Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97449 times)


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Joe slid his hand under his pillow, tightly grasping at the gun he had hidden under there.  Then, he looked up, only to see strange orbs floating around the room.  They looked scary, but they weren't doing anything right now.  There was a noise, a snake like noise, coupled with the sound of talking.  It forced his head to snap back towards the door.  Either there was some sort of snake monster in his house, or two guys came in with a snake.  Unfortunately, the first one was more likely.  There was no point in calling out to them now, they knew where he was. 

Sweat trickled down his forehead, his heart began pounding.  As he reached for the doorknob, he saw sweet collecting on his forearm.  With a single turn of his wrist and the quick pull of his arm, the door crept open.  And just like that, he saw it, a snake flying at his face at amazing speeds.  "OH FU-"

He tried to aim the gun at the snake, but he was too slow.  The snake would reach its mark, just as he pointed the gun at its face.  The loud crack of a bullet being fired echoed through the apartment building.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 02:49:39 AM by yinsukin »


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"Yeah, you're on point. This principle applies especially for a spirit summoning. Respect is important, but the more powerful spirit, the more it will possibly demand and it will be discontent at the summoner if it is called for something trivial, no matter how polite the summoner is. You seem to be well versed about the topic on hand. Have you interacted with the practicioners of the occult a lot?" The werewolf asked the odd butler who seemed to be vaguely familiar with the magic.


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Like she could sleep when her master was doing something this stupid, why was Sakura doing this? Could it be that she didn't trust her and was doing something she didn't Jeanne to find out about? Or even worse, maybe she didn't trust her to keep her safe at all. She hadn't been fully awake when Sakura had waved at her or else this wouldn't have happened. And by the time she had come to her full senses it was already to late, and her master was long gone.

Assuming spirit form, the blonde woman floated through the walls of the house and out into the night, going in the direction where she could feel her master's presence. So far away, it would take her over a minute to get there. What if something happened? A lot could happen in that time, so it was with urgency that she rushed out.

To her relief Sakura appeared to be fine. She had finally located the place where the pregnant woman had gone to. It was one of the apartments she was renting out. they had a visitor here, a detecitve going by the report and the way he was questioning them. She didn't make any attempt to contact Sakura however, hoping that her silence and the way she was avoiding her sent a clear message.

Still in spirit form, she moved closer to the detective and peaked at the papers he was carrying. The appeared to be genuine os he was probably the real deal and not someone trying to con them. She was however somewhat displeased with Sakura's completely uncooperative attitude with what was seemingly a representative of the law enforcement in this place.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 01:43:11 PM by Thedoctor »


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Like she could sleep when her master was doing something this stupid, why was Sakura doing this? Could it be that she didn't trust her and was doing something she didn't Jeanne to find out about? Or even worse, maybe she didn't trust her to keep her safe at all. She hadn't been fully awake when Sakura had waved at her or else this wouldn't have happened. And by the time she had come to her full senses it was already to late, and her master was long gone.

Assuming spirit form, the blonde woman floated through the walls of the house and out into the night, going in the direction where she could feel her master's presence. So far away, it would take her over a minute to get there. What if something happened? A lot could happen in that time, so it was with urgency that she rushed out.

To her relief Sakura appeared to be fine. She had finally located the place where the pregnant woman had gone to. It was one of the apartments she was renting out. they had a visitor here, a detecitve going by the report and the way he was questioning them. She didn't make any attempt to contact Sakura however, hoping that her silence and the way she was avoiding her sent a clear message.

Still in spirit form, she moved closer to the detective and peaked at the papers he was carrying. The appeared to be genuine os he was probably the real deal and not someone trying to con them. She was however somewhat displeased with Sakura's completely uncooperative attitude with what was seemingly a representative of the law enforcement in this place.

H̷͟͡e̷҉͏͏̧ń̡́͢r̸̡̨͜y̷̷͟͟ ̢͟͟͞͡B̴̧͡a̛҉͠͞r̴̴̀͘͞ţ̴̨͏͟h͜͞ó̵̧́͡ẃ̡̧͟

For a fleeting moment, easy to miss to human eyes, all expression seemed to halt in the detective's face. It was not as if he went pale or he appeared suddenly stricken by something, but rather as if a construct of immesurably fine detail and nearly invisible pieces had come to a complete halt and forgotten to move, even his sweat seeming to freeze on his creased forehead.

Henry suppressed a tired groan, pinching the bridge of his nose before he raised his hands in placating resilience.

"You're certainly right there. But if we're supposed to keep people safe, then we need to look preemptively for what might bring them harm. Does that sound weird to you? Maybe the police should just stick to the letter of their obligations, but -", he cut himself short, looking away before reorienting his gaze between the two women. "I wasn't accusing anyone of wanting to do wrong, though. Just pointing out, when you put things like that, it's strange to not have known about it. You're making it sound weirder, actually."

He tapped his arm with his hand, shifting his weight on the chair to straighten his back before continuing. "I have no proof to my claims. That's what I'm looking for. Because I've seen similar chains of coincidences end in serious things, just as I've seen them disappear without anything to show for it. Back home."

Taking a deep breath, Henry got up, smoothing down his ruffled coat. "You can say you're only getting my word to go on though, and that's not exactly wrong," he scoffed, invoking an earlier argument from his own mouth. "But if it'll avoid victims, it's a precedent worth digging into."

Henry held his papers securely under his arm, looking back with thinly concealed dissatisfaction and a strained lack of frown. "Regardless, if there's nothing else you can tell me, I should take my leave."


She shook her head. "I suppose it's fine if you do the later. But since you're here..." Her presence, soft and open, filled the room. "Some talking should be alright, no? Are you a general practitioner? That's what I would have suspected they sent me but you seem a bit different."


Oh. Uhh. That didn't work out quite like she had wanted it to. She... didn't really know what she wanted to say. No, wait! She could do this. The guy was getting all accusing and stuff towards Sakura too. She would be a bad friend if she didn't help.

"Umm, 'scuse me!" Then she darted off for her room. It took her a bit to calm down, to straighten out all the facts and think about what she wanted to do. Bluh. Having to talk like this in front of a stranger made her feel all kinds of terrible but she's the one who got Sakura into this in the first place.

So she brushed off her clothes, and with a little cheek rubbing walked out. This time in a suit. And she too her seat with a straight back and a firm voice. "Mr. Barthow, I understand that as a member of the police force it is your job to investigate threats to the people of the city and respond accordingly. However, I would ask that you refrain from being accusatory. Ultimately no wrongdoing has been done, and you're very mistaken if you think that this is some contained situation."

Liseth walked over behind a counter to hide her shaking legs. "I've seen strange things in other parts of the city. We all have. But you haven't proven a connection. You've taken a lot of reports and phenomena but there's not even proof that one person is doing this. For all you know it can be many things. And it's far from the only strange set of things to happen in even the tamer sections of this city. And I assure you, if there was something dangerous going on Sakura would be aware of it. A termite couldn't move out of place without her noticing it."

And god she didn't feel half as certain as she sounded. It was only her suit and the weird power she was using that made her seem fine. The entire house surged with a small lake of aether as occult matrices came to fruition. Until the options Liseth had to whatever stressing out were as varied as possible.

Infrastructure sang. A chorus of gears and pistons hidden from all but a select few. Probing and changing, making connections. It was here and all around them. Stirring, like the mechanical heart of a great beast. Beating after an utter lack of stimulation for months.


This was beginning to become annoying. As she slashed the energy apart and the air became filled with the sound of explosions her wonderful Katase managed to dance around her feet. Carving through the ground until a single stomp sent her crashing down into the building.

Now, her target. She knew the other was climbing, could hear the crumbling concrete under golden fingers and could imagine where he would be. All of this considered in the span of a breath. Then she burst towards the location of the monk, slamming through a wall after she had delivered a lightning fast series of cuts to it. Emerging in a plume of dust to bisect the man at the waist, before he could even hope to defend.


Now that was cleanliness! Blackmore could really pick up as job as an overly powerful janitor if he gave up whatever he was planning. But soon they caught a scent! Well, Astarte did. A nice, thick trace of blood in the air. To someone with an animal's nose at any rate.

Soon they made it to a door whose poor doorknob had been torn off. Sloppy, sloppy! "This one must be pretty thirsty," he whispered to Blackmore. "Keep an eye out, they can be pretty sneaky!" There was rummaging. Slithering maybe? Might be more compressed into the shape of a human than actually humanoid.

"Onwards! The person is in that room, so we'll probably meet it there. Then you squish it!" Genius. He pointed towards what looked like a bedroom.

Sakura Matou

Sakura's eyes narrowed at the near instantaneous yet utterly inhuman thing that she had just witnessed taking place.

What that man had done wasn't natural.

Most would have probably ignored it, chalked it up to not getting enough sleep or being hungry, or perhaps even just a trick of the mind, but Sakura was no fool. She wasn't going to be tricked by her brain trying to explain that away, noseerriii. The short purplehead was no fool, and she was on her guard now. She was ready to slice him up into little itty bitty pieces at a moment's notice, consequences be damned. She was proud of Liseth's little show of bravery, but this took priority.

"So—" She began, showing none of her suspicion in her tone when she felt something very familiar coming towards the apartment at very high speeds.

"Huh?" She made a quiet noise as her blond servant came rushing in, looking tired, but more importantly, also looking sad and annoyed at Sakura. She'd relaxed with her servant being right there, no longer feeling ready to pounce at a moment's notice, but now she felt a bubbling feeling of dread. She felt like it was her fault that Jeanne was looking like this. All her fault. Nobody else's. "I'm-I'm sorry." She whispered to her. She wasn't sure why or what she'd done wrong yet, but she nevertheless felt really bad. It was as if she'd completely forgotten about the other two people there.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The priest could feel her concentration.  No, he could see it.  She was making a weird face at him.  Then, he heard it.  No, she sent to him.

Very well, he sent back before leaping off the roof.  He landed on the ground with a thud, causing the ground to crack beneath his feet.  He turned to the purple haired Servant and asked, "If I may, what are your duties now that the war is over?  Or are you simply her guardian now?"

« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 04:28:41 PM by yinsukin »


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The gunshot pierced the tentacle beast, but all it did was split off its dead tendrils without stopping its charge. It hungered for flesh, hungered so much, in the blink of an eye it would reach the poor man and rip him apart. However, the black blur of death suddenly stopped short in its tracks, as if held back by some invisible force.

The monster squirmed and tried to reach through with its many tentacles, but a pink barrier split him from Joe completely, shielding the man like a fortress's wall made of hexagonal energy patterns.

And as soon as it was stopped, there was a sudden boom. A pink blur far larger and more monstrous than anything else appeared, revealing a towering man with the most bloodcurdling of smiles football-tackling the black beast with so much strength he turned into a black puddle. Everything around the impact shattered and was flung away by a great shockwave.

The appartment was ruined save for the man behind the barrier, who was now staring face to face with a crushed beast, a cracked barrier and a giant who was smiling with such glee it looked like he was staring right into the boy's soul.


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She shook her head at how eager the director was getting away. That did nothing but showcase just how embarrassed she was. "When I last saw him, he was in the middle of making a circle of teleportation, at least that's what he told me he was doing." She answered the question with the rapt attention required of her. Even if her master wanted to ignore, she wasn't going to let it go.

"I don't hate you master, but would you mind telling me what got you into that state?"


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The redhead took a moment to mull over Suzuko's question. Even if it wasn't entirely natural, a chance to talk where she didn't feel like she had to keep her guard up couldn't be too bad, could it?

"Honestly, it was the only childhood dream I could remember," the redhead admitted, "Not to mention that it feels good to help people. I can't say I really thought about my other options at the time, it was just something I wanted to do, and I had fun doing it."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Soon as he'd dusted himself off the daze after experiencing beeing a discarded weapon, an immense pressure flooded over Coppelius, such that he struggled even standing up.

Lifting his head, he easily pinpointed the source of the prssure as the bountifully bosomed bluehead.

"....Picture? What is she talking about...."

slowly putting one leg before the other, he tried approaching her.


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Forest smirked at her victory and placed her hands behind her back.  It also helped to keep her skirt down if she made any sudden movements.  A frown marred her triumphant grin for a moment as she realized she still hadn't gotten any underwear.

"Come on, it's this way," she said canting her head as she heard Marcus's little threat.

She sent to him, You know I can hear your thoughts.


Rin blinked as the bodybuilder Sakura look alike who clearly wasn't pregnant sprinted in front of her.

Shrugging, she answered, "Because, well other than the fact that you're not pregnant and more physically fit, you're the spitting image of my younger sister."


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With the topic finally changing, he was able to regain his composure. He pictured rolled eyes in his mind, just so he could make sure she knew.  Then I wont feel bad when I do it, he thought, knowing she would hear him.

A devilish grin crept onto his face.  With a quick step, he darted after her, knocking up the back of her skirt as he caught up with her.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 02:32:18 AM by yinsukin »


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Forest's brow furrowed as she heard and saw Marcus's most recent thoughts.

Only to have him run up and flip her skirt up.

She gasped, managed to keep most of it down and then spun around to smack his arm with the back of her hand.


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Auspicious Breeze

It seemed Breeze wasn't exactly hitting it off well with Sakura. This was pretty weird actually since she usually had much better luck with girls than this! Then again she didn't usually refer to the bad stuff either when she talked to most girls. Maybe that was making her feel uncomfy?

She had known they were being followed the entire time, of course, but didn't think it really mattered. If the person tried to ambush them then this former gladiator could react right away! But now she could see the... oh, another girl! And this one was all sweaty and had some nice legs. Breeze smiled and leaned forward a bit. "Oh, hello! That'd be nice to know. Is everything okay?"


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The back of a hand flew into his face, nearly knocking him to the floor.  Thankfully, the aura was still up, so that didn't happen.  The sight of her plump cheeks was well worth the blow.

Marcus let out a triumphant laugh and said, "Now we are even. Now, how far away is this station?"


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"Your boss, huh? Now who're you sayin' that is? Where do we find him?" That didn't let this fella off the hook exactly, but he'd play at leniency until the coward spilled his guts. "And who's he got working for him besides you?"

He motioned for Molly to let the guy go. And winked.