Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97488 times)


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Antonia San Nicolas

That was an answer she could not tolerate. Noel can pull the trigger for all Antonia cared but as long as the blood of the gods ran through her veins, she could not be defeated that easily. At the same time Noel positioned her pistol to her chest, Antonia positioned her knives to Noel's skin, answering the officer's triumphant statement with a cool smile.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"About a mile and a half," Forest replied as she heard her phone chime.  She lifted it up and found a notification that her car had been toed away and was in the process of being taken to the mechanic's.  Nodding in satisfaction, she put her phone back.

"So, we gotta figure out what we tell the cops.  Hammer our story down tight and make sure there aren't any holes," Forest said eyeing Marcus.


The "Sakura's" friend, the toned blonde that Rin realized was rather adorable, leaned forward and asked,  "Oh, hello! That'd be nice to know. Is everything okay?"

Then the Sakura-Doppleganger (or another version of Sakura from another dimension) asked about well, Sakura.

Rin nodded to the blonde and said, "I think everything's okay.  I just got really curious.  I'm fine though, thank you for asking."

She looked at Alt-Sakura and answered, "Sakura, actually.  Oh, I'm Rin.  Tohsaka Rin, it's nice to meet you."  She held out her hand to the Alt-Sakura with a smile.


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Marcus placed his hands behind his head and let out a small chuckle, covering his mouth with his forearm.  "I don't know, I think our story is pretty good.  We tried to fuck in a changing room and this crazy vampire woman tried to kill us," he said with a grin.  "This crazy woman burst in and tried to get in on the action, but then decided to try to kill us instead.  We plead self defense and its done."

He placed an arm under his chin, as if he were trying to replicate someone deep in thought.  However, his smug grin made it seem more like he was mocking the very gesture. "Though it might be more fun to lie.  Maybe we could use the cops to track her somehow."

Umbra of Chaos

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He tossed the last of the bloody slop into his mouth and retracted the tentacles. "Haaaaaaah." Astarte exhaled slowly as he patted his belly. "I'm good. So who's our friend?" He strolled over to the normal human, getting a good look at him to make sure there was nothing surprising.


How irritating. Admitting that he had a master probably did mean that he had some autonomy, or that he was lying, or that the master was simply lax. It didn't matter too much she supposed. She took his hand.

"And that could be agreeable. Provided that you can prove your skill."


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Joe stood up, carefully observing the tall man and the kid.  It seemed like they were friends.  Probably.  Seeing as his bedroom was already destroyed, he followed them into the living room.

If the kid sent the monster to attack me, why did his tall friend save me?  If they don't want money, maybe they want something else?

In any case, they didn't seem hostile.  Even so, he kept a tight grip on his gun.  Just as he wandered through his own thoughts, the boy walked up to him.  "I'm Joe.  I don't have a lot of money or assets, outside of this house anyway," he said in a strangely calm voice.  They were a little easier to deal with knowing he wasn't going to die.  If they wanted to kill him, he would already be dead.

"Why did you guys break into my house and sick your....snake onto me?" His voice rose in pitch as he said "snake" because he wasn't entirely sure what that thing was.


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Blackmore took a deep,imposing breath and sighed before patronizingly petting the man's head.

"It's not all about you, yknow? My pal here just happened to be hungry, and there just happened to be a monster lying somewhere around here.Saving you was just a bonus really..."

He awkwardly waddled to the kitchen, trying not to bump into anything and looked into the fridge for something to snack on, or a drink, or both really. While doing so, he gave one final comment.

"You might want to get that door fixed in the future, pal."


"Sure sure..." He shrugged before he sat down with his legs crossed. All of a sudden, he pulled something from his coat. Its shine was peculiar and the way he handled it carefully would pique anyone's curiosity. Could this be some sort of mystical object? Or perhaps a relic of sorts.

A fire appeared before the undead skeleton. Was he planning to use that fire to power the object? Or maybe the object was something meant to control that fire more efficiently. The skeleton put the artifact on top of the fire and began to hum a cheerful tune.

And that is when the popping began.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 04:07:20 PM by francobull3 »


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Auspicious Breeze

"That's good." Oh, this was fun now! She looked between the two and... well okay she guessed they could be sisters. Obviously one of them had those fun appearance mutations that just changed stuff like eye and hair color. Those were always pretty cute! "What are the odds of this?"

Then she shook her head, and raised a hand up in greeting. "My name is Auspicious Breeze. Nice to meet you, Rin, Tohsaka Rin!"


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Sakura Matou

Sakura looked despondent. She didn't deserve such impending bullying! She'd been super careful! She'd teleported straight from one super fortified building to another! She'd never stepped foot outside on her own once! And if something dangerous came, she could instantly teleport one of her servants here, or teleport home with Liseth equally fast. Truely, an objective observer would have been unable to find any fault whatsoever with her actions, Jeanne was really being such a big worrywart.

However, she didn't dislike being cared about...

When she stopped and thought about it in that light, it wasn't so bad. Sure the scolding was going to suck but she knew her family really cared about her.

"I really am sorry I made you worry!" She cried out, even more seriously. She was still ignoring the strange policeman. She felt very safe with Ruler around.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

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"No, it's the role of a sister", she said with a soft smile.

"My master is like family to me. I do what she wishes because I want her to be happy", she added. "I do not find her requests unreasonable because they are requests that will make her happy."


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Aww.... And it was just getting good, but if that's what he wanted than she guessed she had no option then to go with it. Why was the world so unfair? She was sooo much fun here.

"B-but he looks so delicious... ok I'll let him go."

With a dissapointed sound the maid pulled herself away from the frightened man and got up, then moved so she was behind Liam.


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The priest took note of Anastasia trailing behind them.  Then, he frowned and said, "If you guys are truly that close, I imagine you must have to deal with some questionable requests, unless she has other means of dealing with them.  What do you do in the cases where you believe it is not in her best interests?"

Doing everything a person asks without question didn't sound healthy for a family member, but he wasn't in a position to judge.  Perhaps it was a residual effect of the dynamic of master and servant from the war.  In any case, his own master dieresis more of a partner like relationship.  Perhaps it was best to abide by her wishes.

Umbra of Chaos

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She looked over the documents quickly, practically scanning them with how intense her gaze was. "I see. But what do you have to offer, truly? I can hire anyone for landscaping. Surely there must be something special about you that would prioritize you over other similar offers."


Huh. Right. Buxom blonde right out of nowhere in her house! Sure. Liseth just needed to refocus! This cop guy was still there after all. "Alright, I'm going to let you go get scolded, Sakura. I can take care of the rest."

She could! Definitely. Probably. "Mr. Barthow, can you please come with me? This is private business I imagine." Liseth moved over towards the door, expecting him to follow.


Ah. So he was an imbecile. Or wasting her time. Well, that's what she would have thought if not for the mass of mana coiled around him. She would give him the benefit of the doubt at least. That gathered power deserved at least some attention. So her orbs of flame merged and compressed into a burning blue ball as she said, "I do hope you're planning something special. I have high expectations."
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 02:38:58 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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The skeleton turned to the lady and gave her a definite shhh. His task was one of utmost importance, he needed the timing to be just right. After all, it would be a shame if the popcorn burned.

And in a few moments, less than a few seconds really, it was ready. He opened the lid and revealed the delicious snacks, piping hot and filling the air with a succulent buttery flavor. While he couldn't tell, he could see just how nice and golden they turned out, which made this an absolute success.

"Mhhh hmmm! Done!" He'd be grinning from ear to ear if he could in the first place, probably, but suddenly something bizarre happened. The mass of mana and fire began to shift and coil around his body like an amoeba before strange fiery appendages began to sprout from his burning bones.

First they were merely licking the air before solidifying their form and splitting from his body as dozens of bright orange beings, living elementals brought forth with magic. The light and magic was unlike anything in the world, it wasn't the sort of thing a human would see even in ten lifetimes.

The countless creatures of flame and magic began to chirp and come to life in less than a second, and they surrounded the poor man an his freshly cooked popcorn as if ecstatic, causing the pirate to chuckle.

"Attaboys, supper's ready! We got a big workout to look forward to, so make sure these bellies are nice and full!" He passed a juicy piece to one of the fiery babies, playfully hovering it over its hungry little head before letting it nibble on the meal. "There, heheheh. This one's extra buttery, yknow that shit's good." He said before stroking its lower jaws tenderly.

Ah, but while he was having his heartfelt family reunion, he forgot about a certain someone. How vexing. He shook his head and turned to face the girl while a few of the birds turned their attention to its blue orb of fire, slowly approaching it out of curiosity.

One of them even dared to go as far as to rest on the poor female mage's shoulder, snuggling her cheek warmly.

"Heh. Sorry, they get picky this late at night unless fed. Wouldn't want them to be picky during training, would we?" He slowly rose to his feet while his fiery hewels began to soar and fly around them, resting on different places while a few collected around the mage and his shoulders.

He bowed down theatrically, but there was true genuineness in his words, as in his actions.

"Please forgive any disrespect" He handed her the pan with some of the popcorn still left over, even for a fool he was anything but unfriendly. "It's still warm, and I won't go easy on you just because you're cute, so you might want to fill your belly with something. Eh?"

« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 02:54:14 AM by francobull3 »


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Joe couldn't help but cry a little on the inside.  All that money saved up to move, all redirected to fixing the place or paying a fee to the landlord.  Whatever he decided would be the least expensive.

He casually walked over to his couch and reached into the cushion, grabbing hold of a grenade.  "Don't eat my food!" he yelled, balling his vacant hand into a fist.  Meanwhile, his fingers reached for the safety.  Please don't make me do this! he thought to himself.  I dont want to fight.  I already have so much to pay.


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Kid was gutsy enough for him to raise an eyebrow, but seriously? There was having balls and then there was just pathetism. He found some leftovers and half finished cans of beer, but other than that, this whole place was worthless. Still, the beer would do, so he took the can without much mind to it and spared the boy a glance.

"Are you dumb? That ain't going to work on me. You're just gonna mess up your place more at best." By that he meant, of course, messing them up with his own ashes.

"Besides, after pulling that stunt and saving that sorry hide of yours, you owe me much more than just some food and drink. It'd be a good start though. Or could it be you actually wanted to die back there?"