Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98716 times)


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"I suppose even in these times, we cannot escape the cold nature of pragmatism," he said in a soft earthy tone.  "I apologize for the economic way we are going about this.  You seem like a nice person."

No that was a formality, a way to cover bases.  Servants typically took a cost benefit approach to solving problems.  Therefore, this method might actually be something she is more comfortable with, if only because of her familiarity with this sort of situation.  After all, what she was asking for was information, something easily exchanged between friends.  However, his master simply re-contextualized it.

Is this suitable for you? he sent to her.  You are far more used to this world than I.


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Medaka sprung up from the couch, another strand of drool falling from the other side of her lips.  "Are you sure!?" she asked, wiping off the liquid from her mouth.  "We can wait until your done healing.  In fact, it might be better that way."


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Medaka not only trusted her, but was downright enthusiastic about the prospect of drinking her blood. This was honestly too easy to keep staying on her good side. "I'm grateful that you helped me bring me here in one piece, so I won't leave you starving."

Honestly Medaka behaved liked a pet who really wanted such a reward. A bit adorable in her naivety even for someone like Mitsuba.

Arch-Magos Winter

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"No no no no no, no no no, no. No." Oka shook her head emphatically at him. "There's more to it than just tossing a pokéball at the pokemon. There's a technique—an art..." Oka looked up and smiled as she remembered the words of her grandfather. "It's a living. A lifestyle. You have to feel it inside of you; the feeling of being a trainer..."

Oka snapped back to reality from her nostalgic fantasy and handed him a lonely, teensy pokeball. It wasn't anything much at all, really. She wouldn't mind if he took it and bolted. Not like they were even particularly useful.

"You need to weaken a pokemon first, before you throw the ball. If you just toss it straight away they'll just break it in all likelihood and you'll waste your opportunity. You have magic right? Why don't you use that elemental thingymajig you mentioned?"


"Magic is somewhat tricky young lady, and already what I would call my life style. But I get the gist of what you're saying, don't just pitch the ball at them and hope for the best, one of your pokemon might end up seriously injured or escape." He took the ball, examining it. On pressing the center button, it expanded in size, to something more resembling a ball from a children's game than an over-sized marble. A curious contraption. The mages back at the guild would be very interested in this. If he could find a way back to them that is. "As for elementals, I could summon one or two. What do these pokemon look like anyway?"


  • Moon Cancer
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Let's not exaggarate. The only difference is the time I've spent here in comparison to you. the girl humbly downplayed And yes, I'm fine with such arrangement. If you're alright with this, then I see nothing against such an exchange

The worst case scenario of course was that Rider would exploit the knowledge, but in a good case scenario they could establish more cordial relationship with her master.


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"Wait really?!" he suddenly blurted out.

Wait shut up.  Be professional!

"That sounds great!" he continued, doing a poor job of hiding his relief.  "No, I don't remember unfortunately."


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It was in that moment she allowed herself to snap.  With a mighty leap, she pounced on Mitsuba, slamming her body into the ground.  Just as her back made contact with the floor, Medaka's teeth had sunk into the muscle on the girl's neck.  A small strand of blood trickled down the girl's chest, a result of the young vampire's messy entry.  Still, the girl was quite happy to receive the snack. 

A wave of euphoria accompanied the flavor, which was unlike anything she had tasted.  She wasn't sure if it was her change in form, but this flavor was different from any human blood she had drank.  She sucked for almost a minute before stopping.

"Ahhhhh," she moaned, pulling out of the girl's neck.  She was straddling the assassin, her lips surrounded by a thin coat of blood, much like a child who didn't know how to consume ice cream without spilling it all over their mouth.  A small drop of blood trickled down her chin and fell onto her cleavage, prompting Medaka's body to jump to attention.

She looked at own body for the first time, suddenly realizing that her outfit was ruined... again.  When she was sliced in half, the lower half of the tank top was cut.  This would be fine but the slice was slanted a bit, making her shirt look awkward.  Looking back down at Mitsuba she said, "I am sorry, but may I ask another favor?"


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Leo I

A small gust of wind blew, ruffling the priest's vestment.  He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he had to sink into his own mind to recall the information.  After a moment or two, they opened and the wind blew even harder than before, causing his clothes to ripple rapidly.

"My name is Pope Leo I," he said, his voice suddenly escalating to a deep thunderous exclamation.  He didn't intend for it to be that intense, but he was so used to introducing himself to crowds like that, it sort of came out.  "I am a proud Roman and former leader of the Christian faith."

Just as he finished speaking, the wind faded, as though god himself were supporting his introduction.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 08:29:16 PM by yinsukin »


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The Unchained was actually surprised that Medaka took such a risk and leaped at her to drink blood from someone who wasn't biologically human at the moment. Oh well, she would survive this and it was Medaka's problem if she risked complications. But then it dawned on her that Medaka could actually drink her blood just like that. One of outliers who could consume Demonic blood? Mitsuba didn't resist that act of predation because she didn't have means to do it without blowing away her body to pieces, so she let that one slide. Even if she was a bit annoyed she would have to heal up again.

"You really do need to learn a bit about self-control. And get yourself new clothes." Mitsuba grumbled, ignoring her weakened body just like she ignored getting impaled through her torso by that other vampire. "Is it that favor that you want to ask for?"


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The blood from her fangs and face dripped onto Mitsuba's belly as she leaned forward a bit.  "Yes, that is my favor," she said.  "Is that too much?"


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Rin landed on a street lamp and the glow in her crest intensified.

It had been one of her father's favorite spells, and he happened to favor fire.  Fire was an element that caused destruction quickly even though it wasn't exactly easy to control.  A ball of fire blossomed between her palms at at Sakura's complaint, she had it double and finally triple in size.

She slung it at the fighter with impressive accuracy even though he was flying back from Sakura's blow.


The blonde laughed as Marcus whisked her up and started to carrying her towards their driver.

She asked, "Do you think the driver will pick us up if we meet him half way?"

Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and eyed him.  "Remind me to teach you patience."

Cherry Lover

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Rider rolled her eyes at the theatrical manner in which he identified himself, one which she felt was almost worthy of Zeus himself. Despite the overblown nature of the introduction, though, Rider nevertheless was somewhat impressed by his identity. There were few popes more well-regarded than he was.

"So, you are Pope Leo the Great? The Pope who persuaded Atilla to spare Rome?" she replied. "I will relay that to my master, I suspect she and her friend would be interested in meething you."

Then she frowned.

"As for me, unfortunately, I am less well-regarded by the public than you. My name is Medusa, the Gorgon", she added, showing no enthusiasm whatsoever for her introduction.


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"For now, yes. Because you will inevitably need a new set of clothes if you don't recompose yourself." Mitsuba gave Medaka that kind of look that someone older would give someone younger for a shameless display.


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Both names didn't tell her anything. I guess a part and parcel of being a stranger in a strange land. But she noticed that Leo spoke his name with pride while Medusa didn't show any enthusiasm about her identity. Hmm, maybe she should follow the example of her ally and also introduce herself. "I'm Anastasia, one of many Elemental Magisters from my own world. I cannot say I earned any particular fame in my own land, but I did achieve this title by graduating fully from my school of magic. I was also promoted to a rank of a sergeant in the army of my kingdom, but I can't say this is particularly great achievement. Right now I'm merely a mall worker on a leave, so there's no need to refer to me with my rank and title if you're not inclined to do so."

Her accomplishments clearly paled in comparison to what Leo achieved, but they weren't particularly minor. Just average for the kind of person she was in her world.


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Blackmore (Later)

After their little recess, it was time to get back to business. With the announcement all said and done, he had one more troublesome task. By now, they were roaming their street in order to find their destination.

"Sorry for the constant work." He said with that same wide smile while his cape fluttered behind them. "Say, where do you think would be the best vantage point for a surprise attack?" He asked her, pointing to the different rooftops around them.