Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117628 times)


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Marcus chuckled as he saw the red forming on her cheeks.  Even he couldn't tell if he was doing this for fun or because he wanted to throw her off.  In either case, only one was working.  A sharp pain shot through his hand as he tugged and intensified as the woman caused the chain to whip.  Seeing as he was already facing backwards, there was nothing for him to grab onto and he was flung off the bike.

However, he would not give up.

As he flew off to the side, he grabbed onto a passing car and launched himself back onto the bike.  Thankfully, he stayed in the race, but she passed him within seconds, as he had to waste time accelerating again.  "Well, its only natural I offer my hand to a beautiful woman," he said, maintaining his playful tone.

And that hand is going to cost me the race.... he thought as he looked around for things he could use.  He didn't even notice the trail of blood following his bike.


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"No I like him, not as much as you but he's interesting, and would you stop talking like this it's rude to our guest" The servant wouldn't say anything more on that matter, Sakura was clearly after something but she didn't feel like entertaining her master's whims today.

"It is the house that has much to fear, his throwing skills are second to none. On a more serious note, there's a number of security measures here that might kill you if you try to get into locked places so try not to do that okay." Naturally she was still keeping him in her grasp, her mood at an all time high in comparison to the other people present.


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He'd probably be just as pissed if someone messed with someone dear to him. It must be nice having a friend like you...

"Yeah, I know. You're a good person." Despite his undeath, he didn't need to make a face to smile. He let go of her, he wasn't the disobedient type to begin with. It wasn't that he feared a God's judgement, he was the sort of idiot who'd go through hell itself in order to remove a friend's frown.

His tone was completely serious, cool and relaxed. There was not a single hint of hesitation, from the moment he spoke his heart had already been set.

"Whatever you choose I won't stand in your way. But this isn't the time to fight. If you act rashly now, you might regret it once it's too late. I know what you're thinking, but that's not going to help anyone, especially not yourself." He gave a hearty slap to the idiot goddess. He couldn't sound any more decisive.

"C'mon. We're going to save your friend. Right now."


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Hm, what a strange material. Could this be some form of nen? No, it felt different, trifling ever. He grabbed the cloth and spun it around his large frame, fitting himself with the cape in a single stroke.

"It is adequate." He stepped forward and looked at the maid inquisitively. "What will you do now?"

The Hospital

"Oh, you were knocked out pretty badly. Someone found you lying on the ground not too long ago and got you here. I have to say, you were pretty lucky." He told the girl sincerely. "I trust you don't remember how you got in such a bad shape in the first place?"


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe frowned.  That sort of response meant that she was too uncomfortable to talk to him about it yet.  Well, we did just meet, and through Rin, he thought.

"Yeah it looks-" he said before Jeanne made her comment about the traps.  "Oh.... ok.  Well, it looks nice.  Don't worry, I won't stay too long.  I just need someplace to stay until I get this whole apartment thing sorted out."

He sighed.  That could take months, years even!


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The hat tails transformed into saw like blades, spinning rapidly as the woman attempted to dig into them.  Then, the doll dashed forward, bringing her claws up above her head and attempting to slam them into the counter. 


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"I find it hard to believe your father didn't have any associates who could fill the role of director in your place. Or did they simply not approach you?" She brushed off the question about the post by countering with one of her own. Not like she wanted to bring that up right now.

Olga seemed to be enjoying the wine, of course she would after she had picked it out for them, there was no way she could do wrong there.


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"Ohoho.. A God you say," The blond vampire chuckled darkly. I have dealt with them before, grinded them beneath my boot that is. That was another time however and now is now. Harbouring you just turned slightly more interesting."

Shinobu turned to her minion, sizing her up, drinking in her sublime form greedily. Her golden eyes feasted upon her like a starving wolf in the middle of winter. It was quite obvious she would jumped her by now if they were alone, it was most definitely the outfit she was wearing.

"You may stay friend of Medaka, if you bring me donuts. I have not had any in days thanks to a certain someone."


  • Moon Cancer
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"I do remember everything leading up to the moment where I lost my consciousness. I just want answers who recovered my unconscious body back then. I don't think emergency services would brave into that kind of battlefield." She didn't buy into the idea that normal people would just risk their well-being and venture there. It must have been someone else, and certainly not someone mundane.

"So, who brought me to the hospital?" She wanted her answers, and she'd pressure on until she got them. There was no way she would leave that matter be. It was possible that whoever brought her to the hospital, they had some interest in preserving her alive. For some reason she had a gut feeling that it wasn't one of people she had met before.


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"Squashing them below your boots? I guess you could do it in a way to my God, but it has this irksome tendency of spreading itself over many bodies and parts. Cut off one head, and at least one will take its place. But yeah, I'm rambling here, and you requested something. That's a trivial wish for me to fulfill." Mitsuba walked up to her bag that she left on the floor and where she supposedly kept her things. Using her Embed, she procured a box of donuts. Using loopholes left in the code of the reality was so convenient.

"Right, that was pretty easy." She handed over the box to the taller vampire.


  • Moon Cancer
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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka's head dipped as a dark cloud came over her head.  She squatted down and began running her fingers along the ground.  "I must improve....  I must improve..."

She would have stayed like that, but the smell of donuts suddenly filled the air.  She suddenly shot back up and stared at the doughnuts in wonder.  "I did not smell those a moment ago," she said, staring at the doughnuts as if they were enchanted with some sort of fairy tale like magic.  "Are you a mage?"

This could be a problem, especially if those doughnuts were to the elder vampire's taste.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 05:10:18 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Annoying. But she could deal with this. As the blades emerged Orianna yanked her hand back before letting go, killing the momentum of the other puppet so that she would miss the counter. Then she brought her hands together, each with her fingers pointed out like claws.

Another attempt to get a hold of the doll and toss her out of the store. Orianna couldn't try her hardest at all in here without risking severe damage to the area.


  • The God Tongue
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The Hospital

The nurse frowned, and the doctor answered to the best of his ability. "We have no idea. He didn't present himself, and he left as quickly as he came. This is a small team, and you were injured. We simply didn't have the time to stop him or ask any questions." He looked sad, almost like she failed to do something so essential.

Suddenly, the nurse brightened up, as if she had an idea. "If you could recount the events that led you here, we might be able to narrow down a list. If we could ask those who were repoted in the vicinity of the incident, we could find an answer to your question."

It was an excellent idea, and the doctor nodded. "I do remember him of being of somewhat dark complexion. He looked about my age, though a bit larger. Wecould find that person by calling for an investigation, I know of a private detective that would gladly help you. But even then, there is little to be done with so much missing information. Please, help us help you."


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"Ito..." Alicia looked over the scene for a moment before smiling. It seemed they were not so different after all, even if he was a tad foolish at times. But she could hardly say that she was without her moments either.

She kneeled down so she was closer to the children and answered, "I'm Alicia. Ito brought me here to show me what he's been doing."

The timid oni smiled and nudded before turning back to the meditation corner. "Aww yeah! We got company boys!" A particularly rowdy oni posed awesomely and cheered while two sparred in the backdrop, playfully fighting before landing on one another like two big red adorable blobs.

"Hey now, kids-" Ito smiled timidly and tried holding them back, but that only made the wave fight back harder. Litterally. Because as soon as the students of the elusive Onigaru school realized who they were dealing with, primarily, a friend of their dear teacher, they banded together like a wave of tiny balls of fat and muscle in order to give her the signature Onigaru greeting tackle! Her might would be put to the test!!!


  • Moon Cancer
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A jerk on her hat tail threw off the trajectory of her strike, causing her to swing at nothing.  Realizing that the doll would likely follow up with something else, Ignis floated forward, once again moving out of the other doll's space.  She twisted her body around so that she could face her opponent.

Meanwhile in the lab, Relius stroked his chin.  I see, so her specs are around Ignis's.  It seems I underestimated her creator...