Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98731 times)


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Aww already apologizing, and what a way to do it. Nothing so far here had been harder on her than him, the job certainly hadn't. "The hard work hasn't even started yet silly, and you're looking in the wrong direction. The maid shook her head at the mundane tactics being exhibited.

Well he did seem a bit slow on the uptake so she gave him her brightest fake smile and deftly pointed downwards. The gesture should be enough, if it wasn't they'd have to cut their team working days tragically short.


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Sakura saw the fire attack coming in and reflexively threw up a barrier, protecting her from the searing heat. She may have been fire resistant but her clothes most certainly weren't! Nor was her cash!

"What the hell are you playing at?" Sakura turned and faced Rin angrily, ignoring the newcomer's plea entirely. "Are you trying to burn up all my clothes?!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The blond vampire gave her an incredulous look. "Do you honestly expect me to have that kind of money on hand just laying around?" The idea was laughable, people in general did not carry that amount of hard cash around.

"Well here you have it." Contrary to her prior statement the vampire pulled out a wallet and started counting bills before throwing down a pile on the table.

Sakura Matou

Sakura blinked twice at the display of idiocy and wealth happening in front of her. She refrained from saying anything snide about her assumption it needed to be cash right then right there. A check would have been fine. Instead, Sakura quietly picked up the bills, examined them to check if they were counterfeit, and apparently satisfied with them, she put it back down.

"So what sort of work do you do?" Sakura asked her with a raised eyebrow. She was worried that they were gangsters or some other ilk she didn't want.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin looked at Sakura and replied, "I can buy you new clothing.  However, you wanted something stronger so I obliged."

She jumped off her post as the newcomer approached, taking responsibility for his companion.   She looked at this newcomer in the suit and said, "You don't care what he did.  You're just here to clean up his mess and everything else be damned, right?"


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"But it's totally true. You're on fire like right now. Eh whatever if it isn't bothering you... Right my hair." She suddenly added as if she just remembered the second part of what he had said.

She brushed a small through said purple hair as she appeared to be thinking. "That's a toughie, this is the color it has in this form but it also changes when I transform and that's my goddess self... ahhh yes kinda I guess." Neptune went on.

"But thanks, the names Neptune but you can call me the supreme Nep-Nep if it's to hard or ya to pronounce, all my friends do." She added with fistpump in the air followed by a thumps up.


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"~ ♪ "He whistled a tune as if agreeing with her. Well, it might just be a little trickier with his size, but it was definitely doable. So he punched right where his companion pointed to and caved a massive hole into the ground, leading straight into the sewers. His smile looked all sorts of sad as he peeped through the huge hole.

"Oh boy. Are you sure about this? My coat is going to get all dirty..."


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"Of course I'm on fire, after all, I'm on fire!" He forgot all about his initial embarrassment at the girl's sudden openness. A goddess? Indeed, she definetely looked the part, he didn't even doubt her one second. Just what kind of man would he be if he couldn't even keep up with her?

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Nep-Nep Supreme!" With hand motions that were dramatic enough to shake the heavens, he pointed straight at them before snapping his fingers and flicking his hat in a cool way, causing a spark to flicker between his fingers which he then presented to the lady as a bouquet of fiery roses. He presented them to her in a fabulous pose that radiated awe and splendor while fireworks shot behind him.

"I am the great wave of fire*, the crimson sorcerer from hell**, captain of the fiery moon*** and pirate lord**** Lorenzo Remei. But you can call me Lorry."

*No one ever called him that.
***No one would ever call him that.
***Former captain without a crew.
****Did he seriously just make up that title?


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Olga took that as affirmation to drag her all over the sho, not that the servant had any real complaints about it. Then she asked a rather private question that she had no real issues with but decided no to answer in order to tease her master. "I will keep that answer to myself master, I have however taken a liking to your choices." She said.

"I thank you once more for your generosity, it is not one I deserve."


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The werewolf continued her routine through the city. Thankfully the city wasn't too busy this morning or she'd have to pay extra attention to not bump into people. With her short stature it was easy to overlook her.

The girl halted when she sensed something. She was very attuned into detecting the strange, and she could perceive strong spiritual and magical signatures from quite afar. Technically she could ignore this, but considering that she was thoroughly bored at this point, maybe looking into the source wasn't a bad idea. She couldn't sense any corruption or evil, so maybe it wasn't dangerous either. Maybe fire spirit or someone who used elemental magic, considering the 'smell' of  the resonance.

Once she arrived at the scene, she saw a skeleton that was set on fire, and a purple haired woman. Well, she had bad experiences with the undead before, but considering that Butler was a nice man, maybe this skeletal fellow wasn't someone vicious either. She couldn't sense any link between the skeleton and the woman, so she wasn't any sort of necromancer. Speaking of her, she could sense some potential slumbering inside her, though she wasn't sure what was her 'gimmick'.

"Hello!" The short girl in a tracksuit approached the pair, greeting them with a wave of hand. "I could sense from quite afar, Mr. Flaming Skeleton. You're not exactly subtle at hiding from anyone who can detect magic, aren't you?"


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"Well if he doesn't we can just take his car." he said, smiling as he looked back.  Then, a thought poured into his brain and he frowned.  "Oh right, you'd rather we just give him one star or something."

Maybe I can take the car after he leaves and driv-  Wait, she can hear my thoughts.

He swung his free arm in frustration.  "Damn it," he whispered to himself.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Oka Kurosawa

Oka rolled her eyes at Trivik in a way only a sassy teenager full of themselves could. She then silently pointed at Wormy behind her and Mimi on top of her head. She raised her eyebrows in a somehow condescending way and then spoke up.

"They can look like this or this, or any sorts of things. I was looking for some living purple slimes with faces. A client of mine wants them for trash disposal. You wouldn't have happened to scare them away with water, would you?"

Slime with a face? In his dumpster? It was more likely than Oka thought. "Scare them? I have to shoo several away every week. Don't know where they went though." Trivek idly tossed the ball up and down up in his hand. "I'll see if I can nab one of the buggers the next time they try and sleep on my notes."


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The girl was devouring mouthfuls when she suddenly heard the harsh reproach. Her eyes turned droopy and she stopped, nodding with the big chunk of food still in her mouth. But it was so goood. ;-;



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Interestingly enough, the two girls began fighting with each other, rather than giving him any sort of juvenile retort.  At the very least, he knew they weren't from another gang.  The girl's looked like they were both around his age, maybe in their early 20s.  Both were pretty fit.

"Yeah thats right," he said, lowering his eyes at the girl before turning to Ryuji.  "Are you ok?"

Ryu stood up.  "Hey!  That was uncool!  I was having a duel with that fighting game goddess over there!"

Parker turned around, looking at the purple haired girl.  She had a lot of muscle for a girl.  Usually they prefer not to be that bulky.  "Fighting game character huh?" he mused aloud.  It was always hard to talk to Ryuji.  It was always hard to figure out what he was talking about.


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Olga took that as affirmation to drag her all over the sho, not that the servant had any real complaints about it. Then she asked a rather private question that she had no real issues with but decided no to answer in order to tease her master. "I will keep that answer to myself master, I have however taken a liking to your choices." She said.

"I thank you once more for your generosity, it is not one I deserve."

Olga Marie

Marie was blushing up a storm at the rejection, but didn't lose her composure and smiled. She flicked Brutae on the nose for her silly self depreciation though.

"Stop saying stuff like that!" She scolded the shorter woman. "Why shouldn't you be treated with dignity and respect? You're not my tool, but a partner. Anyone who treats a servant as a simple tool is a damn fool!" Olga was talking rather loudly now, and was clearly agitated at this misunderstanding. She crossed her arms to emphasize this. "I'd like you to call me Marie, if it's all the same to you. And if you really want to do something in return, you could refrain from ditching me suddenly in the future!"

Olga's words didn't match her tone, which was playful in nature. She extended a hand out to her servant with a smile, silently asking her if she'd do that.

"And in return, I'll try to be more mature. I know I can act sort of childish sometimes..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Paradoxically, the poorer district where he lived was peaceful right now. There could be many reasons for that, and the most likely was that criminals targetted richer places. He kept defeating weakers monsters, so those maybe learned a hint, while truly strong targets aimed higher with their villainous deeds. He couldn't dismiss the fact that outliers like the woman he and Irene fought could lurk around, but he couldn't find any. So without any choice, he heeded for another district.

He didn't have any luck either this time. Did criminals avoid him purposefully? This couldn't be possible. He was a mere man in this city, after all, and his fortune and fame didn't carryover to Nexus. No unusual people around... except for that strangely dressed girl with pigtails. He felt that she wasn't normal, but didn't sense any malice or hostility. However, in his experience anomalies attracted other anomalies. Maybe she knew something that would help in his quest.

"Good morning, miss. Do you mind if I ask you about something?" The long haired man wearing jeans and brown trenchcoat asked the girl with pigtails.