Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117679 times)


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Relius Clover

"Hmph," Relius said, turning around.  "I suppose this is sufficient.  Maintain your position here until I return.  If for whatever reason my shop is attacked, you are to defend it with your life.  None of my merchandise is to be scratched."

He walked away, exiting through the backdoor and entering the secret door in the shed.  After descending through the large spiral staircase, he wandered into a storage room, the one without the explosives, and picked up a small camera.  Once a few minutes passed, it would start.

Ignis burst in through the front door of the shop, knocking the door in with a single strike.  She shot forward, seeming to scan her new environment for something.


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"Hmph. Did you doubt me? That's just weak dude. I wouldn't have gotten this far if I couldn't do this much. You need strength to survive. You puny humans should just bow down and offer all your dog treats to me from the get go. Mwahahahahaha!!"

Meanwhile, the ninja looked torn by what the two had said. Maybe he had been unfair, what he felt in his own regards didn't mean he had to tarnish their honor with needless abrasiveness. He took a deep breath and followed along, listening on to the hound and her company's ramblings. For a second, he coulnd't help but chuckle and smile genuinely.

Only to realize that just happenened and look thrice, no, four times more embarassed. He just rolled his scarf around his mouth and kept going.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 02:55:20 AM by francobull3 »


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Joe's entire body shot into attention as he felt her breasts on his back again.  Now that his tension was diffused, he really took in the...nice feeling of Jeanne's embrace.  "H-hey, hold on, don't say stuff like that!" he said, smiling the whole time.  He forgot about the apartment for a moment.

 He turned towards her and gave an apologetic frown. It just occurred to him that Sakura said something.   "Sorry, I wouldn't mind a tour."

Then, he turned back to Jeanne.

"Hey, you can let go of me now," he said, taking a small step to signal that he wanted to exit her space.  But of course, he wouldn't mind staying close to her like this for a bit longer.  Turning back to Sakura, he continued, "Should I leave my bags here?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Rebecca was, a little shamefully, clinging to Oka as if she was an anchor. There were so many things that could happen, especially when they were on some inflatable balloon animal. And she wasn't sure if Oka's pokemon could catch her if she fell.


A threat so soon? The moment the door fractured every combat process in Orianna's mind flared to life and took precedence as her body leaped into action. The design was... interesting. But she could already tell it was more dangerous than it seemed.

The blonde rushed forwards, one hand as a flat palm, and moved to cleave the doll's arm at the shoulder.


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"Fine. You may stay here if my minion insists." She pulled away for now, the blond vampire would follow her minion's request. "Who exactly are you hiding from? One does not usually require safe houses unless they are on the run." She moved closer to the shorter girl, being half a head taller she easily towered over her. "With the kind of touble my Minion usually attract I doubt you are even human."


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Sakura Matou

"Yes." Sakura replied uncharacteristically curtly, as if something, or things, were bugging her.

"He grabbed your breasts huh? That's interesting." She felt bad about the way she was reacting. It felt like she was lapsing into old habits and withdrawing into herself again. She was feeling insecure, like maybe her servant was going to leave her. It just made her feel kind of down. Joe supposedly dating Rin didn't help matters.

So the purple haired girl tried her best and put on a smile, leading them to the living room through the hall. As was the entryway, every piece of furniture looked incredibly fancy and expensive, possibly even custom made for that specific room. There were various paintings and busts up around the large room as well. Sakura glanced at Jeanne before she spoke to Joe.

"So, this is the living room." Sakura told him. "Feel free to touch anything or read any of the books lying around—oh, except from that shelf!" Sakura exclaimed, pointing towards a foreboding looking bookshelf in the corner. "That's private stuff of mine, it really shouldn't be in here at all."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Ahh, that sweet pain. Just made her awaken more and more! "Ahahahaha, that has been fun, yeah! If I get too careless, I might die, if I get carried away I might end up breaking you! It's not something I face often. Will you continue challenging me, tough guy?"

The redhead goaded her opponent further. What a bliss, she really lived for such moments. So now what he would do? Pursue her or yield?


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"Who are you? Where I am?" These questions mattered to her more than answering how she felt. After all, she had no knowledge of what had transpired since the moment when she lost consciousness. Other than that Leo most likely died. So naturally, she was curious about her whereabouts and the identity of those people.


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"Ehh, seems so? Something really distracted her or caught her attention, but with my eyesight I shouldn't have any problem about tracking her. So it's your call if you want to pursue her." As long as she wouldn't be blamed for aiding and abetting the stalker. She would just pretend he could detect Neptune on his own, so that she could throw him under figurative (or literal) bus if she got into trouble.


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The pirate acted purely on reflex, you may call it instinct or whatever, but the woman's voice or words didn't even register until after he shot the fireball straight at her, incinerating the intruder into a black charred mummy.

"Oh crap. I've done it. I've really done it this time." The pirate was biting his fiery nails as he looked down at his handiwork. His expression was the sort that said this was bad. Really bad.

"Hey, sorry Ellie, but it looks like I have work to do, so you're going to have to leave." He said, his last words sounding kind of ominous. Digging bodies was no casual thing to do, but maybe there was more to it than that.

The ship immediately moved at immense speeds, crossing a great distance as it descended on a rooftop like a sword of fire that cleaved the skies in half while he grabbed the blackened corpse and flew the opposite direction. Or was it a corpse? Did he really not realize who had entered his heart in that moment? Of course not!

The fiery man landed line a burning pillar behind the silver-haired girl, burnt body in hand. He just tossed it on the ground at her feet.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 01:53:24 PM by francobull3 »


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Dr. Nimdok

"You are at a hospital, dear. My name is Dr.Nimdok, and this is my assistant Sarah." The nurse bowed in a curtsy. "You have been unconscious for some time, but your wounds and injuries have fully healed by now. I am happy to say your treatment was a success. You are free to go, but first we would like to ask you some questions. But before that, please, enjoy." He waved his arm to the platter full of food.

Considering the fact she just regained consciousness, she'd need strength, and it was only expected that the sight of food would be even more irresistible than ever.

Umbra of Chaos

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In time the group split off with Alicia and Ito heading to the surface, but it was to her slight surprise that she found herself with him amongst graves. She kneeled by one of them, eyes only a bit forlorn. "Did you know them?"


The body dissolved into dark smoke as it struck the ground, but Lucy didn't seem too bothered. "Jeez, Lorenzo. You sure know how to make a girl wait. Didn't you want to seem me again? I thought you wanted me." A pout crossed her features.

"You didn't have to kill them all, y'know. They're alive. They feel things, and think their own thoughts, even if they do listen to me. But what's ten murders to us? I'll forgive you. So why don't you invite me up?"


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"Gee, you're making me look like a bad guy here." He rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly before flicking her forehead, pouting as well. "C'mon, don't pout like that. Just thinking of all the wrinkles your face'll get just breaks my heart. I'm here, so if you got something to say to me shoot."


The ninja was caught by surprise at her question, but his eyes soon gave in to sadness. "No."

He looked down at the graves solemnly. Even if they became mindless monsters, they had to have been human once. They probably had hopes, dreams, families, loved ones, and things to laugh and be happy about. He envied that girl. If her creed was true, then he had no doubt he would find himself in hell. But he didn't care about that. At least, he wanted to honor their memory in the now.

"Can you pray for them?" He asked her, his face looked pleading for a second.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 02:56:40 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Hmph! You were probably picking up girls, weren't you? You don't want me up there because you want to keep them to yourself." Lucy frowned and poked him right at the center of his skull in return. "But if you want to get right to business I can do that. Do you want to help me with a little tussle or two?"


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The pirate was surprised, but his expression was as blank as it was accepting. He didn't even hesitate. "Sure. Someone bothering you? Hmph, unforgivable! Only I am allowed to do that!" He joked. "Ah, and don't worry about having to repay me or anything. You know what I want." He grinned amiably.