Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98912 times)


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His fist clenched with unbelievable force for a second, space itself seemed to distort around his herculean frame. Such power, how ridiculous! Such a soul could hardly be called human, and the energy was far too vile to belong to a God. For a moment, he felt like a butterfly drawn by a hurricane, a speck of dust falling into an abyss. He had no heart, and yet his chest throbbed with such tremors he felt it might shatter.

Am I feeling... fear?

He refused to look for even a second longer. Despite the drawing promise of unimaginable power, he felt down to his very core that if he fell any closer to her, he would never be able to go back. It almost felt nostalgic.


"You know too much." He grunted in displeasure. Yet another troublesome presence, the sort he did not know if he should dispose of, keep as close as possible or flee from. "Answer the question, with your own words."

Umbra of Chaos

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"I think we understand each other quite well, don't we? You want something, I want something, and we can both help each other achieve what we want." The Messengers cast tendrils and hooks at the man's mind, searching for some opening or weakness for them to slip in.

"I already told you, I need a Key. And I imagine that it could be quite useful for the both of us if I acquired it. Shouldn't we be friends and help each other out then?"


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"Nothing special really. My cute minion runs errands all day long and I reap all the benefits ahahaha." The evil laughter didn't sound very sincere, even a child would be able to tell that.

"as a matter of fact we are doing quite fine and there is nothing illegal happening here as far as I am aware of."

Sakura Matou

"Uh-huh." Sakura said with a curt nod. It was pretty clear she wasn't exactly convinced by what she'd been told. Nor was she going to pursue it further right now. She'd simply wait and do a little bit of investigation into the pair. "And you're the only ones who live here, right?" Her eyebrows them furrowed in suspicion. "And what exactly do you mean, minion? That's an odd title to call somebody."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He disliked her mannerisms already, but had that been the only thing he wouldn't have cared one bit. It was her attempt to open something that should never be opened that sealed this fate, in the end, she brought this upon herself. Well, that was only half the truth, the choice was and had always been his in the end.

"We both know neither of us have the heart for such a thing. And I believe I said enough theatrics." He spoke, his mind and heart unrestrained by her influences and attempts to read him. "Cease this, and do not ever do it again. We are not friends, accomplices at best. I will help you, and you will help me, and that will be the end of it." He spoke sternly.

There was a pause, heavy as the sea despite being of no notable length. In the end, he let his curiosity get the better of him and spoke.

"What is this Key you speak of?"


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Even the other girl was weighing in with her opinions and agreeing with her, that if anything showed how deep his problems were. She almost felt sorry for him, almost. "Yeah yeah, it's not like we want to pick a bone with mr. awesome fire skeleton over here." She cheerfully replied. Even when ruthlessly tearing apart your pride she would always maintain that smile.

"So do you two need help with anythin? I'm kinda feeling out of it a bit and thought I'd cash in on some good deeds for karma benefits." The change in topic was abrupt much like all the mannerisms of this strange girl.


  • Moon Cancer
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The mage lead Leo to the apartment she rented in one of more cheaper blocks of flats. It wasn't a particularly luxurious place, but it had basic amenities and access to the local TV. It was a quite typical working class apartment, maybe except for the bookshelf filled with books she had bought with her modest wage. "Welcome to my modest dwelling. It probably does not suit a religious man of such high stature, but I hope you do not mind it."

Leo seemed to had been a religious figure who presided over a major holy city, so he must have lived in larger places than her apartment.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Oka Kurosawa

Ugh. So he was the reason they were oddly absent from this cesspit. Great. She couldn't exactly blame him for shooing them away, but it sure was an unfortunate annoyance. Oh well. Might as well thank him for his offer.

 "Well, thanks." She said with as much cheer as she could muster. "Do you have a way I can contact you?" She wasn't expecting a positive answer but it couldn't hurt to ask. "Do you know where they go?" She asked with a hopeful expression.

He held up a finger rooting through his robe pockets before finding a little sphere that he popped open. "It's a two way communicator," he explained, pressing a button inside the sphere. "Press and hold it and the other one buzzes. Then, you can talk when the other one is opened. Quite ingenious little things, if I do say so myself. Not sure what to call them yet." Trivek handed it over, slipping the pokeball into his pocket.

"As for the little slimes, they like to come back during the night occasionally. Otherwise, I think they skulk around in the gutters and tend to eat whatever material they find. I've got a whole page on them in my notes, fascinating little creatures. Is everything like that a Pokemon?"


  • Moon Cancer
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"Do you have any knowledge of anything suspicious going on in this part of the city. I am not a police officer or other representative of the authorities, but as a concerned citizen I take matters into my own hands. Specifically, I am looking for monsters." Julius explained. He didn't say yet that he had other motive in mind than his usual reason for seeking out such dangerous beings. It was still pretty shameful for him that the circumstances forced him to act as a mercenary for a medical company, but on another hand he couldn't back down. His word was gold and he gave his nobile verbum.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 08:47:51 PM by Kat »


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"Have you actually made some attempt to rein your instincts in? Or they were even stronger on the first night on your undead existence?" Mitsuba speculated, not without a slight mockery in her voice. The girl really had to exercise more control over her actions. "Go to the other room, there are spare Japanese clothes stored there."


  • The God Tongue
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"Woah!" He blurted out all of a sudden as he was kicked right into the hole and landed straight into the sewage, splashing into all sort of disgusting liquids and filth. "Ugh, what a pain..." He looked at his coat and shirt, all dirty and smelling like shit. He awkwardly tried standing, only for the sewage to spill back on the ground. Despite all that, he didn't stop smiling, as if his misery was somehow entertaining.

"Let's go."


"Sheesh, you two..."  He rubbed the back of his burning skull awkwardly like he had just been sucker punched twice. Were they getting a kick out of this merciless bullying? Oh, of course, why did he even have to ask. Yes.

"Sounds like a plan. Well, I don't really need help with anything, but how about I help you help others or something? You know what they say, two heads are better than one, but three is a crowd. Whatchasay pal?" He held his hand out to the pink haired girl in a friendly manner.


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"Do you have any knowledge of anything suspicious going on in this part of the city. I am not a police officer or other representative of the authorities, but as a concerned citizen I take matters into my own hands. Specifically, I am looking for monsters." Julius explained. He didn't say yet that he had other motive in mind than his usual reason for seeking out such dangerous beings. It was still pretty shameful for him that the circumstances forced him to act as a mercenary for a medical company, but on another hand he couldn't back down. His word was gold and he gave his nobile verbum.

The girl on the first look honestly didn't look like someone who had any business with monsters, but again, his honed insticts of a monster hunter and knack for sensing anomalies told him that there was something more to her. He wouldn't be surprised if she possessed the knowledge he sought.


“I’ve only found a few stray dogoos on my patrol around here, which I quickly dispatched.” Noire answered him quickly and calmly. “So you’re a monster hunter? Do you mind if I ask you if you know anything about a local guild where I’d be able to get quests?” Noire sounded very serious, almost as if this was a life or death matter. “I’m in desperate need of information about bigger threats than strays.” She’d asked a few people before, but this man looked as if he knew his stuff. Maybe he’d be more useful.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"No, no. You must understand. We have to be friends." Her voice carried a warning, but in the same way that a mother would when telling her child that they had to use oven mitts to take things out of the oven.

"It's a requirement for the Key! And you already know about it. All that lovely power inside me on the verge of bursting is locked up nice and tight. The usual requirements to unlock it aren't open right now, so we'll have to make the thing ourselves!"


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The warrior scoffed and dismissed her words with a shake of the head, though for the first time he did crack a slight smile, though he didn't realize that himself as it was short lived.


An incredible weight pressed over the expanse of the arena, though it was nothing physical in essence his words crashed across the recesses of the soul like waves. Strong, and angry, a wrath that had been contained for far too long. But the fact he was far from scowling only made his rage seethe further into the bone, for it was as cold as a tundra, enough to engulf the entire world in a mad search for vengeance.

"Your request is hollow and one-sided, the only one who has to gain anything is yourself. Even if you could promise me something, your words mean nothing. Tell me, if I was to open you up like a vulgar walnut, would I be able to use all that power as I please?" His expression bore no emotion, but his eyes peered into her like daggers.


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"I don't really think I particularly need help with anything at the moment, unless you could miraculously change ways of my cat. He's not evil, but he lacks empathy and he goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities." The werewolf jokingly exaggarated the bullying committed by her pet cat. "But seriously, if there's anything I can help with, I don't really mind. I'm a sort of retired super hero who changed job, but I didn't get rusty."

Umbra of Chaos

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Despite it all, Lucy was mostly fine. He was strong, and angry, and vengeful, but these were all things she had seen before. In fact, these were the things of this world that she could lay claim on. "Well, you would actually explode. Violently. And it would all go to your thighs first too."

She began to pace around him, lazily and unevenly. "See, I wasn't asking to be friends for my benefit. It was for yours. After all, a friend who helped me get what's mine deserves a little help, right? They're not a tool to be discarded after I get what I want."