Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 128939 times)


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He backed off to the couch and she almost lost her composure when he suddenly threw a grenade at her. In a lightning fast movement, the servant went down on her knees and a flag appeared in her hands.

She quickly flipped the grenade into another room with the flag, letting it destroy that room instead. She then deflected the incoming hail of bullets, all without moving her feet.

She slowly rose back to her full length and dismissed the flag back where it came from. "Good job, I didn't expect any of that."


  • Moon Cancer
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As he peeked over the top of the couch, Joe frowned at the insane display of speed and skill.  She can make a flag?  Why a flag?!  And why did she have to trash my OTHER room too?!

"Thanks," he said with a sigh.  "You guys aren't her body guards for nothing I see."  That was his best shot and now that the element of surprise was gone, she would probably do even better to thwart whatever he tried next.  Still, there were a few more things he could try.

He stood up and reached into the couch cushions again, pulling out 3 more grenades.  Then, he reloaded his pistol.  He pulled off the string same as before and lobbed the three grenades into the room one at a time, each on different sides of the room.  Then, just like before, he aimed and fired his gun, this time he doubled the number of shots.


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So he wants me to dance.

The grenades were too far away for her to use her previous strategy, which meant she would have to improvise. As the first grenade exploded she bent her body around as much as she could, she then repeated this with the other two grenades and the bullets.

Her body twisted and bent over with inhuman speed and dexterity, however a few pieces of shrapnel still found their mark, biting unit her skin slightly.

As it turned out dodging grenade shrapnel was incredibly hard when you couldn't lift your feet off the floor, what she managed to do shouldn't have been possible, but she did it anyway.

"Do you have more of those?" She asked him while pulling the few pieces that had struck her out of her body and dropping then on the floor.


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Are you shitting me?! he thought as his jaw dropped.  Even so, he managed to damage her.... if he could even count that.  The feat spoke more of her stubbornness than his skill.

"Uhh, my house is full of them," he said with a shrug.  He could step it up and use his entire arsenal, but that would nuke the apartment.  Instead, he gave her another sigh and said, "Ok I know when i'm beat."


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A slight look of disappointment passed over her. "Are you really going to just give up now after trying all of that? I haven't even made any moves against you.." She stopped for a moment to seemingly catch her breathe.

"You could try a more physical contest after all this thing started with you wanting to show off your strength but all you've done is use weapons. You could still try that, or.You could give up and run away." She tried to sound encouraging in the hopes he would display some more, he'd already shown himself to be quite capable.


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Oh yeah, ill try to overpower one of Sakura's superwomen with my bare hands!  That makes perfect sense! he thought as he took a deep breath.  Even with those thoughts in mind, he wouldn't back down from this challenge.  He may be weaker than her.  He may be slower than her but Joe Joeson was no quitter.  So he let out a groan and rushed the blond, attempting to grab her shoulders as he rammed her and push with all his might.


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The blond servant stood there like an immovable cliff that was obstructing his path. When he hit her with his all his might she bent her upper body backwards a bit so that he wouldn't get as damaged from the recoil of ramming her like that.

"Look at that, you're almost there~" She teased him, it was a good attempt all in all, but there was something much easier that he had completely overlooked. Something that could be done easily since she wasn't fighting back. But would he figure it out?


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Yes this place was more up to her speed. She showed her appreciation with a tiny nod of approval. "This place will have to suffice then, You were running out of options were you not Marie?" The blond Servant asked her with an almost gleeful expression. Could it be that she had sent her Master on this wild goose chase on purpose?

"We will be having the full course then, come on in Master, we don't have time to stand around all day now do we?" She walked into the high class restaurant with all the certainty of a king entering their keep.


"You mean the full course plus dessert, surely?" She sounded smug as she corrected her beautiful servant and followed her inside. She had a suspicion Bruta had been exaggerating her issues with the previous place, but it wasn't as if she really minded being teased like this. Oh no, I have to eat really really nice food, whatever shall I do? And not having to take charge all the time was a really nice change of pace.

"I won't settle for anything less than the best they have to offer Brutae. I want you to order anything you want." The way she said it, it sounded as if she was daring Saber to order something ridiculous. "I promise you I'll at least be able to keep up."


Bussiness was slowing down a bit for the night. People were going home and finishing up their days. That's why Sarah was slightly surprised when the two women walked into the restaurant.

"A table for two, Madams?" Sarah asked with all the composure of a professional.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I'm not done!" he declared.  Switching gears, he jumped down to her legs and tried to force them to move.  If this did not work he would have to try his secret technique.


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Her legs moved with his shoves, proving her incredibly dexterous nature without ever leaving the ground. "I think I'll have to thank you for all the stretching I'm getting done today, it's doing wonders to my joints." Yeah he wasn't going to make her move at this pace.


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Just like I thought, he thought as he stood back.

This was it.  The moment of truth.  He would have to bust out his secret weapon.  Such terrible thing could only be used in times of desperation, when humiliation was inevitable.  It was time.  He gave her the biggest brightest smile he could and asked, "Can you please move?"


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She gave him an incredulous look, it was well warranted with how stupid that question was. The look itself would suffice as an answer, she refused to do it verbally for that.

She did however flick his forehead, she put no effort into it though so it shouldn't feel more than a regular one. "Come on, don't you want to impress Rin by saying you took on one of the servants? It would make you look more impressive to her."


  • Moon Cancer
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"Ow!" he said, rubbing his head.  He groaned as she chastised him.  There was one more thing he could do.  He ran forward once more, this time, using her chest as something to grip rather than her shoulders.  His hands sunk into her enormous boobs, but he squeezed them as hard as he could.  With this, his strength might be enough.


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Looking more and more like a furry friend, aren't you?

In a heartbeat, he followed up with a cannonball kick from his forward left side, aimed at the woman's center of mass. Despite the ominous threat the sword posed to the enemy before it, the weapon went unused. It rested again over Raikou's shoulder as he kicked off the ground and made some distance, regarding his opponent cooly.

"Y'know, even a friendly fight is going to feel unsatisfying if you can't see anything you land stick. So, what's up with that? Not just a werewolf, are you?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The goddess transformed back to her original state in a another flash of light after the two of them landed. She was back to.wearing that weird jacket again.

"Oh shoot, he's catching up on us." She pulled the werewolf along and paid for two tickets before rushing in and taking a seat in one of the carts.

"See ya next century Lorry!" Neptune called out as it started moving.