichor from his forehead. The taste of iron filled his mouth, and for a second his whole field of vision became a blur. He was trying to tear himself off the shadow, but even when he damaged it, it wasn't fast enough. That's... not good. Her gloved fist came rushing for him. It was the sort of punch that could end things here and there.


"Tch. What's that dumbass doing, getting pushed back by a small-fry like that?" A large brute of a man watched from the stands up high, arms crossed smugly as he snickered at the scene down below. With his massive frame, it was a wonder that you didn't have to look at its face, which looked like it got ripped out and plastered back with shoddy surgery.

The ape-man just chortled at the scene like a deranged drugged maniac, when someone walked by and rested his forearms on the stand, gazing down with a fascinated expression, followed by a couple others.

PURGATORY A LISTER, VEGA. 37 Wins, 29 Losses.

"Woooooah! Marc looks like he's in trouble." He smiled and looked down, avoiding eye contact with the disgusting animal. Urghhh, this freshie's getting on my nerves.

PURGATORY B LISTER, TERASHI. ? ? ? Wins, ? ? ? Losses.

Another tall, but far lankier man walked in quietly, watching with a stiff uncomfortable pose. Outside his jet black onesie, his oni mask completely masked his features. "Is it really going to be okay? I know he's been an A lister once, but this looks out of his pay grade. Should I intervene?"

Vega smiled beautifully and looked back to the man sitting in the back. "Yeah, what's your call, King?"

For a second, all fighters turned their attention to the man behind them, muscular with a perfected body - barely contained by his tank top and military sweatpants. He just sat there menacingly, arms crossed as he manspread without concern for those around him... or the man below. The terrifying presence... sighed peacefully.


"She's strong, there's no doubt about that. That kind of raw power is terrifying for anyone, bridging the gap won't be easy." Lolong didn't so much as move, yet everyone got quiet all of a sudden. Only Yumi looked annoyed as hell. The only terrifying thing is how shitty this performance's getting, jackass.

Lolong stared down.

"But Marc isn't all talk either. When his back's against the wall, his explosive power and dynamism shine through. Once he's put his mind in the game, he won't give up easily."

Even with her disorienting headbutt, Marc didn't let up. He immediately guarded his temple with his forearm, swirling with a blazing red chi that spun madly. If her glove was like a destructive lance, his aura was a full plate of armor, focused on his arms to the point even her blow couldn't pierce it. Sparks shot everywhere, and using her impact's strength, he tore himself off the damaged shadow and immediately reversed his landing to regain his footing. As soon as his foot hit the ground, he used snappy footwork to zigzag back and get to her blind spot - even when the flare blocked off all his sight, he kept his guard up. He was constantly in motion, unwilling to get caught by that thing twice.

While the blood dripped from his forehead, Marc smiled.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 25, 2021, 05:42:29 PM ---Marc Cedan

"Kh!"The skull slammed against his coconut this time, enough to draw a splash of ichor from his forehead. The taste of iron filled his mouth, and for a second his whole field of vision became a blur. He was trying to tear himself off the shadow, but even when he damaged it, it wasn't fast enough. That's... not good. Her gloved fist came rushing for him. It was the sort of punch that could end things here and there.


"Tch. What's that dumbass doing, getting pushed back by a small-fry like that?" A large brute of a man watched from the stands up high, arms crossed smugly as he snickered at the scene down below. With his massive frame, it was a wonder that you didn't have to look at its face, which looked like it got ripped out and plastered back with shoddy surgery.

The ape-man just chortled at the scene like a deranged drugged maniac, when someone walked by and rested his forearms on the stand, gazing down with a fascinated expression, followed by a couple others.

PURGATORY A LISTER, VEGA. 37 Wins, 29 Losses.

"Woooooah! Marc looks like he's in trouble." He smiled and looked down, avoiding eye contact with the disgusting animal. Urghhh, this freshie's getting on my nerves.

PURGATORY B LISTER, TERASHI. ? ? ? Wins, ? ? ? Losses.

Another tall, but far lankier man walked in quietly, watching with a stiff uncomfortable pose. Outside his jet black onesie, his oni mask completely masked his features. "Is it really going to be okay? I know he's been an A lister once, but this looks out of his pay grade. Should I intervene?"

Vega smiled beautifully and looked back to the man sitting in the back. "Yeah, what's your call, King?"

For a second, all fighters turned their attention to the man behind them, muscular with a perfected body - barely contained by his tank top and military sweatpants. He just sat there menacingly, arms crossed as he manspread without concern for those around him... or the man below. The terrifying presence... sighed peacefully.


"She's strong, there's no doubt about that. That kind of raw power is terrifying for anyone, bridging the gap won't be easy." Lolong didn't so much as move, yet everyone got quiet all of a sudden. Only Yumi looked annoyed as hell. The only terrifying thing is how shitty this performance's getting, jackass.

Lolong stared down.

"But Marc isn't all talk either. When his back's against the wall, his explosive power and dynamism shine through. Once he's put his mind in the game, he won't give up easily."

Even with her disorienting headbutt, Marc didn't let up. He immediately guarded his temple with his forearm, swirling with a blazing red chi that spun madly. If her glove was like a destructive lance, his aura was a full plate of armor, focused on his arms to the point even her blow couldn't pierce it. Sparks shot everywhere, and using her impact's strength, he tore himself off the damaged shadow and immediately reversed his landing to regain his footing. As soon as his foot hit the ground, he used snappy footwork to zigzag back and get to her blind spot - even when the flare blocked off all his sight, he kept his guard up. He was constantly in motion, unwilling to get caught by that thing twice.

While the blood dripped from his forehead, Marc smiled.

--- End quote ---


The keen observer could see the elf's ears dynamically pivoting in theor sockets, twisting and turning to gather even the smallest of auditory stimuli and process them into combat data for the elf to use.

Luthien turned around to face him and confidently ran a hand though her brilliant purple hair. As she began to speak, a wearth of fire covered her entire body in a glorious ambiance. "You should have treated me seriously from the start, Marc." With a big smirk, her shadow burst forth from the ground, coagulating into a ten foot tall two dimensional blob behind her with ten arms, each as long as Marc was tall. They being loosely was waving in the air, but it was a creation of an intense amount of mana nonetheless.


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