Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 145506 times)


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"Boys." The demon rebuffed the vampire without skipping a beat. There was no hesitation in her statement. However, she frowned as that crazy bloodsucker just started stripping herself. Was this karma that she had to end up with crazy people?


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Medaka frowned, with a face that was clearly disappointed by her answer.  She took off her shirt, causing her breasts to bounce as they enjoyed their new freedom.  "Oh I see," she said, suddenly standing up and walking towards her room, which was the 2nd door in the entrance hallway.  As she reached for the door knob, she turned her head towards the couch where Mitsu was.  "So then, how long have you been here?  For me, its been a few months."


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"Few hours, I think." She lied. Short term stay in the city would explain her seeming ignorance of things pretty well. "Did you arrive to this place together with your roommate, then?"


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She was awfully calm for a girl who just got here.  Either way, it didnt matter to Medaka.  She flung the door open and moved to her closet, rummaging through her clothes looking for her pjs.  "No, I ran into her a few days after I arrived," she said in a voice loud enough to hear from her room.  The door was open and the walls were thin, so it wasn't that loud.  "However, I am glad I ran into you when I did.  I went through a lot before I met Shinobu.  If everything goes well, you won't have to go through the same things I did."


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Huh, probably whatever she experienced was the reason why she got turned by that Shinobu vampire. So far, Medaka seemed to somewhat trust her, was it partly because of her guilt over the feeding? Or maybe not, she seemed to be quite naive and idealistic. Maybe whatever suffering she went through stemmed from that seemingly incorrigible attitude of hers. "Huh, do you plan to be my bodyguard, then. I'm afraid I cannot do much in return."

Well, she could produce money out of empty pockets to some extent, but of course she wouldn't expose herself like that.

Umbra of Chaos

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The mage blinked in surprise. "You eat food?" That sounded outdated. And inefficient. Grigori rarely ever ate anymore. Food was simply the means by which the body could gain the energy and nutrients needed for survival. Magic could handle that easily.

"And, well, a study would be beneficial. Perhaps along with some general clean up. I am no maintenance worker but messes are common enough in my line of work that not knowing such a thing would be wasteful."


"Well," he hefted his blade onto his shoulder as the extra ice fell off, "that went as well as I expect that it could have."

Then he marched over to where the girl had fallen over and was petting her beloved pokemon. He held out a hand in a gentlemanly manner. "That was excellent work, Oka. Your timing was impeccable and your command over your pokemon was an impressive sight to behold."

He shifted to look at the bug she was petting. "And you, Sir Wormy! Your attacks were magnificent. The creature couldn't manage a single sweep with your fiery power out our backs. I am honored to have fought alongside you."


Oh! They had found one of Noire's friends! And Uncle Gadreel! The blue eyed girl stepped forward and wrapped a friendly arm around Noire and waved. "Hi! Nah, Noire didn't bribe me with games. We were just hanging out and she suggested this gaming stuff!."

Then she pointed a finger at the tall redheaded angel. "But I see you're in the company of my pervert uncle! Haven't you learned from the first time you took advantage of a poor young girl, Gaddy? They wrote an entire book about you being a seducer and sinner for that.


"You bet I will! But first you gotta take off the rest of your clothes." Oren had already slipped out of hers rather gracefully. She would make sure to put it on after though! Sakura seemed pretty serious about the whole clothes business.


  • Moon Cancer
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"Oh, you need it?" The monk searched around for the salt and passed a container that included it to the oni.

"Hey, don't just sit in the corner like that. You got to learn, you know. If you apply yourself, your cooking will get better with enough instruction and observation." Well, he only could get better, it's not like his cooking could get worse.


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"Well, yeah, of course, don't you?" Olga raised an eyebrow at Grigori. "Food's awesome! I love eating super tasty gourmet food."

"And well, Rick seems to be cleaning up the place, so that base is covered." Olga said with a shrug, dismissing the bed as fast as she'd created it. She sat back down and took out the stick, studying the intricate designs and craftsmanship on it.

"This is truly groundbreaking stuff to me, though. I have a feeling we could learn a lot from each other, don't you?" The magus asked, gently taking hold of one of Grigori's hands as she did so.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 01:43:09 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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"I won't be your body guard.  At least, not until you are able to navigate this city on your own.  But, I must insist that if you are staying here, you allow me to help you."

It would be nice if she could feed from her too, but that was probably too much to ask.  After all, her own conditions might be seen as somewhat suffocating.  Even if she said no, Medaka would find a way to help her.  She couldn't stand leaving her alone in this city.


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As the waiter came in and asked for their orders, Adjutor looked over the waiter quickly, curious if he was in on whatever the man behind the bar seemed to be nervous about. Still, there was no harm in being cautious.

"Two mushroom swiss burgers," Adjutor said, putting down her menu and giving Gojira a pointed look as if to say 'Trust me on this', "And a refill of water."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She was right, he couldn't let this defeat him. He looked up as if a ray of hope suddenly struck his cloud of anguish and smiled before getting up and saluting like a soldier. "Yessir!  What will you have me do!?"


  • Moon Cancer
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She thought she was spent enough time on the couch just staring into the ceiling. Even with blood loss she should have recovered somewhat by now. She knew her body better than most humans, after all.

"Oh, right, do you even keep food here? After all, you don't need to eat anything but blood, right?" The data she had on vampires was that some of them just ate a bit of food in the public to keep up appearances of mortality, but solely subsisted on blood.


  • Moon Cancer
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Medaka Kurokami

At last, she found the outfit she wanted, a fitting cat onesie with the chest cut out to show her cleavage.  It was black, complete with a tail and paws.  She walked out to the kitchen and pawed at Mitsu's back.  "Of course we have food," she said.  For some reason, her tail waved back and forth as she talked.  "We both like to eat!  Help yourself.  Alternatively, I can cook something if you require more extravagant food."   


  • Moon Cancer
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Wow, that was definitely new. Those two must have been some aberration or some different type of vampire altogether, then. "Is there even more than the movies were wrong about?"

Of course, there was something other eccentric about her. Who would wear that sort of get up?


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"Hmm... Well, we don't have to kill anyone," she said, placing her paw on her cheek.  Her tail stood up as she thought.  Then, after a few seconds it began swaying side to side again.  "You know, you seem to be very passionate about vampires.  May I ask why?"