Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96380 times)


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Joe immediate covered his mouth to hold back laughter.  "Pfft.  Ok ok.  I can do it."

Following her embarrassed instructions, he took both phones from her and entered her data in his.  THe second he hit the done icon, a rush overcame him.  Holy crap! I got her number!

"Thanks," he said simply as he returned her phone to her hand.


Marcus frowned and said, "Well shit. Too bad I can't steal that.  I wouldn't have to take showers."  There was a pause as he looked into her eyes for a moment.  Then he continued.  "So then, when do I start?"


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Auspicious Breeze

"... ohhhh." Breeze nodded firmly as she took that bit in. That explained some things! Well, not really, but it was still pretty interesting. "Is it full of monsters and stuff too? There are places like that back home and it'd fit right in if it had monsters!" Some of them were really pretty too like Oren, but her mistress told her they were bad. She would have to respectfully disagree with her mistress on this one!

Then she thought of a thing. "Wait, does that mean you've never been to a beach before?"


"What's a beach?" The purple haired girl asked inquisitively. It was unclear if she was being serious or not.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 03:29:20 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She wasn't wrong. He did know. Ron just didn't want to acknowledge it right now. He didn't want to break down, didn't want to show that weakness in front of Shinobu of all people. Still, she had a point. His eyes followed her movements, his instincts torn between appreciation and wariness as previous experiences gave him great cause for both. His words caught in his throat, and his teeth grit inside his mouth.

"... I'd be an idiot not to be afraid." The werewolf swallowed, but refused to pull away. "But if I gave up just because I'm afraid then I might as well be dead already. I was born in this damned city. I've been afraid my entire life. Becoming this was supposed to mean I didn't have to be afraid anymore."

Not that he'd chosen this, it'd just happened. But for a while he'd convinced himself he was more dangerous than he actually was. And then he lost someone else again. His body trembled, whether in pain or in rage he wasn't sure.

"That I wouldn't have to just accept that, hey, the world is full of monsters and they're going to kill people you know and there's nothing you can fucking do it about it!" He glared right back into those golden eyes. "So no, that didn't work out and I'm terrified. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up."


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Rin smiled as she took her phone back and slid it in her pocket.

"Thank you.  So, we meet tomorrow?" Rin asked with a smile.


"I still take showers," Forest said with a smile, "I mean, stuff still gets spilled on me and stuff from the environment gets on my hair and skin.  I'm pretty sure copying my powers doesn't mean you can stop pooping."


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"Yeah," Joe responded, mirroring her smile.

He took Rin by the hand and guided her to the door.  Then, he placed a small peck on her cheek.  "Stay safe."


Marcus shrugged and said, "Yeah unfortunately.  What other abilities have you been hiding?"


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Rin smiled at him and said, "I always try to.  Good night."

Then found herself blushing again when he kissed her cheek.


"I can do ballet, parkour, and play the violin," Forest said with a grin, "And drive really well."


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"Night," Joe said with a smile.  Man, that blush is really cute, he thought as he opened the door for her.


Marcus gave Forest a playful shove.  "I meant something I can copy!" he exclaimed, giving her a look.  "Besides, I can drive pretty good already."


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Rin gave him one last smile and a wave before heading into the night and back home.


"Well you learned the hard way not to copy my telepathy," Forest replied before shoving him back.  "And I've been driving longer than you've been living.  Bloody hell I've become a complete cradle robber."


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"Oh yeah?  Want to test that?" he asked, his voice displaying visible excitement for the idea.


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Forest grinned and said, "Maybe.  Somewhere away from the city.  Speaking of which, I need to call a tow truck and get new tires.  And you need to report that fannybawbag to the cops."


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Marcus's smile faded.  "Oh yeah, I kept watch over your car," he said, pointing at the edge of the parking lot.  "Well, I can run down to the station, or you can let me use your cellphone.  I don't care which."

Then, he looked at some of the nearby cars and said,  "Or we could steal someone else's.  Depends on what your ok with I guess."
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 05:28:22 AM by yinsukin »


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"We're not stealing anyone's car.  I'll call the tow truck and then we can walk to the station.  It's not that far, and we should be okay if we don't get distracted," Forest said before biting her lip and looking away.


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Marcus shrugged and said, "Meh, being a bad guy was more fun.  We should get you your car though.  I wouldn't want someone else getting a similar idea.  You seemed to really like that thing."

He nested his hands behind his head, elbows to the sky and started walking.  "That reminds me, are you a virgin too or not?" he asked, his head facing forward but his pupils in the corner of his eye, locked on her.


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"I wouldn't know.  I've never been a bad guy.  My morality doesn't point in that direction, much to the chagrin of family and friends back home," Forest said with a sigh as they started walking together.

At his question she blinked and said, "Technically no.  Physically yes.  Regeneration does have its downsides as well."


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Ha! So I get to pop her cherry everytime...  But that means with all that time.. ugh, no wonder she was so smug about it.

Marcus chuckled and said,  "So what?  They wanted you to be a killer vampire, like the legends?"