Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98674 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"When I was alive I used to charge into battle naked.  I'm really not ashamed of being naked; it's just another state of being," Forest said with a shrug as he poked her breast.

She looked up at him and said, "You're the one making it pervy."


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Wait, weren't true names like a really big deal? Not just for Servants but in general. One of practices in her land was giving children a different birth name than the one that parents would use, just to keep people safe from the attention of demonic spirits and the dead. Didn't work that well in her case, but that was because she manipulated Aether. Still, her true name was a secret kept even from her. She didn't know if such a custom was practiced in her Servant's land, so she reminded him telepathically. I don't think revealing a true name would be a good idea here. If you have another name you used in your life, maybe tell her that one.

It was never wrong to be cautious like that, especially considering that the other Servant didn't give her name either.


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"I see," Medaka said, closing her eyes as if to think.  "Then I wont retract my offer.  If thats the case, I will accompany you once you are ready to move back into your old home.  If someone is lying in wait for you, it would be hard to take out the both of us.  In the meantime, I insist that you be honest with me."

Retcon note: Because the location change, Medaka will obviously not be getting anything from the other room.  SHe never stood up from the couch and has been sitting down since I last posted it.)


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"It's not like I'm as a good liar in this true form as I'm when I pretend to be a human. So I'll at least try my best." She wished she would heal up already. Being in a Cover was comfier than being so metaphorically bare. "I think I'll just need some rest and then we can head over to your place. Meanwhile, ask away. You surely think I didn't reveal enough about myself."


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Hazel stood completely still, like a statue as the skeleton caught her tears on the tip of his finger.  Her pupil's locked onto the tear drops as his hand fell back to his side.  She had forgotten how incredibly easy it is to let someone else take her tears away.  She had forgotten what its like just to let go and cry for a bit.  Of course, when he started talking, she had a different reaction.

"What did I just say!" she yelled, punching the ground next to him.  The shockwave kicked up a small gust of wind.  "I am not... well... I'm yo-"  she kept fumbling for words, unable to form a proper comeback.


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The skeleton didn't seem to mind the super powerful strike. Instead, he raised his finger (though from his position, it was more lying over the ground) and spoke up.


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Shirou and Sakura

Hearing another whimpering sound, Shirou continued to shout out to his new pet, eventually managing to locate the tree stump he was cowering in. Smiling with slight amusement, he reached in and took hold of the frightened creature, calling out soothingly as he did.

"Don't worry, Moko, it's safe now", he said, cuddling the shaking pet gently and lovingly.

Still cuddling the frightened pet, Shirou returned to his wife and the still-unconscious girl.

"You take Moko", he said, handing Sakura the Pokemon, "I'll carry Red."

Nodding, Sakura took the pet lovingly into her arms, whilst Shirou picked up the white-haired girl gently, carrying her in a manner that was as comfortable for her as he could manage. Then, they headed for home, Shirou tiring as they walked but making no complaint. Unlocking the door, Sakura held it open for her husband, a concerned look on her face.

"Senpai, shouldn't you put her on the sofa?" Sakura said as he headed for their bedroom, obviously not liking the implication.

"No, she needs to rest properly. She can sleep in our bed", he replied as he placed the girl gently down on his side of the bed, causing Sakura's frown to deepen.

"B..but, S..senpai...", Sakura said, sadly.

Turning around, Shirou gave his wife a loving smile, before pulling her into a hug, careful not to crush their cute pet.

"It'll only be a few nights, until Red wants to leave", he replied.

What if she has nowhere to go?" Sakura replied, still concerned.

Whilst she didn't like the idea of not being able to share her bed with Shirou, she disliked the idea of throwing the poor girl out onto the streets even more.

"Then we'll have to find a bigger house. This place isn't large enough for all four of us", he replied.

"But we can't afford it", she responded.

"We'll find a way. After all, we can't expect Red to sleep on the sofa for weeks, not after what she's been through", he responded. "She needs to be treated like she's wanted, not like an annoyance. And I know you won't want me to."

"Yes, I suppose", Sakura said, giving him a smile before breaking out of the hug.

"OK, Moko, you'll have to sleep here for tonight", she said, placing the Pokemon on another soft chair. "We'll get you a bed tomorrow."

Then, she headed for bed, placing the girl in the bed properly and tucking her in like her mother might, leaving the quilt off so she wouldn't overheat in her clothes. 

"Good night, Red", she whispered as she got ready for bed, before climbing in next to the girl.

Sakura rolled around in her sleep, tossing and turning as if she was in the middle of a nightmare.

"Sen..pai?" she started to mutter, reaching out to the other side of the bed reflexively, still half-asleep.

"Senpai, no, please, come back Senpai!" she began to say, still dreaming.

Then, suddenly, she bolted upright.

"Senpai! Senpai!" she said, panicking as she looked to her side and saw a white haired girl instead of her beloved.

Quickly realising where she was and that she was having a nightmare, she began to calm herself. Slowly, she laid down and returned to a fitful sleep.


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She looked over the contract one more time before she was fully satisfied. " No I am most certainly not planning to willfully do such a thing." She gave her a look over, this was a human which meant she would have the needs that they do.

"Would you like to have something to drink?" She asked her generously. She must have been in an unusually good mood to care this much about the needs of an unrelated mortal, it wasn't exactly normal for her. On the other hand Medaka would be delighted if she solved this problem without a hassle in her absence, and she did take her minion's wallet.


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She had been awake for a long time, but she had pretended otherwise. With all the noise she was making, it would be hard for her to catch sleep anyways.

The poor purplehead's sheets were messed up from all that trashing. After she went back to sleep, it took a while, but the sheet moved by itself while her pillow was fixed up for her, giving her the comfort she needed for a well rested night. Meanwhile, another psychic hand patted her head.

The girl was sitting back up on the bed and looked down on the sleeping girl and smiled.

"Good night."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 06:32:55 PM by francobull3 »


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"But that's what makes it exciting you dummy. Don't you want to see how much I can take?" To prove her point she thrust back with sudden gusto even breaking his solid grip for a moment.

And what makes you think I'm the one who's going go die? You talk big but you don't really amount anything in the end hot stuff." Her expression warped further barely resembling anything human, a monster with a soul darker than the blackest night.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 06:44:20 PM by Thedoctor »


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A booming whack deafened whatever sound was coming out of her mouth in the first place as he slapped her ass with no restraint.

"Yes, yes, I got it. Just shut up and take it then." He told her with the sort of grin that was more befitting of a demon king than a human while his grip turned into a merciless vice that held her tighter than any steel chain. He immediately pushed her down with his entire weight and began to thrust fully, swinging his hips harder and faster each consecutive time. His dick, much like his entire body, was not normal. Each thrust dug deeper and deeper into her with enough strength to shatter stone and bend steel while his dick scraped her insides violently. A regular would've turned into hamburger by now, but he didn't care.

Instead, he yanked her hair and pulled her even closer to his dick, entering her balls deep despite the ridiculous size difference. She could literally rub his dick from the outside while he was shaping her insides.


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Marcus shrugged and said, "Of course I am.  I'm a dirty pervert.  If it's sexy, its sexy."

He wanted to follow up with his normal teasing, but it was best to wait.  Ugh.  Never thought id be cock blocked by people I don't even know. he thought. No....  Coating himself once again in Forest's power, he grabbed Forest's hand and bolted towards the direction of the uber.  Those guys worked pretty hard right?  No need to keep them waiting.


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A fist came crashing into the skeleton's finger, instantly crushing the bone into paste.  "N-no!" she yelled, her face somehow becoming even hotter than before.  "S-shut it!"

She tried taking a deep breath, even if her face stayed as red as a strawberry.  The heat was something she could at least blame on Lorenzo.  "You never answered my question.  Why?"


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Medaka sighed and said, "While I am always curious, I was more concerned with you lying.  I cannot afford to be as generous as I used to be, as my roomate is quick to remind me.  So just be sure to avoid lying to me about big things like this.  Its dangerous."

THe young vampire's eyes wandered up and down, taking in the uniqueness of the form.  "Why does your body look like this anyway?  Is this part of your power or is your physiology just different from a regular humans?"


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"This is my original form, but I can wrap myself in sort of carefully constructed human identity called a Cover. When I'm in Cover, I'm biologically indistinguishable from a human, detect as a human when scrutinized by powers which detect supernaturals, but I'm able to use part of my powers which exploit loopholes in the fabric of reality to affect the world. It's not magic exactly, my creator just utilized technology so advanced that it's barely indistinguishable from it. In one way I'm more human than you but in another you're more human than me because you started out as a human." Mitsuba explained everything as short as she could. Medaka was intelligent, but probably didn't prefer too long explanations. 

"Your roommate seems to be pretty pragmatic, but I don't think you told me much about her. Care to indulge my curiosity this time?" Mitsuba asked as she was interested in Medaka's rommate.