Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98628 times)


  • Mistress of Porn
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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"It was a couple of thousand dollars more than well spent," Forest said with a grin.

Even though one of the reasons she spent so much time in the tub was to get warm.  Then there was the heated, electric blankets . . . .


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"Mostly not in your field? I reckon then that your organisation is equipped for such emergencies. Needless concern on my part. All right, I will contact you then first if I happen to find something that interests you." He speculated that he just needed to stay for few hours, pass through all required procedures and then he would be released from the hospital. Then he would start this search.


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"Maybe, maybe not. I sometimes move from a place to place if the situation requires so. Or on a whim. Old habits die hard." She shrugged nonchalantly. Back then she didn't have a particular reason. "As for my vocation, if people pay me an appropriate sum, I take care of their problems. Criminals, people with bounties on their head, et cetera." And other targets, but Mitsuba presented it in a way that was digestable to the young vampire. "Now maybe it's my turn to ask a question. Regular vampires don't survive such wounds. Is there any secret to your regeneration?"


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The werewolf made a successful deal with Miss Suzuko after showcasing her abilities. Just enough to pass for a human sorceress, not revealing further hints about her nature. Her rituals and command of spirits were more than enough for the job. She retreated to her apartment as it was getting late and she wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet before the next day. Compared to her world, it was a downright peaceful place. No signs that it was about to end any minute. The corporations also didn't seem to be any as suspicious and nefarious as Pentex. Not that it was a challenging feat.


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This landowner didn't appear to take her information in a good way going by the brief look of disgust that flashed by. Maybe it was better to treat this more seriously than she would normally like to. So she took the contract without complaints. The vampire had barely held the contract for more than a brief moment when she spoke up.

"Done.... It all looks normal but what is the purpose of this." Shinobu said while pointing at the fine print.


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Of course.  She knew this would happen.  The smoke gathered, forming her entire body.  Then, she began activating her magic from every pore of her body, meaning every piece of skin was radiating her usual cold touch.  Trying to burn her body was like a fire trying to strike an ocean.  Steam erupted from the contact, filling the already smoke filled air with the hot water vapor.

When the steam cleared, her hourglass figure pierced the haze.  "Are you done?" she asked, one hand on her hip.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 03:10:46 PM by yinsukin »


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It was really hot, unnaturally so. At first she thought something was wrong with the bath but then she realized he was the source of it. She didn't get much time to enjoy her new discovery as he took the chance to turn her around push against the edge.


She almost fainted from the thrust. It felt like her bones would shatter from the violent impact, his iron grip unyielding in it's intensity denying her any chance of escape. Not that the maid desired that, no she was fully on board with the treatment.

His hard hot length spread her apart impossibly wide, it felt like she was going to split in half and she loved every second of it. Moans of pleasure interlaced with yelps of pain and they got louder and louder. Her walls hugged his dick like a glove that was far too tight, squeezing down in protest but incapable of hindering his progress.


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Medaka folded her arms over her chest and said,  "I may be kind, but I am not so much of a pushover that you can push aside my questions by being cryptic.  And I am not so unintelligent that you need to dumb down your words.  I will answer your question once you have answered mine properly."
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 05:10:29 PM by yinsukin »


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Steam, eh? She was able to manipulate cold, something that was definitely useful against the average pyromancer. But what about a master with a high level fire attribute?

He clicked his ghostly tongue before snapping his fingers. All the fire wasn't just for flashiness, he now had an entire rooftop's worth of flames to bend to his whims. In an instant, the fires surrounded her like a massive wall, much greater than before. The temperature and its circular motion sucked in all oxygen, not only that, but it bent the smoke and steam and drew it closer, sucking everything into the fiery typhoon through its sheer centrifugal force. Using her smoke form against something like this would be suicide.

"How about we up the ante a little?"

And then the wall shot forth strike the target at its center with immense speed, ready to explode in a pillar of unbelievable flames the moment they met.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 03:24:07 PM by francobull3 »


  • Moon Cancer
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Oh shit! he thought, his eyes wide with surprise.  That girl can lift more than me!

OF course, he also noticed the girl flying through the air, but he decided the car flying at him was the bigger issue.  He pointed a finger at the car and shouted, "DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!"

A blinding orange aura formed a ball of energy at the tip of his finger.  Then, just as the car was inches from his finger, it shot forward, blowing up the car.  A cloud of smoke from the resulting explosion enveloped his body.  He stared at the sexy purple haired girl with that same stoic stare.

Yeah that was cool.

Just as he finished that thought, he felt several stinging sensations in his back.  "Ow!  Ow!  Stop! Stooooop!"


  • Moon Cancer
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"Maybe, but you're also pretty softhearted for a vampire. Alright, if you so insist, I'll lay down my cards. To put it bluntly, I'm an asssassin. Unfortunately these days any potential targets are crazily strong, so at this rate covert assassination won't be enough. I'll have to resort more and more to use my true form. Well, I never targetted you nor your maker. There might be plenty fanatics around who would want vampires see deader than dead, but I only pursue those with a bounty on their heads or if I'm hired by a client. If a vampire hired me to assassinate a vampire hunter, I'd most likely take up the job. From what I know the vampiric society can get notoriously backstabby, so if you get involved further in it, be on guard against any machinations."

She was powerful indeed, but this wasn't just about strength.


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"I see," she said, lowering her arms.  "Well do not worry about such things.  I have not encountered another vampire other than my roomate.  So I will handle that obstacle when I get there.  Now, you had a question for me as well?"


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This landowner didn't appear to take her information in a good way going by the brief look of disgust that flashed by. Maybe it was better to treat this more seriously than she would normally like to. So she took the contract without complaints. The vampire had barely held the contract for more than a brief moment when she spoke up.

"Done.... It all looks normal but what is the purpose of this." Shinobu said while pointing at the fine print.

Sakura Matou

"Oh, that. That's just insurance, it binds both parties to follow the rules laid out in the contract fairly and honestly with a magic spell. I've had some issues with people in the past and this makes sure I get my fair share, and you get your protections." Sakura answered honestly, not lying even a bit.

"It'll only become an issue if you were intending to cheat me, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Feel free," the doctor sang, shoulders loosening as she spun her chair around. Swiftly, a last set of papers were signed and presented to Julius. "Hand this at the floor desk. I'll be there shortly for some final checks and then you can go."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


  • Moon Cancer
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"Yes, I was curious about your regeneration. Aside from our foe, you're the first vampire I met who displayed such degree of regeneration. At such young age too." Medaka could potentially take one of so called elders and win. She'd even bet her money if she could.