Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98906 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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"Yes, I'm indeed a one." He nodded with a smile. By a guild she probably meant an organisation which would ask her to fight threats. Cheiron wasn't exactly some organisation fighting for the justice, but it partly fit the description. "I am in fact hired by an organisation which asked me to seek out monsters and collect their body parts. For now I am on my own, heeding only my own judgement, but they promised to phone me when they identify a particular threat for me to handle. It is called Cheiron Corporation and it is a medical institution which owns one of hospitals here and seeks out rare ingredients for researching new medicine. If you are interested, I could refer to you to it. And if the fortune shines on me today and they call me soon, I do not mind if you accompany me on the quest."

He did not mind sharing the reward even if that would perhaps prolong paying off the debt.


  • The God Tongue
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"You're the one who misunderstands. Friendships are based on trust. You offer me honeyed words and promises, and I have no need for either. Even if you tell me now that you will return the favor in kind, I do not know you or your true intentions."

The pressure faded, but it was almost like it gripped her own heart before disappearing. His words carried the sort of finality that only the oldest of beings can carry. "Sadly, I don't care about any of that. What you do with me or this world is of no concern to me, as long as I can get what I want. If you are the devil, you have picked the most boring target possible. There is no catharis to be found in my wish. But answer me this, how do you know of my intentions?"


  • Moon Cancer
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Leo I

Anastasia was not wrong.  He had lived in a large palace in the past.  However, in many ways, he preferred a place like this.  He couldn't help but think that maybe there was more to Augustus's decision to live in a small home other than appearing modest.

"No, not at all," he said in a soft polite voice.  "It is assuring to know that my master lives so modestly."

He walked around the apartment, taking note of the books and various modern items.  It was strange.  He knew what they were but he still wasn't entirely used to what it felt like to exist in the modern world.  The layout of the home was surprisingly similar, yet so different.  It was overwhelming to attempt to fathom what kind of influence rome had on the modern world.

This thought manifested into a satisfied smile.  "Master, were you happy as a soldier?" he asked, turning away from the bookshelf to face Anastasia.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Hmm? That was the easiest part. You're not the most subtle person. Everything you are is on display. Anyone with eyes can see that, and I have many eyes." As if the emphasize her point, one of the Messengers twisted its form into a perfectly normal person before deflating back into a rabbit.

Lucy kicked it away. "So then, is that a deal? I love these kinds of perfectly understandable promises between would-be friends. You help me and I'll help you, and I won't be cheap with the aid either."

She held out a hand.


  • Moon Cancer
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"Were I happy as a soldier?" Her Servant asked questions on topics she didn't really dwell on much. After a thoughtful pause, she answered. "Every war is unfortunate, but I had duty to protect my nation. The strife didn't bring me joy, but the fact that all my commitment helped with my nation's survival even a bit certainly made my satisfied with my fate."


  • The God Tongue
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Her affirmation was proof of confidence. No, more than that, hit was confidence itself. The sort of arrogance born from power, the sort of absurdness brought by immortality. Surely she was the sort of person who wouldn't worry about having her head claimed in a heart's beat. That arrogance that carried the stench of the divine was the one thing he loathed most.

He did not take her hand, but he did do something much stranger. He laughed.

His booming voice, his great presence, all these were things that fit. They were cohesive with his persona, his character. You expected a great, wrathful warrior to display such might, therefore one who was accustomed to the unnatural would not be as unsettled as a mere man. But there was something very wrong with this scene, something deeply disturbing about how he smiled for that one split second and the way his laughter lingered. Because why would he laugh so hard, towards something so serious, as if it was all one big joke.

Ah, but that laugh too must have been a fake. He sighed, and in that moment the warrior resurfaced.

"I see, I see. Yes, I will honor our agreement, as will you. Now then, will you answer my question? The important one."


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"Very well then Marie I hope the two of us can make this work like you want to." She grasped her master's hand but instead of shaking it, she pulled the taller woman along through the store. "So where are these other things you wanted to try on me? I'll be wanting something to eat soon so if we could finish this in a timely manner I'd be really pleased."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, we'll want to go somewhere a bit more private than this... But I can say a little bit right now. On my soul is a lock which holds back the power and keeps me from accessing it. Unfortunately, my capacity to look into that is limited. That's what I need a specialist like you for!"

Then there was a slightly hard look to her face. "We must map out the shape. Then we can consider creating the perfect trigger for me."


  • The God Tongue
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"William is acquainted with a talented scholar on matters of the soul. I am a mere pupil in compare, and he'd know the same. Yet, you come looking for me." His voice was grave once more, as if he was deep in thought.

"I will see what I can do. Follow me."

And with that, he headed to the medical room at his own pace, uncaring if she lagged behind through the vast stairs and halls.

Umbra of Chaos

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She followed the man, even if she fell behind her skittering Messengers informed her of where he was heading. Then, with a joyous leap, she landed right on the examination table and quickly began to lie down. "You ready, Vanguard?"


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"Retired being a hero, that's what they all say and look where they end up then." The purple haired girl shook her head at the thought, no need to be so in denial girl.

Friend numero uno on the other hand...

She happily grabbed his hand in an overtly enthusiastic manner and dragged him along with surprising strength for a girl of her build. "Come on you two, there's a whole city just waiting to be saved from nasty evil magicians in robes." It would be utterly foolish to try and stop the goddess now, her mind had been made up and there was no time for regrets.


  • Moon Cancer
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The driver found himself turning around and glaring at the two.  "So your not joking..." he said trailing off.  The way his voice grew more stern made it sound like he was annoyed or something.  "I guess that makes you two supernaturals huh?"

Marcus sighed, his smile fading into a more stern frown.  "Yeah?  Whats it to you?"

Despite his tone, his thoughts were much more calm.  Thats pretty funny actually.  I'm not horrible with money.  I lived alone for a while as a kid, so I learned how to manage my money pretty easily.  Hey, want to mess with this guy?


  • The God Tongue
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It seemed he was far from impressed with her overtly cheery antics. He believed he told her, enough with the theatrics. This wasn't a war meant for childish women to fight, wether it be a facade or not.

"I'm not the one you should ask this to." He loomed over her figure while she laid on the table. "I need to stop your biological functions for a moment. Are you prepared?"


"W-woah!" The pirate was dragged without having any further say into this, not that he disliked it, but sheesh! She was crazy strong! "Hey, do you always drag poor skeletons so roughly? The least you could do is buy me dinner first!"


  • Moon Cancer
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"That is my fault," Medaka said with a smile.  Despite her somber tone, she looked pretty happy, earnest even.  "Taking someones blood is a surprisingly intimate experience and I still long for connection.  The blood lust combined with that desire can be a terrible combination."

It was an honest answer.  She had thought about this topic as well, so it was an answer that came from a place of deep introspection.


  • Moon Cancer
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"The world is not on verge of collapsing, so I consider it a retirement." The werewolf shrugged. No matter how bad the situation got, it would never be as bad as what she had faced before. It was very hard to disturb her unflappable attitude at this point.

"But alright, I'm coming in! I don't think I got your name yet, though." She addressed the girl who dragged the skeleton. It seemed as if 'Ellie' had no problem with keeping up with the purple haired girl.