Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97741 times)


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Her posture changed and just like that all pretense of hostility disappeared from her, like leaves in the autumn breeze. She brushed aside stray locks of blonde hair from her face as she regarded him with strange sense of elation apparent in every action. Her mood had truly shifted or that's what it appeared to have at least.

"I was worried you weren't taking your job seriously so I'm sorry for insulting you like that. I didn't even give you my name did I? How rude of me.  I'm Jeanne d'Arc."

A slight pause was given before she continued. "Is the police really in that bad shape?"


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And now she changed her tone. Why did he always get these people up in his case? Maybe they just thought he looked gullible enough to drop his guard when they showed this. Sometimes that suited him well, though.

Henry heaved a reluctant sigh. "Detective Barthow. And just forget it," he said, waving off the first subject with a wave of his hand before continuing. "The city's a dangerous place. I can't blame force members for being afraid, or for minding themselves over situations they have no certainty of."


He tilted his skull an inch sideways towards her, changing the angle of his gaze as though raising a brow in contemplation.

"Did you have membership within some manner of elected nobility where you came from? Perhaps you were part of a more unusual society than your modern bearing would suggest?" Although Butler interjected in a probing tone, he made a gesture of acnowledgement with his hand towards her and after a moment continued, placid.

"In caring too much for the straightness of a tree we planted, we may stifle its growth. That does not necessarily mean its roots won't hold if you leave, but you cannot hope to wish for it to be exactly as you wanted it."

A self-biographical excerpt of the woman's mindset was set in her previous answer, and it was one he found if not interesting, then telling. Not an unusual thing to lobby for your values after officially putting the crown aside, so to speak. To, in his eyes, dismiss it as thought it had nothing to do with your decisions after it became out of reach however, was different.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

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She nodded. "Yeah, sure. I had another idea for something to play anyways anyways. Rats instead of zombies." But Liseth still couldn't quite shake the feeling that she was missing something. There was something about that guy... his face for just a moment. It felt familiar.


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The priest followed Rider's line of sight, silently taking note of Anastasia's comment.  It was good to know that she appreciated honest communication.  At the very least, it meant that they were likely to have a good relationship going forward.  With that thought in mind, he didn't appreciate the snarky tone Rider was giving his master, but he did empathize with it.  It sounded like Rider's master was kind but stubborn.  Her own ability probably allows her to do as she wishes without repression.  Even if they only have few disagreements, those few points of conflict must be frustrating.  He wordlessly gave thanks that he was the strongest tool in his master's arsenal.

"I see," he said, replying with peaceful sigh.  For a moment, his pupils darted downward, towards the suitcase she was carrying.  I cannot imagine that is everything, he thought as his pupils bounced back to maintain contact with her face.

All of the sudden, a smile illuminated the priests face.  With a thick earthy tone he said,  "Though I will likely spend most of my free time catching up with the years of holy literature that I have missed, it might be nice to spend time with another servant.  As far as I am concerned, talking to you like this is a privilege given to us by the heavens.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 05:57:41 PM by yinsukin »


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It's not like she couldn't believe him, she had seen first hand in the months since she had come her just how what a bad shape the city was in. But even so, to abandon the plight of the meek just because the road was harsh did not sit well with her. By joining the force, these people had sworn an oath to uphold justice, regardless of whether they had sworn an actual oath, it's the idea that mattered.

A sad smile crossed her face but she did not falter in her stance. "If things are truly as bad as you say they are, then perhaps I can lend my aid in some way? I don't know the members of the force, but it's in the time of trial that one must stand firm for justice to prevail."


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Forest bit her lip as she heard Marcus's conflicting thoughts and almost signed in annoyance at that rush of masculine pride.  And the undercurrent of worry underneath all of that.  She nodded and said, "Remember the story and good luck."

Maybe Wynn's right, being "this nice" looks bloody suspicious no matter what . . . she thought as she folded hear arms around herself.


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Several minutes passed before Marcus emerged from the building.  His face was a little moist from sweating, his eyelids lowered into a deadpan expression.  With a deep sigh, he groaned, "GOD that was so annoying!  I think they bought the story, especially since a few other people reported the incident.  But when I mentioned we were directly involved, they questioned me.  I told them you weren't here, just so they wouldn't keep us any longer but..."

He looked at Forest and let out yet another sigh.  "At least we are free now," he said, looking over his shoulder, as if he was expecting something to prove him wrong.


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Forest chuckled at Marcus's telling of his experience at the police station.

"They didn't try to arrest you, did they?" she asked with a chuckle.


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He placed his hands on her shoulders and began pushing her away from the station.  "Oh you think I would be here if they did?" he asked, still looking back at the station.  "What was the other thing that we needed to do? Please tell me its away from here."

He pushed harder, trying to get her to leave as fast as possible.


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Forest chuckled as Marcus started to push her away from the station.  "I don't know, you seem kind of impulsive at times," Forest replied in a sing song voice as he pushed harder.

"And I need to see what that bitch did to you.  I might need to take you to a magic user so they can do a screening . . ."


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Marcus's eye twitched for a second, before his grin grew even larger than before.  Now that they were about halfway down the block from the station, he stepped in front of her and leaned in, leaving little distance between his face and hers.  His smile faded in favor of a piercing glare.

"Cmon, even I wouldn't let someone who broke their brand new wall into my bed," he said while allowing his hand to creep around her waist.  It was going a bit lower than last time.


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Forest let Marcus lead her a way for a little while before he moved so he was in front of her, his face just centimeters away. 

He glared at her.

It was a nice glare she supposed, but it just made her raise her right eyebrow as he said, "Cmon, even I wouldn't let someone who broke their brand new wall into my bed."

"I haven't 'let you in my bed' yet," Forest said as she stepped away from him, "And I'm helping you out because . . . well I have my reasons and I really don't want to share those with you yet."


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Are you kidding me!?  Your hiding more stuff?! he thought.  Strangely enough, this didn't bother him.  It was simply a lot easier for him to believe she wanted something from her than to accept that she was doing all of this from the goodness of her heart.

Even if he wanted that to be true more than anything.

His glare softened as she backed away and his hand grabbed a hold of her right ass cheek, catching her body during the retreat.  "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the offer," he said, his grin returning.  "But just because you live for a long time doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.  You've seen my thoughts.  You know how horrible I can be."

His eyes lit up with a sudden bestial lust, his hands squeezing her cheek, enjoying how the firm muscle fought against his grip. 


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Forest heard his thoughts about her hiding things and she snapped at him, "Because I know what it's bloody like to desperately need help and never get it.  So when I can give aid to those in need, I fucking give it! There, is that what you wanted to know?  That I needed saving and I didn't get saved so I have this goddamn complex where I have to save others now so they don't end up like I did!"

He grabbed and squeezed her right arse cheek as he grinned at her, his eyes lighting up with lust.

"And I've also seen that you care about me too!  That you don't want to be alone either and I'm tired of being alone!" she shouted back at him.


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Marcus stopped squeezing, though he did not move his hand.  Instead, his entire body froze, except for his eyelids, which widened until he could feel the air brushing up against his eyeballs.  His cheeks exploded into a bright red, his entire body relaxing as her words penetrated his thick skull.

"W-what?" he asked, stunned at the sudden outburst.  Time seemed to flow as he heard the next line.  "And I've also seen that you care about me too!  That you don't want to be alone either and I'm tired of being alone!"  Her words pierced him like a spear, striking him in the heart, right where it hurt and right where it felt good.

The purple aura flared around his body and he used the other hand to cover her mouth.  "SHUT UP!" he shouted.  Just because you can read minds doesn't mean you know me!"

But shes right.  And that would explain why she is so bent on helping him.

"You just need me!  They always just use me!  I am just a minion, a stupid street fighter who never wins!  NO ONE IS DESPERATE ENOUGH FOR THAT!"

Its not desperation.  I accepted friendship but why not love? Am I going to reject her too?  I don't want that.

He released his hand from her mouth, allowing it to fall to his side.  Strangely enough, that intense lust did not fade.  His muscles were tense, his eyes shimmering with passion and every other emotion that came with that.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 05:52:25 AM by yinsukin »