Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98337 times)


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The skeleton did manage to stop at those words, not her question more than her prior statement. Hmph, how foolish. But he couldn't quite dislike it.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked her while turning around. "I died." He answered, with words so grave that the fact they were so casual and nonchalant was somewhat more worrying than his appearance. For how could one who was murdered speak about this with such calmness?

And then, he punched his skull. Hard. Like he had just realized he made a terrible mistake.

"Argh, sorry, I don't mean to sound so grim. Honestly, no wonder I scare even the ugly ones away." He cursed to himself, but it was more than just the ladies or the like. The truth was he hated troubling them with such matters.

He didn't want to seem weak after all.

"Say, you're a mage too right? Is there a chance you could, you know..." He pulled his skull off his spine and tossed it in the air only to catch it, as if what he really meant to say was fix this.

Olga Marie

"With a good deal of effort, I might be able to. It depends on how this world works too; if it operates under the same rules mine did." She answered confidently and without a shred of worry or fear, having accepted his strange outburst for what it was and moved on.

"It's not as if I'm a master of the topic, but I do know the theories and procedures needed to create a body. And if I delved into the topic, I'm sure I could manage to figure out some way to plant a soul inside of it." The girl continued with a smile, pleased to be showing some superiority here again.

"But you obviously died, I was curious how? Was it here, in the Nexus? I'm sorely lacking in intel about this place. Anything you could tell me about it would be appreciated."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The skeleton was spinning his skull on his finger like a basketball, but her answer stopped him short, causing the skull to roll down his finger and fall only for him to immediately catch it and hold it tight in his hand.

"Honestly, I don't know much about this place. It's not my area of expertise, but I guess I can at least answer your questions."

Damnit, this was too rich. How was he even supposed to thank something like this properly? Even answering a thousand questions wouldn't repay the hope she just gave him. He waved his hand to the side, and practically spewed fire which just grew all over the place, burning plants and the ground until a considerable chunk of his surroundings were set ablaze into an inferno of his own making.

Suddenly, fires grew, shrank, twisted and coiled on the ground. His burning mana spun all around him before taking a shape which grew into a massive creature of flame and magic, life in its truest form.

The bird was massive, larger than any mere bunny or familiar, and it lost no complexity simply because of its size. The beautiful creature spread its mighty wings and the man grabbed his fallen hat before hopping on top of it without a care in the world. He was making room for little Olga in the back and tapping on the bird's back as if to urge her to come.

"You'd better sit down though, lass. Your legs might ache so badly by the time I'm done that you'll have to crawl your way out of here." He joked in good humor, his head just resting in his arm. It would be a long story after all, and such an old one too. More importantly, it's not every day that a burning skeleton offers you a ride on a giant bird of flame. "Oh, and can you pick up that hat for me?"
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 12:03:07 PM by francobull3 »


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"There are no cameras in here. I dislike schemes, but if you have any thoughts of betraying me I suggest you forget them. They are the notions of a fool who doesn't realize her place. But you will not betray me, if that was your intention you would not have warned me."

His arm embraced her even tighter, by now their two bodies were completely pressed together, but despite his massive strength his grip pinned her precisely, with not a shred of unneeded force to cause her discomfort. Instead, he stroked her hair and uncovered her eyes, practically locking sight with them.

"Your nen category is irrelevant, I do not need to know everything in your subject to judge how bright you will shine. It is joy you seek? Then find joy as you serve me and my cause. I can promise you that you will find what you seek. After all, I am special too."


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The blond cosplayer looked at the two girls fight.  The fair maiden was strangely homicidal.  It wasn't a turn off, but it was one of those things the boss always says to look out for in a woman.  He wondered why they were fighting, but these sorts of things were over his head.

"I am dangerous," he admitted.  "But I also tried to save your life.  If your going to kill me, use those arms!"  He began humming in a tone that sounded more like a pleasured groan than anything.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 05:26:08 AM by yinsukin »


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A sudden sense of danger assaulted the room when he touched her hair, the maid's whole body tensed up as all her senses screamed for murder. Her aura flared to life with a soaring light and she knocked away the hand that dared to stroke her precious hair. Her other hand went around his throat, futile though it may be with his metal body the symbolical threat was still there.

"Touch me like that again without permission and...."

"...I will kill you."

There was no hesitation in her words, she was fully intent on carrying them out.

"And I will never serve you. Of course I can tell you're special too, it's the reason I'm still around. But if you think I'd fnd joy in something frivolous like that you're wrong, so spare me the flowery words."


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It seemed he had misjudged her again. Good grief, subterfuge had never been his strong suit. He had hoped someone like her would be able to fill that gap in his stead, but it seemed he had been off his mark. But there was one thing above all else that he failed to understand, one detail that felt crucial to him. Despite his compromising position, his head tilted and he spoke with flat curiosity, a simple question that was an unshakable spear to shatter her very soul.

"Then what's with the costume?"


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It didn't shatter her soul, on the contrary. it seemed to invigorate her. "What do you mean is with my costume, tin head? Can't you see how cute it is?" She sounded utterly betrayed, tossed aside like a pair of old moldy socks.

"I spent all that time making it by hand and what do I get? Not a single word of praise I tell you. The world is way too cruel... just look." She lifted the dress to show him the detailed embroidery. "look how much effort I spent on this, all to waste!"
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 02:11:51 PM by Thedoctor »


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Tin head...

"Life is simply unfair." He nodded in agreement to her statement, as if he had just heard a great and terrible tragedy. "It's pretty cute." He added, turning his attention to the dress.

"What if I set up an atelier for you?"


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"Wow you can do that for me? you're the best!" I want it not too big because that puts all kind of pressure on me and makes it look lke I'm being far more serious about it thant I am. But not too small either, so I can have enough room to move around. Oh and don't forget to get modern tools, I don't do the whole needle and thread routine really...."

She chattered exceitedly about the prospects of getting said place but then she remembered, remembered that he was there too. "That's right, I can do stuff for you too, ever thought about using a cape? I think it would go really well with that big halberd you're carrying around."


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The girls eagerness did nothing to lessen his suspicions. She must have been watching him prior, the sole question was since when. Perhaps he should verify her records on a later date.

He did not like this, the fact he knew so little, the fact he did not have all of this under control. But then again, there were very few things he could say he did like. But turning her into a puppet just yet would be wasteful. He'd play along for now, perhaps that alone was a warning in a way or another.

"That would be appreciated, I will keep that in mind. However..."

He held out his hand and something appeared over his palm. But what had once been a fabulous cape was now nothing more than a pile of cinders and burnt soot.


The burnt cloth slipped past his fingers and his shoulders dropped down. In fact, everything about his posture spoke of complete and utter defeat, there were no words he could even express to convey this.

Cherry Lover

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Rider looked at the girl with amusement.

"That depends on which gods you worship", she replied. "In my homeland, we did not have the sort of spirits you talk about, although it was still unusual for an ordinary person to communicate with the gods directly. Other religions work differently, but few of them involve spirits as a medium for interaction between humans and the divine."

"As for religion fading away, there is certainly far less of it now than there was during my first life. Back then, everyone was religious and religion influenced everything. It wasn't just a temple that a few people prayed in from time to time. And the gods in my time were real, too, they influenced people's lives", she said, a hint of bitterness in her voice as she made the last statement. "I have seen no evidence of the gods acting to influence this world, so I can only conclude they have become irrelevant here just as they have back in my home universe."


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"You poor thing." She snatched the burnt cape away from the metal man and examined it thoroughly. It looked like it had been through hell, things as precious as this should be treated with the outmost care. Looking at it closer though revealed that it was beyond saving but that didn't mean she couldn't make it anew, make it even better. That only left one thing to do, giving him a big consolation hug full of all the care she could summon.

"Don't worry I'll fix it up good as new. No I'll make it even better than new. I'll make it really imposing to enhance your already overwhelming presence even further, only the best for my most valuable ally after all."


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Olga Marie

Early on into the dtory, Olga interrupted him, tapping her foot with some annoyance in her expression. "I didn't ask for your complete life story." She said bluntly, inwardly flinching at her rudeness and immediately feeling bad about it. "Just tell me about the Nexus, ok? Please. It's been quite a day."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka had left early that morning, yelling something about finding some pokemon for a client who wanted them for waste disposal. She was excited some big wig had finally noticed her! And the best pokemon she knew of for this job was of course, grimer and muk. Of course she had a few of them already, but the order would require many more than just a few!

So Oka did the only logical thing, and headed straight to where one would expect to find a living pile of sludge: straight to an alleyway full of trash and dumpsters. The girl began throwing them open and kicking them, trying to startle any pokemon residing in there to come out and attack her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate was just about getting to the interesting part when he was suddenly interrupted. He was so offended that he went out of his way to cross his arms and puff, pouting away. She was riding a giant bird of fire under the curtain of the night, all while listening to an epic and tragic tale. Couldn't she read the mood?!

"Hmph, rude. I told you, I don't know much about this place. Unless you're looking for a catalog of places to eat or drink, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint."

The clouds were already passing them by, and entire streets could be looked at from up there. At the very least, there was a background to work with. But this time, his tone was much more solemn, grave. She probably wouldn't like what she was going to hear.

"You probably know the basics by now, this place has a bunch of folks from different places, worlds and even eras. Vampires, werewolves, mages, and thinks I don't even have a name for... It's pretty much a banquet of who is going to blow your face up first, and the drinks are expensive to boot. Does that sound like fun to you? Cause it sure as hell doesn't to, putting it simply, pretty much any sane lad out there. Well, I guess you'd have no problem dealing with most trouble, unless you're all talk and no walk. Oh and by the way you're stuck here."
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 05:58:04 PM by francobull3 »