Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 31056 times)


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The ancient warrior noted her enthusiasm, but in contrast his tale carried no emotion, other than the icy coldness of the mountains. His words whipped like a lash, burrowed like frozen thorns, and carried no emotion other than a pitiful irony. The sort you speak of when you address a group of pitiful children.

"There was a time when humans and animals spoke of the same tongue, and the continents were united under a great city over the skies. An eden for humans to live in after they destroyed their former world, gifted by the gods.The lands below were infested with demons from the old world, the former humans who were chosen unworthy to enter paradise. I hear that it is angels who defend god's heaven, and in their hubris the humans looked up to the gods and recreated their heaven. To defend their gates, they created heroes."

His glare was somber, dull, he didn't look like more than a corpse yet his words were fierce and alive. It was odd, but even such words devoid of life carried such might that it was impossible not to pay attention to them.

"There was such an hero among their ranks. He was simple minded, the sort of hero only a child could idolize, the sort of man who finds genuine happiness in the salvation of others. Do you think such a saint could really exist?"

He scoffed, and his tone became devoid of any emotion. He wasn't sealing them away, rather, there was no emotion or expression that could reflect the fury in his words. He was sealed by the hands that created everything, therefore he hated everything. And most of all, he hated them.

It was such a cliche it was almost laughable, but really, there was nothing more to it. That was the one thing in the world that could make him smile so.

"No. It was all empty rubbish. He couldn't keep a single promise, nor could he save anyone. The gods sought to punish mankind's rebellion and hubris, thus they chose him as their champion. The rest is unimportant..."

As he finished his tale, his confident smile grew once more.

"In order to keep me from turning against them, they devised a seal that locked my power. As a former puppet of the gods, I can understand a divine shackle. It is the only thing I've known for so long, and I still cannot unmake it. There is no need for any of it, we will simply have to make another one."
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 01:44:42 AM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

To the couple's annoyance, Red once again misinterpreted their instructions, now simply picking up a fork and continuing to eat the food. By now, she'd eaten almost two thirds of it, far more than even Shirou had planned for.

I guess I'll have to make more next time, Shirou thought, realising his mistake.

Before they could ask her to sit down, though, Red finally stopped eating, proclaiming herself full, before stating that she was going to go back to sleep.

"But you just woke up!" Sakura responded as she finally sat down at the table, placing some food on Moko's plate and cutting it into bite-size pieces before starting to serve herself.

"Did you enjoy the food?" Shirou said with a smile, surprisingly unconcerned at the amount she'd eaten, before beginning to serve himself too.

Then, the three of them began to eat their meal. Sakura and Shirou were both aware that there probably wasn't going to be enough left for them all, but neither wanted to make Red feel bad by mentioning that fact.


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"Yeah! It was delish!" She cheered Shirou on and gave him a big thumbs up. "Live strong boys, bedtime awaits!" And with that, she went straight for the bedroom.

But the moment she went out of sight, the closer she came to the bedroom, the weaker her smile became, until she smiled no longer and just looked down with a tired expression. Her hand was clenched as if she was frustrated.

I messed up again...

What should she do? Her stomach wouldn't stop rumbling. It was like no matter how much she ate since yesterday, her body just didn't have enough upkeep. At this rate, she'd worry them unnecessarily.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Shirou smiled at the compliment, before returning to his meal as Red left. Soon enough, though, looks of worry came over both of their faces.

"Senpai, I'm worried about her", Sakura said, quietly, as she continued to eat, not wanting the girl to overhear the conversation.

"Yeah, me too", Shirou replied, also quietly. "She's tired and hungry, whoever was looking after her obviously hasn't been doing it very well. And who knows what experiments they've done on her."

"Yeah, the poor girl must have been through so much...", Sakura responded, a sad tone to her voice.

"We have to help her", Shirou said, "we can't ask her to go back to whereever she was before. She needs people to care for her and show her affection."

Sakura nodded in response. She hated seeing a child suffer like that, like she had. Red needed a home and someone to look after her, and they would be those people, at least until a better option presented itself.

"I'll check up on her when we finish", Sakura added, still speaking quietly. "Hopefully we didn't upset her or make her feel bad."

Shirou nodded in agreement, the three of them finishing the remaining food. As selfless as ever, Shirou and Sakura ensured Moko ate his fill, before agreeing to split the rest to avoid fighting over who would forgo their food to ensure the other wasn't left hungry. Then, Sakura would go to check up on Red, to see if she was sleeping soundly.


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He was just as surprized as she was at the sudden strange sight. More than that, there was a sick perverse look to his smile. It didn't take long to notice he was actually drooling, as if the sight of the massive creature awakened a new hunger in him.

"Do you think this guy's edible?"
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 02:23:41 AM by francobull3 »


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The demon was glad that she didn't have such a glaring mental weakness. Every her thought and action was calculated, even acts of rage against this world and people who annoyed her too much. The more time she spent with Medaka the more she realized that she had to plan around about her inherent irrationality and emotional outbursts. She really hoped that Medaka's maker was more seasoned, rational and stable creature, but she honestly should expect that the apple didn't fall far from the three. "For me it seems like you not only need to improve your skill and prowess but steel yourself. The enemy you want to face looks like someone who would readily manipulate your emotions and feelings. Anyone who intimately knows people's hearts and can manipulate them is honestly your worst opponent."


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"Right, I can get where you're coming from. But I might know in advance when villains are about to invade this place. I've pretty sharp senses. If I focus a little I could tell you what people riding that very tall rollercoaster are wearing. And if they use their powers, I could probably detect them like your friend." The werewolf remarked as Lorenzo was putting on a show instead of eating the cotton candy. Yep, what else he could do with something he couldn't eat? "But if I'm boring you with plans and preparations, then we can just go have fun. I just wanted to say that you can count on me even if I will be half alert."

Then the werewolf went to buy a hotdog from a stall considering that anything not including meat was just empty callories for her. Fast food not possessed by a demonic spirit? Literally paradise.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 04:24:34 PM by Kat »


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What made her happy? "In my particular case I think it's simply doing my duty and fulfilling my obligations to the society. I'm happy with my job. While I have hobbies, I think that such responsibilities take precedence over entertainment."


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Medaka took a deep breath.  Her entire upper torso opened up, inflating with air.  With one heavy exhale, her entire body contracted and her body relaxed.  She looked at Mistuba with a weak smile.

"Well, I hate to say it like this, but your words are nothing new," Medaka said.  "Besides hearing these words before from someone else, my impulsiveness is what got my soul stolen in the first place.  Even so, I can't help but think that doing so would cause me to lose something.  The man who is possession of my soul; he seemed like he was the opposite, a man who is so battle hardened he can no longer feel.  I wouldn't want to become something like that."

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy was strangely silent. Even her Messengers didn't make too much of a fuss throughout the entire story. Perhaps she felt some respect for this creature, a rebellious slave still bound even once the eyes of his master had drifted away from him. Or maybe she was just bored.

"What kind of terrible story was that? You didn't even give a real ending."


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Oka Kurosawa

Ugh. So he was the reason they were oddly absent from this cesspit. Great. She couldn't exactly blame him for shooing them away, but it sure was an unfortunate annoyance. Oh well. Might as well thank him for his offer.

 "Well, thanks." She said with as much cheer as she could muster. "Do you have a way I can contact you?" She wasn't expecting a positive answer but it couldn't hurt to ask. "Do you know where they go?" She asked with a hopeful expression.

He held up a finger rooting through his robe pockets before finding a little sphere that he popped open. "It's a two way communicator," he explained, pressing a button inside the sphere. "Press and hold it and the other one buzzes. Then, you can talk when the other one is opened. Quite ingenious little things, if I do say so myself. Not sure what to call them yet." Trivek handed it over, slipping the pokeball into his pocket.

"As for the little slimes, they like to come back during the night occasionally. Otherwise, I think they skulk around in the gutters and tend to eat whatever material they find. I've got a whole page on them in my notes, fascinating little creatures. Is everything like that a Pokemon?"

Oka Kurosawa

"Mmm!" Oka made a happy affirmative noise. "I'd say so, anyway. Some people like to disagree." She sounded a bit pouty and annoyed at the fact not everyone agreed with her nomenclature. She thought they were just foolish, personally. They were all obviously pokemon.

"And well I need some now, you know? I don't want to wander around back alleys like this one." Oka had been fidgiting with the little ball he'd given her and finally asked a question about it.

"Why don't you just have a phone? Or try to sell stuff like this if you design it? I'm sure you could live somewhere better than here." She gestured around at the trash and stench around them. She felt like she needed to take an hours long bath and scrub herself clean just to feel nice again. Bluhargh.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Huh? Now where did i wander off to now?"
The dazzling figure of a short woman in a toga dyed in crimson looked around the Nexus' Central Park, her golden hair dazzling in the sunlight.

"Well... You never know what life throws at you. They say all roads lead to Rome, after all!"

And so, the fifth empress of the great roman empire took her first steps in a whole new world.


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"So you are a heroine of justice seeking recognition? I think there is a way in which I can aid an aspiring hero like you. I have a gift for sensing nearby monsters when they are around. And sometimes my God sends me visions, but of course Lord's ways are strange and I cannot predict when He points me out to a calamity. Hence the most reliable approach would be looking around crowded places where people could need your assistance. From my own experience the forces of evil have obsession with targeting malls. Really unfortunate."

Yeah, he still remembered this debacle when whole mall of people went nearly insane from being exposed to the evil of that evil cultist.


"The lord's ways?" Noire muttered. Sounded confusing. Was some master of his bossing him around? Very strange. Didn't seem like what he meant. But first she needed to correct this misunderstanding he had and promote herself.

"Thank you, but you've got one thing wrong. I'm not a hero or heroine, I'm simply a goddess trying to help people and gain their faith." She swept her twintails and had a proud smirk on her face. "I am Lady Black Heart of Lastation, but you may call me Noire. You said that malls are often attacked here? I probably should head over there and see if anybody's in danger, then."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"What kind of person doesn't like meat? A life of not having meat would not be a life worth living. But yes something with meat would be fine Master Marie." She got all the thing Olga pointed out as she responded to her. Then she stopped and turned to her master with a smile. "I think this will do."

The Servant had somehow gathered a giant pile of clothes in that small amount of time, easily towering the blond. She stuck her out from around wearing victorious grin. "Are you sure you can afford all of this? I wouldn't want to inconvenince you" They were all brand clothes, and not just the relatively cheap one but the really expensive ones.


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Lucy was strangely silent. Even her Messengers didn't make too much of a fuss throughout the entire story. Perhaps she felt some respect for this creature, a rebellious slave still bound even once the eyes of his master had drifted away from him. Or maybe she was just bored.

"What kind of terrible story was that? You didn't even give a real ending."


The metal giant cocked his hand and his fist squeezed, almost sucking in air while somber energies warped around it. A spark crackled around his arm, no more and no less, and he let a tired sigh.

"That is what I seek."   

Even if it will bring the end of all things.

"Do you understand? In order to build the key to open your seal, I'm going to have to recreate an antithesis to your lock. Think of it as counteracting a sickness with an opposite disease, but for that we will need another core."

He seemed to be deep in thought, seriously considering his next steps. "I will need to borrow your power."