Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52463 times)


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Leo I

Leo looked down at Anastasia and frowned.  He regretted having to subject his master to such treatment, but this was the only way to cross such a distance and keep an eye on her.

"I realize you are not familiar with the scriptures, so I will try to abridge it as best as I can," the pope said, staring into the distance.  It seemed the source of the disturbance really was that arena.  "If I am right, there is a very powerful demon being summoned, a creature rivaling even Micheal himself.  No, it could be even worse.  It could be him."

Just as he finished talking, the presence faded.  It did not disappear entirely but rather dimmed to a fraction of what it was moments ago.  With a bit of the urgency gone, he stopped bouncing from building to building and set his master down on a roof overlooking the stadium.  "It is gone," he said, squinting as he peered over the walls of the arena.  "The worst case is that he is hiding his presence.  In the best case, whomever tried to gather this much power failed at what they sought to accomplish.

He turned to Anastasia, his face hardened with fear and determination.  "I do not know if I can truly protect you against this threat, but if you value this city in any way, we must stop these people."
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 07:54:57 PM by yinsukin »


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Molly quickly lept backwards when the strange miasma rolled out of Blackmore's body, she did not feel like taking that head on. And The tall man appeared to be handlign this fine anyway, so the maid kept her distance waiting for an opportunity to present itself.

Sushimoto feared no mere surface dweller, here in his kingdom, he was untouchable. Paying no head to the strange black miasma, after all it was useless all useless. His fist was true and blazed through it with maximum determination, over and over it went, delivering a flurry of punches that would send the giant flying straight into the wall on the other side.


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"Then I will be glad to assist you in this endeavor." Julius smiled politely, though he noticed that the girl was a bit upset when he mentioned that he dedicated himself to another God already. "I can show you the mall that already got attacked few days ago. If we're 'fortunate, we can find a troublemaker."

The immediate damage got cleaned up by Forest and others, but such traumatic and horrifying event must have left some supernatural scar in the place. Monsters were attracted to places marked in such way.


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"You're a god, Neptune?" Now taller werewolf commented as if it was nothing odd.

"Sure, I'm not surprised. I met gods who look human, and I'm partly a god myself through my grandpa Hudson." The girl spoke with familiarity and nostalgia in her voice. Gods were usually believed something distant, but for her the god of the river in New York state was a grandfather in every sense to her. Looking at her more favorably than other werewolves, even sharing his secrets with her. And fish. The old river man even named her.

"I even met the god Lorenzo believes in, but he wasn't actually green and paper. A bit of a scrooge too." Mighty Dollar lent money, but he didn't want you to spend it frivolously. He expected you paid the interest back. Of course she wanted to avoid dealing with him unless she was in dire straits.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 08:56:12 PM by Kat »


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A bright orange light enveloped the purple haired girl's view, filtered only by the folds of skin separating her eyeball from the bright sun.  The folds slipped open, exposing her eyes to the overwhelming light of a new world. Sera held her hand over her head to block out the light as she rose to her feet.  Looking around, she let out a sigh.

So this is where it led.....

Dressed in the clothes of that skank Megan, she wore a white sleeveless shirt that showed off her abs, a short skirt that went down to the center of her thigh and knee high stockings with kitten patterns at the top.  Unfortunately, the back of her shirt was now stained with grass and the shirt was fairly loose on her.  Megan had a much bigger chest.  Honestly, she shouldn't have gone out in an outfit like this.  It was embarrassing.

As she scanned the park, she noticed a beutiful blond woman walking aimlessly through, as if she was just as lost as she was.  The woman was wearing what could only be described as cosplay, an almost flamboyant red toga that immediately caught the eye.  At least she had a nice figure to fill it out.

Sera waddled over to the blond, lightly tapping the back of her shoulder.  "Ummm.... excuse me," she murmured.  "I think i'm lost."


As the empress confidently stamped toward wherever, she felt a hand at her shoulder.

"Fear nothing, lass! For you have found me, and i shall lead your way!"

Nodding in approval as she mustered the lean body of the eyepatched girl, lingering at her fascinating eyes.

"You're not half bad, lass! Umu, very nice! Are you ready to build an empire?"


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“Guahhhh!!” He grit his teeth and endured the flurry while the beast braved through the scorching assault, but that was a bad move.

It was impossible, something that baffled logic.The miasma didn’t grow in size, but each blow marked the coming of larger waves of volcanic heat, spreading the intense heat directly into his body. As Blackmore was now, he could melt steel and evaporate a person through mere hand contact.

Could the beast truly brave such a vicious trap unscathed?


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For a brief moment, Joe's face froze.  He stared blankly at the piece of paper, a whirlwind of thoughts all colliding at once.  Once the dust cleared, he began laughing hysterically.  "Oh thats good," he said.  "At least I have another story to tell next time I get a chance."


Joe took out his phone.  Sakura kinda seems alright with me.  Maybe I could ask her for advice?  He thought before shaking his head.  No, thats dumb.  I just met her.  I have no idea what she has planned for me.

Suddenly realizing that the detective was still in the room, Joe suddenly looked up from his phone.  "Oh i'm sorry," he said, giving the detective his best apologetic smile.  "Its just.... that was a bit unnerving.  Is there anything you can do?"


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"Ummm......W-what?" she muttered, the pitch of her voice raising at the end.

Sera paused, her finger frozen in mid air.  It just occurred to her that this girl was probably crazy.  How could she possibly know if she was nice just based off of her asking for directions?

"I-im just lost."

Umbra of Chaos

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"I see, I see. That's really good for everyone then! I should go treat your for doing so well, Vanguard. Whadda you wanna eat?" She had finished getting up and was now standing, one foot behind the other as she leaned in a bit.

Cherry Lover

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"Hey, what do you think you're doing!" Sakura shouted angrily, shuddering with disgust as she pushed the man's hands away.

Beginning to draw in mana from her surroundings in case she needed to fight, Sakura glared angrily at the man, not yet noticing that her handbag was open or that he was holding her money.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 01:14:14 AM by Cherry Lover »


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The jest would have been cruel if he cared about such things in the first place. But once again, his hardened face contrasted her cheerful demeanor. "Anywhere is fine." He told her flatly before heading out at her pace. But the moment they stepped out, something utterly absurd occurred. His massive arm snuck along hers with almost frightening subtlety and locked in place with hers, carrying her along in a most scandalous position.

"I will be paying." In contrast to this position, his voice was as deadpan and hardened as ever.


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"Yup 100% genuine goddess right here." She nodded to Salmon. Neptune had never heard of those other gods she mentioned so that probably meant they weren't a big deal. "And You'll belive in me just wait... Transformation time go." With her words a bright light enveloped the purple haired girl.

It was like an immense flow of power appeared out of thin air, congregating on the girl and with it her appearance went through a drastic change. Her hair which one hang free got done up in twin braids that extended all the way past her butt. In place of her weirdly designed jacked was a black and purple futuristic looking skintight suit. Metallic wings extended from her back and in her hand was a massive curved sword.

All pieces of her getup, from the suit to the wings to the sword and even the clips in her hair, they all glowed in tune with the flow of this mysterious that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"Does this meet your expectations Lorenzo?" Her voice had changed too and become deeper, sounding more mature and experienced. "I would hate to disappoint you after going through the trouble to transform."


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It took him a moment to respond appropriately to the man's momentarily snapped reasoning with a weary, welcoming expression. Henry rubbed his forehead slowly, eyes faced passively forward, and spoke again.

"You made a good decision calling us. If he's hanging around this neighborhood, then we'll get additional police detail here until we can make sure if nothing's going on. The enforcers are likely to be notified even if there isn't."

His palm gave Joe's shoulder a single, firm pat before he pulled back to rummage through his pockets. "If he tries to extort you again, you can request additional security," he said, grunting with satisfaction and pulling his arms free of his pockets. It went unspoken that it was likely to be lethal for his finances instead. Joeson seemed to be caught up with those mundane concerns. "With luck it won't come to that."

The detective tossed forward a small plastic wrapper around a circular shape and leaned against the nearest wall, resting his body.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 12:05:17 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Ummm......W-what?" she muttered, the pitch of her voice raising at the end.

Sera paused, her finger frozen in mid air.  It just occurred to her that this girl was probably crazy.  How could she possibly know if she was nice just based off of her asking for directions?

"I-im just lost."


The blonde head bobbed sideways, an expression of woe on her face as she wondered wether the girl before her may be of the slower kind.

"I heard you the first time, lass. Thats why i asked, for if you are lost, you need a goal, do you not? If you have no place to go to, obviously you make one, and one as grand as you can!"

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy gripped his arm tightly, filled with promise and damnation alike. "Sure, sure. I don't mind paying nothing. But you should know, acting like this means you have to look after me!"