Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98250 times)


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"Ah, but the ability to copy another person's ability would be more useful.  Sort of like Rogue from X-Men without the coma side effects," Forest replied, "And you're not draining them of their energy either.  Honestly, with a bit of training, that could be a very formidable ability."

Forest kicked at a pebble with a sigh.  "With telepathy the connection is one sided.  Most people flip out if they find out someone's in their heads even if they don't mean to be."


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Marcus's head and eyes locked onto the pebble, watching it bounce across the sidewalk.  Then, it returned to hers.  "Its not like people appreciate being copied either you know," he said, mirroring her sigh.  "Besides, your power is a lot more like Rouge's.  You actually get to know people directly, even if it comes with that horrible strain."

He began walking down the sidewalk, figuring Forest would keep up with him.  "Sometimes I think the only time I connect with people is in a fight.  At least my power gives me a hint of what they are really like."

Weird.  Why am I opening up to her this much? he thought just as he spoke.


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Forest fell in step with Marcus again, a slight smile at his words.

"Sometimes the only time a person is being honest is when they're in a fight," she replied.  "And you're right.  Sometimes that's the best way to find out who someone is.  Like do they flee?  Or do they stick their ground?  Do they fight dirty or have a sense of fair play?  Do they have honor?  All of those are answered in the heat of battle."


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"Hey! Who are you calling wicked? I'm the sweetest flower in the land." Despite the complaint she didn't appear to truly be denying his statement. Her expression then turned more suspicious.

He wanted to use her? That could mean a myriad number of things, many of them being harmful. Not that she cared much, the maid merely wanted to know what she was in for. It might turn out to be really disappointing after all.

"I'm not interest in either of those, what holds my attention now... is you." This time she sounded far more her serious, her tone chilling to the bone yet laced with a tinge of strange exhilaration.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 09:43:40 AM by Thedoctor »


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"Oh right, I forgot that libraries here are open only during certain hours. But on another hand they're more convenient to access. You don't need to be a monk or have contacts in a university or other center of learning to borrow books. And they're not chained to prevent theft... Uhh, I mean, of course I wouldn't think of such thing!" She corrected herself. She indeed didn't have such thoughts on her mind. It was an idle speculation.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 08:22:25 PM by Sinib »


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"Alright, that should be more than enough." The short woman confirmed. She took the seeds and began scribbling down a ritual circle, then she put seeds in the ground and started chanting in a form of archaic Greek. The seeds cracked open, sprouting a small tree. The result wasn't impressive on first look, but after she finished the ritual, the werewolf explained: "I cannot grow fully matured trees casually, but kickstart their growth in such a fashion. The tree will keep growing at a regular pace, assuming you don't want to remove it. The quality of the soil doesn't matter for this ritual."


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"I would much rather we do something more fun than fighting, I'm not that good at teaching other people like that." Noel said to Antonia. "What other hobbies do you have, other than fighting? Surely you must do something during your down time?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Olga Marie

Olga sighed as she watched Saber run away. Her servant was proving to be quite troublesome and quite unpredictable. The white-haired girl shook her head before she suddenly scowled. Sighing again, she turned and looked down at Grigori. "I'm sorry, I was hoping to learn a bit more about my servant there is all. I wasn't actually going to let her kill him." She waved her hand at the undead skeleton mage and clapped. "Dodging her was quite impressive. Bravo." She said with a smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Just as the wounds finally closed, a figure came rolling towards her at an insane speed.  It was the man from before.  Before she could react, a foot dug into her throat, sending her into the ground.  She attempted to grab his leg and twist her hips, sending his body onto the floor.  But she knew he would be able to maneuver around her arms with his speed.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 11:43:40 PM by yinsukin »


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"Its not just that," he said, a passionate smile suddenly forming on his face.  "Its a mental battle.  Intimidation, fear, excitement, joy, sadness  Each blow in a fight creates a wave of emotions, each crashing on each other until the two fighters are swimming in a sea of feelings.  You can call me a masochist if you want, but I enjoy drowning in that sea.  Hell, even when we fought that other vampire, I feel like I understood her a bit."

He sighed and said, "Sex and violence.  The most honest games we play..."

All of the sudden, he had an epiphany.  His entire body came to attention as he walked, straightening his posture and causing his arms to rest by his hips.  Then, all at once, his posture softened.  "Agh, you don't want to listen to me ramble," he groaned."


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"You can ramble on if you wish.  Honestly, I'd let you know if you were annoying me with it," Forest said with a slight smile.

However, her words gave her pause.

Marcus understood Costin and it seemed like he even respected her for it.

Forest saw a dangerous monster who was going to hurt others until she was stopped.  Even though Forest was powerless to stop her.  Which rankled.

"Back home I knew all the 'rules' and how to exploit them.  Or rather exploit weaknesses before mine could be.  Here all of my knowledge and experience doesn't matter.  There was a time where fighting was fun, I lived for it, and then it just became a means to an end.  Kill the monster before it killed someone else.  Then battles started losing their joy," Forest said with a sigh.

There were times where it was still fun.  Like her ongoing whatever the hell it was with Hawk Hunters.  Not that she'd tell Marcus about Hawk.   


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Marcus raised an eyebrow at her comment and said,  "But why?  Does fighting for someone else take the joy away, or is it because the rules changed when you came here?"


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"It was like that before I came here.  There were times where it was still fun, but there were times where I felt no joy in it," Forest answered with a shake of her head.

Forest sighed and said, "Here I'm just a barracuda in a sea of Krackens." 


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"But baracuda's are cute," he said with a grin.  His tone blurred the line between sarcasm and a genuine compliment.  "Besides, even if you are a baracuda, taking on a cracken is cool.  You get that David vs Goliath feeling."


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Forest stared at Marcus and said, "Barracuda's aren't cute.  They're pointy and not very attractive at all.  They're not even a pretty fish!  Sea otters are cute.  Not barracudas."

"Yeah, however in the real world David doesn't beat Goliath."