Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117794 times)


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He wasn't looking, he most definitely and absolutely wasn't looking. How could he, he didn't even have any real eyes!! Much like a gentleman, his hand covered his face. But alas, they covered everything but the eyes.

He was definitely looking. Gotta marry her. Was all he could think.

Now his hand was really forced, he had no choice but to repay the favor.

"T-the loot is adequate, good job Nep!" He gave her a thumbs up before ruffling over her hair, acting like nothing happened despite his bleeding nose. Just how could an undead skeleton with a fake ghost body bleed exactly? Oh, the mysteries of the universe. He took the bag and poured a third in his hat before giving the rest to Nep.

"Here's your share, give some to Ellie too will ya?" He told her with a grin before taking a munch off his portion. Loot had to be shared evenly, that was an ironclad rule of piracy. Nothing more than that.

"Mhh, delish! *comp* Welp, time to fill my end of the bargain." He bowed  and set a small pile of grass alight before lifting the two and himself up with a fiery vortex, floating over an orb of flame until they managed to find a mostly spacious spot. With that out of the way, he drew his sword for the first time and planted it on the ground.

"Step back a little ladies. If you got any marshmallows, I suggest you take them out. This might be a little hot." He said before focusing his mana into waves of fire that circled his blade and raised up like many wings.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 04:21:57 PM by francobull3 »


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The dog sat in front of her companion, but her ears fell back when she realized just how quiet she went. She really was serious about this whole thing huh? Well, it was honestly dumb, and she shouldn't have to worry about all these things that didn't concern her.

Kids like her just put a whole lot of weight on their shoulders and forgot how to live simple happiness, then ended up crying the loudest when they realized all the stuff they missed out on and it was too late. It almost made her feel sorry for the bloodbag. Well, not quite. She had discarded such feelings long ago. How amusing, if she was really so devoted to this cause she'd play the part too.

The moment she'd waver from her dreams, she'd be the first one to tear her apart, devour and violate her down to the very marrow. That's what a friend would do after all. Of that, she had no doubt.

She took a slip of paper usually used to order and a moldy pencil, writing down a note only to slide it back to the holy girl with as much of a canine smile as she could muster.

Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Umbra of Chaos

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A small smile sneaked across the nun's features at the little note. And the smile she gave was absurdly happy, as if Alicia herself had achieved what she constantly talked about. Even here she was joyous, and glad, and hopeful. Unchanged by her environment.

She nodded.


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Really, after everything else she'd come across, this really shouldn't have surprised her. But here she was, surprised and standing there with her mouth slightly open as she stared down at the busty blonde.

...Okay, so there's a universe where Emperor Nero of Rome is a) a girl, b) a hot blonde, and c) way too short for a person of that time period.

"Ah, hello," the redhead said after a moment, "I'm Emily Valentine. It's a pleasure to meet you."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • The God Tongue
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Well, if just a few words on a scrap of paper were enough to make her happy like this, then she guessed she worried over nothing after all. But she nodded in turn and rose over the table, wagging and jumping adorably before crying out in a voice that commanded attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen! May I borrow a moment of your time?" Her eyes and voice were focused on her audience. Much like dominoes, all it took was to silence one in order for another to follow through, and another, and another, and before long the whole tavern went quiet. That is how you manipulate hearts, <3

"Thank you, what an amazing audience. First of all, I am so glad that you all took the time out of your busy days to listen. I promise you won't regret it! My friend here ihas something she'd like to say. Please hear her out!"

At that moment, she had created a golden opportunity, the sort of chance that would only happen once. But this was more than that, it was a test. If she couldn't capitalize on a golden platter like this one, she had no business dreaming big in the first place. She'd bury her snout in her heart and that would be the end of it, and the whole lot of the cavern would likely laugh merrily all the same.

It all came down to her in the end. As a friend, she played her part.

Umbra of Chaos

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How perfect! Alicia stood up, the near perfect image of purity and serenity, and spoke with a clear and pleasant voice. "I would ask that everyone with a wound, disability, disease, or spiritual ill please allow me to heal them. There is nothing too difficult for me to fix. If you would bring the ones with the most severe issues forward first I would be especially greatful."

Alicia gave one more cute nod. "While it may appear strange, I assure you that it isn't harmful or damaging in the slightest."


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Well, Rebecca less rose out of the pool and more scrambled out to grab her towel. It didn't matter how warm it was! Still felt cold to her. "Sure, that's fine with me! And maybe I can take you out to eat after or something."

Give and take. Good in exchange for good.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Oka said with a smile. She wasn't one to turn down a free meal after all.

"Shall we go?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The ninja stared flatly at the girl. "Was that a joke?" Was all he could muster in annoyance, but there wasn't so much time. More zombies gathered around, likely attracted by the noise. Good, just more fodder for his blade.

"Tch, bastards just keep coming." He cursed, spitting his words like venom. Despite that, looking back at the lady he managed to crack a smile. "Well, you're pretty strong. I got your back, so don't worry and just kick their asses."


Morose and humorless? He wasn't going to be popular with the ladies at this rate, but at least he seemed to be quick on the uptake.

"Gladly," she offered, lengthening her claws and dashing back into the fray. Though she swayed and cleaved with inhuman might, there was no abandon in her stride among the coming zombies. Rock-breaking kicks sent two of the coming beasts flying and breaking against walls, while straightforwardly focused swipes swept through attempts at feral aggression and tore chunks from the undead.

She jumped over the next three, to let them be dealt with by her impromptu partner, and crushed another's head beneath her heel as she swooped down. Red eyes turned back to witness the doubtlessly efficient carnage behind her.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Costin puffed her chest and grinned proudly at her companion's words. Not like she cared, but she was more than fine with stealing all the credit. Besides, this might just mean she'd get to live comfortably for a century or two. Just imagine, Saint Andrei, patron of all goodness and justice.

That was probably why she was grinning. Yeah. Meanwhile, hushed murmurs and the like passed through the tavern, it seemed her words did pick peoples interest after all. Good for her! She didn't place her bets on her for nothing.

Eventually, someone cleared from the group and walked weakly towards the holy girl.

A strange creature, with seven legs, a bloating, deformed torso barely fit under a woman's cloth and a single over sized human arms that seemed to be more of a cancer than an actual appendage. Its body was pink and bubbled like blistering flesh, but its shine was more akin the hard exoskeleton of a crustacean, and its head was indistinguishably fish-like despite being human. He seemed to be holding something hidden in cloth, and its bizarre set of eyes looked distressed.

"My son, he's grown sick." He pleaded with a heart wrenching look.


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Noire was really fast, and honestly he was left in dust to a fact that the blessing of the Lord extended to keeping up with supernaturals in a potential fight. She wasn't an enemy he pursued neither he was engaged in any duel or skirmish with her. So he just let out a sight, and walked up the stairs at this own pace. Knowing her prowess, this would be a piece of cake.

Upstairs, first floor

Of course there was more thugs. Somebody had to make sure their Big Boss wasn't disturbed, so naturally there were a dozen of criminals located on the first floor, blocking the way to their superior's lair. Just around half of them were mundane criminals armed with guns, but others were various supernaturals gathered by the criminal organization. Everyone still individually far beyond Noire as she was right now, but would their numbers prove to be a disadvantage for her?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 11:18:02 PM by Kat »

Umbra of Chaos

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Unperturbed by the person's appearance, she merely reached out with a hand to touch it. "Please just let me touch him. If there are any ills he suffers from I can remove them in an instant. It will be harmless, I promise."

But she immediately pulled it back once she saw and felt the unsightly thing that was absolutely not a child. Yet she was unperturbed. "I would ask of anyone who truly requires healing to please come and receive it."
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 12:38:58 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Sera stayed quiet as Nero loudly began greeting the girl.  Her insane amount of energy took a lot out of her, but it was nice because it meant she didn't have to talk as much.  It was strange.  The more she stared at the girl, the more she felt compelled to well... fuck her.  The urge to kill faded, replaced by a overwhelming desire to kiss the redhead calling herself Emily.

Still hiding behind Nero, she followed the redhead's eyes to Nero's breasts and released a small growl.  Nero might be a problem.  She couldn't have her steal the redhead from her, not right now anyway.  So, she waddled out from behind the blond's back and stood in between the two.  "Do you want to go shopping with us?" she asked.  This time, she wasn't stumbling on her words.  However, her voice was still very weak and unsure of herself.

Cherry Lover

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To Rider's surprise, the man was able to accelerate rapidly, seemingly having no problem with handling the bike at those speeds. Almost immediately, she took after him but, nevertheless, the speeds at which they were able to move meant that he had built up a reasonable lead, although Rider was confident she would soon close the gap when they reached the more complex parts of the course, parts which even a servant like Jeanne or Archer would be unable to handle at anything like the speeds Rider could.

To her surprise, however, she found that his control of the bike was on the same level as her own. The impossible level of control and agility he showed weaving between the trees was extraordinary, something Rider had never expected to see in anyone other than a servant possessing the skill of "riding". Nevertheless, her experience and better equipment did have some effect, her ability to find the perfect line to take and the fact that her bike could handle the course better ensuring that she was slowly gaining on him.

"Impressive", she called out from behind as she, too, reached the exit of the park. "Very few people are capable of riding a bike with anything close to my skill."


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The ninja smiled and nodded back to back with his companion before turning as rigid as stone, bursting into motion and letting his blade do the work. Left and right they fell, but all of a sudden he noticed a glowing flash of metal. As soon as the gunpowder boomed, his other arm burst into motion, finally revealed from under the cape and caught the bullet right before it smashed the girl's skull. "Careful!"

Before he could fire another one, he split and dashed with impossible speed. He told her, he got her back, and he'd keep that word no matter what.

"Looks like that's it." He sighed before cleaning his blade. Indeed, they just about got the last one, though there weren't more than twenty to begin with. Despite that, he felt sad, unsure what happened to these corpses. He didn't know any of these men, nor could he avenge their names. The least he could do was keep their faces in his heart.

"Let's give them a proper burial." He said, finally resolved. This hadn't been part of his job, but there was no way he could leave these bodies to rot here, surrounded by filth.

"I wonder what happened to cause these dead bodies to move like this..."


The monster just grinned smugly to himself, bowing to his audience. Despite the girl's genuine request, all she received was laughter and ridicule. While it was only a vocal minority, all things considered, it shut down any and all who could have joined in her communion. Even those who looked in disapproval and pity did not speak up. It was an understandable reaction from both sides. Life was hard, cruel, and unforgiving around these parts.

This sort of practice, to turn even the most earnest of requests, even the purest of feelings into a joke was not uncommon. You could call it a defense mechanism, the sort of hiding that the weak willed, downtrodden and the miserable use when there is no way out of the pit.

There is no such thing as beauty of purity, therefore they laugh at everything in order not to cry. She should know. And yet, the ebony hound could only look down at the pitiful masses, the silent, the sorrowful, the laughing and the sneering alike, with glowing crimson eyes that chilled the tavern with a mixture of blood-lust and disgust.

A voice that couldn't belong to anything short of a demonic hound called all jests, all laughter and all derision in the room to a deadly silence. But nothing, not even the most wrathful of voices, could match up with the contempt and disgust the dog carried in her glare.


That girl's hopeful wish was true, and as brilliant as a sun that she could never touch. They made a mockery of it, laughed at it. Dared ridicule it. But that wasn't their sin. No, had it been anyone else, she would have joined in with glee.

But their crime was far greater, and utterly unforgivable. She was the one who presented her, who allowed her this chance to speak. By laughing at it, their laughter was in turn directed at her. She had no reason to feel emphatic or sorry, she brought it upon herself. But she too shared part of the blame, and that was unforgivable. Insects like the one who dared sully her servant were worth less than the worms in the dirt.

A talking maggot would have a more elaborate thought process, a more fulfilling purpose. Compared to the worst of vermin, that man was nothing. She spoke to him only once, locking stares into his eyes like she stared into her worthless familiar rats.

"Never speak again, worm."

And in that moment, what little whines and chuckles he could produce turned to nothing. He'd claw and scream all he'd want, but he had nothing worthwhile to make heard. Such a lowly voice would never be heard again.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 02:56:11 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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And then a hand gently rubbed at the dog's head. "There's no need for that, Costin. He is cruel because he doesn't see another way. His disrespect does not require such a punishment. Please remove it." Then Alicia walked towards the man and grabbed his arm, and for a moment his life was hers.

She drank deeply of it. The cold cynicism and paltry attempts to cope. And when she looked him in the eyes it was not with pity or anger but pure understanding. An overwhelming empathy. "I see you. I know your pain. The soreness in your back, the ache in your mouth, the sickness in your stomach."

His body twisted and shifted, everything wrong in his body becoming right. Even the worst pains becoming nothing more than a mere memory in an instant. "How long have you believed that you were nothing? Who told you that? Was it the world trying to crush you, or those above who would not see you, or your enemies here who hated you? You are worth too much to squander what you have because of a lie."

And she let him go.