Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 125142 times)


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She jumped off of him suddenly and turned to leave. "Yeah you're right, my business here is finished and no don't mind... you'll get it soon enough." The laughter was omitted as the maid silently exited the room.


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What is he doing? And he's so rough.

"Ahh...Alright stop that." She took a step closer. "That's not how you do it. You're being far too rough and with no build-up. You have to draw it out." She pulled him closer, dangerously close. "And savour the moment as the excitement builds and then..." She pulled away abruptly

"I guess that means you won, you made me move. Have fun carrying all the bags, I'll be cheering you on~"


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When he finally caught up, he realized that the woman was in fact reaching this speed with a bike.  Even so, he was used to things like this back home, so he gave her a smile and said, "Hi, i'm Marcus.  Want to race?"


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They probably regarded her as if she was an ant considering that no attack had been directed at her yet. Her advantage was that she had a high ground and thus could see how events unfolded even if some actions were too fast for her to track by sight alone. Her spell wasn't complete, so it was fortunate that he managed to gave her an order before she unleashed it. She decided to keep faith in his judgement, after all, he was a man who knew more about the matters of war than herself. She couldn't boast about fending off an enemy leader after all.

And so she redirected the spell at the juggernaut of the man within last moments, excluding Leo from its effect as she had a fine control over her magic.


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Wait! He thought for a second, reaching his arm out.

The scoundrels, after he had gone through all the pain of getting them there. Like hell, he wasn't going to let these two get the better of him! So he stomped on the air and released an even stronger jet stream of fire, using all of the momentum and force to boost his way onto the tracks in front of the vehicle. It was risky, but  the timing was impressively flawless, for he dexterously flipped before sitting on the chariot right behind them.

"Haaah... god, that hurt." He groaned, using his own fire was never very pleasant, but he might've went a little overboard. Well, it was fine, his fire quickly grew back to his sturdy self.


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The werewolf was completely self-aware that they were being jerks here. If she was born human, she would probably lock people like Lorry in a locker. And she really felt no shame, so she did not protest at all when pulled along by Neptune in an attempt to leave him behind as well. But unfortunately for them, they caught up with them using his sorcery. On another hand, the bully skeleton day couldn't continue without the skeleton around.

"I almost thought we would leave you in a dust, Lorenzo. Out of shape?"


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"Yeah, you could say that. I haven't been taking care of my muscles a lot lately, and let's not get into all that cardio crap." He sighed and took a big puff of air while the ride was gaining altitude.

Despite all that, he was taking this whole thing pretty easily. Skeleton bully day or not, he was having fun, and honestly didn't mind having to struggle to keep up with the two. But that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun of his own. Since they had such a blast flustering and humiliating him, there was no way he'd return the favor. Hehehehehe...

He put his two feet over the vehicle's hull casually and stretched. "Right, well, since you showed me your transformations earlier, it's only fair I showed you something of my own."

And all of a sudden, magical signs and bright lights danced around his body, and his flames shifted and expanded before taking a beautiful shape. This was more than just magic, it was something to do with the spirit, you could say it was the closest thing to his soul manifested through his flames. It was the sort of sight even the most cynical couldn't take their eyes off, between his athletic body sculpted by countless battles and a shapely young face.

This was the sort of distinguished appearance that just happened to stand out for many different reasons than the usual burning skeleton. Despite the violent, beautiful sight, he seemed as relaxed and friendly as ever, if not very attractive.

Because he wasn't wearing a shirt under his coat, his glowing yellow body was displayed freely with no shame, it was almost like looking at an entirely different person. But the most striking feature was his long hair, grown into crimson flames stretching over to his back. But even with that into account, it'd be really hard to complain about the heat.

"Surpriiiize." He said casually, though he didn't even seem to care all that much about it. He was just enjoying himself at this point, their reaction was just a bonus.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 05:53:18 PM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to ride along for a few moments, impressed that the man was seemingly able to follow her without getting tired. Then, she responded to his comment.

"I'm Rider", she said, turning to him with a smile as she continued to ride along, dodging a pedestrian as she continued to speak. "A race would be fun, but you don't have a bike. That wouldn't be a fair contest."

Of course, they could have a foot race, but Rider far preferred racing on her bike. It was far more fun. Even if she would surely beat him with no difficulty, given her riding skill.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 07:30:40 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Joe's pants instantly tightened at the sensation of her breasts in his hands.  His face grew red as she drew closer, not from embarrassment but from the realization of what he was doing.  "H-hey! I'm just doing this to g-get you to move!  We both know im trying to get with Rin!"

Then she pulled away.  He won.... the right to carry a bunch of heavy ass bags all by himself.  "Damn it..." he mumbled.  Even as he complained, there was a small smile on his face.  Hopefully his boner would leave in a few seconds.  Its uncomfortable to lift things like this.

Umbra of Chaos

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She rubbed her chin a bit in contemplation for a second. "Sort of? I'm more like a helper. I use my powers and help to make sure that both people uphold their sides of the deal. So I have a bit of experience with this kind of business."


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Having gained her first new party member, the blonde bubble of bombast once again took her surroundings in.

"Aha! Found another interesting one!"

A strange glow seemed to emanate from the girl she had seen, so she set her sights on her right away.

"Follow me, lass!"


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She was astonishingly quick to seize firearms from those villains. But Julius could track her movements, so she must have been indeed one of those special people who weren't monsters but took the side of humanity. Yeah, there was no need to intervene uneless she went overboard and he had to protect those criminals' lives. He believed in following proper procedures so that the authorities could dispense justice.

Mohawked thugs

"Eeepp, we were just asked to guard this place!" The courage quickly left those, leaving a pair of cowards cowering in fear. They had bark but no bite after all, and 'monsters' who could seize their weapons like that were still a rarity in the city.

"T-the B-big Boss t-took residence upstairs. Just go and spare u-us, please!" They pleaded, showing absolutely no spine.


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Rikuyo took that kick head on, but it didn't made her lose balance. That hurt but again, kicks and punches weren't a quick way to defeat her, so why he didn't follow up with his sword? She was quite open after all.

"Either I should depower or you should do more effort. I don't really feel awake if I don't take a real risk. Not willing to use your sword again after I blocked it with my makeshift trick, huh?" She was not doing her best to get a satisfaction out of the fight, but it wasn't a reason for him to hold back. "Come on, try to strike me down with your blade. If you hold back because for some stupid reason, I won't contain myself!"

If he did it because she was a woman in this incarnation, then she would try a bit harder than maybe she should.


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He laughed heartily, even with the lethargic exchange of superhuman blows. "I just got here, don't be in such a rush. It's just..."

The half-vampire half-angel tapped his foot on the ground, seemingly heedless of any care in the world. It was true he didn't like hitting a woman, but that mattered for shit. If he decided to fight, then he didn't hold back even if his opponent was a girl or a kid. And if they were a monster, then being female was a lot less persuasive.

"Answer me something first. Do you ask every person who gets in your way for a fight?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Blackmore (In the past, with Mikura)

The giant was observing the city from a high vantage point, taking note of anything interesting. It was pretty amusing, looking down on people from so high above made them look like ants.

At least, he had to be finding it amusing. Why else would he be grinning so viciously? But suddenly, he noticed something that piqued his interest. She wouldn't be unusual to see, and he was tasked to keep his eye open for her, but something about her looked different from afar. Maybe it was just a hunch, but...

Heh. You almost gotta feel sorry for the kid. He thought. Oh, if only she knew. He stood back up and a second body that eerily resembled his own shadow overlapped with him, splitting away from him before breaking down into a ray of energy. In the blink of an eye, his projection had traveled through the walls and ground before materializing behind her, casting a massive shadow over the purple-head.

"It's dangerous to walk alone. Don't you know you're getting pretty close to a gang territory?" He told her with a wide grin.