Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117672 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She held tight onto his arm, her stomach heaving a little from traveling at such great speeds. But Alicia maintained her composure, despite the slight taste of bile in the back of her throat. "Then do so. I will see all that you will allow me to."


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Before long, they had gotten away from the city and were traversing a forest. Just what could he be intending to show her, away from civilization? And what could there be in an isolated forest such as this one?

The answer was soon revealed when they arrived at a clearing by a pristine lake. But it wasn't just the breath taking view that he wanted to show her, but rather, the wooden hut by the lake. Its architecture was notably Japanese, and it was large enough to house about ten people.

"There, we've arrived. Are you alright?" he asked her before they so much as went inside.

Umbra of Chaos

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It seemed... homely. It was rather comfortable here. Restful, even. Alicia waved off his concern with a hand. "Yes, I'm quite fine. I'll tell you if anything particularly wrong happens. Now please, show me what you wanted me to see."


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"Whenever I had the chance to. There is not point in living if you're not truly living. So it's best to sample these experiences when you get the chance too, you'll never know when you'll get it again. I take it you have been busy doing field work for a while, so take the time to relax now before you're dragged in again." Her master needed some cheering up, she did look completely overworked and she wouldn't stand to see Olga work herself to death.

"Lavishing parties weren't uncommon and sometimes they went a bit wild, caused scandals every now and then but no one was really willing to tackke it" She seemed to be thinking about something in the past as she spoke.


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Ito Kizumi

The sun was beating, the cicadas were chirping. The ninja smiled and nodded before walking forward, sliding the door open. But behind it awaited their doom, sure death unlike anything else.

"Teacher!" About 5ive voices cried out in unison before slamming straight into him, with such crushing strength that there was a gust of wind that knocked the leaves off the ground.

"Oof! Woah there, you've gotten stronger haven't you?" He smiled with a huge grin at the sight of his usual companions, five young red onis had slammed right into him and were practically crushing him.

Some even noticed the girl, tiny little devils weren't they, though not all of them had the same complexion. Some were blue, green, or even yellow, baring different monstruous features. Yet who in their right mind could consider such beings monsters?

"Whozzat?" One of them tugged at his cloak and pointed at the holy girl, but he could hardly muster up a response.

C-can't breathe...


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"You don't need to help me Lorry, I'm a goddess remember." The Cpu of Planeptune threw the empty bag of Popcorn aside, loitering the roof without care as she descended from the chimeny. If you can truly call a small jump a descent but that's beside the point. The point was that she was rapidly advancing on Lucy.

"Your boss isn't here... What did you do to her?" Neptune grabbed hold of the taller girl's maid outfit. "Show me." She challenged Lucy head on cause that was how she rolled.

Umbra of Chaos

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She put a finger to her lips and hummed in consideration. "I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you that. If I did, I might get in a lot of trouble with the boss. But I can promise that as of now I'll stop anything I might have been doing to her. As a sign of good faith and whatnot."


"Ito..." Alicia looked over the scene for a moment before smiling. It seemed they were not so different after all, even if he was a tad foolish at times. But she could hardly say that she was without her moments either.

She kneeled down so she was closer to the children and answered, "I'm Alicia. Ito brought me here to show me what he's been doing."


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She didn't miss the way Sakura glanced at her, something was probably wrong. "What's the matter Sakura? I'm just having some fun." It was true, she wasn't planning on doing anything drastic.

"But it's the truth Joe, What you did was really impressive." She refused to let him go and opted to cling to him as Sakura gave them the tour of the mansion. "I wouldn't recommend throwing grenades around here though, the bill would be astronomical."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 09:03:20 PM by Sinib »


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What was that? he thought to himself.  There was a clear shift in tone there, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

In any case, he followed her through the mansion, easily keeping himself from Jeanne by allowing his head to roam around the room.  The place was insane.  It looked archaic but pristine.  It felt unreal, especially with Jeanne clinging to him like that.

Joe tugged again, feeling his body rub up against her breast.  By now an embarrassing bulge formed in his pants and his face began to glow red.  In order to kill two birds with one stone, he turned to Sakura and said, "Hey is everything ok?  You know you don't have to be so formal with me right?  We're supposed to be friends."


The Ignis raised the arm targeted by the palm, transforming it into a drill in the process.  The moment before it deflected the strike, it began spinning rapidly, intent on damaging that hand that dare hurt her.  Meanwhile, she began moving to the right, intent on escaping close range so it could pass the other doll.


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Lorenzo understood what it was like to want to do things on your own, which was exactly why he couldn't let her. Honestly, he didn't care if she got angry at him for this, but this wasn't about her in the slightest. He considered her a friend, and her friends where his friends too. With inhuman speed, he slipped behind the two and wrapped his arms around their necks, his posture and words as relaxed as ever.

"Hey, hey, hey. Buddy, look, I know we're all worked up because of this, but let's take a deep breath and relax. What's been done has been done, no point in fighting over spilled milk."

Gods must be great, he heard they had plenty of mercy and good grace. It was too bad he wasn't one. Flames flickered around the two silently, and for a second it was important to remember that Lorenzo was what many would consider an undead monster.

"Well, that doesn't mean you shouldn't clean up a mess, or that you should drop every bottle on the floor. So how about we make sure something like this doesn't happen again?" He turned to ask the silver haired girl with the same pleasant chipper.

Umbra of Chaos

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Perhaps this drill was something that could harm a lesser doll, but Orianna's hand was as sharp and durable and the finest blade. As they clashed neither gave way but Oriana's other arm lashed out with a flat palm and fingers forwards.

Twisting on the joint rapidly, the hand was as close of an approximation that Orianna could make to the other doll's transformed arm. It flew towards the puppet's shoulder as Orianna lifted one leg, swinging it with the power of an axe strike at her enemy's side.


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Rather than bothering to block, Ignis simply retreated slightly and shot to the side, using the chance of the girl's raised leg to attempt to float past her.  Her goal was not to beat the other doll, but to vandalize the shop.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 01:00:36 AM by yinsukin »


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"Hmmmm? The tournament?" What he talked about- Oh! "Oh, right, the tournament! I almost forgot! Oh well, as long you won't drop out before I drop you out. But, maybe the guy who makes you drop out will be interesting. I guess you will do great as a measuring stick too!"

A win-win situation, basically. She could wait that long. It's not like she didn't know some restrain after all. Yeah, she could wait that long...

"Oh well, but can you heal from that, dude? I didn't really hold back with some of my moves. I don't mind a handicap, but you won't be in a top shape if you can't. Should I kidnap some healer or something?"

That was troubling. Finding a healer to kidnap could take some time after all, and she didn't even know when the tournament would start.


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"I think there's no point of hiding it. I'm not so sure about your 'minion' being able to keep secrets from you. How to put it, I may don't look like it, but I'm an angel on a run from my former god. I'm not sure if the god is present here, but I don't exclude such possibility. Are you still fine with sheltering me for a while?"


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"What kind of questions?" She could eat later. She wouldn't call herself a soldier if she couldn't endure hunger at least for a while. She needed to assess first who actually had recovered her unconscious body. Without such knowledge she thought she couldn't really gorge herself on food. It would just gnaw on her.