Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117795 times)


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"Wa-wahaaa! Oh gosh, it tickles, wahaha! ^u^ !!" She couldn't help herself as she was given a honest to god spa treatment, scratched in places she couldn't even reach or knew she could be touched in. This just felt wonderful, and in a place like this too! Honestly, she'd like to stay like this forever.

But suddenly, there was no soft fluffy fur or doggy noises. In an instant, there was nothing to scratch at, in fact, her hands weren't touching anything anymore. Too easy, with her guard lowered like this she managed to get the drop on her and close in on her range.

The naked lady was already past her when she delivered a quick karate chop to the back of her head on a pressure point, enough to knock out even the toughest of folks.

"It's perfect~☆"

She grabbed her hand before she could fall and smash her head on the ground. For a second, her eyes looked pitiful. Poor girl looked like a passed out bag of potatoes, and probably weighted about as much as one. She couldn't say she was proud of what she just did, honestly she wasn't fond of underhanded tactics to begin with, but this wasn't about feelings, but survival.

She didn't have a fulfilling meal in months, animals and vermin weren't enough to sustain her body. Even this form wasn't sustainable for more than a few minutes, you could even say she had come a hair close to starving herself. Without a powerful source of blood, she would eventually deteriorate and die. And that was the one thing she couldn't allow.

Had it been anyone else, she would have just decapitated her and gone on with her life, probably cracking a joke and laughing along the way. But she wouldn't do that, in fact she'd do her best not to hurt her. It wasn't much, but something she said rubbed her off the wrong way.

No matter how dark your path salvation is always possible. There is no evil too great, no sin too grave to deny redemption.

What a pile of rubbish. Would she honestly be able to say that to her face knowing what she was and what she did with joy in her heart? Heh, maybe she didn't want to find out. She hated her for saying that already, her words made her angry enough that she wanted to tear her apart and grind her to a pulp. And yet, all she could do was smile kindly.

"Hey, look pal, for whatever its worth, thank you." She told the passed out girl sweetly before lowering her on her knees, embracing the girl in cloth and taking a deep breath of the scent of incense running over her hair.

Without any hesitation, she brought her lips to her neck and pierced her soft skin with her teeth, salivating at the taste of blood she hadn't known for too long. She began to feed, slowly sucking drops worth at first, then taking longer and longer sips, grasping at the nun's body tightly.

But she didn't kill her. She bit her tongue a little and applied some of her blood on her wound, closing it as if nothing had happened in the first place. She was a lively one, she was honestly surprised. But with this much, she should be able to last a few more weeks. That was fine, she was okay with that. But she still had something to do.

She  slid her hand over her eyelids and opened her eyes, staring into them. Red and blue met, and despite her nonchalant expression and tone there was a pleading nature to her words.

"Please forget about that, okay?"

It wasn't sure how much time passed, though it could not have been a long while. Surely it wasn't, a familiar canine face was pressing over her and shaking her up, trying desperately to wake her up.

"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me!? Wake up dammit!" The dog was crying.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 05:45:52 PM by francobull3 »


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Mohawked Thugs

They pointed at the direction where the stairs were located while shaking and shivering from the fear. They would probably escape if Julius and Noire left, but the hero used rope he carried along (there was surprisingly a lot of things hidden in his browntrenchcoat) to skillfully tie up those two hoodlums.


"Done, know we could proceed upstairs. Hmm, for such a gang the mall still looks not too ruined." Julius took a quick peek inside to see nervous workers just doing their job and trying to ignore what had happened. "I suspect that the 'security' is elsewhere. Possibly upstairs if my premonition is right. There are workers inside, but they seem to be too scared to leave."

Black Heart

"Let us proceed upstairs then!" She proclaimed loud enough for the workers to hear. "We'll have them free soon enough!"

And then Black Heart flew up the stairs into the den of villiany, leaving Julius behind in her haste to be the hero.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Huh, was that...? No, of course not. Alicia merely opened her eyes and pet the dog on the head. "What could you possible be so worried about, Costin? You're a big girl, aren't you? And I'm fine." She was so casual in spite of everything as she got back up.


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"What could I be worried about!? Are you kidding me!? We're friends, of course I'd be worried if you just passed out on me, you silly silly girl!" Despite the anger, she couldn't help but sound relieved. Her tail wagged and she circled the nun. Somethings just don't change.

She jumped on her and latched on her cheeks, staring intensely at her eyes.

"Are you sure about that? You don't feel different? If you're tired, maybe you should sit down and rest a little." Then, she dropped down and wagged some more. "Gather your strength. I'll fetch you some food if you like, ask away! I'll let you know I can cook a mean steak sister!"

Umbra of Chaos

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The nun merely waved her off. "I'm perfectly fine, Costin. If there was anything to worry about I would just heal myself. Let's keep going. You wanted to show me around, didn't you? There's still much more to see."

Oh, but just to make sure... she called forth from her inner side and a guardian appeared near her. Armored in black with white wings, yet unseen to any without the ability to perceive the spiritual. "Don't be afraid if you see anything strange. I'm just making sure you're safe next time. I thought you vanished right before you I lost consciousness. It'd be bad if anything happened to you when I'm not there to help, Costin."


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The sight of the thing that appeared next to her sent chills down her spine. Did she know? No, there was no need to worry. As long as she was under her spell, there was no way she could be up to something. She was confident in her mystic eyes. She just passed out, it wouldn't be strange if she was just being cautious.

"Yeah, thanks." She nodded before walking along. "So, you were saying something about opening an ice cream shop?"

Umbra of Chaos

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The nun laughed as she shook her head. "You and I both know that isn't what happened. I was talking about a clinic. Or maybe even a church here. Where I could use my talents on all who came. You were listening, weren't you?"


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The blond vampire ignored what Medaka said and kept up what she was doing, greedily training the younger vampire of her delicious blood. She eventually released her throat with a satisfied expression.

"No, I like this very much. It is your guests fault for trying to hide, now they will have to watch me as I play with you." She told the blue haired girl.


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"Bah! Boo~riiing." She whined, her idea was much better. She was sure she'd have fallen for it, tsk! But despite that, she was listening to her words and considering them seriously.

"That won't help. Don't you think you're putting the band aid on the wrong amputation? As long as humans live high up above, there's always going to be shit around these parts. Healing or listening to useless old worries won't help against the actual problem."


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"What is there something behi- oh I get it you want some snacks don't you? I always felt so bad when Histy wouldn't let me get my pudding so I totally get ya. And don't be negative Ellie, he probably just stranded the ship and is too embarrased to ask for help." She noticed the popcorn stand behind her as she spoke and headed over.

The purple haired girl easily made her way through the line, charming all the people who was earnestly waiting to let her pass unhindered. She bent over the desk enthusiastically, her dress jacket hicking up in her eagerness to make her. "Give me a super large popcorn, you're my only hope!" The guy in charge got really embarrassed at the hyper girl but gave her the popcirn nonetheless, almost refusing pay as if he wanted to spend as little time as possible with this terryfing creature.

And thus Neptune made the ardous journey back, returning with a truly gargantuan load of popcorn. "I have returned, with news of this most important quests completetion, oh mighty Pirate Lord Lorenzo the Terrible!" There wasn't a hint of irony in her statement. Only delight at having managed to complete his request.

Umbra of Chaos

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"You have it all wrong, Costin. Trying to cut off the head of such a snake will simply result in another being grown. You are right that change must come, but it cannot come from an unhappy people poor in spirit. It must occur through a righteous and kinder people, people who believe in mercy and something more than pointless struggle." Again her hands clasped together as they moved.


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Joe's eyes flickered for a moment at Jeanne's changing position.  Is she doing that on purpose? he thought, allowing his eyes to relax and focus more on her eyes like in a normal conversation.

He placed two fingers on his lips as he talked, a gesture that suggested that he was trying to be careful with his words.  "Hmm... well don't take this the wrong way, but your pretty attractive.  And I guess I worried that your job would keep you from looking for someone for fear of compromising Sakura's safety."

Wait... I'm just sort of assuming stuff here,
he thought. She never actually said she was single....

He removed his fingers from his lips and said.  "Are you single?"


Marcus was tempted to simply wait for the woman to go too, but if she was arrogant enough to take her time like that, he wouldn't complain.  Once again, his body became enveloped in a black aura. A powerful wave of wind accompanied his start as he blasted off into the distance.  Oh, so her power was riding, he thought as he exited the gate of the park.  If she was going to catch up, the real battle would be decided in the streets.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 09:25:10 PM by yinsukin »


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"A land of milk and honey eh? Whatevs, if it rocks your boat!" She corrected the foolish human. "Bah, all this philo crap reminded me I'm parched AND hungry. Here, just follow me. I've got a nice spot in mind."

The dog walked on all fours with her adorable stride before knocking on a strange metal door thrice. A small window opened, revealing a single massive eye.

"What's the password?" The grave, guttural voice behind it called out, barely drowned out by the laughter and the insults and all sorts of rowdy noises, some a little more joyful than others. The dog sighed and held her palm out as if to tell her companion to wait, almost like she repeated this routine a thousand times, before speaking up.

"La li lu le lo..."

The window shut immediately, but alas the door did not open. It didn't take long for the dog to realize what just happened and cry out in indignation, pounding on the door some more with her tiny dog paws.

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you changed it again!" She cried out. To which the cyclops responded: "Rules are rules, lady wolf!"

And the air around them turned dreary and cold, frigid even. The vampiric hound was outraged, nay, shocked at this mistreatment on her subject. To this, she could only respond in the most dignified and ruthlessly ladylike manner.

(Some things are better left unwritten, let's keep this pg-13. I'm not even going to bother.)

The door was open for a while already, and the dog's curses were drowned by the fat cyclop's booming laughter. His skin was green and mouldy, dripping with grease and unwashed sweat that littered its far too small shirt.

Rolls of fat and putrid wards grew on his body like a cancer, and his lips were rolled up and swollen like massive red worms, veined and pus ridden. His bald head shone, perhaps the only sightly part of the massive three meter mass of lard and laced muscle, but that was balanced out by its putrid and rotting teeth, curled into the most beaming of smiles.

"Hahahaha, I see, you've brought a fine looking one today eh wolf?" He laughed ruckously, giving the nun a honest and bright smile while waving at her, causing the dog to go right in front of Alicia and growl as if protecting her.

Seeing this mass of filth and unwashed might laugh joyfully at the minuscule and adorable dog was almost amusing in its own way.

"Woof woof!! Grrrrrrrr! Let's go Alice! It's on me." She puffed indignantly before walking into the dirty but welcoming tavern, greeting all the joyful monsters inside. Ah, not all of them were monsters though, the thing on the left was just a bowl of unfinished food.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 09:26:39 PM by francobull3 »


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Nah, he simply had a superior reach, so that put her on defensive for now. She simply had to nullify his advantage. Shabby makeshift energy swords wouldn't do, she couldn't exactly run headlong to reach him with her fists or she would get sliced apart. Changing her own form to increase the speed would be a boring solution. So she decided to counterattack at most opportune moment, charging energy as she continued to dodge and release it to push him back with a torrent of spiritual energy once she gathered enough to perform stronger ranged attack than the one she used on him before. If she succeeded, she could regain the initiative and go on an offensive herself which suited her more. It was fun to play around like that, but in the end she prefered to pursue rather than to be pursued.

Umbra of Chaos

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Alicia at least kept up the conversation as they walked in. "That won't be needed, Costin. I've begun fasting recently. I will not require any sustenance for quite some time." But she did take her seat and look around without even a hint of distaste.

It was certainly disgusting. That wasn't up for debate. But just as people everywhere did they made their own happiness. Yet, it wasn't the happiness she thought of. It was something as lacking in them as it was in the people above and the people of her world.

They were distractions, fun ones even, but it was not true happiness or contentment. It was a surge rather than a state of being. A drop rather than a well of joy to be taken in as time passed. But such a thing could be said for most people. Things would require much work wherever she went it seemed.