Cross Effects > Areas


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But then, as he ran along it, something terrible happened.

The shadow expanded, bulging out grotesquely like a balloon, and exploded. The explosion shook the arena, even being felt by the spectators in the stands...

Could he have survived?


Marc raced along the shade, shining like a red star. If he noticed the shadow expanding, he didn't pay mind to it. He didn't have the time or luxury to... and perhaps that was his mistake. If he did, would things have turned out differently? No, he must have noticed it at the end too, the way the shadow distorted and ballooned. Whatever the result was, it was obscured with a brilliant flash of light.

Whatever the result was, it was only visible when the light and dust cleared, revealing it to the shock of everyone watching. A crater of molten rock, the whole area like the impact of a terrifying explosive - like it got carpet bombed in that very center.

And in said center, Marc's body laid face-first, utterly still and lifeless surrounded in a pool of his own blood. Whatever red light he had must've been washed away by the explosion too, leaving only a chilling body behind.


"Hey, hey... what the fuck man..." For fuck's sake, for all their talk about professionalism, even a pro'd have to be ready for shit like this eh? Bah! If I were there, I wouldn't have given the bitch my time, sayonara jackasses! Even the boisterous brute was visibly shaken by the upset, sweating with a nervous violent smile while Terashi shook behind his mask, his skin pale and blue all of a sudden.

Only Vega smiled.


"My, my." He put his hand to his mouth like a graceful nobleman, and shook his head in quaint amusement. "It seems I did well to come this way. For a sportsman's match, this was quite the sight." His eyes suddenly sharpened like a viper's as he gazed at the woman below.

"She has promise, that one."


Does he even... The giant clenched his fist, and was one foot over the stand's fence - ready to jump down that very moment. However, an unassailable pressure suddenly stopped him in his tracks.

Lolong moved.

Lolong Donaire

"Enough." Lolong didn't so much as get up from his chair. He only raised his hand. However, this stopped Terashi in his tracks in that very moment. For none dared to oppose The Demon King of Purgatory.

"That woman is an anomaly, but this match wasn't officially bound by our rules. We can't act recklessly. Remember Terashi, when we act, we do it under Purgatory's name - not our own."

And yet, his glare on the arena downwards was anything but oppressive.



"Wait. That's illegal." Luthien was dumbfounded—he wasn't supposed to have died, after all, right? He was stronger than that, there was just no way!

The young woman walked over slowly, before creating a stick with a shadow and poking him. Her ears were drooping with sadness and confusion, leaving her lost for words or a reaction beyond mute disbelief.


*poke* *poke*

The stick poked at the body, budging it slightly. But it felt stiff, the sort of stiffness you'd expect a corpse. But that by itself wasn't the shocking bit. No, it's the fact the corpse moved, as fast as a red bullet - dashing back up with a ketchup packet on his hand and a big grin on his mug.


Pumping back all he had with swift instantaneity, he placed his bet on the following uppercut. It's do or die! Her guard was down and the shadow beast gone. He placed this gambit on one thing and one thing only - his experience and the green way she carried herself.

Please fucking work.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on June 16, 2021, 12:38:26 AM ---Marc

*poke* *poke*

The stick poked at the body, budging it slightly. But it felt stiff, the sort of stiffness you'd expect a corpse. But that by itself wasn't the shocking bit. No, it's the fact the corpse moved, as fast as a red bullet - dashing back up with a ketchup packet on his hand and a big grin on his mug.


Pumping back all he had with swift instantaneity, he placed his bet on the following uppercut. It's do or die! Her guard was down and the shadow beast gone. He placed this gambit on one thing and one thing only - his experience and the green way she carried herself.

Please fucking work.

--- End quote ---


She reacted by pure instinct ingrained into her body by powers beyond her own. It was not Luthien who reacted, but the decades old experienced fighter who dwelt within her subconscious. She stepped forward and to the side with a gentle step that left room for no failure. And she looked as surprised and shocked as he was through tear-filled eyes as her fist came hurtling down onto the back of his neck.


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