Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 93899 times)


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"As vague as ever I see," Vanguard responded, allowing himself a bitter smile. "Such an attitude makes mistrust hardly unwarranted. Still, if you are so curious, why don't you simply read that soul? I've already imprinted my own memories into it, or at least, the least redundant ones."


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Henry Barthow

Henry adjusted his rear mirror away from the latest group of normal people to walk down the sidewalk, focusing back on the reports that sat on his lap. Sitting in his car, parked on the side of the road going through a quaint and seemingly quiet residential neighborhood, bearing a focused and somewhat weary look, he was the very picture of the gruff cop.

A skeptical investigator focused on the idyllic surroundings that were almost too good to be true in a place like the Nexus, which recent experience had taught him always concealed some manner of oddity or iconic bizarreness. It was, in fact, the near-certainty that this tranquil face hid something like that which had brought the man here, away from paperwork and rubber stamping of cases that had other officers getting upset at in his stead.

It was an advantage of his position that he had a voice and eyes where it concerned things that were of particular interest to the thing underneath his own face. Since finding a place in the force and going through his share there he'd been trying to get cases on cults and undetermined rituals more organized, and the inquiries he'd submitted had finally returned something.

An increasing number of incident reports of mostly harmless but offputting instances that he'd managed to narrow down to this general vicinity now that he had caught a break from the current big concerns of the police force. It was a familiar thing to the demon wearing the mask of the detective. Idiosyncrasies that had no place being there, apparitions that seemed to point in particular directions, objects no one remembered composing unusual symbols, incomprehensible felonies followed by traces of absurd property damage, and worse. Signs forming invisible patterns.

On the way to getting here he thought he'd heard a familiar grinding of gears under his feet, though the sound of his car disturbed his awareness. And now here he was, and the Unchained had found the air thick with mystical waste such that he could fill his tank and have enough to spare.

It was that disconcertingly reality which had Henry reviewing his data and looking for cues he had missed, loitering in proper reflection while his true mind debated with itself on whether this was what he feared or what he expected, in turmoil over how to approach it past his original mission.

Until he felt the hidden channels of physical laws practically whistle like a factory engine at an overheat, with the distinct sensation of a key being forced, and Henry pulled himself off the vehicle and slammed the door shut.

His face stiffer than a moment earlier but otherwise unchanged, the cop walked with some uncertain purpose, as he searched for a proper avenue to engage the residents or interrogate the area about the telling disturbances.

The gears under his feet were telling. He took just under a minute to wander like someone uncertain of where to begin before honing in on the likely source, going up the steps of the front door. Knocking curtly, politely relaxing his frown as he pulled his insignia from his jacket.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 04:07:14 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Relius Clover

Relius simply smlied at the man's comment, as if he already knew and was amused by the act.  "It is certainly a nice gesture, far better than what I am used too.  But alas, I shall examine it once I return to the lab.  I did not come here without reason however."  His smile faded, inverting into a serious frown. 

"Did William pay you a visit as well?" he asked, his tone dropping along with the pleasantries of before.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 03:58:22 AM by yinsukin »


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The warrior shook his head. "I'm afraid no. Could it be I am that forgettable?" He asked the scientist sarcastically. "Either way, I wonder, just what have you been plotting behind my back?"
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 03:57:34 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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"We're going to the Hedge." Mordred announced to Oren after they parted with Breeze and Sakura for a reason. She was looking for something to surprise both with. Sakura started looking positively bored after all with that mundane shopping. "I don't mind bringing you along, but you should know what you're signing for. But first, I should figure out where a gate is. Have you heard before about that park where there was a huge explosion? I think that's one of the places."

"Ohhh. Okay! That should be fun. Follow the path, but only if it's were you need to go and not where you want to go, right?" Hopping next to the blonde with a song in her step. A subtle rhythm as lovely as any song.


Hmm. There was that ever present fat bump that reminded Liseth that Sakura was pregnant. Ugh. Babies. Disgusting, and loud, and you had to actually give birth to them and that was disgusting please no just ugh. She was never going to have a baby.

But onto other things! "Yeah, yeah. Just gimme a sec. And you don't need to do that! Even if that place is so huge it has its own horizon..." she grumbled a little before suddenly stopping. Someone was one her doorstep! She could feel it, kinda how like you could feel a single strand of spiderweb on you. Except she could pinpoint the exact location! Then there was knocking.

"Huh. I wonder who that could be. I don't think I ordered anything..." Probably. She made weird decisions late at night. "I'll go check."

So Liseth pulled herself out of that hold and made her way to the door. And, as her dad always told her, she made sure to look through the little peep hole thing she couldn't name to take a good look at who was on the other side.

"Sakura, I don't know who this is. Can you like get bugs ready to eat his eyeballs if he's a crazy?" She tossed that out there with a little subtlety before opening the door a bit. "Hello?"
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:25:03 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Only as eager as one can be when faced with an opportunity like this." The maid said and followed Liam around the corner to the building housing the very dubious liquor store. Not feeling like there would be much point in observing it from the outside she went in, the most violent way she could, by kicking the door off of it's hinges sending it crashing into the room. Unseen by the common eye was the whispy whiteish aura covering her outstretched foot. She lovered it and stepped in through the ruined doorway.

"Ohhh.. what a really nice place you have here~" Her sweet voice did not match the threatening demeaner she excuded, it was a sickening contrast, perverting the very nature of her being.

Some Poor Fuck

Bill had been minding his own business, bemoaning the fact he had the night shift at some shitty liquor store in a shitty part of town. He'd only had the job for a week, and already regretted taking it. The hours sucked, it was super dangerous to be out this late, and the pay sucked ass to boot.

"Fucking when did I sin hard enough to deserve this lot in life?" He wondered aloud, spitting onto the floor, as much disgusted with himself as he was with his occupation. Sure he'd drunk some and gotten into fights occasionally, but he didn't think he deserved anything like this. He could barely even afford to pay his fucking rent.

Suddenly, as he was about to ask aloud how this could get worse, life seemed to preemptively kick him in the balls, or rather, to kick down the door.

An extremely short girl in a maid outfit and with a shitty cat ears headband burst the door straight off its hinges and sauntered in, saying something seductively to him that he didn't catch.

He was too busy grabbing the assault rifle from behind the counter and pissing his pants.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Not even minding her orgasming state, the mage kept up his thrusting through it all, displaying the proof of his far geater stamina in this field. That however did not mean it didn't feel amazing, the desperate squeeezing of her pussy was doing it's work to bring him closer to his own end.

He then slowed down, almost coming to a halt. It took more willpower to do so than he had anticipated, had his lust for her already grown so great? "I guess that's 1 to 0 for me" He teased her.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Shirou smiled as the girl gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

Aww, she's such a sweet girl, he thought.

Truthfully, he wasn't entirely convinced she didn't want more, but he wasn't going to push it on her against her will. Instead, he just continued to smile as he spoke.

"OK, well, just tell us if you feel hungry, we don't mind getting more", he said.

Then, Sakura spoke.

"So, what do you do?" she said. "Are you still at school?"

The girl looked young, but Sakura knew that appearances could be decieving, so she thought it was best to ask.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 06:47:55 PM by Cherry Lover »


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"Probably," the redhead said, pulling out her phone to check the appointment time and nodding affirmatively, "Yeah, I'm up first, looks like."

Slipping the phone into her pocket, Emily went along with the brunette, arriving at the apartment before long, just in time for her appointment.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Cherry Lover

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"Yes, I have, but it was not in this world", she said with a polite smile.

"As far as I am aware, this world has no Grail, so a war cannot happen. Certainly neither I nor my master have sensed anything like it", she added.


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia had to admit, Noel was quite different than the usual enemies she had encountered. Most of them were mindless creatures who attacked on instinct; Noel's actions were deliberate and calculating, as evident by the multiple explosions around her. The force was strong enough to tip her off the edge, but Antonia managed to hang onto the ledge and propel herself back up again.

It seemed like firepower was her main weapon, from what she observed. Explosions can only be used so close before they turned into a hazard for the caster, and guns were also so useful at a distance. Antonia needed to close the gap between them and so, using the ensuing smoke from the explosions, she dashed through them, and pounced on Noel.


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Well, that was a touch more direct an approach than Liam would have gone with. Guess he couldn't have everything his way when he let the help lead the way. It was stuff like this that made him do his jobs direct, or made him just tell people to do things his way. As it was all he did was catch the man's eye when he walked in with Molly and commanded the man behind the counter to, "Put the gun down."

He would obey.


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The blonde vampire laughed at his amusing struggle to get the water out. This sort of thing never ceased to be amusing. He appeared to still be disoriented judging by the question he then posed and she intended to draw full advantage of that. "You went into a maddening rage and tried to have your way with poor little me....." She tried to be as convincing as she could.

"... But in actuality, you got destroyed by an ancient warrior And I stepped in before you found yourself in pieces on the ground."


"Wait, what?!" Why would he try to do that with Shinobu when he went into a rage? He never settled for anything less than killing and eating people when he got that way. It hadn't... well okay, no, Ron couldn't say for sure that he'd never gone that extra step there. He couldn't remember much when he lost it. So it was entirely possible and that would have sucked because then he couldn't remember any of it-


That was a joke?

Right. He knew that. His face was definitely just red and warm from the choking, not how he felt like crawling into a hole. "Ugh. You witch." The werewolf covered his face and shook his head to clear it of the images she'd just given him. The delicious images. Focus, Ron. Focus on what else happened. "So I got my ass kicked, and then... something."

He started looking around the hot spring. His mind didn't want to acknowledge something. "Wait, where's Anne?"


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The hulking brute of a man allowed his eyes to bulge in apparent disbelief for but a moment, before rearing back to howl in amusement. "You, hurt ME? Hah! A little girl like you cannot hurt... THE MONARCH!" The very motion of his limbs caused his musculature to flex and bulge in an intimidating fashion. "Now, hold still!"

He moved to grasp Neptune's relatively minuscule body with a surprising amount of speed, his strength and stature not quite inhibiting his capacity for flexible motion the way it should.

And from the crowd, Gadreel prepared to step forward the moment it appeared the man's probable strength would be too much for the youthful-seeming goddess.


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The warrior shook his head. "I'm afraid no. Could it be I am that forgettable?" He asked the scientist sarcastically. "Either way, I wonder, just what have you been plotting behind my back?"

"I know we have been working together for a while, but surely you must know me by now," he objected, raising his arms in a sarcastic display of surrender.  "I only plot against those whose path obstruct my own.  If anything, I worry about these "excursions" you embark on in between assignments."

The puppeteer walked towards the direction that the blond shot towards, estimating the possible trajectory.  If he had taken a look at her soul, he might have been able to take an educated guess where she had gone.  However, right now, he had far too little data.