Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98745 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"He sort of burst into the wall of the nightclub I own," Forest answered, "And she was an evil vampire who would have drained you dry leaving naught but a withered husk behind.  Or a splattered mess."

He's back at home, an old friendemy of sorts,[color] Forest thought back at him.  He's an irresponsible get that didn't get his finances straight until he happened to turn an accountant!


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"Hmm, no matter how you look at it, this is an aesthetic of a skeleton set on fire." She nodded thoughtfully at the girl's words and delivered her ruthless evaluation. "Hardly popular with ladies, unless they're pyromaniacs or like bony men. If I were you I'd invest into fire extinguisher and more nutritious diet, Lorenzo."

"Oh right, where are my manners." She should introduce herself, after all. "I'm Ellen Warren, but you can call me just Ellie. Nice to meet you!"


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A blush washed over Medaka's face, filling her cheeks with a rush of blood.  Using the bottom of her shirt, she wiped off the blood on her face, revealing a strong flat stomach.  "Oh, I am sorry," she said, letting the torn shirt fall over her belly.  "I still have trouble controlling myself.  It is why I try to avoid feeding on normal people."

She leaned down and extended a hand.  She flashed Mitsuba a polite smile and said,  "Do not worry.  I will clean myself up before I borrow your clothes."


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Paradoxically, the poorer district where he lived was peaceful right now. There could be many reasons for that, and the most likely was that criminals targetted richer places. He kept defeating weakers monsters, so those maybe learned a hint, while truly strong targets aimed higher with their villainous deeds. He couldn't dismiss the fact that outliers like the woman he and Irene fought could lurk around, but he couldn't find any. So without any choice, he heeded for another district.

He didn't have any luck either this time. Did criminals avoid him purposefully? This couldn't be possible. He was a mere man in this city, after all, and his fortune and fame didn't carryover to Nexus. No unusual people around... except for that strangely dressed girl with pigtails. He felt that she wasn't normal, but didn't sense any malice or hostility. However, in his experience anomalies attracted other anomalies. Maybe she knew something that would help in his quest.

"Good morning, miss. Do you mind if I ask you about something?" The long haired man wearing jeans and brown trenchcoat asked the girl with pigtails.


The raven-haired goddess gracefully turned to face the man with all the poise of a ruler. She looked happy to be talking to him and eager to listen. As soon as she'd woken up and eaten a good breakfast, she'd wandered off on her own into the city to help people and gather shares. She'd sure show Neptune, she'd gather more than enough shares for both of them and make her beg Noire to help her. That'd show her.

"Yes, of course." She answered. "What can I help you with?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka rolled her eyes at Trivik in a way only a sassy teenager full of themselves could. She then silently pointed at Wormy behind her and Mimi on top of her head. She raised her eyebrows in a somehow condescending way and then spoke up.

"They can look like this or this, or any sorts of things. I was looking for some living purple slimes with faces. A client of mine wants them for trash disposal. You wouldn't have happened to scare them away with water, would you?"

Slime with a face? In his dumpster? It was more likely than Oka thought. "Scare them? I have to shoo several away every week. Don't know where they went though." Trivek idly tossed the ball up and down up in his hand. "I'll see if I can nab one of the buggers the next time they try and sleep on my notes."

Oka Kurosawa

Ugh. So he was the reason they were oddly absent from this cesspit. Great. She couldn't exactly blame him for shooing them away, but it sure was an unfortunate annoyance. Oh well. Might as well thank him for his offer.

 "Well, thanks." She said with as much cheer as she could muster. "Do you have a way I can contact you?" She wasn't expecting a positive answer but it couldn't hurt to ask. "Do you know where they go?" She asked with a hopeful expression.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin looked at Sakura and replied, "I can buy you new clothing.  However, you wanted something stronger so I obliged."

She jumped off her post as the newcomer approached, taking responsibility for his companion.   She looked at this newcomer in the suit and said, "You don't care what he did.  You're just here to clean up his mess and everything else be damned, right?"


Interestingly enough, the two girls began fighting with each other, rather than giving him any sort of juvenile retort.  At the very least, he knew they weren't from another gang.  The girl's looked like they were both around his age, maybe in their early 20s.  Both were pretty fit.

"Yeah thats right," he said, lowering his eyes at the girl before turning to Ryuji.  "Are you ok?"

Ryu stood up.  "Hey!  That was uncool!  I was having a duel with that fighting game goddess over there!"

Parker turned around, looking at the purple haired girl.  She had a lot of muscle for a girl.  Usually they prefer not to be that bulky.  "Fighting game character huh?" he mused aloud.  It was always hard to talk to Ryuji.  It was always hard to figure out what he was talking about.


"I like the clothes I have now! And the problem is I'd be naked in public you dolt! Don't you have any shame!" She continued berating Rin until something the retard said ticked her off even more, causing her to finally face the two men.

"And stop calling me a fighting game character. I'm not something from a video game!"

She was still completely ignoring the second man.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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With an escort of demon bunnies a blue eyed girl strolled over towards the tall figure in the middle of the coliseum. Lucy smiled at the sight. It was all pretty promising! She could make something of this, even if she was still missing a few things.

"So, you're Vanguard, right?" 


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Adequate. Everything was going smoothly at the moment, the arena itself was fitting enough. It had taken less time than he expected, a testament to the manpower that those in the nexus could provide him. They would certainly be most useful in the future. Blackmore and his associate should be oiling the gears by now.

The sky was of an annoyingly pallid blue lately. Oh well, enough ruminations. The girl calling out to him snapped him back to his present thoughts.

He didn't answer her, in fact his silence was an answer in and of itself. Instead, his eyes narrowed as if the sight of her was something strange.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 08:03:29 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded to herself a few times. "I see. You know, it's pretty rude not to answer, Mr. Maybe Vanguard. How am I supposed to know who you are if you don't answer? I could try reading your mind, but that would just be rude if you were the real one wouldn't it?"


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What rubbish, he had no idea what she was talking about. That man was the same at times, talking about nonsense and trivial muck he had no way of understanding. Honestly, it was sometimes unsettling. He just didn't see a point in answering a question she likely knew the answer of. But at least she was intelligent enough to know better than to try that.

"What is your purpose here?" He asked her with the sort of cold tiresomeness you expect from those too old to deal with petty trivialities in the first place.

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Oh, what a good question! Did he even know how meaningful that question was? Probably not. But Lucy liked to think so. It made things so much more interesting. "Well, my purpose in general is to, well, promise not to laugh?"

A light twisted around her skin, bright enough to blind yet somehow harmless. "My purpose is to rebel against God, to spite him and all of heaven until the end." And then the light was gone. As if it was never there.

"But that isn't really important," she said, waving a hand in dismissal. "Right now, I need to make a Key."


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"Nothing special really. My cute minion runs errands all day long and I reap all the benefits ahahaha." The evil laughter didn't sound very sincere, even a child would be able to tell that.

"as a matter of fact we are doing quite fine and there is nothing illegal happening here as far as I am aware of."


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Vanguard did not blink or flinch at the sudden light, but his eyes narrowed into a pallid glare, devoid of emotion yet wrathful. He had seen similar lights before, each as wretched as the last. Breath escaped his metallic throat, though it had no purpose or meaning to it in the first place. It might as well just be a fickle instinct.

"Enough with the theatrics. Your business means nothing to me. I take you request my assistance?"


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He's just begging for it.

The maid raised a foot and kicked the tall man down the hole he had been peeking down in. That served him right, maybe now he wouldn't be so cheeky.

"Oh sorry! I slipped. Are you alright?" She shouted while jumping down after him int the dark endless abyss of despair.

Needles to say it was a short trip.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 07:15:29 PM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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And then Lucy pouted. "Hmph, you would think that people would appreciate style in this day and age. Fine, whatever. You can look at the soul, right? Just take a peek at mine." She even made sure to unveil the hidden energies within it, just in case he couldn't see it normally.

It was impossibly vast. A pool of infernal energy so deep that calling it an ocean would be an almost foolish understatement. And it was growing bigger, noticeably so, every second that passed.