Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52512 times)


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"I take it you're a slow learner. Going 180 degrees in behavior would take aeons for you. Even a change by a one or ten degrees would prevent you from getting into such mess repeatedly." It seemed unlikely that she could cure her of her delusions completely, but if she became a less of a lemming than she was before, then it would be beneficial for both parties.

"As I said, there are clothes in the other room. There is also a spare sword, but I reserve this for myself." She was a scrooge like that and she wouldn't give a sword which had a Shatter Embed installed to it for anyone unless they really paid her for all the effort. "I don't plan to go unarmed when I shift back to my human version. Guns might be more dangerous, I admit that, but a sword is something I'm innately familiar with, so I will stick to that." And she already felt a bit uneasy considering that she hadn't gripped a sword in a while.


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"Haha, niiice! I knew I could count on ya Ellie." He swiftly snatched a ticket, but strangely enough it didn't catch on fire or anything. He seemed to like what he saw, or was written on it, because he proceeded to grab the two cutie ladies with his large bony arms and hugged them close to him. "Treasure eh? Why go all the trouble going back and forth when I can get us all there pronto? Juuust hold on tight ladies!"

And as soon as he said that, the fire spread on the ground around them and swirled beneath their feet before shooting them upwards and fading from the ground, rocketing the three of them to their first location with heart-taking swiftness. The next thing they knew, they were right in front of a ship sort of ride, or rather, right on top of the swing supporting it.

"Tadaam~! Here we are! I wonder if they take any pictures, hehehe!" He turned to his two companions and waved his arm forward as if to show off the entire park. "How'dya like the view?"

« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 12:09:14 PM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"I would prefer not to be in a car accident before we got home.  If I'm such a distraction, then maybe you should let me drive," Forest said with a smirk.

She canted her head at Marcus's sending and replied, There's abandoned warehouses all around.  I mean, I pretty much cleaned up the criminal elements there, but they're there.  And do you mean you want me to vamp out with the glowing red eyes and fangs?


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As Medaka began walking towards where Mitsuba was pointing, she peeled off the rest of her top, including her bra.  Instead of offering a some sort of excuse, she simply said, "Yes, perhaps you are right."

No, she was right.  Whether she intended to call her out or not, in that moment, the young vampire realized how stupid that excuse was.  Change is not something that excludes cost.  That thought was suddenly interrupted as she entered the room and found herself surrounded by traditional Japanese clothing.  It was all very pretty and there were many different styles and patterns.

"Do not worry," she shouted.  "I do not care much for weapons anyway."

After scanning the room for a bit, she found a bright red kimono decorated with white cherry blossom patterns.  After slipping out of her pants, she put on the kimono.  It was pretty tight, particularly around the chest.  To circumvent this problem, she opened up the front, giving her breasts room to breathe.  Once that was settled, she put her hair up into a bun, modifying a coat hanger into a hair clip.  It was done with such craftsmanship that only keen eyes would be able to tell the difference.

The young vampire emerged from the room, a satisfied smile on her face.  "So, does this look ok?" she asked, making sure she didn't take anything important.


  • Moon Cancer
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Wow, this guy is pretty professional, Joe thought as the detective pulled out his phone.  He stood patiently as the detective swipped through his phone, going through several photos.

"Hold on," he said, pointing at the photo of the big man.  "That guy right there."


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That would be certainly a convenient way to reach the destination, if not for the fact that it really attracted attention. But at least people weren't losing their sanity even at such flashy use of supernatural powers, something that went together with her certain form. But speaking of her powers... the ride had the dreaded minimum height requirement.

"Alright, it's just a minor inconvenience, guys." And people already veered off them anyway. Doubt the public would care about what she about to do. Her companions would care even less about her change in appearance.

The werewolf focused, growing in height and stature. She was still not imposing, a bit shorter than the average height of women in her country. Her hair was now longer, and somewhat messy. Her body was more toned than before, but curiously her clothes simply adjusted for the change in her measurements. "Just some magic. If Lorenzo can show off a bit, I can too."


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Her Servant made a declaration that he would help her find happiness. Well, she didn't think she need much of help to figure it out on her own, but if he insisted on helping her with what she was already doing, then fine, she didn't really mind that. Then the priest faded into his immaterial form and he declared that he would like to explore the city. But hadn't they done it already? It was pretty late after all, and there was nothing interesting open at that hour.

However, Leo suddenly froze, disturbed by something. "What's wrong, something happene-" Then he had to pick her up and ignore all her protests the she had against such treatment. He had this sort of one track mind at the moment that made him not hear her words. "Do you hear me at all? You should better explain why do you mean by this."


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The driver simply lowered his eyes at the supernatural girl before returning his focus to the road. Smartass... the man thought to himself.  "No thanks," he said.  "The job may be hard, but I would feel pretty useless if I let someone like you drive."

Meanwhile, Marcus returned his attention to the window, pretending to mindlessly stare through the glass.  Yeah, that sexy bestial look of yours.  Can you do it willingly? Marcus asked telepathically.

All of the sudden, Marcus's body jumped to attention.  "Oh crap!  I think we're going the wrong way!" he exclaimed, turning his head to Forest.  Then, he put his hand on the back of the driver's seat.  "Hey, do you mind changing the route?  I think I gave you the wrong address."

The driver sighed, glancing through his rear view mirror at Forest.  He couldn't help but wonder if the girl would be alright if they just left her here.  However, on the other hand, he was already paid.  If he takes them to the address already inputted into the system, he can't get in trouble and he can make more money.  She's a supernatural.  She'll be fine.

"No way!" the driver groaned.  "You guys are more than fine!  Besides, I have other customers."

"C'mon man," Marcus said with a frown.  "We can make it worth your while."

The driver shook his head. "Oh yeah?  How?"
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 03:24:08 PM by yinsukin »


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He mumbled pallidly as his eyes fell on the photo that drew Joe's attention. "Son of a bitch."

It was hard to determine whether the man was lucky or unlucky to have drawn such a notorious lot and passed it unhurt, but it was for the best the detective had come here himself. Henry's strained stare floated back to Joeson's face.

"That's Blackmore, and he's a known and dangerous element in the city's criminal territory disputes," he said, focused on the reaction the revelation would cause.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The maid raised an eyebrow at the sudden question. " I wouldn't have that raw, just thinking about where it has been makes my stomach turn." She began pulling back her aura and got ready.

"Surface dwelling fools! I will teach youto fear and respect the name Sushimoto Mizuhara."

The voice came from behind them. Like an eel the Cushman shot forward dodged slipped past a blow from the maid with ease and moved behind Blackmore, delivering a wall shattering blow to his back.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 05:00:56 PM by Thedoctor »


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He couldn't even see it coming, even less move out of the way or retaliate. The blow had him fall on his knee, but despite that his smile was as present as ever. A black and purple aura-like substance seeped off his body the moment he was struck and the water surrounding them immediately boiled and burst into burning waves of steam and purple energy, threatening to burn the fish to a crisp and anything near Blackmore along with him.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 05:08:41 PM by francobull3 »


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The nobleman was not a priest, but as a learned man he knew that the Bible did not refute existence of other gods. They simply did not match the glory of the absolute God of Israel. While a less open minded and learned worshipper would decry Noire's declaration as blasphemous, he took it in surprisingly well.

"I understand, Noire. I don't think I qualify as your worshipper because I made a covenant with my god and promised I will only follow Him, but in this age of religious tolerance I believe people can choose their path. So I have no problem with accompanying you if you don't mind my assistance." The enemy that he had encountered at the mall few months ago required cooperation of a team after all.


"Well, I don't mind, I guess I could allow you to help me." Noire wasn't particularly happy about him worshipping another god, although it wasn't as if she didn't understand the concept. It was simply super inconvenient for her. So long as he didn't follow Yellow Heart or some other troublesome god he was entitled to his choice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"And takeoooooffff..." The purple haired girl didn't seem phased in the slightest at suddenly being rocketed through the air. She held onto the hat though, not wanting to lose it when she had just promised to give it.

The view though. Wasn't anything she hadn't seen a thousand times before. Ellie's little transformation was almost more interesting but she only bulked up, boooring.

"Looks like whenever I'm flying. Well there usually isn't a cool park in the background to set the mood like this. But hey wanna see my goddess form if we're gonna show off powers anyway?" She looked excited at the prospect of showing off some more.


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“Ooof, getting kinda hot in here…” He looked away embarrassingly and pulled at his coat, as if to ventilate his fiery bod better. Nice muscles, really nice muscles at that!

If only the clothes didn’t grow to match her frame. If only…

But all of a sudden, Neppy’s words had him snap back to attention. He didn’t expect this reaction, not one bit. How curious.

“Wait, you mean, you aren’t in your goddess form? You sure looked the part.” He rubbed the back of his head as if thinking before he finally settled and lightened up.

“Hehe, sure! But I’ll let you know that the only god I truly believe in is green, paper, and makes wine rain from the sky whenever you’re in the dumps. The bar’s pretty high missy.”
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 06:40:38 PM by francobull3 »


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Minion A

Yes thats right.  A commander of Hazel's gang is named minion A.  It was a demeaning title, jokingly given to him by Kuma and another leader.  He never understood why either. Was it his weaker physical abilities?  Was it because his powers were not very exeptional?  In either case, it didn't matter.  This morning, he was free to do as he pleased.  There was only one problem.  He was broke.

As the man walked down the street, he spotted a purple haired woman in a long sleeved shirt and a white skirt.  Just going off the look on her face, it seemed like she was from money and more importantly, easy to rob!  Even better, she had huge tits!

The two were already walking in opposition to one another, so it would be a simple matter to pick her clothes for valuables.  He was faster than even an Olympic athlete after all.  The second she blinks, he would run his hands across her body, looking for anything that could qualify as assets.  Its too bad, if he wasn't so greedy, he might have gotten away with it too.