Hmm, he could feel it. There were traces of a Beast or a Beast like monster within the mall. A Chamber or even a Lair, perhaps. Two armed men guarded the entrance to the mall, bearing tattooes and patches indicating that they belonged to one of gangs. They seemed to extort people out of money to make them pay a toll.
"My, my, some gang probably got greedy, seized the control of the mall, and I feel that a monster is lairing inside, possibly the head of this band of scoundrels. There are no victims yet, I feel, but you can earn fame indeed if you liberate it from whoever seized this place." He pointed out Noire into their direction. He himself indeed could use some assistance. His specialty were monsters, but he received no particular blessing against regular criminals armed with modern firearms. Rushing there on his own was foolhardy, but with a back up...