Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98259 times)


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Marcus suddenly glared at her, the retort about the barracudas sinking into the corners of his mind.  "Shut up!" he yelled.  "You don't know that!"

He suddenly increased his speed, balling his fist in the process.  Shes probably right.  What would I know about that.  Ive never won a fight like that, even when my powers turn me into whatever Goliath I am fighting. he thought.  Of course, the only manifestation of his frustration was an annoyed growl as he moved forward.


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Forest blinked as Marcus yelled at her and began to walk away at a speedy pace.

She bit the inside of her lip and sighed, her shoulders slumping.  She rubbed the back of her neck and watched him walk away without walking anymore.  Winning a battle seems really important to him.  Absurdly so, Forest thought.

She didn't have the heart to tell him that something like what had happened with Costin wouldn't have happened back home.  The power set and whatnot would have over whelmed her, but she could have called Wynn for help.  Here she had no one to call for help, no friendly rivalry that would have became something more and better if she hadn't been so stubborn.

"I just want to go home," she murmured to no one in particular, because it didn't matter

There was no easy way out.  No way home. 


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Why do I hate this so much?!  Is it so wrong just to want to win?  I want to feel like I can do something!

Marcus picked up the pace, crossing over to the other side of the street without even bothering to check for cars.  Thankfully, the roadway was clear when he moved.  However, he picked up a feint voice behind him.

Who was she to say that?  After all, if she can't what hope do I have?

Just as he slammed his fist into the nearby streetlight, his mind processed what she had said and his eyes widened.  "I just want to go home."

He bit his lip and turned around.  She was sad, more sad than he was.  Or at least, more confused.  He hated that face.  There was nothing that was harder to deal with than a woman with a mopey face.  He glared at her again and yelled.  "Don't look at me like that damn it!  Stop whining when you have a home to go to!"

He wasn't good at prep talks, not like his "friend" back home.

Cherry Lover

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"I do have a large collection, but I don't tend to read Christian literature. I'm.. not a religious person", she replied, choosing her words carefully to hide her utter contempt for the gods. "My master and one of her.. friends are Christian, though, so they might have some. However, to visit our house you'd have to get my master's permission. I don't feel comfortable inviting strangers into her house to look through her library, or even through mine."


  • Moon Cancer
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A large crack appeared on Mitsuba's back, damaging a part of her body that the raging beast didn't reach. It was all a calculated risk in order to succeed even at the cost of her well being. Of course, the blow to her head also wasn't something trivial. It hurt, only fueling further her cold anger and tenacity. The vampire made a mistake to underestimate the demon as Mitsuba redirected the energy she gained from deliberately damaging her own body with the use of that Embed to boost the speed at which she recharged that canon. Mitsuba would use the canon as makeshift jet in desperation, in order to free up herself.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 09:07:27 AM by Kat »


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Contrary to her beliefs the mage didn't dodge. No, her hands caught his leg and she began trying to flip him to the ground with the help of her hips. It appeared to be working for a brief moment, only for his leg and him by proxy to stop moving as if held in place by an unseen force. No matter how much the girl tried she couldn't move him further.

"Darkness Slash."

With a simple gesture from the mage's hand, a wave of darkness shot forth, it would cleave the girl in half by the waist.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 10:51:30 PM by Thedoctor »


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"That is fine. I don't care about your motivation, as long as it won't prove an impediment. Will you accept?" He said with the same hardness as before, the same pressure to his gaze. His words were cold, but not particularly towards her.


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She put her hand on her hips as she met his incredible gaze once more, even if it made her knees buckle she wouldn't start showing weakness or everything else would have been for naught.

"I refuse."

A brief pause followed and she straightened her posture some more not that it would make up for the difference in height.

"Only a fool would accept an offer this vague. Is it really a fool you seek?"


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"Don't look at me like that damn it!  Stop whining when you have a home to go to!"

Forest felt red flood her vision at Marcus shouting at her as she narrowed her eyes at him.  She felt herself moving before she realized she wanted to.  Her hands curved into fists at her sides as she reached him.

Then she lifted her hand and slammed her fist right into his handsome face.

She said in a soft, low voice, "I am trapped here.  If I could go home, I would."


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Sakura Matou

After Sakura left Liseth's house, she realized she still had one more piece of bussiness to deal with before heading home. The first thing she did was call Shirou and let him know where she was and that she was safe, then she called the number of one of her houses, just to confirm this ludicrous appointment was actually yes, at this time of day.

"Hello, this is the landlord, Sakura Matou. I was just calling to confirm the appointment?" She asked when the other party picked up.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Oh really!? You mean it!?" He cheered for a second, as if genuinely overjoyed by this little bit of praise before quickly recomposing himself. "Erm, I mean, of course! I'm pretty strong, yknow?"

He rubbed the back of his head and adjusted his hat with a timid laughter. "Sooo, what's your name?"


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The blonde vampire was lazing around on the couch looking mostly dead to the world. Her splendid napping time was then rudely interrupted by the sound of a ringing phone. Shinobu ignored the first tone but raised her hand at the second and answered.

"We know no landlords here, this is but a free city for all to enjoy in splendor!"

She then abruptly hang up.


  • Moon Cancer
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Marcus's eyes widened as he watched Forest's entire body intensify, culminating in her rushing across the street with a fist that had his name on it.  Of course, even with the threat of violence he wouldn't back down.  Even as the fist sailed through the air, he maintained his glare, allowing it to break only once he had been sent flying to the ground.

With one hand he caressed his own cheek, taking a second to feel the weight that her fist left on his face.  He looked up, at her from the ground groaning with pain.  The second she said "home" again, an image flashed through his mind.  He was sitting alone on the couch, drowning his sorrows in some meaningless TV.  He had everything he needed here, food, water, entertainment, even a few resources for studying but it wasn't "home."  At least, not like how home was depicted on the TV.  On the TV, they had family, friends, lovers, mentors, anything.  They weren't stuck in a house alone.  Not like him.

Tossing the image aside, he stood up, glaring at Forest once again.  "Home is not a place," he said simply.  At this point, he didn't care if she read his mind.


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There were a few people looking at what looked like a "domestic" dispute, but Forest paid them little attention.

"No, home's where your family and friends are," she replied, "I have places and I have things, but no matter how much I buy or own, it doesn't change the fact that I'm alone here.  You said it yourself, I'm odd.  No one understands me.  Immortal yet innocent.  Jaded yet hopeful, a fucking conundrum wrapped in a goddamn enigma who can read minds.  Which means I'm even more alone at the end of the day because no one wants to be around at someone who can easily see your gears turning!"


  • Moon Cancer
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Marcus tilted his body forward, slowly allowing his head to descend towards hers until he was inches from her face.  "Does it look like I care about that?  You think all that matters to me?"

His glare was finally broken by a sigh and he tilted his body back to where it was before.  "I mean its still annoying but..." he said, scratching his head.  It was at this point that his pupils finally darted to the left and right.  He noticed the people staring, though he didn't care.  This was important.