Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 32923 times)


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"Pleasure to meet you," Emily said, putting the man reminiscent of an Autumn Courtier out of her mind for the moment, "But yes, I'm afraid that my business with you is confidential."

With that, the redhead withdrew the file from the bag she'd carried it in, though she didn't open it yet, waiting for her newest friend to give them some space before she opened it up. Consent forms and other such paperwork were honestly a formality at this point, but the explanations they entailed were never fun.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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It was more of courtesy, really. Whether she wanted it or not, she would probably hear snippets of their conversation thanks to her acute sense of hearing. The werewolf 'retreated' and waited behind the closed doors for Emily to conclude her business.


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She was only chastising her a bit and this was the result? Brutae had to question her master's mental fortitude after that display, it didn't look too good. Bullying her wouldn't feel too good right now.

The blonde servant then sat down on top of her downed master, the hard bulge pressing into her once more. "Stop being so hard on yourself Master, I only wanted you to stop humping me like a dog." Needless to say this couldn't be too comfortable for Grigori at the bottom, serves her right for bringing her poor master to this state. The thought brought a gleeful smile to her face though.

"If you wish to pursue me you should be more direct as befitting of your status."


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The impact was simply out of this world, it was like being hit by a raging elephant. Any sane man would rather dodge and get out of the way of such a blow rather than meet it head on. Of course, he played his part diligently and was pummeled away into the wall, giving her the window of opportunity to escape.

His skeletal hand traveled to his  struck chest weakly. His ribs were cracked, and he realized that the damage was more than the impact let on. It was as if he had been filled with energy, some sort of anathema. The poisonous force wasn't enough to kill him, or rather, it wasn't the right kind, but it still put him in a weakened daze as he had to recollect himself.

"Hehehe. Ow... I felt that." He laughed it off, completely satisfied by this result. He walked out of the burning rubble and dispelled all the flames in the area, extinguishing the waves of heat instantly. With that, he left the floor and jumped out of the window acrobatically before landing right behind Mason.

Everything had gone exactly as predicted, there was little to be surprised about. In the end, he couldn't win. Well, he did manage to get some enjoyment out of this, so it wasn't a total loss. More than that, he was closer to realizing his wish than before.

"Well done Mason. Mission accomplished." He grinned from ear to ear before giving the kid a good ol pat on the back. If he was in sub-optimal shape he didn't look like it.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 06:39:00 PM by francobull3 »


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This defiance was intruiging and very refreshing, it only made her want him more, more. She wanted it all, consume him completely until not one drop of him remained, yes, that was what she truly wanted right now. If only he could turn that anger on a much more desirable target, a target like her. Then it would all fall into place bit by bit.

"But you have a monster right here in front of you. Do you not think I am responsible for her demise? Do you not despise me for leading you there?" She tightened her grip on him as the questions assailed him like the fangs of a predator. Their faces were almost touching each other right now, the blonde vampire encroaching on his space with every passing breath.

"I am the horrible monster that tore apart your life. Do you not wish to kill me right now and avenge her?" The final question struck like the sharp end of a blade.

Cherry Lover

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A thoughtful look came over Rider's face at his question. She pondered for a moment, considering if she had any real goal for her life. Ultimately, though, other than protecting Sakura's happiness, she didn't really have any goal. She just wanted to live her life.

"I don't really have a goal, aside from protecting my master, of course", she replied. "I am just taking advantage of the chance that I've been given to live another life. I am happy with my master and her family, I see no reason why I should not enjoy my time with them."


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Marcus sped up, walking in front of Forest.  Now walking backwards, he leaned in and flashed her a grin.  "Sounds fun," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.  "Lets do it."


Mason stood at the edge of the barrier, looking down at the loose pile of sleeping bodies.  After dusting his hands of in a gesture of victory, he looked to the building, only to see a familiar figure gracefully spinning towards his position. 

"You... killed her?" he asked, looking at the pirate with an open mouth.  She looked really strong.  He could't believe he killed her so easily.  "Was it too hard to capture her?"

That would explain why she killed her. There was no reason to risk his own life just to please the boss.


To occupy time by erasing the sinful creatures known as vampires.  To protect your master and her family.  There was no war, so there was no reason to fight.  But he also had no reason to protect his master's way of life.  While she seems like a nice mage, he simply did not love her in the same way that this servant loves her master.  The way Anastasia casually brought up the creatures suggests that they are not an enormous threat, or at least, she could handle them without his assistance.

"I see," he said, nodding.  "So you never had goals of your own to give up to start with.  You only seek a simple life with your master."

The priest turned to his master, frowning as his gaze enveloped her form.  With a deep low tone he said,  "Master, I believe coming here has been a mistake.  There is no place in this world for a heroic spirit that has not fought in the grail war.  I must ask that you release me from the contract.  I do not wish to be a nuisance to you."
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 11:10:58 PM by yinsukin »


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The girl fell silent all of a sudden and looked down, turning much gloomer than before. She then proceeded to punch the orange haired man on the shoulder, her white hair covering her entire expression save for her mouth.


She then immediately darted out of the table, running out of the ice-cream shop as fast as she could. School, family, homework. All these things would have been nice, if only it was so simple. People had parents, but she wasn't a person. A weapon didn't need feelings, so why were tears starting to stream down her face?


The orphanage... she didn't want to come back there. Never again. They tried to put something in her food and drag her to the white room again, so she ran away. Playing with that man out of a selfish whim would just hurt everyone.

She'd never have a family.


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While she had the mannerisms of a mad dog, Costin was far from an idiot. Honed from countless battles, her intuition was the sharpest thing in the world. She noticed the faintest of lights flashing behind her, and her instincts had her react immediately. Red flashed in her eyes and she spun in the blink of an eye, and a dozen streaks of red darted in the air like blurring spears of death. Her throw was sloppy due to being reflexive, but it didn't make the bloody knives less effective, and among the targets she also aimed for the telephone held  by the blonde's hand.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 01:15:28 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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It wasn't long before the blood god took his own bottle and popped off the cap. And promptly spat out the drink. "Ugh. Bleh." He made a face and stuck his tongue out. "They call it an acquired taste. But I don't know why you'd want to acquire bad taste."

He stuffed a hand back into the corpse and ripped out a liver. Then he squeezed and lapped up the blood and fluids. "And not really. If I can find some food I try to eat there. It spoils fast."


Her eyes quickly looked over the documents. "So you're the representative from Cheiron then? I'll admit that I was expecting someone a bit older, but this is a rather pleasant surprise. They already informed you of what needs to be done, yes?"


That was a lot of papers. And a lot of stuff she didn't really care about. It wasn't hurting anyone, was it? Who cared if some people did weird things and uncanny coincidences happen? "Nope. Can't say I know much about that."

She went over to her empty fridge and opened it up, reality shifting to reveal a Snapple bottle. Peach. No diet. And she started sipping from it.


Ooph! Heavy! Grigori let out a rather uncomfortable sound before thumping the ground with her hand. A barrier formed tight around her body and slowly expanded and shifted shape to lift the two other women and leave them on the floor next to her. "Gods, don't do that to me. This body is rather frail."


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Medaka Kurokami

There was no time to think.  Medaka's form became blurry as she preformed a quick side step, placing herself in front of Mitsu.  After pivoting her foot, she unleashed a flurry of calculated kicks, slicing each spear in half.  "Mitsu get back!" she commanded.  "I can handle this!"


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Medaka acted somewhat faster than Mitsuba would, taking into account the time that it took for the Unchained to manifest a partial transformation. In a reflexive response to the beast's attack she manifested those aspects of her true form that increased her agility and mobility. Mitsuba's eyes shone with an otherworldly hue of blue and the arms which were concealed by sleeves of her tracksuit were now covered with red swirling tattooes. Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Sooner or later she would be forced to defend herself.


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"Yes, I am," the redhead said with a nod, her tone just a little bit solemn as she took the offered seat, "And they've been quite thorough in explaining the details of what needs to be done. If you have any questions at this point, I'll be happy to answer them."

There we go, that sounded about right. Just a bit of professionalism mixed with some compassion. Good to provide something solid to hold onto if the need arises. Emily knew that there were things about this kind of situation that she'd never fully understand. Really knowing what was going through this woman's head with what the doctor now showed her was likely something that only a mother could truly understand, and the chances of that were slim to none for the changeling. Even so, she could understand the other woman's plight to a degree in terms of concern for someone she cared for, though it was a poor comparison at best.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Wow~ Live long enough and good things come to you, huh sis?"

Commenting with no apparent sense of danger, the boy sat on Costin's shoulder like a spectator in a theather.

However, he had not just been watching, and to the surprise of the girls, another of the red flashes had not been destroyed by Medaka's kicks.

In fact, it had not been hit at all. Nimbly, a small, black-haired doll clothed in vermillion dodged the bombardment of kicks and spun rapidly, torpedoeing herself into Medaka's stomach, trailing behind her a short piece of string formerly attached to one of the spears.


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"Nuisance? I can't say I have been really bothered by anything that have happened since you arrived." Honestly she had experienced people behaving more reckless around her than Ruler behaved. And his assault on this woman had some justification, she guessed. She was the one who brought him here as well. "And you'll disappear if we break up this 'contract'. See, I'm not master of your destiny, but do you really want to vanish? You don't need to serve me, in fact if we met somehow when you was alive, I guess sooner I'd have to defer to you. I'm not even inconvencied by sustaining you as long as I'm not cut off completely from the leyline."