Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117803 times)


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The two were traversing the putrid corridors for some time. Probably because she was bored, or maybe just out of a whim, the dog began to lecture the woman, teaching her extensively of the different hiding spots, nooks and crannies the sewers had to offer. It was an acquired taste as she put it, but they had their charm.

They got to see some fish, crocodiles, fish people, and even the elusive crab folk. Then they got to visit the swarms and nests of insects, though Cossie promised she'd show her one from up close if they found a larger one.

"As you can see, lots of critters live around these parts, and some even grouped up and built structures. Those who usually can't stand the surface sunlight dwell here, while other nastier folks hide until they can find new prey. But honestly, there's a pretty clear cut hierarchy around these parts. As long as you keep to yourself 'round here, you should be fine!"

She took a deep breath and wagged her tail. Her soft fur and her skin complemented pretty well! This was one hell of a comfortable human to sit on. "You got all that? This'll be on the test, so you better have paid attention. I'm not one for repeating myself, but any questions?"
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 02:59:28 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Alicia's pace was even and tireless as she followed. Yet despite the disgusting surroundings she did not frown out of distaste but sorrow. "No, no questions. It is merely a pity that these conditions exist. Some may find this environment favorable but the idea is surely not uniform."


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"Eh, you get used eventually. Spend a lifetime or two around these parts, and you'll find all sort of exciting stuff you couldn't even imagine in the surface world. Oh hey mantis!" She called out all of a sudden as they passed a strange mantis-like creature wearing a top hat and monocle who was feeding on some very questionable cuts of meat.

The beast turned its head and tipped its hat, waving back. "G'day mlady."

Costin then turned to the girl, looking at her sternly but knowingly.

"See? It's not so bad. Gross? Sure, but is it really fair to complain about a worm's life stuck in the dirt? For you this must be a place filled with crap and bad smells, but to them it's what little happiness they can secure. So don't look down on it! Hmph!"

Umbra of Chaos

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"I don't look down on what they have. I believe they deserve more. Why should they only have a little happiness?" She didn't sound angry but there was a note of displeasure in her voice. But also certainty. This was only more assurance that this was where she needed to be.


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Costin was actually kinda stunned for a sec there. She didn't really have something to say, or even a joke about it. It made her feel weird. What's the point of misery if you can't laugh about it?

"You're a good person. You know what? I'll lend you a paw. We don't have enough ice cream stands around these parts lately, and I could use some more peanut butter donations. What's your plan though?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"I want people to know of me. I can heal people from poison, disease, and even the worst wounds without end. Unless you're dead I can help you. To rebuild and reform you need a strong and gentle people. The people here are strong but suffering can harden their hearts."

Her hands slowly clasped together as she continued. "Generosity and kindness, ease in which they can let down their guard without fear. When people no need to worry about survival they can begin creation. Then work can be done on this place."


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"Hrmm. A savior for the weak, the miserable, the shunned and the downtrodden? I see, I think I get the sort of hopeless idiot I've stumbled upon." She was quiet for a second before sighing, hopelessly.

"But yknow, that sort of kindness ought to get you hurt at some point. You can give and give all you want, but nothing says it's gonna bear anything in the long run. You could end up more miserable than the people you tried to help. What if it ended hurting so much you wished you were never born?"

Umbra of Chaos

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And she smiled. It was wide, and bright, and hopeful. "No matter how much it hurts I can bear it. There is good in this world. There is light here, and it is within us. No matter how dark your path salvation is always possible. There is no evil too great, no sin too grave to deny redemption. I cannot fall into despair..."

"Because this world is one of hope."


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The dog stared at the nun blankly, her eyes and everything else completely and entirely unimpressed. She sounded like some whitewashed Jehova witness, or some naive kid who never got to know how bad things got. You can't just say that you're fine with getting hurt, no matter what happens the moment someone feels true pain they want to avoid it no mater what.  Hope or good don't help, when your entire house is building down you jump no matter how high the building gets.

"...that sounds cheesy." She told her flatly. "Seriously, what are you? A morality self-help book? What's next? Love and friendship? Sheesh."

She smacked her forehead with her paw, a full power canine attack with no mercy that would leave anyone struck scarred for ages.

"You're pretty lucky, being able to talk about hope like that just means you have yet to despair. If only the world had more idiots like you, it might just be a better place to live in." She mused, kinda bitter-sweetly at that. Fuck, her sappiness was getting contagious!

"Oh crap, not again..." She whined when she suddenly felt it again, and jumped off her arms before rolling on the ground.


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If she had to describe the kind of man Lorenzo was, she would describe him as foolishly reckless man-skeleton. Burning up your own energy for such frivolous displays was something that didn't sit well with her. After all, if he ran out of that what would happen? Certainly not anything good. If he favors such short term solution over a long term one, than he would regret it sooner or later.

But then Neptune brought up his pirate ship. And he started begging them for money. That really distracted her from her previous train of thought, the absurdity of the whole situation. If he was broken, then how he would own a ship? That didn't really make sense. "Did you pawn off the ship to loan sharks or something?"

Loan sharks inhabiting the city seemed to be so different than weresharks from the rumors spread around by her kind living in the Southern Hemisphere.

Umbra of Chaos

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The nun simply smiled. She made no rebuttal or argument the whole time. With nothing but perfect serenity she took the hit. It was only when the dog started rolling around that her face began to show concern. "What's wrong, Costin? Should I heal you again?"


  • The God Tongue
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The poor dog was struggling to keep itself composed and rolling all over, trying to scratch her back over the concrete asphalt. It was no use, she clearly couldn't handle this. She was whining and trying to keep her voice down, but she was clearly struggling to keep her act together.

"L-look, I'm sure its gonna fly over your little human brain, but don't space out. Sometimes, dogs have what you'd call, n-natural urges. It can't be helped, its not the sort of stuff you can control. It just happens that I've been holding back for a while lately. Grr..."

It was almost as if her canine instincts kicked in, and she had no choice but to present her doggo stomach, squeezing her paws up like a plush on a silver platter.

"H-help me out here? I think this place might have fleas."

Umbra of Chaos

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Oh! Alicia didn't show it but she was rather amused as she gave a solemn nod. Then her hand reached down, ever so slowly, and began to give the dog belly scritches. "Is this alright, Costin?"


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The dog's tail wagged and her ears perked in pure happiness as she was catered and pandered to without restraint, letting her tongue loose in a most undignified doglike manner.

"A-arf! That's right, j-just a little bit lower. You're not bad at this! Ahhh... that's right, that's the spot. Mhhh..."

D-damn, damn it! Her mind was saying no, but her body was saying yes! She just couldn't help herself, these urges were too much for her to handle, and she was so good at this too. But she wouldn't throw away her pride just for a few scratches, no way! She had more dignity than that!

"M-moar!!" Was all she managed to blurt out in between pleased ecstatic doggo noises. "A-and don't look! It's embarassing, hmph!"

She ended up throwing her pride and dignity away for more scratches. How disgusting. But amusing.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 04:47:26 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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With a growing smile Alicia shut her eyes and began to use both hands. She even tried getting a few pets in here and there! "How about now?"