Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98577 times)


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The pirate laughed and threw his arms in the air. "There is none. I get to talk to a cute lass I like, and you get to have information. Isn't that what you'd call a win-win?"

The bird took a dive and began spinning in the air, but even while it descended the pirate grabbed her close, preventing her from falling.

Olga Marie

Olga was unimpressed. What was this supposed to accomplish? Was he trying to look cool and masculine? This was pathetic. Ugh.

"Yes, sure, if those are the terms you want, fine." She said sardonically and with a visibly annoyed expression. "Now can you let go of me and stop this dive?"



And with that, he let go of her and the bird disappeared, dropping the poor girl like a sad potato free-falling freely while he simply flew away under a trail of fire.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 09:55:37 PM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider sighed again, before turning to the girl.

"That may be the case in your world, but it may not be true here. This place doesn't always make sense, there are many different people here with very different ways of performing magic", she said.

Then she turned to the other servant, a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"Are you really claiming that all other gods are merely mouthpieces for yours?" she said, amused by his arrogance.

"If that is the case, then I can assure you that you are mistaken. The gods I knew did not speak or act on behalf of a higher power. Nor were they restrained by one. If your God does exist, he never had any power over the gods I knew", she said.

"And, honestly, if he did, then he is not worthy of worship. Someone willing to use beings like that as their medium of communication and to allow them to behave as they did would have to be be evil or insane."
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 11:01:37 PM by Cherry Lover »


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She happily helped herself to some slices of bacon, devouring them in a manner akin to a starving beast in the jungle. It was delicious, amazingly so. She hadn't tasted food this good in a long time. "This food is so damn good, how did you even get your hands on this? This whole place is so unbelievable."

The maid moved around in the spacious so that she could reach his front and got to work, giving his chest and abdomen the same treatment his back had gotten only mere moments before. She had to almost climb into his lap to properly reach because of how tall he was, truly inconsiderate of him. "You never told me your name." Molly said with an amused look on her face.


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"Normally I'm a single operative and we got separated in the end, but oh well, it worked out. Who knows, we could maybe fend off that woman if not for the outside interference." Yeah, that was more than frustrating. That man maybe just intervened because he was bored out of his mind. Battle junkies, sheesh. "So, we get back to your place, I recuperate, and then what? Do you have anything planned in mind or I should proposed how we deal with this mess first?"

She didn't know if Medaka formulated some plan, but if she wanted to get revenge for her injuries, Mitsuba wouldn't be surprised.


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Getting evicted would be problematic or at least for it would be for her cute servant, she seemed to have grown a liking to this place. So for her sake the blonde vampire supposed she could deal with this isuue seriously just once. She sighed loudly and took a step back.

"I have never actually seen the contract, this was originally the place of a woman who looked strangely similar to you. They took me and my... friend in, but then they managed to return to their world through ardous means. It seems they forgot to fill us in on the housing matter." She  informed the mortal about the situation as calmly as she could.

Sakura Matou

The blond's mention of him caused Sakura's mask to fall momentarily as she made a disgusted face at the mention of the other version of her that was foolish enough to trust that worthless scum.

Sakura bit her lip and took a deep breath, recomposing herself. "Don't worry about that. That sounds exactly like them." Sakura said cheerily, although given her mini outburst earlier, it was obvious that her cheer was at least partially a mask. "They were actually very problematic themselves, you see, so it was a potential problem I came prepared for, luckily." Sakura explained as she pulled a contract out from her bag and handed it to Shinobu. If the girl could sense magic, she'd be able to tell it wasn't just a normal contract. Or if she just read the fine print. "Please take as much time as you need to read it."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Sheesh, now you're just making me look like a bad guy. Ahhh... fine, fine. You win, looks like I'm no match for a real woman after all." It seemed he was truly enjoying this, even for someone who had lived well over a century, you didn't get to feel like this every day. His arms were laying behind his head, his posture was the pinnacle of relaxation. But more than that, his body was no joke either, his muscles were as hard as steel and marvelously sculpted.

His canines showed right through his wolfish grin. All of a sudden, the giant kicked the girl up a little with his thigh, causing her to jump up a few inches before sitting right where she belonged: his immense shaft.

And he did not even tell her his name first. Truly, he was a terrible terrible man.

"Blackmore Fallbright at your service."

« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 01:51:51 AM by francobull3 »


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Rin gritted her teeth as Sakura grabbed her and went airborne, apparently standing on a pillar of air. 

This is going to get really ugly with these bystanders really quickly, she thought.

She also knew that Sakura would hold back if she thought she had to protect Rin.  So Rin leaned forward and whispered in Sakura's ear, "Let me go.  I can protect myself."  Then she began to roll up her sleeve, her crest flaring to life in a sickly aquamarine glow. 


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Marcus found himself overflowing with excitement.  Charged with newfound energy, his hand lightly played with her nipples.  Her warm skin calmed his heart but there was something missing.  You know, I do like you, he sent to her.  Well sent was not the word.  He was simply being introspective, letting his inner thoughts come to the surface, knowing full well she would be able to hear him.  Your voice is incredibly sexy, yet soothing at the same time.  Your innocence is touching and far too easy to play around with...

He toyed with her nipple, racking her breasts with a gentle touch, stopping only to play with the now hardened nipples.  Meanwhile, the other hand gently probbed the muscles on her belly, taking note of every crevice.  In this sense, it was him compensating for not knowing her mind by knowing her body. 

I want to connect with you, even if I am a little scared.  I want to know what it feels like to be inside you.  I have issues being genuine sometimes... I know that from experience.  Even so, I want to see more of you in every possible way.  But you know...

He allowed his hands to wander downward towards her slit, digging all 5 fingers inside.  If she thought he was small, she could easily handle that.  With his fingers coated in her juices, his hand ascended.  With one simple stroke, he wiped her own fluids onto her face, causing it to gleam in the moonlight.

I think your scared too, even more so than me.


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Forest clutched Marcus's shoulders as he continued to tease her nipples.  She bit her lip as she heard him open his thoughts to her.  He liked her. 

He also liked to play with her.

She felt a spark of annoyance at that.  She was no one's toy, no one's plaything.  Not anymore.  Not ever again.

His hand rubbed the raised muscles of her stomach as his thoughts continued to reach her.   His hand then slid between her legs, digging into her folds.  She cried out, bucking away at the sudden invasion as he pulled his hand away as soon as he placed it there.  His damp fingers, heavy with the scent of her lust, stroked her face. 

I think your scared too, even more so than me.

Forest shivered and replied, "Yes I'm scared.  Terrified even."


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The hand that had been playing with her nipples glid over her shoulder, wrapping his arm around her back.  He pulled her closer as he leaned in, cleansing her cheek with his tongue and more importantly, replacing her moister with his own.  The dim light of the streets danced across his pupils.

Then why?  Why did you let me into your life?  Why did you let me come inside of you?

The hooting had stopped.  They were still clearly following what was going on, but the silent communication between the two were clear.  The onlookers watched with intense stares, watching attentively for any change in body language.


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Because I'm alone, and I'm tired of being alone . . . Forest sent back to him as he pulled her close, licking her cheek clean.

Because I want to feel again, but I'm afraid of getting hurt.  Because in the end, that's seems to be what happens.  I get hurt, Forest sent back.  And I forgot how good it felt and tasted.


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Ryu responded to the ground shattering strength with a stoic stare.  His head band fluttered from the shockwave, his jacket being blasted as well.  This girl was a true fighting game character, a person that he desired to be more than anything.  When the stage is set and the fighters are chosen, nothing else matters aside from the combos chosen and the ability to read the opponent.  In this case, he was fighting a two on one battle, a fight that he was destined to lose.

He lowered his legs, raised his arms into a battle stance and said, "You are a beautiful woman.  I wanted to put my dick in you, but then, I heard you speaking the devil's words.  SCI-" he cut himself off.  Now was not the time to be loud.  Now was the time to sound all cool and stoic, like an anime character making a speech.  "Science, the path of darkness.  But, I understand now, i'll never earn your affections, nor will I ever be able to save you."

NAILED IT  Using random big words will make me sound smart! he thought.


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For a moment, he loosened his grip.  Then why me? he asked her.  Why the fool who destroyed your business?


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"Because everyone else seems to reject me," she answered with a shrug.


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"Thats stupid," Marcus replied, glaring at her indifferent shrug.  His stare was intense, still filled with disire.  He was still hard, practically tearing off his pants.  However, he felt sad and this was overflowing into his thoughts.

So shes just a loser like me.  I guess im stronger than her after all.  The thought was not genuine, unlike the others.  It was the kind of toxic thought that comes up when a person is at their worst, something they tell themselves when they are the most upset with themselves.