Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117680 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, there's going to be this tournament! And I'm doing a bit of scheming to make sure I grab the only prize that matters. So I need someone strong to shoo away all the weaklings and get the strong ones real pumped for this fight!" But then she held out her pinky finger.

"But I know a rogue like you won't do anything for free. Winning is real important for me, so I'll give you something important too. If you help me win, I'll grant you a body. Just as good as the old one! Blood in your veins, flesh on your bones, the mad pump of your heart. That'll be your reward."


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"Woah woah woah! Slow down lass. That's a lot of information for a really short amount of time." He held his hands out as if trying to push the mass of info away from crushing him. Despite that he seemed to genuinely be thinking on what she just said, putting a finger on his chin as if to think.

"Heh, you sly dog. Your prize must be one helluva prize for you to ask me of all people. Who am I to deny a damsel in distress? A gauntlet of battles, the winner takes all, valorous warriors clashing bodies and soul to come on top! Oooooo, this gets my blood pumping already! Hehehehe! You sure know how to catch a fish. You've got just one thing wrong. I don't care about a body right now. There's one thing I want."

His grin turned wolfish as he revealed his true intentions. His fire seemed to glo and intensify around his eyes.

"I want a rematch."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 03:06:51 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Alicia nodded and clasped her hands, head bowed. "Oh Lord, forgive these resting dead of their sins. I pray that their hearts were turned towards You before the end, that they might sit by Your side in Heaven and live life eternal."

"And Lord, I pray for their murderer. That they might repent for their heinous crimes, that their hardened hearts may become soft. For truly, the worst among us are in the greatest need of Your aid. Just as You sat among sinners before I beg that Your presence be with this one. That they might turn from their way and find peace in You."


"Bah!" Lucy wave her hand dismissively. "Then you'll have to wait. I'm grounded from using that. And I don't really want to fight you with those toys again. Don't you want a real battle, to really fight me as I am? With real weapons and actual power! Then you'll have to help me get my prize. I'll even get myself all pretty just for you!"

The pinky finger waggled a bit. "I promise!"


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"Hmph." He let go of her arm as roughly as he picked it. Despite that, his features somewhat softened. "I see. That is unfortunate. But I'm glad you both made it back." He told her with no hint of gentleness, but there was a hint of concern in his words.

"You've worked well so far. I think a reward is long overdue. Is there anything you wish for?"


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"Haha, sure! It wouldn't be a rematch if you were holding back now would it? Such a cheap victory won't settle our score." He seemed pleased and agreeing, but all of a sudden, something unexpected happened. A merciless karate chop slammed on the poor Lucy's head, bearing no pity whatsoever.

"Don't you think your approach is a little too on the nose? I'm not that easy to manipulate."


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The ninja didn't interrupt in any way. He just listened to her prayer and stared at the graves, thinking of her words. He only had one thing to say once she was done.



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The sound of popcorn being devoured greedily could be heard on the rooftop, cutting of the discussion between the flaming skeleton and the silver haired woman.

"Really guys, a tournament and you're not even inviting the heroine, this is goddess discrimination." The purple haired girl in question was sitting on top of a nearby chimney munching on the bag of popcorn that she somehown managed to hold on to after her freefall. She turned to look at Lucy. "And don't think I've forgotten, I'm gonna save Noire from your evil clutches."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Owwwww!" She rubbed her head with her hands, light leaking from them to get rid of the pain in a heartbeat. "I don't know about that. In this case, honesty seems like the best policy. Wouldn't you have been even meaner if I tried lying? Let's have some fun, Lorenzo."

"What's going to happen next, it'll be pretty exciting. There will be friends, and adventure, and fights, and death, and a little dirty dealing! Come on this adventure with me." She knew that Noire's friend had made her appearance but Lucy had to wrap up!

Once she finished Lucy just bowed her head, letting out a good natured laugh. "Of course! That's the way things work. Goddesses may go unsaved for a while but not forever. Although you should probably be shooting for my boss rather than me. He's a real pervert."


She eventually stood up, casting one last glance at the graves before looking at the man. "I don't suppose you managed to catch the killer? I would have wished to speak with them. Even if the justice of man demands their death, a chance to repent lost is a sad thing."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 03:37:13 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Mhh. She had a point! He probably would have straight up burned her if she did that. But then, Nep came back, which didn't surprise him as much as what she said next. Was a friend of hers in trouble? This made things complicated.

"Alright! Well, if you put it like that, I can't really say no now can I? Gee, you're really good at forcing my hands and tying them up yknow? But in this case, I do have another condition." He turned to glance at Nep, and it almost looked like he was truly grinning. "My friend here can show too, right? In this case if either of us win, you'll make your boss let her friend go."


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Ito Kizumi

Ito's expression turned soft, sad even. Despite that, he managed to smile bitterly under his scarf. His tone was kind and gentle. "There's no need for that. You've already found him."

Repentance huh? That was a pretty word. Exquisite even. If only it was enough to erase his sins, he might have found peace back then. But no matter how hard he'd pray, the lives he had taken would never come back. That was his sin to carry. He spread his arms wide. "The one who killed all these men... was me."


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Combative elation was no further from her opponent's face than her own, evidenced by Raikou's gaze blazing at her from behind his dark lenses, yet a moment later, his muscles stopped coiling and his stance ceased to be set like a drawn crossbow. He relaxed, and despite the pain he flicked the blood off his sword and rested it on his torn shoulder.

"I've got a better idea," he proclaimed, and pointed high with a reckless swing of his monster-hunting arm. The opaque tip aimed an invisible line at the simple, wide shape that rose only slightly over the irregularly stacked buildings before it. "Let's get signed up for this tournament, and settle our fight there. No holding back, no half-measures."

He didn't know what to make of it when it first crossed his field of vision, but there was no doubt as to the identity of the building even with only its silhouette and a glimpse of its walls. It was a stadium, almost a colosseum, and if there was going to be a fighting tournament that interested this furry crazy, she had to be running there.

The hybrid goaded her, reaching out his other hand with a half-inviting, half-grasping gesture. "How about it? I promise I won't be disappointed, but can you hold back until then?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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She paused for but a moment. And while her smile remained small it was nevertheless genuine. "You are no base murderer, Ito. I have weighed your heart in my hands. I do not believe you took pleasure in this act or any similar one you have done before. Regret weighs heavily on you, does it not?"

"Do you think the sin of one man can outweigh the mercy of the divine?"


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"You really are a kind person." He smiled and shook his head. He seemed and sounded truly grateful for her words. But if words could change his heart so easily, he wouldn't be suffering like this in the first place.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right. Maybe God will forgive me, maybe you and everyone else already did. It doesn't matter. I can't forgive myself."

And with a tired voice, he revealed a trembling metal hand from his cloak, cold and unfeeling.

"I just want to use these bloodstained hands for something good. Isn't it selfish? Even if I show regret now, nothing will change. But if I can at least make something good out of this pathetic life, maybe I can give some sense to all the death I've caused. That is the only reason I'm still alive. I want to believe..."

For a moment, his mind and words spaced out, as if he was in a completely different place. But as soon as he snapped back, regret crawled on his face and he stopped.

"Forget it. Someone like you shouldn't carry this burden too. I'm not going to crush someone along with me again. Let's talk of more pleasant things, okay?"

« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 04:31:17 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Her face grew just a bit fierce then. "And do you think I would be content to watch you crush yourself as we play at pleasantries? Would you ignore a man with a fatal wound because he does not wish to burden you with his own pains? That is what you ask of me, Ito."


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The former assassin didn't answer the girl or let her affront him any further. Instead, a metal arm wrapped around her waist and he burst into motion, disappearing from the graveyard. Even if she wanted to struggle, it was litle to no use. He was strong. But even that was nothing compared to his speed, there was no animal alive that could match his speed.

"I want to show you something." He told her, his eyes fixed on the horizon. Despite the cold metal, somehow, it felt warm.