Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96818 times)


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Marcus snickered before quickly bursting into laughter.  "Are you kidding me?  Godson?  Man you must be older than I thought."  He walked closer, bordering on the line that marked her personal space.  "Now im curious..."


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"First off, I don't think you're ruining my life in slightest. In fact, I have appreciated your company. Most of spirits I've met are less gregarious than you or her." Most tried to eat her, possess her or ignored her. "Secondly, can't you just continue your hard work? I can't say I don't sympathize with you, I was also cast into different world and different time. But I didn't give up. I try to make the best of my situation. If working for peace means stopping those who obstruct it, then perhaps you can count on me. Not as a master, but as an ally."

The mage materialized a blade of ice, gleaming faintly even in the darkness of the night. "I know you are stronger than me, but still, I won't hesitate to use this sword for a good cause. You can count on me."

Even if she was more likely to throw her sword against the opponent, but that wasn't the point. "I don't know your master, but if she really needs help and you need more people on board, I'm also willing to help out." She declared to the other Servant.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 10:12:40 AM by Kat »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well then, that's unnecessary. I was the one who reviewed and chose the procedure after all. I know what it entails." She wasn't impatient or annoyed, simply stating the facts.

"I don't suppose you were supposed to come earlier? He's already asleep, and I don't want to wake him up now. Or risk it. Regardless of how subtle your diagnostic abilities are."


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Well, this was surprising.
Indeed, this was Coppelius' first ever experience of beeing a club.
Smashing into the debris and doing his darndest to keep his arms close, he thought to himself that he would have a higher appreciation for clubs from now on.


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"Home-ruuuuuun!" She cheered gleefully as she bashed her head and sent her flying, much to the cheers of her imaginary spectators. She was like a star right now, proudly hanging her makeshift bat over her shoulder like a world renowned baseball player.

Her all too adorable and proud smile was suddenly interrupted by an explosion. Her entire frame disappeared in a blast of heat and light, and a cloud of fire and smoke replaced her body. Suddenly, the smoke cleared, only to reveal a tattered, bruised but otherwise intact body of a diligent child shielding her, and the vampire holding him right in front of her with the most innocent of smiles.

"Aww, dammit! You got his coat dirty..." She disappeared right as soon as she uttered this words, appearing right above the blonde opponent with her trusty bat brandished in the air. While she had seemed casual, she wouldn't have used something else to block such an attack unless she considered her a threat in some respect. No matter how you looked at it, her battle wits were as sharp as ever.

Now leaping above, she rose with incredible speed with the full intent of crashing down on her foe with a mighty blow. "Guess I'll have to kill you!"
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 07:57:05 PM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider frowned as she listened to the discussion between the master and her reluctant servant. Whilst she could understand his lack of loyalty to the girl he had presumably just met, she couldn't understand his desire to simply disappear, or his objection to existing.

Then, she heard the other girl address her, offering to assist Sakura. It was a nice offer, but she couldn't see how Sakura would need the girl's help, or even what sort of help she was intending to give.

"Thank you for the offer", she replied, "but my master doesn't really need help with anything. She's living her life perfectly happily, and we can protect her without difficulty."

Then, she turned to the servant.

"As for you, why do you wish to simply disappear?" she said. "Surely you have nothing to lose by remaining in this world and assisting this girl."

Umbra of Chaos

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He made a disgusted face. "Bleh. You look too chewy. Instead, you should be my meal ticket! Get me all the good food." Astarte nodded sagely. This was without a doubt an excellent idea.


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The priest found himself wide eyed, somewhat surprised by her sudden outburst of determination.  No it wasn't just that.  She mentioned that she was cast into this world as well.  Clearly there was more to her and this world then meets the eye.  With a gentle step, he slowly approached his master, taking the blade from her.  After tightening his grip around the blade, he slammed the tip of the blade into the ground before him, digging into the rooftop below.

He looked at the purple haired servant, drinking in her words.  This was not the world he thought he was in.  This was somewhere else.  If that was the case, then perhaps god is speaking through these two, giving explicit instructions on his next job.  How foolish of him to misunderstand his messages.

"Very well, I accept your determination," he roared.  A massive gust of wind blew, as if spurred on by the earthy quality of his booming voice.  "I shall find new purpose here and offer you my love and support, both as a priest and a servant."

After finishing his declaration, he turned to the purple haired servant, then back to Anastasia.  As a sign of trust, I shall begin using this telepathic form of communication, he sent to her.  Then, he returned his attention to the servant and said, "Would you like to go for a walk?  I am curious about what the life of a servant is like after a grail war."


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The air seemed to turn colder at the boy's chilling declaration. No sane man would be able to hear something so horrific without feeling the faintest tinge of disgust. But in the face of this voracious madness, Blackmore couldn't contain himself.

At first, it escaped him slightly, breath by breath, not much differently from a balloon that is letting out its air little by little. Once he couldn't keep it in any longer, he laughed, booming louder and louder than ever, his entire body shaking and convulsing like an earthquake with such laughter that he had to hold his sides in order not to explode.

"Hahah...hahahaha....ahahahahahahaahahahahah!! Ah hah aaah! Sorry, sorry! This is just, haah, this is just too much!" His breath was heavy, all tension was completely and utterly shaken by his powerful laughter, but as he steadied his composure, something ins breathing made it clear that he wasn't joking.

His smile grew larger than ever, his curled lips were larged enough to make him seem like a snake, yet such teeth were more like a great beast meant to devour all in its path. In some respects, the two weren't so different.

That aside, his voice was no less humored than before, though it was jarringly calmer than his earlier outburst. Despite everything, he was quite serious about such things, he did not belittle or doubt the child one bit. That aside, there were things he wanted as well.

"And what if I accept? You don't expect me to seriously let you freeload just like that? Or are you asking me to become your faithful slave?"


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Was she really doing this? Was really having a breakdown over something so trivial? it seems her master was one to endlessly pile up stress in some attempt at always appearing perfect. Those people were the ones who cracked when it really mattered. "Stop trying so hard master to be the best and be the best you can be instead." And for that matter, who are these betrayer's?"

She pulled away from Olga's grip and got up, pulling her master up with her. "My master can be very emotional sometimes." She spoke out loud this time so that Grigori could hear. "So where have you two been?"


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"Vampire.  Immortal," Forest said, drawling the word out as she looked at Marcus.  "This isn't my first rodeo.  You seem to be curious a lot.  You know what they said about curiosity and a cat, right?"


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Marcus shrugged and said, "Meow.  At least its better than a cowgirl.  But hey, it means your good at riding right?"

His mind couldn't help but wander off.  How many people do you end up knowing when you are that old anyway?  Would meeting new people get boring.  Honestly, the whole ordeal sounded lonely to him, more so than he already was.


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"Not really.  Horses and the undead really don't get along," Forest said with a grin as she brushed a lock of hair from her face.

Then she heard his thought and sighed. "Meeting new people, who don't go after you with torches, stakes, or what not, is one of the things that keeps immortality interesting.  Who knows what new thing you could learn, or you could gain a new friend or something more."


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Marcus frowned, his eyes becoming snake like slits.  Damn it!  Its not that easy to get used to talking out all my thoughts!  I haven't even processed all of it yet!  However, he quickly recovered, reversing the frown into a grin.

"Hmm... so how many freinds have you made over the years," he said, placing his pointer finger on his chin.  "And how many lovers have you had?"


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Forest chuckled over Marcus's fretting over her telepathic status and his decently quick recovery.

She frowned at his question and answered, "I've had many friends over the years.  I've . . . kind of lost count.  As for lovers? One."