Cross Effects > Areas


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Marc's smile was already kind of worried, but looking at the black mass forming made him sweat in a good way. "I dunno, I'm not all that strong." The man's explosive steps were quick and fickle, but vigorous to the point they'd kick off the rubble and dust with every dart.

That thing's shaping up... ten arms? Freaky.

That's when Marc entered her range once more. A little known fact about Marc was his wingspan, it was about 5 cm longer than he was tall. But she wasn't most foes either. He was aware, if he was caught by the shadow again, it'd spell the end of their little play session. Relaxed even in this moment, he put his chips in this moment and struck.

No one in the stands even saw what happened.

His normal movements were always fast. This was different. It looked like he'd have moved to strike her neck. Everything from his range to his stance, the way he stepped in, the punch should have come for her throat. But something made the air crack, as if all his relaxed movements suddenly snapped like a whip - shattering sound itself in a completely different direction. A jab made to catch lightning itself, snapping straight into Luthien's ear. No one in Purgatory could even come close to this attack's speed. For what it lacked in raw horsepower was supplaqnted with speed and precision.

The ringing wouldn't stop easily, the impact was hard enough to shatter her eardrum.

His arm was slightly lowered, but his guard was anything but open. He was moving out of her way as soon as he stepped in, throwing more jabs to keep the pressure and make distance.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 29, 2021, 04:49:40 PM ---Marc

Marc's smile was already kind of worried, but looking at the black mass forming made him sweat in a good way. "I dunno, I'm not all that strong." The man's explosive steps were quick and fickle, but vigorous to the point they'd kick off the rubble and dust with every dart.

That thing's shaping up... ten arms? Freaky.

That's when Marc entered her range once more. A little known fact about Marc was his wingspan, it was about 5 cm longer than he was tall. But she wasn't most foes either. He was aware, if he was caught by the shadow again, it'd spell the end of their little play session. Relaxed even in this moment, he put his chips in this moment and struck.

No one in the stands even saw what happened.

His normal movements were always fast. This was different. It looked like he'd have moved to strike her neck. Everything from his range to his stance, the way he stepped in, the punch should have come for her throat. But something made the air crack, as if all his relaxed movements suddenly snapped like a whip - shattering sound itself in a completely different direction. A jab made to catch lightning itself, snapping straight into Luthien's ear. No one in Purgatory could even come close to this attack's speed. For what it lacked in raw horsepower was supplaqnted with speed and precision.

The ringing wouldn't stop easily, the impact was hard enough to shatter her eardrum.

His arm was slightly lowered, but his guard was anything but open. He was moving out of her way as soon as he stepped in, throwing more jabs to keep the pressure and make distance.

--- End quote ---


The speed of his stroke was blindingly fast, almost godlike. She wondered if her mother would have been able to dodge it? What Christina would have done? She hopped backwards to minimize the force of the blow, basking in the pleasant sunlight which dulled the pain, staunched the bleeding and gave her a pleasant buzzing feeling.

But, the shadow had already finished forming. Four arms came hurtling down towards his body to crush him, while two others came crashing down behind him to block his escape.


"Sayyyy, wasn't Marc part of some spec-ops group at one point? After he left that dojo..." The blonde man inquired amusedly, more interested at gazing at his golden watch than the fight below at this point. Or perhaps he was observing it, in his own small way.

Lolong Donaire

The champion sighed, arms crossed menacingly.

"I can't say for sure. Remember, no matter what, we're in the underground. Even professionals like us have ties to different backgrounds. Don't dwell on it too much."

His glare was oppressive enough that Vega just laughed it off.



"U-um, I did invite me to that barbecue last week! We got to hunt some geese, but I didn't really know anything about that stuff. He actually showed me the ropes back then!"


"Huh? Who the hell cares? He's just some kid from the backstreet slums, why the hell would you-" The apeman looked disgusted, this close to retching a ball of phlegm at the stadium's general direction.


"He's a good shot, right?" Vega cut Yumi off with a smile, answering Terashi warmly as ever. "He hired me a few times, but we ended up working together for a few of his jobs. He's pretty scary when he gets in the mood, so I wondered."

He wondered, if he came all the way here... did it mean he was free to visit that woman after all?

Marc Cedan

Marc's back was against the ropes, even when constantly in motion. But even now, he found the cool-headedness to wink at her.

"You're pretty tough! I was hoping you'd pamper me - a little more gently!" Marc bobbed and weaved flexibly, his body's defined form showing through his sweat-ridden business attire. One of the fists grazed his stubbled cheek, while the other almost nicked his ear off in turn. The problem was the two others. Even with his guard up, his flicker jab parried only the third. The last fist was already rushing for his body with tremendous force.

That's when the boom of a whip cracked through the arena once more.

"I'd rather not fight multiple opponents, but it can't be helped. Mobsters being jumped by multiple people isn't uncommon, you know?"

Don't picture it as one, but multiple guns aimed at you. Disorient it, keep constant vigilance. This isn't different than that sniper team 5 years ago.

His kick flickered with the grace of a dancer, parrying the last blow. Blood covered his whole face now, and the smell of sweat stuck on him like perfume.

He'd prefer perfume though.


"D-DID MARC JUST! DID HE- NO WAY! THAT WAS A KICK!" The giant masked man squeed like a fangirl, and raised up his hand-made Marc Cedan plushie to cheer him up. "Go buddy! Kick her butt!"


Yeah, people can kick dumbass. What's so hype about that, jackass?"


A veteran, in more ways than one. How quaint.

"My my, things sure are heating up huh. I didn't think our boxer would use that card so soon. I guess she's really tough."


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on June 01, 2021, 04:27:56 PM ---Vega

"Sayyyy, wasn't Marc part of some spec-ops group at one point? After he left that dojo..." The blonde man inquired amusedly, more interested at gazing at his golden watch than the fight below at this point. Or perhaps he was observing it, in his own small way.

Lolong Donaire

The champion sighed, arms crossed menacingly.

"I can't say for sure. Remember, no matter what, we're in the underground. Even professionals like us have ties to different backgrounds. Don't dwell on it too much."

His glare was oppressive enough that Vega just laughed it off.



"U-um, I did invite me to that barbecue last week! We got to hunt some geese, but I didn't really know anything about that stuff. He actually showed me the ropes back then!"


"Huh? Who the hell cares? He's just some kid from the backstreet slums, why the hell would you-" The apeman looked disgusted, this close to retching a ball of phlegm at the stadium's general direction.


"He's a good shot, right?" Vega cut Yumi off with a smile, answering Terashi warmly as ever. "He hired me a few times, but we ended up working together for a few of his jobs. He's pretty scary when he gets in the mood, so I wondered."

He wondered, if he came all the way here... did it mean he was free to visit that woman after all?

Marc Cedan

Marc's back was against the ropes, even when constantly in motion. But even now, he found the cool-headedness to wink at her.

"You're pretty tough! I was hoping you'd pamper me - a little more gently!" Marc bobbed and weaved flexibly, his body's defined form showing through his sweat-ridden business attire. One of the fists grazed his stubbled cheek, while the other almost nicked his ear off in turn. The problem was the two others. Even with his guard up, his flicker jab parried only the third. The last fist was already rushing for his body with tremendous force.

That's when the boom of a whip cracked through the arena once more.

"I'd rather not fight multiple opponents, but it can't be helped. Mobsters being jumped by multiple people isn't uncommon, you know?"

Don't picture it as one, but multiple guns aimed at you. Disorient it, keep constant vigilance. This isn't different than that sniper team 5 years ago.

His kick flickered with the grace of a dancer, parrying the last blow. Blood covered his whole face now, and the smell of sweat stuck on him like perfume.

He'd prefer perfume though.


"D-DID MARC JUST! DID HE- NO WAY! THAT WAS A KICK!" The giant masked man squeed like a fangirl, and raised up his hand-made Marc Cedan plushie to cheer him up. "Go buddy! Kick her butt!"


Yeah, people can kick dumbass. What's so hype about that, jackass?"


A veteran, in more ways than one. How quaint.

"My my, things sure are heating up huh. I didn't think our boxer would use that card so soon. I guess she's really tough."

--- End quote ---


Despite his impressive moves, he'd fallen right into her trap! How wonderful and clever I am! She felt as if she were on the top of the world as the final two limbs slammed down to complete the circle. As the four arms attacking him increased their speed and randomness, the limbs which had surrounded him began growing. She pumped more and more mana into them, with a dome forming around him which threatened to crush him!

"Come now!" Luthien danced around gracefully as she taunted him. "The best way to show respect to an opponent is to go all out and crush them with everything you've got!"

He'd need to break out, but how?


"Wo-oah! ~ <3" Everything was like a blur. The shadow's limbs trashed about even more violently, slashing and smashing their way across Marc's body more and more. It was a terrifying living weapon,  for this dance he'd have to keep his steps just as lively. "I just like... to keep it casual!"

His sweat drops flowed out only to be cut down by the rushing exchange - faster than they could reach the ground. He was avoiding direct hits with expert finesse, but the more it went on the more he looked pressured. The blows started to graze him more than he'd like. Scratches on his skin, cuts across his clothes, blood trickling ever so slightly over his moon-white shirt. As good as he was, he couldn't do this forever. A hunted fox will slip eventually. He wasn't stubborn enough to try.


When the blow came, he didn't kick it. He stepped on it. Before anyone could gasp, he was running atop the limb like a bullet, ready to move and hop to a different one any moment. He was just taking the leap and biting down with a daredevil's smile. Was he a mad gambler, or did  gauge his ability for this very moment? Whether its trust in the roll of fate's die or in your own ability, you can't get ahead without some kind of faith. And his faith took him up a roofless horizon - and the freedom outstretched beyond it.



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