Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96817 times)


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"You're doing great." His hand brushed through her white hair, massaging her scalp as he continued speaking. "But I didn't quite get that. You should speak out louder if you want me to understand."

He was getting quite close now, but he wouldn't allow himself release until he had brought her all the way. "Be a good girl and tell me."


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"You're doing great." His hand brushed through her white hair, massaging her scalp as he continued speaking. "But I didn't quite get that. You should speak out louder if you want me to understand."

He was getting quite close now, but he wouldn't allow himself release until he had brought her all the way. "Be a good girl and tell me."


Noire couldn't hold on any longer, and transformed back into her human form. The raven-haired goddess however, continued sucking all the way through it. "I told you already, listen up this time!" She exclaimed, furiously playing with her clit in front of his face. She was sure he was getting quite the lewd show but didn't care. "I'm only going to say this one m-more time! Use my throat-as- your cocksleeve and come inside of me! Please!" The goddess sounded desperate. And also a bit annoyed. She was ready. She could tell he was ready too, from the way it was throbbing so hard, begging her for release. He just was holding back to tease her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Nah, I let her go." He answered him as casually as ever, like it was no big deal. Its like he had just gone out from a walk in the park, or finished track practice. No biggie.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 07:02:44 PM by francobull3 »


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The priest was silent for a moment, pondering the mages words.  "It is not that I fear disappearing. In fact, I believe I acted rather selfishly when I asked you to become my master.  What I fear is tainting this world with my presence and most importantly, tainting your existence in this world.  It is not simply a matter of your mana, but an issue of fundamentally changing your life."

His head turned to look at the other servant, the purple haired woman.  Love, the greatest phenomenon granted by god's influence, a powerful emotion that anchors us to the world.  A priest's job is to pass on the love of god to the world, to let people know their struggles serve a higher purpose.  A family's job is to circulate love among themselves, easing their pain as they pass through the trials of life.  A servant's job is that of a guardian, protecting his or her master so that they may preserve the love they have built over the years, with the promise of a shared goal.

"Moreover, I will not simply be changing your life, but all those whose lives I touch," he continued, returning his gaze to his master.

It was not that the girl's goal was unworthy of pursuit, but the ends did not justify the means.  Adding to that, there was simply no love between the priest and the mage, only his own selfish desire for survival.  He must atone for the sin of burden and allow heaven to reclaim his soul.

"In my own life, I worked hard for peace.  I do not wish to throw that away with a momentary act of selfishness.  You are a beautiful strong and independent woman.  I cannot imagine you would need me around."

He was the pope, a proud priest of Rome.  His prayers spread to all, but his body moved only for the weak. 

A smile crept onto his face.  Maybe that is why I found him so refreshing.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 07:09:31 PM by yinsukin »


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A few hours later

They'd had a good time out together. They'd had a good meal, and with Jin's dubious permission, Oka had drunk a great deal extremely fast, trying out all sorts of fun drinks. As a result, the girl had gotten extremely drunk very fast. Jin and Wormy had taken the inebriated girl home, with Jin carrying her on his back as she held onto him.

"Ehehehe, I think I drank too much~" She laughed as he paused to open the door. She liked that there were no laws regulating alcohol use. That was fuuuunnnn.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Mason's eyes widened.  He grabbed hold of the skeleton's coat and shouted, "WHY?!  Why would you do that?!"


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The skeleton tilted his head, as if confused by the boy's reaction. "Huh? Ah, that's kinda obvious. Did you seriously not realize until now?"

He brushed the boy's hand to the side and shrugged, speaking dramatically but straight to the point. His tone was harsh, but it was far from unkind. If anything, it was patient, much like a teacher's.

"Think about it for a second. If she died, that would be it, the end of the line. There would be nothing to lose, but we wouldn't gain anything either. Capturing her was ideal, but even then, what good would come from that? Bring a chained bird over to our side? Or do you suggest we should torture her for information? If someone captured you like that, would you not do everything in your power to bring them down, even at the cost of your life? Why, I'd bite my own tongue off and commit suicide on the spot."

His nature was revealed this instant, displaying a fealty as ardent as hell itself. He did not care about orders or the like, his thoughts weren't that of some cur who would blindly follow. Seeing that the current situation would be disadvantageous, he chose his cards to grant his master the greatest advantage. In that sense, his treason was as great as his loyalty was absolute. Though he'd be lying if he didn't admit there was... personal bias involved in this decision.

Ah, this made him quite a liar after all, didn't it?

"You can whip a beast or chain a man, but you can't control someone's heart that way. If you expect results, offer spoils worthy of recompense. Give her an empty victory, so that her doubts and unfulfilled debt may bind us closer than any chain, and bind her to our dear master in turn. That is how you win hearts, do you understand, Mason?"
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 08:11:19 PM by francobull3 »

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He sniffed a bit, taking on a hound's sense of smell as he did so. Sweaty. Not really sweaty, but a bit. "You smell scared, mister! That means you're slow. But that's okay. You're tough, or strong, or have some secret ability. Or all three!"

Astarte winked knowingly.


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Mason frowned.  "You can't just decide whats good for the rest of the gang, especially when the boss never even told us!" he shouted, flailing his arms about.  "We don't even know if she wants to recruit her!"

He paused and looked down.  "I mean I get where you're coming from but...."

Then, he looked back up at the pirate.  "You're going to get in big trouble for this," he finished, his face equally resolute and concerned at the same time.


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"Heh! You're even sharper than I thought! I should have brought some deodorant. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were some superdog." He noted with good humor, not trying to deny the accusations in the slightest. If anything, this was quite welcome, even exciting.

"You wouldn't have made such a mess of these poor lads if you weren't strong yourself. Speed, power, perceptiveness, and with your fixation on taking life from flesh, I can't buy the fact that hitting things is all you can do. You're closer to these no-good leeches than I ever could, why wouldn't a poor man be scared when faced with a freak like yourself?"

His words would seem condescending in another context, but his tone was too casual and friendly for such things to come off as insulting. It was more like a quip you'd reserve to an old friend, one that couldn't help but make him chuckle.

"Well, that's none of my business, but it does raise the question of whether I'm next on the menu or not."


The pirate backed away as if confused. "Eh? But if that was the case, why wouldn't she just deal with her herself? Isn't she supposed to be stronger than me?" He asked him casually before giving him a light tap on the shoulder. "Well, don't worry too much about it. Trouble seems to take a liking to me wherever I go anyways. You did your job excellently, so be proud of yourself." He added in a positive light.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 09:30:12 PM by francobull3 »


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"Uhhhhmmmmm..." Sakura looked kind of uncomfortable with this line of conversation.

"I can't say I have, I grew up in a lab deep inside of a mountain." She said a bit sheepishly. "I never did any of this sort of thing."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Despite the fact that he wanted to scold the mage more, he found himself with a big stupid grin.  "It was no big deal," he said, turning his head away from the servant.  The barrier around the area faded, releasing everyone inside from its effects.  The people would wake up in about 20-40 minutes.

"Well don't worry, im just support, so I wont tell the boss.  Besides, this is my first mission, so I wont be held accountable."

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Shirou and Sakura

Shirou stood there stunned for a moment as the girl ran out of the room, wondering what he'd done to upset her. Sakura, meanwhile, reacted quickly, chasing after her.

"Red, wait!" she shouted as she ran out of the room.

After a few moments of shock, Shirou followed her, concerned for the girl's welfare, calling out to their pet as he did so.

"Moko, follow me!" he said as he ran out of the room.

Seeing that she was clearly upset, the two of them chased after the girl. When they caught her, Sakura could see that she was crying. Hating to see the girl so upset, Sakura reached out to hug her.

"Red, what's wrong?" she said, softly and kindly.

Shirou, meanwhile, had arrived and was watching on with concern, allowing his wife to do her best to comfort the girl. He felt utterly terrible, and the distress was visible on his face.


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Well, Molly certainly weren't the sort who let other folk have the fun now were she? No matter. Liam stood beside her then and smiled congenially. "Well friend, it's like this. I hear talk you've been selling some real hard stuff to some folk you shouldn't be selling to. Real scum of the earth types. Now I know this city ain't got any laws about selling alcoholic beverages to any sort of people, drunk already or not, but the way I see it you still owe the community some..."

He waved a hand about. "Consideration, I 'spose you could call it. Now, if you're willing to listen I don't gotta let the little lady here do nothin' too bad to ya. Probably."


"But your family isn't here, what bargaining value could they possibly have?" The maid with fake cat ears crouched down next to the frightened man. "But you're here all and all ripe for the taking. It's such a shame I can't do anything until Master orders me too."

Molly leaned forward and stuck her tongue out, dragging it across his cheek. "Mhm... the texture is good." She turned her head to Liam and looked up at him. "Can I have him?" The request was simple, but damning none the less.

This Poor Fucking Guy

The man whimpered as the terrifying woman licked him. "Please..." He begged the man. "I'll stop, I'll do anything, I swear! Go talk to my boss, he was the one who told me to do it! I don't care if I lose my job but if you want it to stop go talk to him!" Hah that was some quick thinking, implicate the higher ups. He'd quick and book it to another part of town. Anywhere was better than here.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I didn't say he was taking us there!  I'm saying I could ask him to, but it probably would be very not fun for you," Forest said with a snort.

"Hell, probably not fun for the both of us.  And this person is my Faerie godson."