Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 124436 times)


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Marcus lauphed at her nonchalance.  Clearly he was not dealing with a goodie two shoes like Forest. "Alright, give me about 15 minutes," he said, before dashing off in a different direction.  Naturally, it didn't take long for him to get a bike.  Falling almost perfectly within his designated time, he arrived with a bicycle he stole from a some guy on the road.

"Ready?" he asked.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 04:26:24 PM by yinsukin »


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"Occasionally, I wouldn't mind it if that was what you were planning to order." She leaned forwards and rested her head on her hands while her breasts got squished against the table making her already impressive cleavage get even deeper.

She observed Marie who was fidgeting nervously with immense interest. "Tell me Marie, why is it that you make me wear this very revealing dress and then don't even have the decency to gaze upon me. Am I that unappealing to you?" She asked seemingly serious.

Olga Marie

She knew her servant was fucking with her. There was absolutely no chance in hell that she hadn't noticed her furtive glances at her servant's various assets, her ample bosom, shapely legs, luscious back, bodacious bottom, she'd been taking it all in the entire time they'd walked there!

Nevertheless, her heart began to beat faster and, not one to slap a gift horse in the face, she redirected her gaze to Brutae's breasts, which she was purposefully flaunting now to entice and frustrate her master. How cruel!

Ignoring Saber's tease for now, Olga answered her servant's first comment. Responding to someone while staring at their breasts felt kinda weird. "Well, modern Italians don't really eat that, I think." Olga brought her gaze up to Saber's face mid-sentence. She didn't want to appear too thirsty after all.

"I was thinking we could start with a light antipasto or some soup." Olga smiled at her servant. "I think you should be the one to choose the wine, considering you're the expert."

Finally, after taking a deep breath, she broached the topic of Saber's "complaint."

"And please, as if you didn't when I sized you up and took in the sights, Saber. We both know I've spent plenty of time gazing. Of course, not that I mind being invited to look further." Olga's eyes glimmered. "I think you look lovely, befitting someone of your stature." Marie answered honestly and earnestly. She was simply speaking her mind, so there was no deception in her voice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Having looked around and decided on what she thought would be an interesting route to race over, Rider took a seat on a nearby bench and awaited her opponent's return. Just on time, he finally arrived, his obvious enthusiasm to start causing Rider to chuckle.

"Shouldn't we decide on the course first?" she said. "I have an idea that I think will be fun, but it might be a little far for you. Perhaps we should try something shorter first."


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She answered Sakura as Joe was struggling to put the language, sending her a quick message to go as the two of them were on the way already. Then she moved up next to him and dumbed her bad in the luggage before grabbing his bag and doing the same.

"You sure took your while there hehe and don't feel so down you beat a servant." She held up the Dior for him as she spoke.


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"I'd appreciate if you skipped the soup, that kind of dish invokes the feeling of starvation, something I'd rather avoid if I can." She told her with a nod, her body remaining in the same posture, showing off her impressive cleavage.

"And of ourse I noticed, I just wanted to hear you say it. You were so hard after that outing with Grigori I could almost think you preferred less shapely women, it makes me doubt my charm." She sounded downtrodden. Her met the table for a moment before she looked up into Olga's eyes. "Why can't I get you going like that?"


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"I'd appreciate if you skipped the soup, that kind of dish invokes the feeling of starvation, something I'd rather avoid if I can." She told her with a nod, her body remaining in the same posture, showing off her impressive cleavage.

"And of ourse I noticed, I just wanted to hear you say it. You were so hard after that outing with Grigori I could almost think you preferred less shapely women, it makes me doubt my charm." She sounded downtrodden. Her met the table for a moment before she looked up into Olga's eyes. "Why can't I get you going like that?"

Olga Marie

What? Was she that good at hiding it? She was by no means not aroused, in fact, she'd been ignoring the painful bindings of her panties caused by her prominent bulge.

"Hehe, hehehe." She giggled a bit, she just couldn't help it, her servant looked rather sad and for some reason that misunderstanding was quite funny. "What, did you think I haven't been aroused the entire time?" Olga asked her servant. "I think you're gorgeous and would like nothing more to take you right here and now." Olga proclaimed boldly. "So stop making that kind of face, ok?" Marie took ahold of her servant's face and brought it up to eye level. "If anything I was afraid you were mad at me." She laughed.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I don't know what got into me." She honestly apologized for her actions earlier, diverting her gaze and looking rather ashamed of herself. "I usually control myself far better..."

"And I like women of all sizes, but I honestly prefer shapely women." Olga added mentally. "I was more interested in her bloodline than anything else. So please don't make such a sad face."

« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 07:18:57 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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For probably the third time in a row, Joe sighed.  "Yeah, I guess that was pretty cool, but its hard to enjoy considering I destroyed the house in the process," he said, visibly cringing at the thought.  He stepped into the vehicle and slumped into his seat.  "Besides, I wouldn't call a cheap victory like that anything to brag about.  In fact, if I tried, i'd probably get into more trouble than whatever respect I earn...."

At least I am going somewhere safe, he thought.  Positive thinking was how he got through life.  Its the only thing he had in situations like this.


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That comment forced Marcus to break into a cocky grin.  "Oh don't worry," he said, climbing on top of the bike.  "I have a feeling it will be just fine for both of us."  This was always his favorite part.  The calm before the storm.


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She perked up at that, her mood completely recovered from her master's kind words. "How could I be mad at you when you're so adorable. I just want you to able to stand up for yourself. I'm sorry if i've been harsh on you. And what do you mean aroused? That can't possibly be." She asked doubtful of Olga's words.

At that moment she slid a foot out of it's high heel shoe and raised it up. While not quite as tall as her master, her leg was still long enough to reach it's target. The target being the area between Olga's legs, which she gently prodded with her foot. Thankfully the table cloth reached all the way to the floor completely obscuring her actions to any potential observer.


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She perked up at that, her mood completely recovered from her master's kind words. "How could I be mad at you when you're so adorable. I just want you to able to stand up for yourself. I'm sorry if i've been harsh on you. And what do you mean aroused? That can't possibly be." She asked doubtful of Olga's words.

At that moment she slid a foot out of it's high heel shoe and raised it up. While not quite as tall as her master, her leg was still long enough to reach it's target. The target being the area between Olga's legs, which she gently prodded with her foot. Thankfully the table cloth reached all the way to the floor completely obscuring her actions to any potential observer.

Olga Marie

"Mmph..." Olga shuddered from the sudden and unexpected contact. Her penis began twitching expectantly, begging Saber's foot to do more than just prod it. "Of course I'm aroused." Olga whispered to her with a heavy blush on her face. "How could I not be?" She seemed a bit incredulous that Saber had thought otherwise.

She picked up a menu to hide her arousal from anyone wandering by and began to hurriedly look through the appetizers.

"Some of this cheese bread sounds nice, doesn't it?" Olga asked as casually as she could, while simultaneously asking something completely different mentally.

"Can you use both of them?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Hmm... I suppose that will have to do." Meanwhile her foot began tracing the outline of the bulge she could feel. "Especially if it makes things easier for you." She smiled innocently to her Master.

Saber slid the other foot out of the shoe and let it join the first in it's quest if exploration. Now with both feet at the helm, moving it around was a lot easier. She picked up the menu to have a look at it herself, if only to keep up appearances.


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"Hmm... I suppose that will have to do." Meanwhile her foot began tracing the outline of the bulge she could feel. "Especially if it makes things easier for you." She smiled innocently to her Master.

Saber slid the other foot out of the shoe and let it join the first in it's quest if exploration. Now with both feet at the helm, moving it around was a lot easier. She picked up the menu to have a look at it herself, if only to keep up appearances.

Olga Marie

Olga bit her lower lip to prevent a moan from coming out. Her cock was now at full mast thanks to Saber's footwork, making a tall tent lifting her skirt up and baring the stretched out panties for Saber to work her magic. The feeling of her toes and the gentle curves of her feet was wonderful.

Panting a little bit, she continued looking at the menu. "Let's order something else too. What about some salad?"


Having gone and wandered around doing other tasks, their waitress had returned to take their drink orders. She didn't take much note of the white-haired girl's expression. They were both girls, after all. What could they be doing? "Have you decided on what you wish to start with?" She asked them politely, a small notepad and pen floating in front of her as she poured water into their glasses.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider smiled, amused by his obvious confidence.

"Very well, then", she said, sure that she would enjoy a comfortable victory.

"I suggest that we do the following. First, we race to the other side of the park, using the northern gate as a checkpoint", she said, pointing in the direction.

"Then, from there, we should race to the skyscraper over there", she said, pointing to a building almost directly to the west, several miles away, "before coming back to finish here."

The course Rider had picked was designed to be fun and provide a good test of riding skill. The park was heavily-wooded and, whilst it was possible to simply follow the paths, it was likely to be much quicker to travel in a straight line. Then, they had to get to the skyscraper, which involved travelling diagonally across the city's grid-like streets. Once again, the easiest route would be to follow the roads, but the faster route would be to take as many shortcuts as possible. Then, finally, there was a long sprint back to the graveyard along a straight road, where they could easily reach top speed with minimal obstructions.

"Does that sound good to you?" she finished.


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"Yes, we would like some antipasto and cheese bread with it. And bring us a bottle of your strongest and I mean your strongest and nothing else. Marie over here has quite the resilience. Isn't that right?" She asked her master.

As she had made her order her feet had been busy as well. She moved the skirt up as carefully as she could, which was really carefully. Hiding her actions from the waitress was proving to be a piece of cake. She then pulled the panties down to free the hard cock, immediately capturing it between the soles of her feet.


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She took the water bottle, unscrewed it, and chugged the thing rapidly. "Oh man, I really needed that. Was kinda thirsty. Check your bag again now." And sitting in it was a completely new 5 dollar bill for acquisition. Deal complete!


Huh would you look at that. There indeed was a crisp new shiney bill in there. "Huh, that's interesting. Are there any limits on it though? Like value or whatever?" Oka asked what she thought was a silly question, but powers sometimes had silly rules attached to them.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end