Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117779 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Conquest nodded once. "I had been inclined to be merciful to the zealot but Vanguard proved a bit more overwhelming than I had expected." Her hands reached up as she tore the crown off her head and then proceeded to discard her bow and quickly dismount her horse. As she did so the pillars flickered away and her robes vanished, and she was just Lucy again.

Then she clasped her hands together and at least tried to look apologetic. "I'm sorry, master, but I'm too much of myself when I'm in that form. If I wasn't in danger of being turned into a red ice sculpture I wouldn't have used it! Really!" She even fluttered her eyelashes.


The nun sighed in relief at that. "Thank you, Costin. Thank you for letting me help them." Her hand reached out to press against the paw before she got to work. Alicia touched every single person as they came forward, ridding them of every illness and disease. She took on the weight of their sicknesses and sorrows yet remained steadfast. And she spoke to them as well, whispered words meant only for them coming from someone who knew their hearts.

Finally, they were done. And Alicia was giving the dog all the pets and scratches a canine could desire and more. "You were such a great help! How can you be so pessimistic about this place when you can do so much good!" It wasn't even really a question. More of a celebratory cheer.


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"Shit!" Thats all Marcus could say in response to that move.  He just didn't think of that.  That was the problem with copying abilities.  He just didn't have the experience.

After letting out a frustrated groan, Marcus simply grinned.  "Well, winging is my thing," he said before leaning forward a bit to make himself more aerodynamic.  He shifted direction, following the purple haired girl to the house.  However, instead of using a ramp to jump over the house, he crashed right into the house.  To avoid losing speed, he used the handle bar to preform a handstand before transitioning into a powerful thrust with his legs.  The combination of the momentum and the girl's strength overwhelmed the front door of the house, sending it flying through the place.  The door moved so quickly, it crashed into the wall, causing a section of it to crumble.  Marcus soared out of that hole in the wall, losing his lead in the process.

"I'm not done," he said with a glare.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed a pebble that fell into it when he passed through the wall.  Then, with a careful toss, he lobbed it at the woman's bike.  He was aiming for her tire, but his accuracy wasn't the best, so it could hit anywhere.


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Joe found himself immediately looking away from her.  A feeling of embarrassment overcame him.  It was that strange sharp strike to the ego that makes your brain convulse when thinking about what you said in the past.  Shoot, I should have lead with that!  Adding that in like that sounded weird.  I hope she doesn't think i'm weird.

While his mind spun with regret, his face didn't show it.  Instead, it maintained the same expression he had when he was talking to her.  However, all that broke when they got out of the cab.

"Holy crap!  This place looks even bigger up close!" he said, his head tilting up to gaze at the top of the building.  "No wonder Sakura feels like she needs to meet new people.  This place must get lonely, even with servants and family."


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The dog barked happily, wagging around the girl as she was being scratched and petted and rubbed in all the right ways. Good, she made a fine servant! It was almost a shame she'd grow old and useless eventually, while she'd be young and pretty forever. Maybe she'd stick around just to gloat about it when the time came. That was definetely somewhere on the checklist. She jumped around then walked alongside her once she got tired of it though, which was just about when she opened her mouth.

"Good huh?" Something about it rubbed her off the wrong way. Despite that, she couldn't help but chuckle, or whatever is the dog equivalent of such a thing.

"You really are an idiot. You didn't help them one bit. You're just being used, does being taken advantage get you off or something? Seasons change, tastes change. But people? People never change. And you delude yourself thinking otherwise."


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Vanguard didn't care about the theatrics or how impossible the fact he could speak was. He had no interest in the dead. Despite that, he couldn't help but answer, or perhaps he was talking to himself.

"I wouldn't remember such things. What is the point of comfort if you can't protect it?"

For a moment, he looked sad. Then, his eyes flashed with fire and his fist clenched shut, shaking like a storm while his face hardened. How stupid. He had gone too far to just quit. His quest would not cease just because of some pretty words.

"Let us meet again, in the place where there is no darkness." He offered the ghost a final farewell before leaving it to fade away like a memory. He jumped unimaginably high, reaching rooftop to rooftop before he reached his destination.

"If you have the time to make up rubbish excuses, at least come up with better ones." A grave voice called out behind the antichrist as soon as she spoke,leaving the warrior to land on the rooftop. His mood was never what one would call joyful, but even by his standards his glare was anything but amused.

"What are you doing here." He told the magician, making it quite clear he was the last thing he wanted to see right now.

Umbra of Chaos

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But that just made Alicia smile. "Let me tell you a story, Costin. There was once a monster, and the monster didn't understand anything. Wherever it went it made people suffer in ways that can't even be described. But one day, through a miracle, it was defeated. And instead of killing it, its conquerors were merciful."

"They wanted to help it. They wanted it to understand. They told it, 'You can change. If you don't understand, you can learn. If learning is difficult, you can take your time. Even if it makes you suffer to realize and regret what you've done... Don't deny your past. Don't return to it, either. It will be a difficult process, but by the end of it you will have life, a future, and happiness.' And one day it believed them." She closed her eyes.

"No one is beyond redemption. There is no point of no return. Even the most monstrous being can be changed." She opened her eyes. "To say that people can't change ignores those that already have."

Alicia kneeled down so they were as close to eye level as they could be without lying down. "I won't ask why you're certain people can't change. It might be because of what you've seen or what you've done... But I believe in you, Costin. You can change."


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Sadly for the girl, the dog's attention span wasn't that great. Or maybe, and much more likely, she didn't care about what she had to say. Sheesh, if you can't put something in 10 words or less its probably not important anyways. Besides, girls were cuter when they were quiet or screaming, and right now she was being neither. Not only was what she said probably whitewashed and stupid, but she likely couldn't make it engaging.

Why would she humor such retarded ramblings? Even if she did listen to them, she'd probably dismiss them as such anyways. God, humans were so stupid sometimes.

"Um, sure. Whatever you say. Can you let go now? If I wanted a lecture I'd be in school."
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 11:40:11 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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But Alicia wasn't done yet. She knew exactly what to do. She grabbed the dog and lifted her up, giving Cossie a light hug. "I love you, Costin. And I'll show you what I said. I promise." Then she just put the dog down.

"But you're right. We should get going. But let's try to come back her later, alright?"


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"Wow, you actually want to come back to this dump? You really are a hopeless idiot aren'tcha?" She sighed and just accepted the hug, though shereally just wanted it to end as soon as possible. Jeez, this was sorta getting creepy and unhealthy. Was she a morality lesson incarnate or something?

All that was left was for her to start rambling about friendship and justice in order to turn into a sappy manga main character.

"Well, whatever. You've gotten this far, so why not?" She began to walk, leading the girl along. "Say, have you even decided on a name for your cult thing?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Does it need a name? Others can do that if they want. I just want to spread this message. Do you want to name it?" This couldn't possibly go wrong. Costin would surely make the right choice if she decided to name it.


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Her excuse was pitiful, truly pitiful. So pitiful in fact he found himself completely ignoring her existence in favour of the other figure who had crashed onto the rooftop.

Ah yes if it wasn't the shepherd himself, coming to spew more of his hypocritical preachings. He was a good tool l, and a good tool would he remain for as long as he deemed it so.

The magician's attention was focused solely on the ancient warrior, it simply wouldn't do for him to misunderstand this. "Don't forget your goals can only be achieved through me Vanguard. So if that is truly what you desire, then you will listen to me. No matter how many mountains I tell you to cross or even if I lie to you, you will do it."
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 12:24:45 AM by Thedoctor »


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"Hmmm, it's fine you offer, but I will only eat a little. How to put it, everything without meat is just largely empty calories for, I don't get nutrition from that. So sorry, I hope you really don't mind." She kinda felt bad. The werewolf knew they wanted to share with her, but she was also aware of her dietary restrictions. "But I can drink everything, you know. I know, what pirates like drinking? Rum. Or was it something else? I can treat you to that if want, that's probably something we can all drink!"

And she doubted she would get tipsy after that. She had better metabolism than any living human, so she doubted she could get smashed after this.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Ohhh, master is so cruel. Jerking around people by their desires. It's so sad to watch." But she sounded pretty happy about it. Or at least amused. Her lovely little Messengers soon popped out of her and were taking their joyous place running around her legs.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 12:30:52 AM by francobull3 »


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Vanguard's glare didn't fade, but it did seem to grow more curious despite his somber tone.

"I didn't say otherwise. Even if that was my intention, I lack the power or means to oppose you, or a tangible gain to do so. If I can get what I want, I don't care about playing along with your games. I'm fine with being a tool, William."

"Whether you achieve victory or not is up to you abilities. Be more confident in yourself, you have the strength to afford this luxury."
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 12:31:40 AM by francobull3 »


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Ito Kizumi

The ninja raised a brow and looked at Irene with a strange curious look. He had never heard of such a thing, the one person he knew of who was supposedly able to reanimate the dead was one of his cousins, but it ended up being a gimmick. Could this be the same?
