Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97714 times)


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His advantage in speed didn't only make dodging and moving around easier, but gave him a massive advantage when it came to spell casting.

A dozen of fiery circles emerged from his fingertips like ripples in the water while he remained in flight. Whatever he was preparing was big, and it would most likely cost considerable mana, but he didn't care. He wouldn't run out so easily, especially not here, and more importantly he'd leave her no means of escape this time. She went underground, but his birds quickly changed course and covered the area.  As they did that, the whale changed course and came closer to the earth.

When she emerged from the ground, they were already waiting for her and exploded, those immediately around her first while the others shot flying at her in order to bomb her with incredible force. Meanwhile the pirate shot down seven pillars that ran through the earth in order to converge where she laid standing while slowly splitting into columns of fireballs that came flying at her.

Meanwhile, the whale was approaching her with the intent of blowing her to pure dust along with the chunk of ash and earth that would be in its way.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 02:06:04 AM by francobull3 »


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Olga Marie

Olga looked uncomfortable. "Well... ever since my dad died, I assumed all his responsibilities..." The white haired girl looked pained as she spoke. "And I'm really trying my best to live up to everyone's expectations! It's just..."

Olga didn't want to hide anything from her servant. She knew it was pointless. They'd eventually see all of each other's memories anyway, so it was important to build a base of trust. However, she really did not want to continue this line of thought.

"Where did Grigori go anyway..." She asked Saber with a strange look in her eye. She really hoped she would let her get out of the conversation for now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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"If I don't think it is in my master's best interests for me to obey the order, then I won't obey it", Rider responded, simply. "I obey her wishes out of choice, not because I feel obliged to do so."

"However, that situation does not generally arise. My master is a good person, her orders are rarely unreasonable. In the unlikely event that they are, I will consider whether disobeying it will be beneficial or will simply cause her to lose her trust in me. She has.. other means of achieving what she requested if I choose not to assist her, so simply disobeying may not help if I cannot convince her of my reasoning."

Rider decided that she would rather keep her master's status secret for now. After all, if she mentioned Sakura's ability to support multiple servants, it might make them see her as a potential target. So, instead, she was intentionally vague about the reason why disobeying may often be a pointless act.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 02:35:34 AM by Cherry Lover »


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The redhead offered a nod in return, assuming the two names he mentioned were particular winds. She'd never been much for meteorology.

"Indeed, to each their own," Emily said, taking another sip, "I must admit that a degree of uncertainty always keeps things from getting boring, but if you are certain of your path, then it is yours to tread. Though, forgive my curiosity, but no doubt your path has brought you to places you'd rather not return."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The priest couldn't help but chuckle at Anastasia's comment.  While trivial, the idea of a servant serving a servant was far too amusing not to respond with laugh.  "Master, hearing you talk about servitude makes me feel rather small," he said with a hearty jovial voice.  The sudden shift to a lighter tone made it easier for him to hide his reaction to Rider's response.

All that followed Rider's response was a small flicker of his eyebrows, a twitch so small and insignificant only those who know him personally would notice.  Meanwhile, he gave the purple haired woman a polite smile.  "I see, you are very patient to be able to think so logically in a situation like that, especially considering the potential tension of a situation like that," he said.  "Although, I suppose if it comes up often, it makes it easier."

In actuality, he was quite concerned.  This woman's master sounded like an absolute monster.  This woman, this servant seems convinced that disobeying her would hold absolutely no sway, simply because she has other methods.  That means that this master has tools at her disposal equal to a servant.  If that is true, it is quite the blessing that she is peaceful.  It would be disastrous to fight her, especially right after they first cemented their bond.  They needed a lot more experience as a team to fight someone like that and even then, they might not come out alive.

"Have you been enjoying life beyond the war?  If your master has survived the war, I imagine she is quite capable of defending herself.  How do you occupy yourself with all the extra spare time?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Apology accepted!" Then he leaped over to the totally normal human and stood right next to him. "So, what's your name, mister? I'm Astarte, and I have a feeling we can be pretty good friends from now on!"


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It was understandable that she was feeling embarassed about telling her this, it was her insecurities being brought to light after all. And it looked like Olga had never had anyone to share them with going by this.

"I think you already failed their expectations, since from what I can tell they were expecting you to fail, but that's neither here nor there, you bring up a valid question Master." She answered calmly, not sounding mad anymore.

"Your friend.... Grigori, decided to sneak away while you were spilling your heart, quite a friend you have there I must say. Running away when you wanted support, how shameless."

It wouldn't prove hard in the slightest to convince Olga to go after her.

"I don't think she's gotten very far yet."


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The blonde girl moved out of the way to allow him to pass through the door. As she did her eyes got a dangerous glint to them, sizing him up, most likely to see if he was going to be a threat in the future. He did appear a bit too... eager was the word she was looking for. Making a quick decision she slipped out through the door and closed it behind her. Sakura would be more safe if it did turn out to be something.

"You are acting really nervous Mr. detective, what are you trying to hide?" She didn't really know if he was hiding something, but people sometimes revealed it themselves if they thought you knew.


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It was understandable that she was feeling embarassed about telling her this, it was her insecurities being brought to light after all. And it looked like Olga had never had anyone to share them with going by this.

"I think you already failed their expectations, since from what I can tell they were expecting you to fail, but that's neither here nor there, you bring up a valid question Master." She answered calmly, not sounding mad anymore.

"Your friend.... Grigori, decided to sneak away while you were spilling your heart, quite a friend you have there I must say. Running away when you wanted support, how shameless."

It wouldn't prove hard in the slightest to convince Olga to go after her.

"I don't think she's gotten very far yet."

Olga Marie

Olga sighed, full of relief. She was glad Saber had dropped that line of inquiry, and she was also interested in what her friend was doing to boot.

With a glint in her eyes, she spoke. "Why don't we follow her and see what she's up to?" Olga asked. She wanted to study her magic and incorperate everything she could into her own.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe's face cleared and he suddenly realized his heart rate jumped.  It was annoying to think that a kid had scared him so much.  He thought he could deal with this sort of thing.  After all, he went to school with supernatural kids back in school.  While he got bullied a lot in middle school, no one ever got away with threatening to kill someone like this.  The teachers took things like that incredibly seriously.

"Umm....ok thanks," he said, trying his best to keep his voice strong.  Just as he spoke, the bigger guy jumped on the couch and turned on the TV. At the same time, Astarte sat next to Joe, switching his tone entirely to a more child like excitement.

His eyes darted from the big guy back to the small child as he thought, Oh man, this is actually happening.  Did they really just come here to hang out?  Thankfully, there was no reason to say anything now.  He simply enjoyed the company of his trespassers, staring blankly at the TV screen.


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So it was decided now, they were following her. The servant grinned as she was struck with the perfect idea to get back on her Master. "If that is your wish Master I will be happy to oblige." With that she suddenly threw Olga over her shoulder. "I'll make sure she'll never see us coming."

And then she dashed out carrying her master like a sack of useless potatoes. Despite the valiant charge, every step was silent as the night and not a single footprint was left in her wake.

And found her they did, but the spectacle that greated them was beyond Saber's expectations. She underestimated Grigori's ability to find trouble, this was quite absurd. She put her Master and moved infront of her, approaching the fiery inferno with a confident dash. She rushed ahead as she saw the giant whale  approach the girl. Well they couldn't have that, let Grigori die just like that.

So she moved in between her and the whale, taking the brunt of it's force, the inferno burning her smitherins.

Or not.

From the smoke she appeared little worse for wear, her clothes merely frayed a bit.


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"Just withdrawing your assistance is not enough. If she's making a mistake, confront about her about it, if she's committing her forces against common sense, convince others, go on a strike. You may think it sounds like a mutiny, but sometimes you might go to such lengths if your commander obviously makes a bad decision. I'd expect the same from anyone if I were their commander." Anastasia bluntly explained how she felt about the topic. Not every commander was a perfect strategist.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura sighed in relief as the detective left the house, and pulled Liseth aside, looking rather upset at her. "What in the world were you thinking?" Sakura asked her, tears welling up in her eyes. It didn't look as if the purple-haired girl was going to try to lecture her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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So it was decided now, they were following her. The servant grinned as she was struck with the perfect idea to get back on her Master. "If that is your wish Master I will be happy to oblige." With that she suddenly threw Olga over her shoulder. "I'll make sure she'll never see us coming."

And then she dashed out carrying her master like a sack of useless potatoes. Despite the valiant charge, every step was silent as the night and not a single footprint was left in her wake.

And found her they did, but the spectacle that greated them was beyond Saber's expectations. She underestimated Grigori's ability to find trouble, this was quite absurd. She put her Master and moved infront of her, approaching the fiery inferno with a confident dash. She rushed ahead as she saw the giant whale  approach the girl. Well they couldn't have that, let Grigori die just like that.

So she moved in between her and the whale, taking the brunt of it's force, the inferno burning her smitherins.

Or not.

From the smoke she appeared little worse for wear, her clothes merely frayed a bit.

Olga Marie

Olga didn't take kindly to being carried like potatoes. She felt it was very rude of Saber to not give her a piggy back ride or carry her in her arms, but not once did she actually complain on the trip there. Maybe she felt it was penance for her rude actions earlier. Or maybe she just decided arguing was pointless.

Once they arrived, Olga raised her eyebrow at Grigori suspiciously, silently asking her why she'd just tried to abandon them. Surely her given reason wasn't actually what was up, that was far too lame. And why she'd gotten herself into a magic duel.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 04:06:52 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Lorenzo Remei

All of a sudden, his bone's flames burst back as if they flinched, the closest thing the undead had to an expression of panic. A woman? But how!? He hadn't so much as noticed her, but now she had gotten in the way.

Perhaps out of panic, he couldn't retreat his flames in a timely fashion. The most he could manage was scream and hold out his hand in desperation and genuine worry. "Wait!"

And then, flames roared, earth shattered, and smoke flew in the air freely. Damn, he was too late. Had he gone too far? The last thing he wanted was to clean up someone else's mess. If he took Grigori's confidence seriously and didn't bother to hold back, it didn't mean he was inconsiderate. Mostly. At least, not to the point he'd be happy about this. Jeez, what a pain...

But all of a sudden, just as the flames and smoke cleared, the flying pirate was stunned twice in a row. He had seen his fair share of impossible things, in fact, by then he'd expect them. However, he didn't expect someone to be able to take an attack of such magnitude and remain unscathed.

He didn't know if he should shudder or bemoan his lack of skill, but more than anything, he was glad.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He called her out while slowly descending, the flames around him orbiting in order to slowly bring him down to earth.