Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117780 times)


  • The God Tongue
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At first, he struggled fearfully, likely scared of what would happen to him. Even the others who were so quick to laugh along with his drunken jest did not dare speak up, as cowardly as rats burrowed in their lonely holes until the bitter end. But the mutated man's eyes filled with tears as he was held by the woman he disgraced. It seemed inadvertently, Costin did help a lot.

Because what she saved that man from was concrete and real in his mind and heart, he couldn't reject her any longer. He just sobbed in her arms, repeating 'thank you' over and over again in soft whimpers. It was a basic psychology tactic, call it the carrot and the stick or the good cop/bad cop, but it proved extremely effective among the masses or something.

Costin didn't really care about any of that, had it not been for her she'd have probably done much worse. Stage was hers though, it would be rude  not to follow her request, and very unladylike!

But suddenly, something unexpected happened in response to her words. The masses rushed and scrambled all over, the sickly and the wounded, the deformed and the ugly. Everyone wished for her blessing, to be saved. The elderly and the sick were the first to be trampled, then some began to fight, trying to win her favor first. Everyone sought health, and happiness, and to be the first to be touched by this new savior figure.

It was horrifying.

Well, to the holy lady probably. Costin found it pretty hilarious. Scum will always be scum, let them die like scum. Hypocrites who settled for their holes only to jump on the first act of kindness and burdening a young child instead of taking matters into their own hands did not deserve the least bit of mercy or sympathy in her eyes.

They were no more than clowns in motley to her, unfit to be called even human. She just ate some from what was supposed to be Alice's bowl and enjoyed the show. "Hey, you might wanna do something." She told her passively, kinda amused by the whole thing.


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Nah, he simply had a superior reach, so that put her on defensive for now. She simply had to nullify his advantage. Shabby makeshift energy swords wouldn't do, she couldn't exactly run headlong to reach him with her fists or she would get sliced apart. Changing her own form to increase the speed would be a boring solution. So she decided to counterattack at most opportune moment, charging energy as she continued to dodge and release it to push him back with a torrent of spiritual energy once she gathered enough to perform stronger ranged attack than the one she used on him before. If she succeeded, she could regain the initiative and go on an offensive herself which suited her more. It was fun to play around like that, but in the end she prefered to pursue rather than to be pursued.


A chance was presented when a tree-snapping swing flew barely over Rikuyo's head. The bid at slamming her skull and tearing both bone and consciousness out of it allowed her to strike with a thundering sound, hardly granting Raikou the time to even grimace.

He managed to shift his weapon and interpose its body along with his arms in the way of his torso, but the blast blew him away. Raikou clicked his teeth in a brief instant of disorientation and landed in a crouch, cracking the pavement beneath. Then the hybrid's stance hardened as his ears twitched, and he shook off the numbness from his forearms in preparation to answer the offensive that came right after.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 04:05:21 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Completely contrary to Olga's request she pulled her feet back once more and left them like that. The blond servant matched her master's smile with a devious grin of her own.

She turned her attention back to the waitress who had finished her list of recommendations by this point. "The squid sounds delicious, may I have some if that please." She humbly requested like the modest quest she was.


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"There's no need for you to flatter me if you don't find me attractive. Rest assured I won't be harming you for merely saying what you believe." She then matched his thinking pose, perhaps to make fun of him or maybe out of genuine curiosity, it was hard to tell from her expression.

"If I'm single? I guess you could say that I am. It really depends on how you define it." She answered mysteriously.


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As she called out, he caught a car coming in the corner of his eye.  With his instincts taking over, he preformed a leap on his bike, shooting into the air high above the car before it could even come close to him.  The air time was insane, keeping him afloat long enough for the car to pass right under him.  He landed on the ground with a thud, sending a shock through the bike.

"You would't believe how often i've heard lines like that," he said.  "It will be fun to see your face when you lose.  I hope it will make you look less bored at the very least."

At the moment, he wasn't aware that she was slowly gaining on his position.  It wouldn't be too long before she caught up.


THe satisfied expression on Shinobu's face forced a weak smile onto Medaka's.  However, the elder vampire's words caused her to back up instinctively.  "Wait.... Right here!  You have not even greeted her yet and besides..."

Her ambivalence betrayed her feelings.  Truthfully, it would be sort of nice to have someone watch.


Joe lowered his eyes at that last statement, breaking his pose and letting his hands drop to the seat.  "Well, thanks," he said with a chuckle.  "But I think we both know I think your attractive.  I called out how....big your boobs were when I first met you in front of my date."  His eyes returned to something more neutral and he scratched the back of his head in a nervous gesture.  It was clear he felt pretty bad about that still.

Then, he broke out into a smile.  He held his hand over his lips as if he were stiffing a laugh.  "Come on Jeanne.  I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but even I know what a girl means when she says something like that.  Don't tell me your hooking up with the other servants."

Well I guess I am assuming a bit.  It could be something more tragic, like maybe shes trying to use her body to win someone's love!  Wait, what if its Sakura's husband!? he thought as he lowered his hand.  It probably wasn't that, but he was still curious.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 08:41:16 PM by yinsukin »


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She shuddered at the mere thought of that, getting together with either of those two was a completely abhorrent thought. "I wouldn't joke about that if I were you. But I now see you haven't met either of them or you wouldn't have. The other servants aren't as... friendly as me. Or rather, one of them might shoot you in the back and the other might try to rape you at some point." He'd unwise to not listen to her warning.

The cab finally reached their destination and came to a stop. Jeanne stepped out and got both of the bags out the trunk with the same ease as before. "I'd rather jump you than either of them." She told him while shaking her head.


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Joe burst out laughing.  "Wow rape.  Don't tell me, did she grope you too?"  he asked.  Man, I wonder which one of those is Rider.

He was actually laughing so hard, he didn't notice the cab stopping.  The moment she opened her door to leave, he instinctively followed, opening his door on the other side.  After rubbing his eyes of the tears of lapughter, his face grew red.

"Wait, really?  I can't imagine you would want someone so plain," he said, shaking his head.  He walked to the back and stood next to her.   "Don't tell me its the husband."

His face softened a bit as he watched her pick up the bag.  It wasn't just that watching her lift that heavy bag like that gave him conflicting feelings.  He was genuinely curious.


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"Yes, a pleasure indeed! I take it you are interested in following my lead on this great day?"

Leisurely taking the mysterious redhead's hand, the seemingly inexhaustible energy of the little empress immediately continued to roll over everyone in her vicinity. Indeed, her overwhelming "love" had already found it's next target. She felt like singing, she felt like dancing, in this whole new world!


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The mage merely glimpsed the person who seemingly... got into the way of that abomination? Shielded by her spell, she crashed into the ground with some force, sustaining wounds and her consciousness slipping. Effectively she was knocked out of the fight even if it was likely difficult for enemy to find her due to the distance. Before everything went to black, she hoped Leo would get out of this mess without her support.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Wait, no! Stop!" Alicia rushed into the fray herself with all the speed and strength of a beast. Her hands pulled up those who had fallen, knitting their flesh and ridding them of sickness. She ran into the middle of fights, dividing brawlers and leaving them unharmed.

"Enough!" She was just a bit angry now. "How will you ever get anywhere if you destroy yourselves in selfishness again and again?"

Cherry Lover

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Rider once again found herself impressed by the man's skill as he managed to react to the oncoming car and send his bike up into the air, easily avoiding the vehicle as he flew through the air at high speed.  Still, despite his skill, he was still following the road and, after smiling at his confident comment, Rider decided to take the more direct route, responding to him as she did.

"Not bad, but can you do this?" she said with a smile.

Heading towards something she could use as a ramp, Rider used it to fly up into the air, landing on the roof of a nearby house. From there, she continued to head upwards, cycling over the rooftops in order to get to the skyscraper quicker than she could along the road.


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He completed his descent from the heavens, his cold gaze regarded her with contempt. The other woman's plight barely registered, she was not important and would never be. But his maid was, she had acted in his name. And she had acted harshly, that was all that mattered now.

"How foolish, is this your answer?" He questioned her with a harsh voice that seemed to reverberate throughout the entire area they were in.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 09:28:09 PM by Thedoctor »


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The husband what?" She sounded genuinely confused at the odd question. It didn't stop her from continuing on with a shake of her head. "I don't know who might be in, but make yourself comfortable." She smiled at him. He had had a rough day,  getting his apartment ruined and all that.

She opened the front door of the large mansion and let him in. The hallway was just as grandiose as the exterior of the house, it's opulence an undeniable fact.


  • The God Tongue
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Costin Andrei

Uh, stop? Why? This seemed counter productive to her. The smart thing would be to let them weed off eachother until only the strong remain. Otherwise what kind of bitchass cult would she bring up? Even if they did end up stopping and left a circle of space around the holy maiden. Despite that, they  were unresponsive and stupid. Their brains left in drunken stupor left them with movements befitting cattle more than actual people. That just won't do, playing nice with a cow won't make her milk faster.

That's where she came in.

"Hey, hey." She called out, pounding her light fluffy paw on the table adorably. "Listen up. I know you guys are still wet behind the ears, but you can't solve all of your problems with violence. That just won't do..."

She jumped in the middle of the fray, each of her steps pronounced and distinct despite her small frame. She circled around poor Alice and looked at them with the most adorable of puppy eyes, her canine expression a pure testament of innocence and gentleness.

"Please line up in order of how much you don't want to hurt anymore :) "

And so they did, and so they did. Quickly, efficiently, and without complaining. They wouldn't want reasons to want to be healed more, and that was reason enough to listen!

"See? High five bud." She lifted her paw expectantly.


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The ninja smiled and nodded back to back with his companion before turning as rigid as stone, bursting into motion and letting his blade do the work. Left and right they fell, but all of a sudden he noticed a glowing flash of metal. As soon as the gunpowder boomed, his other arm burst into motion, finally revealed from under the cape and caught the bullet right before it smashed the girl's skull. "Careful!"

Before he could fire another one, he split and dashed with impossible speed. He told her, he got her back, and he'd keep that word no matter what.

"Looks like that's it." He sighed before cleaning his blade. Indeed, they just about got the last one, though there weren't more than twenty to begin with. Despite that, he felt sad, unsure what happened to these corpses. He didn't know any of these men, nor could he avenge their names. The least he could do was keep their faces in his heart.

"Let's give them a proper burial." He said, finally resolved. This hadn't been part of his job, but there was no way he could leave these bodies to rot here, surrounded by filth.

"I wonder what happened to cause these dead bodies to move like this..."


She only managed to respond after the crackling boom and the man's warning, to him and his blade flash away swifter than the human eye could possibly follow. By steel or trick, the bullet that should have found her had seemingly split against him, missing her flesh. Not that it was likely to have done any significant damage, but nonetheless it dispelled the shade that lingered on her actions.

It was a shame to think she might not always have an ally so mind-bogglingly quick, but she was now certain she could focus on the monsters before her.

Irene looked with dull satisfaction to the defiled and now halted corpses, her mind too incensed to conjure anything else with the thought of the perpetrator who had already killed this amount of people.

But the man's words sent a slap through her head and made her bite the inside of her mouth. There were few things more despicable than the ability of vampires to raise the dead and twist their visages into cruel beasts, and little that merited more ruthless retribution. Though their dignity had been stolen already, even in hate she did not make a habit of leaving their bodies to rot when she could afford it. But when was the last time she had prayed for them?

Religion was a distant notion in her life, and as far as she was concerned, those made zombies had already passed away. Destroying them was merely all they could do to release their forms of perversion. And yet... my my, this fighter was a painfully sincere person in some ways.

"Very well, let us take care of it," she said, exhaling softly. It was pertinent, however, he hear something else first. "But. This is likely the work of a vampire."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts