Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 100073 times)


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After seeing the badge glimmer in the street lights, Joe pulled the door open.  "Oh hello officer.  Thank you for coming to visit," he said with a polite smile.  Hopefully things will turn out alright this time.


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Medaka chuckled and said, "While the bloodthirst is a factor.  For me it is more the sudden burst of emotions I have when someone opens up to me.  And drawing blood is so intimate...  When you finally said yes it made me so happy."


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It could be fun, Forest sent back at Marcus when the driver started to show a bit of racism.

She tilted her head and added, He hasn't even noticed that I lack a reflection in his rear view mirror.


"And I could have easily repaired your clothing with magecraft.  You wouldn't have been naked for long if any," Rin said with a sigh as she lifted up her hand towards Sakura.

To the newcomer she said, "You should keep your pet on a tighter leash.  Or be aware that he wanted to sexually assault her." 

Umbra of Chaos

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She paused for a moment. "Do not mistake my pep for unpreparedness, Vanguard. I have been ready for this for longer than you care to know. Go ahead." Meanwhile the Messengers crawled into her, the little demons slipping under Lucy's skin.


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After seeing the badge glimmer in the street lights, Joe pulled the door open.  "Oh hello officer.  Thank you for coming to visit," he said with a polite smile.  Hopefully things will turn out alright this time.


The detective nodded, making his way in. His lightly gravel-esque voice resounded lowly. "It's no problem."

He carried a case by his side as he strode past the entrance hall, stopping to look back at Joeson before returning the gaze coldly forward. He looked even more ordinary than he sounded, to a degree that it made him think. It would be convenient to look like that, though the name needed to go. It added to such harmlessness that it almost seemed dubious.

Beyond anyone's perception, the demon's mind creeked as it connected his nerves to a harmful probability-triggered array. The occult gateways ensured he would detect any intention to do him wrong before it came to pass.

"Now that I'm here, could you recount the event with more detail for me? Maybe - " He hesitated, then his brows shot up with an exasperated exhalation, seeing the mess that had been made of parts of the house. He grunted a heavy 'Huh' and set down his load before clicking it open. His idle hand made a circular beckoning gesture towards Joe, awaiting.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"I can understand." He said gravely, his tone baring no emotion yet betraying a hint of envy at the woman laying before him.

He grabbed one of the creatures beforeit managed to slip into Lucy, and squeezed it gradually until its entire shape looked deformed, yet it didn't seem to break or pop. It would have looked ridiculous, if his expression wasn't so sombre. Interesting, was this a part of her as well?

Was he taking his time, or simply hesitating? Tch, ridiculous, he had no reason to in the first place. He raised his arm, for a second it seemed to glow before he brought it onto her chest.There was a spark of light, then the world turned black. Her chest made no further sound as the shock stopped it and all vital functions. He has about eight minutes to operate on her safely.

At least, assuming her physiology was human in the first place.

His fingers drew strange shapes and symbols in the air, growing around the two corpses like aetheric branches filled with scriptures and formulas.  The strings of thaumaturgical code formed shapes and surrounded Lucy while his fingers worked inside her, entering her body as if she, or he, was no longer tangible in the first place. This would be difficult, he had never operated on such a great soul. If he had to compare it to something, it was like trying to grab onto the sun itself. A herculean task no doubt, one that would destroy his arms at best and annihilate his soul at worst, but he was prepared for that. As long as the formulas flowed steadily, her soul and his should be in sync.

Can you hear me?


"O-okay." She nodded, suddenly brightening up before resuming eating at a slower pace. "Thish ish delichioush...!" She squeed at the amazing food, she never had anything like it!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 05:30:42 PM by francobull3 »


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The maid landed in the damnable pile of sludge much more gracefully than her companion and as a result her uniform only got a bit covered in it at the bottom of it. Unlike him she had no problem standing at her full height, he'd have some issue moving down here for sure. That's why she didn't even pay him heed as she moved ahead taking point in a delightful manner.

She closed her eyes while calmly walking onwards. The stagnant air seemed to flutter briefly but then nothing. Perhaps nothing had happened and it was just a trick of the repugnant darkness that enveloped the both of them.

Despite her apparent lack of vision, Maolly walked with a confident stride not making a single faulty step as she went along. "We're almost there." The maid suddenly said after having kept quiet for so long.


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The crazy grip didn't let up but at least the purple haired girl responded to him. "You're damn right I do. Get used to it, this is how I treat all my friend and sure Lorry, Whadda ya want?"

Not missing a beat she turned to other new friend. "I am Neptune. The most glorious ruler and CPU of Planeptune, I know i know, I'm awesome."


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"Very well then Marie I hope the two of us can make this work like you want to." She grasped her master's hand but instead of shaking it, she pulled the taller woman along through the store. "So where are these other things you wanted to try on me? I'll be wanting something to eat soon so if we could finish this in a timely manner I'd be really pleased."

Olga Marie

"Jeez Saber, they're in this section..." Olga laughed. "See?" Olga pointed towards a selection of leggings on display. "And the shoes are over there." She pointed in the opposite direction at another section filled with aisles of shoes.

"And you're interested in trying out food huh? What's your favorite kind? You eat meat right?" Olga began to excitedly pepper her servant with various questions.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Awesome! It's an honor to get to be friends with someone so great. Mhhhhh, people nowdays make cotton from candy. I've always wanted to try that!" He laughed along, enjoying the girl's over the top energy and riding the wave. "Well, it might be tricky for now, but I'm sure I'll be able to eventually! Haha!"

And suddenly, the pirate had a great idea.

"Hey, why don't we stop to the amusement park first?"


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The pope smiled at her answer.  "I think that is a respectable perspective.  In that case, what is your commitment to this city?  Do you wish to protect it as a soldier as well?" he asked, his brow furrowing a bit as his attention intensified to take in her response.


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The giant shifted awkwardly across the filthy sewer's corridors, trying to squeeze his way past some of the tighter passageways. Despite all that was said and done, he finally got used to all of the filth and didn't seem to mind as much anymore, if he truly minded in the first place.

"Ho, do you come around these places often? It doesn't suit you too well." He bantered casually, not because he cared, but because the walk was starting to bore him more than anything.


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Parker scoffed at the girl's response, but chose not to respond.  Instead, he turned to Ryu and said, "I think you have terrible taste in women.  This girl is far too high strung."

Ryu giggled at Parkers reaction.  "Thats because you suck at dealing with people.  Although, she is a little murder happy but I can get into that!"

Then, the purple haired girl yelled at him.  "And stop calling me a fighting game character. I'm not something from a video game!" Ryu froze for a brief moment, before breaking into a smile.  "Check that out Parker!  I think i'm getting through to her!  Shes not threatening to kill me now!"

Parker simply sighed.  "Cmon, lets go," he said, grabbing hold of Ryuji's gee.


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"I don't think I follow, Neptune, but if you say so." She couldn't say she got what the girl told her, but she just accepted it for granted. "And I thought we would go fight for the justice and defeat those sorcerers clad in whichever robes, but fine. I could wind down a bit."

I wonder how he could try cotton candy to begin with. After all, he was a skeleton. And one set on fire. The food either would burn down or he wouldn't be able to digest it at all. The undead and their eccentricities, maybe. But at least he wasn't a fanged horror masquerading as a human who sucked out precious body fluids from citizens.

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

Sakura sighed as Red reacted to her request by simply slowing down her rate of eating, still shovelling the food into her mouth with abandon.

Shirou, meanwhile, was actually starting to get angry. Not at Red, of course, but at whoever had been responsible for her before this. Evidentially they had not looked after her very well, judging by how hungry she was and how little she knew of basic table manners. Still, he knew it wasn't her fault and that she might misinterpret his anger as being aimed at her, so he did his best to avoid letting it show.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying it", Shirou said, a genuinely proud smile coming over him for a moment, "but can you sit down and use the knife and fork, please. I know you're hungry, and you can eat as much as you want, but please sit down and eat it normally."

"Yes, Red, we can't eat when you're doing that", Sakura added.